Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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hilarious how this thread is a few hundred people telling the admins to use a blacklist like this website is democratically run

gemmatale said:
i'm honestly not sure what you're asking? any tag could have been affected if it had any post that met the guidelines for posts to be taken down. i'm not sure what tags were the most affected. my best guess would be to ask one of the staff?

Who do I contact for this type of situation then?

As much as I want to respect the mods/admins decisions, they have to accept that most of us here will stop accessing this site.

dracodrago1330 said:
hilarious how this thread is a few hundred people telling the admins to use a blacklist like this website is democratically run

This isn't the only site that has decided what's right to host on it. a hentai site recently got rid of their underrage and rape tags. As well as deleting several underage hentais from the site. Many hentai featuring rape and underage are still up on it though. Which just makes them seem pretty dumb.

zarbydafurry said:
Who do I contact for this type of situation then?

there's a list of the staff on the main page of the wiki. i'd try one of the admins.

This is unfortunate for those affected. A form of expression, regardless of who liked it or hated it, was silenced. I think it was bound to happen sooner or later because of the nature of it. The world is very polarized and certain groups are feeling emboldened to push their agendas through, and things like this have been in the sights of some of those groups for a long time.

So, not related to anything on this topic, who makes backups of e6 frequently for download?

manyura said:
You realize implying that was what was on the site would get us all put on a list for even being here don't you idiot?

yeah, people who call fictional underage content "cp" don't seem to realize that if it were and you knew it was willinggly being hosted and nothing was being done to take action against it, and you continued to use the website anyways, you'd be considered complicit in the distribution of it.
at least in the us, i'm not sure how it is in other countries, but here if you know it's there then you have a legal duty to report it.

would it be possible to partner with another forum and move all the images over to that one?

stellarfantasy69 said:
And incest and lolishot of course.

Patreon also has been hard on Non-Consent type art as well. Bacn was forced to move most of their content from Patreon onto their Discord.

bronzespartan said:
Patreon also has been hard on Non-Consent type art as well. Bacn was forced to remove most of their content from Patreon onto their Discord.

and don't forget their rules against humans with anthros. doesn't matter if it's mentally and physically equivalent to an adult human, iT's BeStIaLiTy

Pretty fishy the trump assassination attempt took place only a day after e621 bans Loli/shota, just the right time to redirect attention away from this heinous act of censorship 🤨😒 #ThereAreNoCoincidences


gemmatale said:
and don't forget their rules against humans with anthros. doesn't matter if it's mentally and physically equivalent to an adult human, iT's BeStIaLiTy

I wish we could go back to the days where the biggest Patreon page was a furry porn game.

dba_afish said:
I wish we could go back to the days where the biggest Patreon page was a furry porn game.

… For research purposes, which game exactly?

jacethehybrid said:
… I was actually going to listen to you until you finished your argument with this.
I have an opinion, a strong one, one which isn’t as extreme as you think, and you hit me with name calling and accusations of being a troll. I’ve been on this site for a long time, bud, if I wanted to get banned for being a troll, I would have done it years ago, and I wouldn’t have uploaded anything of mine to this site. Please, Before coming into something like this. Calm down. I will be leaving the argument here, I know when I’m fighting a losing battle.

Peace, Jerk.

Hey, I'm sorry for having been so rude about it. You really didn't deserve that. This is just a really contentious and frustrating subject, and I have a bad habit of reacting with way too much aggression when I perceive someone as being mean-spirited and oppositional, so I lashed out and name-called because of it. It was really inconsiderate and would still be even if you were a troll. I just hope that you don't hold any anger over my behavior and don't feel hurt, because I really was being a jerk about it. I'm really sorry .

gemmatale said:
yeah, people who call fictional underage content "cp" don't seem to realize that if it were and you knew it was willinggly being hosted and nothing was being done to take action against it, and you continued to use the website anyways, you'd be considered complicit in the distribution of it.
at least in the us, i'm not sure how it is in other countries, but here if you know it's there then you have a legal duty to report it.

just shows how uneducated these people are in regards to it and how they don't actually care for victims- especially since they're watering down very serious claims by pointing at drawings and going "CSEM!!!!!!" not to mention in a lot of the dumbass callouts people post, they share it, uncensored or not; which by their own logic is distribution of CSEM.

song said:
NotMeNotYou mentioned that there was a steep and sudden deadline here:

Other NMNY posts that contain more information than the original posts:

It was already stated that the business partners in question were not advertisers in a previous post by NMNY. The third link above specifies that exact groups or laws won't be named because of the risk of attracting more heat. We do not want to direct users to specific target(s) and make the situation worse for us or anyone who wants to continue using the site.

We aren't happy about this type of situation, either. It's a blow to archival, it sucks that we can't be more transparent without hurting the site further, and it hurts people who want to access to specific fictional content without restrictions. We'd *really* prefer that the situation doesn't escalate or that external pressure ramps up to include other content. NMNY is correct in that the right course of action is to voice opposition to laws and policies regarding access to fictional online content, as media that doesn't hurt any living being should not be arbitrarily banned.

I want to thank you for being less ambiguous of the situation Song. This isn't what you all want for the site, but is due to the complex landscape of the internet and governmental laws being very dubious. Currently I believe that most artists should start copying their works that might contain "risky" content to other sites just as a precaution. While the next purge of artworks isn't fully known yet I am sure it isn't far along till another demand is requested of this site to remove more so called "Problematic" content.

Nah man, fuck this site. Its moderation and community has been going down the shithole since i first found this place. I dont participate in discussions much so maybe it means nothing for me to say that this site and community has disappointed and insulted me many times. Don't even know what I'm trying to accomplish with this post other to vent my frustration at the staff of this site, as well as the furry community as a whole. "Most welcoming community" my fucking ass.


samuel_takamura said:
Nah man, fuck this site. Its moderation and community has been going down the shithole since i first found this place. I dont participate in discussions much so maybe it means nothing for me to say that this site and community has disappointed and insulted me many times. Don't even know what I'm trying to accomplish with this post other to vent my frustration at the staff of this site, as well as the furry community as a whole. "Most welcoming community" my fucking ass.


Can't help but agree partially. Both times I made something for pride month, I got downvoted into oblivion. It's actually why I haven't been posting since, but now I might not post here anymore at all.

wastepaw said:
just shows how uneducated these people are in regards to it and how they don't actually care for victims- especially since they're watering down very serious claims by pointing at drawings and going "CSEM!!!!!!" not to mention in a lot of the dumbass callouts people post, they share it, uncensored or not; which by their own logic is distribution of CSEM.

I'm a victim and censorship makes me far angrier than any stupid drawings could. They're nothing like real trauma. The moderation is handling this horribly and shamefully.

welp 😐

that's 600 uploads and 12 pages of favorites gone

this is a very slippery slope so I'm not gonna waste my time by continuing to contribute here, seeya folks.


wastepaw said:
just shows how uneducated these people are in regards to it and how they don't actually care for victims- especially since they're watering down very serious claims by pointing at drawings and going "CSEM!!!!!!" not to mention in a lot of the dumbass callouts people post, they share it, uncensored or not; which by their own logic is distribution of CSEM.

weah like wtf. imagine if they did those stupid ass callout posts with ACTUAL csem. imagine if motherfuckers would actually find some kid's nudes on twitter and then retweet it with "cw// pedophilia, nsfw. sorry to put this on y'alls timelines but this needs to be reported ASAP. let's get this taken down!!!"

It's like. What. Huh. Why would you do that. why would you spread that around even if it's for the sake of getting rid of it. because, by the logic of "drawings are just as bad" that is literally what you're doing when you treat drawings that way... you're re-sharing csem. and either way, you can just report it multiple times yourself if it truly is something that needs to go be reported. don't fckin reshare that.

ayylmao0906 said:
Hey, I'm sorry for having been so rude about it. You really didn't deserve that. This is just a really contentious and frustrating subject, and I have a bad habit of reacting with way too much aggression when I perceive someone as being mean-spirited and oppositional, so I lashed out and name-called because of it. It was really inconsiderate and would still be even if you were a troll. I just hope that you don't hold any anger over my behavior and don't feel hurt, because I really was being a jerk about it. I'm really sorry .

You know what?… I forgive ya. I understand where you’re coming from. I have my views, you have yours. They clashed and that raised tensions, especially since I stuck my ground… agree to disagree? Truce?

pleaseletmein said:
welp 😐

that's 600 uploads and 12 pages of favorites gone

this is a very slippery slope and I'm not gonna waste my time by continuing to contribute here, seeya folks.

You fought the good fight. Have a nice one

ayylmao0906 said:
weah like wtf. imagine if they did those stupid ass callout posts with ACTUAL csem. imagine if motherfuckers would actually find some kid's nudes on twitter and then retweet it with "cw// pedophilia, nsfw. sorry to put this on y'alls timelines but this needs to be reported ASAP. let's get this taken down!!!"

It's like. What. Huh. Why would you do that. why would you spread that around even if it's for the sake of getting rid of it. because, by the logic of "drawings are just as bad" that is literally what you're doing when you treat drawings that way... you're re-sharing csem. and either way, you can just report it multiple times yourself if it truly is something that needs to go be reported. don't fckin reshare that.

horrible thing is i've heard of multiple cases of those twitter antis spreading actual csem, including one occasion where they dug up someone's videos of them being abused as a toddler and used it to harass them. i wish so badly i was making that up. horrifying that they would even know where to look for it. the harsh truth is that when you treat fictional artwork the same as abuse material, you also start to treat abuse material the same as fictional artwork.

azuwura said:
with this logic, any furry hentai you consume is beastiality/zoo. incredibly stupid argument.

According to mythology Europe was founded by Zeus turning into a bull and raping a woman. This is bestiality, I'm literally shaking let's band together as a community and cancel the nation of Greece

gemmatale said:
technically probably a fair amount, it's pretty agreed upon that it was a wipe of "young ~human ~humanoid -rating:s" but no singular tag was completely wiped

Can confirm.

Had some posts with tags "young" and "human" in the same post get hit even thou they didn't any actual young humans in them.

Kinda wonder if whatever reason the mods had for taking down this stuff will end up not mattering and their money stops flowing in anyway 🤔

tsukiyomaruzero said:
I'd not say it's more restrictive, I'd say it's more logical and lenient at the same time. That said, Inkbunny allows you to post it censored and link out in the description, so it's still a HUGE W from Inkbunny over this.

not exactly true. if there's any implication of sexual activity occurring, it can be removed, like what happened to piporete's art. it's just not enforced well.

I'm sure this has been asked, but is there a list of the ids of all posts which were deleted?

Regardless on views or anything on the content posted, doing this with no forewarning to the user base was a dogshit move.

I understand if for whatever reason it had to be done, but even just a 24 hour window to salvage old posts from artists who are passed, or don't draw anymore. Make sure comic pages are backed up. Favorites get saved etc. I am kind of upset to think of how much is gone forever with zero other backups, and what might be next on the chopping block if so. Will we get warning? Can this site and staff be trusted as a host anymore? etc.

bepis666 said:
I'm sure this has been asked, but is there a list of the ids of all posts which were deleted?

you can search "delreason:*purge*" to see all of the posts that were deleted. 580 pages, yeesh.

gemmatale said:
you can search "delreason:*purge*" to see all of the posts that were deleted. 580 pages, yeesh.

Thank you!

gemmatale said:
you can search "delreason:*purge*" to see all of the posts that were deleted. 580 pages, yeesh.

it was up to 610 yesterday, atleast a decent amount was restored :p

rocketsphynx said:
Talking to me changes literally nothing.
Why are you even talking to me?

Recreation. Possibly education and correcting misinformation for those who may read these posts.

gemmatale said:
not exactly true. if there's any implication of sexual activity occurring, it can be removed, like what happened to piporete's art. it's just not enforced well.

They censor the human factor

man it's past midnight here. i think i'm gonna log off for now. wishing the best for everyone in this thread, and hopefully the staff will eventually be able to restore everything. (if my hopefulness is proven wrong and this place does turn into a cesspool of censorship, i will definitely eat my own pant.)

sbeewun said:
e621: "Human child porn is not allowed anymore. All other porn is still fine."

If you really can't see anything wrong in heaps of harmless online content being remove because of political censorship then you need to reflect more on the subject matter before commenting.

Well, time for an exodus.

I wonder if this is all related to how the group Anonymous recently took down a pedo site.

wandering_spaniel said:
Inkbunny has a similar rule, although more restrictive. They do not allow nude or sexualized human/humanoid characters regardless of age.

assuming that a sexualized depiction of anything that falls under young_humanoid is not allowed, this ruling is quite a bit more restrictive than what characters IB allows. seeing as

EDIT: hmm... this actually doesn't seem to be the case, some characters/OCs who I had previously seen almost totally nuked off are back now... well, still, without more specific guidelines I can't say for sure how restrictive this ruling is..,


notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

This is terrible... One of the primary reasons to use this site, the lack of censorship, is gone, with almost no warning. I hope you either reverse course or a competitor gains traction...

I can understand why this decision would be taken, but the start of censoring fictional things on the internet is opening a pandora box. Who knows where this will stop.
Is there any booru website which doesn't censor anything that someone could link/dm me? I'd rather just make my own blacklist then having the whole site deleting posts.

Correct me if wrong, but I still haven't seen a concrete answer to what exactly is causing this change. Only vague details of politics, server hosts, and ISPs. For me at least, it's the lack of transparency here that is the biggest issue. I get if it's something that cannot be shared, but anything to at least give a proper reason would help.

yomeny1 said:
Correct me if wrong, but I still haven't seen a concrete answer to what exactly is causing this change. Only vague details of politics, server hosts, and ISPs. For me at least, it's the lack of transparency here that is the biggest issue. I get if it's something that cannot be shared, but anything to at least give a proper reason would help.

they're not going to dox their business partners so you can go harass them.

E621 is a mature furry imageboard. It is based off, and inspired by, Danbooru.
Our mission is to archive and distribute the best / strangest / most excellent furry-related artwork, regardless of content, for all those who wish to view it.

So much for the "regardless of content" part, eh? If you're going to do this, might I suggest changing that to "in accordance to politics"?

dba_afish said:
they're not going to dox their business partners so you can go harass them.

Not asking for specific names here, just something like it's the server hosts demanding this or whatnot. Cause stating it was 'politics' before it seems clear that it's something else only makes people angrier and adds more to this problem then needed.

One of the pieces taken from me had the human and young tags, but thats because it was an adult human on a cub, therefore human / young showed up and bye bye.
Just blacklist the stuff instead of outright deleting because there are so many false flags.
And yeah so much for the "archive", that piece had no backup anywhere i know on the internet.

go fuck yourselves
I'm removing this site from my favorites right now
in fact, I'll just delete my account as well
see you all in pixiv, inkbunny, rule34, baraag or wherever

alostwizard said:
One of the pieces taken from me had the human and young tags, but thats because it was an adult human on a cub, therefore human / young showed up and bye bye.
Just blacklist the stuff instead of outright deleting because there are so many false flags.
And yeah so much for the "archive", that piece had no backup anywhere i know on the internet.

its so fucking over bros...
the monosodium site played us for fools

Not a fan of the new rule. Favorites gone. Ruins the purpose of this site being an archive if book-burnings are happening.

Seriously hope staff is looking into alternative "business partners" that provide the services they require. Even if they're more expensive, I'd personally donate if it meant keeping things more safe than site wide purges with no notice.

Damn.. I'm really not furry enough to be here lol. It was fun while it lasted! I'm supportive of the no underage content, but banning all humanlike characters seems harsh

pecca said:
Seriously hope staff is looking into alternative "business partners" that provide the services they require. Even if they're more expensive, I'd personally donate if it meant keeping things more safe than site wide purges with no notice.

Agreed. At least DLsite had the balls to use alternative payment methods to avoid caving in to the payment processors

Most popular content on the site deleted along with hundreds of pages of unrelated content because of lazy moderation and even lazier filtering, and they blame it all on unspecified "political challenge!" The site will never bounce back from this and sponsors should pull out while they can.

Congrats E6, you officially did a Twitter.

Truly does not matter in the slightest what excuses mods scramble to give users, trust with the community is gone and nobody will rely on the site like they used to.

If mods can purge a quarter of the content on the site just because they feel like it, then it is not and never was a safe place to host your content, or to view the content you enjoy.

This situation is pathetic and anybody who stands by their beliefs should delete their accounts and request full data deletion through the CCPA or an equivalent.