Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

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watsit said:
Their business partners were getting increased pressure over their association with this site serving that kind of content, that's what changed. Those partners can't deal with the pressure anymore and threatened to pull their support if the stuff wasn't removed, and this site can't survive without their support.

I should care because?

flavoredcola said:
Just delete everything to keep your sponsors.

Given how serial escalation can go, and how often those who involves politics into business are out of touch with their partners, it wouldn't not be out of place to expect them to force the admin to start blacklisting more and more things, and eventually go "Know what? You are a needless expense for my advertising now that your site gives us so little exposition, we are terminating the contract. You get nothing."



I know its been said 100 times already but it needs to be said again, this is god damn bullshit. We absolutely should not be kowtowing to limp dick governments/site hosting services/advertisers because they want to enforce their puritanical shit on us. It's absolutely a slippery slope, if you give these shitheads an inch they'll take a mile - maybe not soon but they eventually will. I understand that this decision was made quickly due to some kind of heavy pressure, but if possible I sincerely hope a solution or workaround is in the works to bring the artworks back while allowing the site to stay up.

For so long, e6 has been a safe and convenient haven of open-mindedness and acceptance when it comes to kinks and artwork that many others would find contentious. I know there are other sites out there to find art but none of them have the level of depth and quality with regards to moderation and tagging that we so fortunately have here.

watsit said:
Their business partners were getting increased pressure over their association with this site serving that kind of content, that's what changed. Those partners can't deal with the pressure anymore and threatened to pull their support if the stuff wasn't removed, and this site can't survive without their support.

Can't they get different business partners/ownership instead or just do what a lot of people here suggest and move their servers somewhere?


Atf speculates that another purge will happen on rule34 paheal so don't post your content there yet. If its true, two purges happening on the two big websites in such a short time is a big coincidence.

kywtdegenwriter said:
Atf speculates that another purge will happen on rule34 paheal so don't post your content there yet. If its true, two purges happening on the two big websites in such a short time is a big coincidence.

R34 already doesn't allow lolicon and shotacon. I mean, officially, since the mods there are so trash they don't give the slightest shit. I can't count how many of those posts I flagged anymore, none were deleted.

To all the people praising this as a win... pray that whomever is pressuring the site staff to censor content you find unethical and immoral don't suddenly decide what you like is also unethical and immoral.
I can almost guarantee a majority of you have favorites containing at least one of the following:

  • Bestiality (Includes the ever popular Pokemon, Digimon, My Little Pony brands btw)
  • Incest (Commonly frowned upon.)
  • Rape (Pretty Illegal...)
  • Gay/Lesbian/Any Non-Cis Pairing (Homosexuality is a sin, after all...)

Call it a slippery slope if you want, but the goal posts are always moving with these people. Fictional characters don't have rights and they don't have feelings.
Liking cub/loli/shota doesn't suddenly make you a pedophile in real life just as videogames don't suddenly turn you into a violent person.
If you want to make the world a better place for "tHe ChIlDrEn", maybe let's focus all this time and money destigmatizing people being attracted to minors so they won't be terrified of admitting they have a problem so they can get the help they need.

watsit said:
Their business partners were getting increased pressure over their association with this site serving that kind of content, that's what changed. Those partners can't deal with the pressure anymore and threatened to pull their support if the stuff wasn't removed, and this site can't survive without their support.

The more we hear about this, the more it sounds like the situation wasn't nearly as "sudden" as it has been made out it be. It really sounds like there have been ongoing issues the staff was at least aware about for, at minimum, a couple of days. And still no effort was made to warn the community about the move they were about to make.



flaminhotcheatoes said:
Can't they get different business partners/ownership instead or just do what a lot of people here suggest and move their servers somewhere?

Depending on who the business partners are and what exactly they do for the site, they may or may not be able to find alternatives that would let them keep the content up. They have to comply in the meantime, regardless. The server's location isn't the issue, as Rainbow Dash said this would have happened regardless of where the servers are located.

firespark said:
To all the people praising this as a win... pray that whomever is pressuring the site staff to censor content you find unethical and immoral don't suddenly decide what you like is also unethical and immoral.
I can almost guarantee a majority of you have favorites containing at least one of the following:

  • Bestiality (Includes the ever popular Pokemon, Digimon, My Little Pony brands btw)
  • Incest (Commonly frowned upon.)
  • Rape (Pretty Illegal...)
  • Gay/Lesbian/Any Non-Cis Pairing (Homosexuality is a sin, after all...)

Call it a slippery slope if you want, but the goal posts are always moving with these people. Fictional characters don't have rights and they don't have feelings.
Liking cub/loli/shota doesn't suddenly make you a pedophile in real life just as videogames don't suddenly turn you into a violent person.
If you want to make the world a better place for "tHe ChIlDrEn", maybe let's focus all this time and money destigmatizing people being attracted to minors so they won't be terrified of admitting they have a problem so they can get the help they need.

And don't forget 9-11, gore, snuff, domestic abuse, visual abuse...

robman34 said:
Change it back. This is not what anyone wants.

Pretty surprised your profile picture survived this change. And that's a good thing if you'd ask me

watsit said:
Depending on who the business partners are and what exactly they do for the site, they may or may not be able to find alternatives that would let them keep the content up. They have to comply in the meantime, regardless. The server's location isn't the issue, as Rainbow Dash said this would have happened regardless of where the servers are located.

plus some bussiness partners may not allow the site to back down and search for other bussiness partners

flaminhotcheatoes said:
Can't they get different business partners/ownership instead or just do what a lot of people here suggest and move their servers somewhere?

much,much,much,much,much,much easier spoken ( well, written) than done

flaminhotcheatoes said:
Can't they get different business partners/ownership instead or just do what a lot of people here suggest and move their servers somewhere?

I doubt it's that simple. If they have contracts with these business partners, it's not so simple to just break off. Probably can't just go looking for new partners while still connected to their current ones as well.

toradrow777 said:
There's always their Pixiv account and the All The Fallen booru.

omg ty so much for name dropping ATFbooru. ive found some deleted stuff i thought was lost already.

Seriously, I don’t think anyones focusing on this enough:

Give an inch and they’ll take a mile. Letting them get their foot in the door is how you let asshats make as many changes as they want.

netimicky said:
Instead of complaining, why don't you tag the posts yourself?
Also, your problem if you're so close-minded and mentally ill that you consider fictional characters the same as real people, not making the difference between fiction and reality.

I don’t consider fiction characters real. I’m not fucking dumb. However in the US, Such images are still, at a federal fucking level, illegal. Ban. Cub.

Oh, ATF has a whole ass banner at the top mentioning this change — guess someone noticed the influx lmao

dragonranger said:
There are real life pedophiles going after real children, and you’re here pissing and shitting yourself over drawings of fictional characters.

And I’m also not saying that we shouldn’t be going after those people, Buddy. I’m actually mostly just fucking pissed at the lack of a nuke all blacklisted favorites/likes button, and that people don’t tag their shit so I end up with these damned things in my likes despite all attempts by me to avoid such posts.

jacethehybrid said:
I don’t consider fiction characters real. I’m not fucking dumb. However in the US, Such images are still, at a federal fucking level, illegal. Ban. Cub.

Haven’t like 6 people cited the law itself in this thread? Something about how it’s only illegal if it can be genuinely misconstrued as authentic CSAM?

"We're the website that publicly hosts a bunch of pornography that's technically not illegal to own in some countries" seems like a pretty tough spot to start negotiations from, as far as 'just moving hosts etc.' is concerned.



felicity_longis said:
The more we hear about this, the more it sounds like the situation wasn't nearly as "sudden" as it has been made out it be. It really sounds like there have been ongoing issues the staff was at least aware about for, at minimum, a couple of days. And still no effort was made to warn the community about the move they were about to make.

I can easily see "a couple days" still not being enough time. This site only has one paid employee, NotMeNotYou. Everyone else is a volunteer working on their own time for nothing but their desire to make the site better. NMNY had to ensure that stuff was removed by some deadline, or the site goes offline indefinitely, making that top priority above all else. And given how they had to run with a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach to ensure compliance, that's a pretty clear indication they didn't have a lot of time to plan things out. Even if he could have made an announcement, there's also the inevitable panic that would ensue causing a lot of user misbehavior that needs moderation, as well as a bunch of people trying to mass grab everything and bring the servers to their knees, preventing him from doing the necessary work for compliance and/or knocking the site offline until after the stuff was removed, preventing people from getting the stuff anyway. Maybe if he had a much larger heads up, it could've been done a lot smoother, but if you don't have a lot of time, you don't have a lot of time to make a plan and execute it.

gmad said:
"We're the website that publicly hosts a bunch of pornography that's technically not illegal to own in some countries" seems like a pretty tough spot to start negotiations from, as far as 'just moving hosts etc.' is concerned.

True, but if shitty businesses can get investors drooling over it, don’t you think some smooth-talker could make E6 pallatable?

flowrfalln said:
Haven’t like 6 people cited the law itself in this thread? Something about how it’s only illegal if it can be genuinely misconstrued as authentic CSAM?

Or used it as a reference, and more. Depending on the state, It’s completely banned. If you ask me, anything depicting anyone not of age in such situations is at the very least morally fucked up.

jacethehybrid said:
Or used it as a reference, and more. Depending on the state, It’s completely banned. If you ask me, anything depicting anyone not of age in such situations is at the very least morally fucked up.

There is nothing immoral about thoughts or feelings.
Only actions.

jacethehybrid said:
Or used it as a reference, and more. Depending on the state, It’s completely banned. If you ask me, anything depicting anyone not of age in such situations is at the very least morally fucked up.

I'm glad nobody is asking you then, considering how misaligned that thought process is.

jacethehybrid said:
Or used it as a reference, and more. Depending on the state, It’s completely banned. If you ask me, anything depicting anyone not of age in such situations is at the very least morally fucked up.

Morality and fiction don't really mix when taken seriously. Same thing has been tried with video games, rock&roll, black metal. All it takes is a little common sense to see why concern over this content is unneeded.

jacethehybrid said:
Looking at cub porn and CP is an action.

You know very well what I meant.
Physical actions. Doing something that affects someone other than yourself.

guys... we've talked about this, stop interacting with the obvious troll.

theory0fstrings said:
You didnt post the law. Again, you posted a law firms interpretation of the law. Theres very much a difference.

Talking to me changes literally nothing.
Why are you even talking to me?

Considering that e621 went through this and fanfiction is down, I suggest everyone who has time and space on their computer download as much loli/shota as possible.

netimicky said:
R34 already doesn't allow lolicon and shotacon. I mean, officially, since the mods there are so trash they don't give the slightest shit. I can't count how many of those posts I flagged anymore, none were deleted.

Post something racist or transphobic and it'll get removed immediately.....
Or, well, anything remotely close to.those.

I'm against any kind censorship, and I understand why people are mad because of this ban.

But at the same time, I'm personally happy to see that artworks featuring underage humans/humanoids involved in explicit activities are being removed since I personally find these artworks very fucked up.

That's just my opinion, and I really hope that governments will lose their powers over the Internet in the future.

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

fck that

My final saying on this tangentially regarding all the deleted posts, I'm glad there's a reversal post made to help fix this. However, I have 27 pages of deleted pictures, most were of pregnant characters that didn't depict anything I could remember about the images being young that got caught in the crossfire of this purge, it's simply too daunting for me to post every post from my favorites into that reversal. I wish everyone luck in repairing the damages, both mods and community members alike.

jacethehybrid said:
I don’t consider fiction characters real. I’m not fucking dumb. However in the US, Such images are still, at a federal fucking level, illegal. Ban. Cub.

"Ooooh illegal illegal!" Do you have any arguments other than bootlicking and moral panic, or do you just not wanna think in favor of falling back on the logic of "if the big kids say it's bad, I say it's bad! No better reason needed." The poignant part is that it's not even illegal in the USA. The protect act explicitly states that drawings, cartoons, and other mediums of art representing a minor in a sexual position are not illegal unless they are recognizable as being representative of a real identifiable individual child.

Honestly, all you're doing is stirring a pot, and I think people are starting to collectively recognize you as a troll. Please just admit that you're wrong, because doubling down when you've been proven incorrect is pathetic and insular. If you keep this up, you're probably going to get a cute nickname along the lines of "Jace Fuckface."


watsit said:
I can easily see "a couple days" still not being enough time. This site only has one paid employee, NotMeNotYou. Everyone else is a volunteer working on their own time for nothing but their desire to make the site better. NMNY had to ensure that stuff was removed by some deadline, or the site goes offline indefinitely, making that top priority above all else. And given how they had to run with a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach to ensure compliance, that's a pretty clear indication they didn't have a lot of time to plan things out. Even if he could have made an announcement, there's also the inevitable panic that would ensue causing a lot of user misbehavior that needs moderation, as well as a bunch of people trying to mass grab everything and bring the servers to their knees, preventing him from doing the necessary work for compliance and/or knocking the site offline until after the stuff was removed, preventing people from getting the stuff anyway. Maybe if he had a much larger heads up, it could've been done a lot smoother, but if you don't have a lot of time, you don't have a lot of time to make a plan and execute it.

Or that's just a cover story. People here are way too trusting with the official narrative.

taranuka said:
My final saying on this tangentially regarding all the deleted posts, I'm glad there's a reversal post made to help fix this. However, I have 27 pages of deleted pictures, most were of pregnant characters that didn't depict anything I could remember about the images being young that got caught in the crossfire of this purge, it's simply too daunting for me to post every post from my favorites into that reversal. I wish everyone luck in repairing the damages, both mods and community members alike.

In case you haven't left yet, use delreason:*purge* in the search to find posts hit by this change. Looks like a lot of the otherwise status:deleted things you've got favorited are artist requested takedowns, paysite content, etc. dating back at least a week ago.

jacethehybrid said:
I don’t consider fiction characters real. I’m not fucking dumb. However in the US, Such images are still, at a federal fucking level, illegal. Ban. Cub.

Contrary to what others say, cub alongside lolisho are legal in the US.

notmenotyou said:
You're free to try and run a project of our size from your basement or with a data center, and see what happens to your finances and lawyer fees once you hit our size and notoriety. This hasn't been a project able to be run without any external scrutiny for over a decade, but particularly so in the last 3 or 4 years.
Our business partners aren't some faceless megacorps trying to figure out how to squeeze another 0.1% profit margin out of their portfolio, but small local ones that get the same shit served on a platter that we do. And unsurprisingly when their livelihoods are threatened they aren't going to be able to just handwave it away, they got their own employees and families to think about.

Do you run sites and servers in the adult industry? Because we do. So do our partners, so do a whole bunch of our colleagues in the broader adult toys and porn industry, so do our friends in porn creations. The vibes have deteriorated quite a bit across the entire industry across the globe, and the impact is pretty far reaching behind the scenes due to the uncertainty this causes.
We don't have any problem hosting problematic content from an ideological standpoint, fantasy is fantasy and I've repeated that ad nauseam in public and private every time the topic came up that we should get rid of either feral, cub, lolishota, rape, murder, necrophilia, and so forth. I have a literal template saved because how often I get to repeat myself to people that apparently think cub porn is equivalent to genuine CSAM but refuse to turn themselves in as murderers for having 1000+ hours logged in GTAV.

However, when the people we depend on for our existence actually have their livelihoods threatened we are forced to react. And that point was reached earlier this week.

Do you know what people in the industry feel when basically every other month a new bi-partisan bill somewhere gets made that aims to make things harder in the industry? And even if it's eventually repealed they all vow to continue bringing it back with minor adjustments until it sticks?
Do you know what's going to happen to a company that gets legally binding content removal requests for months, and has to fear that noncompliance means they lose access to an entire market segment, and then their customers can't sell their products there anymore and will likely jump ship as well?

It is really easy to throw shade when you're unaffected by what's happening and have no idea what's been going on when it's not featured front and center in the news somewhere.

And no, we will not be naming our partners for the sole reason that they don't deserve any heat, they're getting it raw the same way we do, and the same way more places will in the future.

And last but not least, while this decision may have been rash, it does also allow us to protect things in the long run. As long as we aren't forced to purge the files from the server they will continue to stay there indefinitely with the hope that we can make them public again eventually. We already had to irreversibly purge too many as is, and this will at least protect the rest from that, even if we can't share them at the moment.

If you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the future, vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly. More and more of this shit is getting flung at the adult industry at large from both sides of the aisle, in basically every western nation. The UK and EU want to make encryption illegal, in the US Dems and Reps respectively want to either make porn only accessible ID and SSN or make it illegal entirely, payment processors get more aggressive all the time for everything adult, the UK even has been whining at us for months about some new fucking brainfart they're dreaming up to PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn.

Thank you for at least disclosing the general stance on the matter. Nonetheless, a warning beforehand would've been nice. It'd give people the chance to archive the archive. "Due to legal and financial obligations we are forced to remove a chunk of the content within next two days" would've gone a lot smoother than "It's gone, fuck you."

kywtdegenwriter said:
Atf speculates that another purge will happen on rule34 paheal so don't post your content there yet. If its true, two purges happening on the two big websites in such a short time is a big coincidence.

They've had that warning on their site for awhile so I won't be surprised if it happens

If it does then the cesspool that is SanChan will be the last place and that's just a recipe for radicalising people more

It's not my sorta thing but we all know what happens when you start pushing things into the corner of the web

shitposter said:
I don't really care about it one way or another, but I would like to say that a vocal minority is not "everyone". If everyone wanted that stuff on the site the global blacklist would likely not exist. Also in "most of the world" it is either illegal or legally ambiguous. Not a lot of countries in the world have made it explicitly legal, while still banning regular CP.

Funnily enough the US also bans it if it is considered "obscene".

That obscene rule applies to all porn in the US

istricur said:
Contrary to what others say, cub alongside lolisho are legal in the US.

it more of a grey area, it fall under obscenity which technically any porn fall under but it been specifically singled out. in any case it the reason why sites like these are alway having to defend itself and why some advertisters may not feel comfortable under these legal waters. Obscenity laws should really be revoked though since it one of our legacy morality laws.

fuyu_graycen said:
They've had that warning on their site for awhile so I won't be surprised if it happens

If it does then the cesspool that is SanChan will be the last place and that's just a recipe for radicalising people more

It's not my sorta thing but we all know what happens when you start pushing things into the corner of the web

What's SanChan? I can't find it and I'm a curious person.

You heard it guys, just vote correctly and we won't have to ban anymore porn!
Why the hell would voting change a damn thing when its all controlled by corporations?
What a joke

someusername0000 said:
What's SanChan? I can't find it and I'm a curious person.

Sankaku, another booru site that also host a lot of loli-sho content. From what I understand, the site isn't that great, but is has the best collection. You have to make an account though.

gmad said:
In case you haven't left yet, use delreason:*purge* in the search to find posts hit by this change. Looks like a lot of the otherwise status:deleted things you've got favorited are artist requested takedowns, paysite content, etc. dating back at least a week ago.

Huh. Well I'll be damned. I have young blacklisted, so those tags on those images must've been added after I favorited them. Son of a bitch.

Love how they deleted even non-related artwork that has nothing to do with those tags but for some reason they're marked with the whole "young human purge" thing , amazing how they dont even know what they delete lmao

carnivore4lyf said:
Sankaku, another booru site that also host a lot of loli-sho content. From what I understand, the site isn't that great, but is has the best collection. You have to make an account though.

I mean the site is garbage and outdated, nothing is tagged properly and the community isn't great either

But it's what people will be left with

You know by doing this you're now on the hook for EVERY single post done here?! The law that would've protected you from that only applies if you don't try to do shit like this and now anyone has the ability to sue this entire site into extinction

richard_noggin99 said:
So does anyone know where else I can fing Dagasi's work? They're one of my favorite NSFW artists and this WAS the site I used to keep track of his work.

ATFbooru has a lot of not all of it that was on here

notmenotyou said:
It's wishy washy because it's the best we can offer. There is no single law we can point to as the tipping point, and while we were sitting pretty unaffected by most things, the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.
And since we can't function in a vacuum we have had to adjust.

I've had a quick look through and restored anything caught by accident in your deletions that stuck out right away.
This entire thing had to happen much faster than we would have liked, so we went in with a shoot first ask questions later mentally.

Trust me, I would have preferred more of a heads up myself.

In other words "We are putting our userbase second to our business partners, willing to go back on our core values."
You are the biggest site for this kind of work, you do not have any staunch competition. These kinds of changes will increase the chance of this site being outcompeted by a new site.
Lets hope this isn't just the start to "cleaning up" what can be posted.

Wait Ogrepon is considered too human? It’s just looks like a weird flower or something. This is a legit question I have.

Like given the rule some of these make sense, like Kanna would fall under that umbrella, that atleast tracks with the rule. But like Ogrepon, really. Kirlia and Ralts also feel pretty unfair considering things like yordles are fine. Like Kirlia is bright white, with two huge red crests coming out of its head and no nose. There’s other races that are still totally allowed that look way closer to human than that.

I hope another loli site comes soon, now there are only 2 loli boorus sankaku and allfallen, danbooru is paid and gelbooru only supports anime so it is not useful to see, for example, Mabel Pines, here there were good images of Mabel/Waddles.

carnivore4lyf said:
Sankaku, another booru site that also host a lot of loli-sho content. From what I understand, the site isn't that great, but is has the best collection. You have to make an account though.

Sankaku is horrible as they try to do as much as they can to get people to pay for premium. Free users are only allowed to use TWO R15+ tags a search. So you can't be very specific on what you're looking for. And they updated some tags into R15 and R18 as well

vergil17 said:
Wait Ogrepon is considered too human? It’s just looks like a weird flower or something. This is a legit question I have.

Like given the rule some of these make sense, like Kanna would fall under that umbrella, that atleast tracks with the rule. But like Ogrepon, really. Kirlia and Ralts also feel pretty unfair considering things like yordles are fine. Like Kirlia is bright white, with two huge red crests coming out of its head and no nose. There’s other races that are still totally allowed that look way closer to human than that.

i don't think they (or any species of pokemon, for that matter) are explicitly banned but if any art of them was tagged as both "humanoid" and "young" then that's probably been removed and may not be reinstated unless/until the entire ban on young humans/humanoids is lifted

jacethehybrid said:
Or used it as a reference, and more. Depending on the state, It’s completely banned. If you ask me, anything depicting anyone not of age in such situations is at the very least morally fucked up.

You have rape in the first page of your favorites why are you trying to morally grandstand? goes down, e621 starts burning down the archives. If you still have art you like up I'd save it and prepare to bounce. Things are getting stupid! I anticipate Patreon is about to make a big push (again) too, or F-list. This smells like payment processor involvement.

zhewatcher said:
Sankaku is horrible as they try to do as much as they can to get people to pay for premium. Free users are only allowed to use TWO R15+ tags a search. So you can't be very specific on what you're looking for. And they updated some tags into R15 and R18 as well

Yeah sankaku is total ass. L site. Go to gelbooru instead. Maybe they’ll have a forum up after this.

ayylmao0906 said:
“Honestly, all you're doing is stirring a pot, and I think people are starting to collectively recognize you as a troll. Please just admit that you're wrong, because doubling down when you've been proven incorrect is pathetic and insular. If you keep this up, you're probably going to get a cute nickname along the lines of "Jace Fuckface." “

… I was actually going to listen to you until you finished your argument with this.
I have an opinion, a strong one, one which isn’t as extreme as you think, and you hit me with name calling and accusations of being a troll. I’ve been on this site for a long time, bud, if I wanted to get banned for being a troll, I would have done it years ago, and I wouldn’t have uploaded anything of mine to this site. Please, Before coming into something like this. Calm down. I will be leaving the argument here, I know when I’m fighting a losing battle.

Peace, Jerk.

natanata said: goes down, e621 starts burning down the archives. If you still have art you like up I'd save it and prepare to bounce. Things are getting stupid! I anticipate Patreon is about to make a big push (again) too, or F-list. This smells like payment processor involvement.

patreon arleady does they are banning bdsm depiction of alcohol use, animals genitals and ferals.