Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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"If it resembles anything humanoid its now banned"

So literally anything that walks on 2 legs. Alright then. Let the great purge begin.

So does anyone know where else I can fing Dagasi's work? They're one of my favorite NSFW artists and this WAS the site I used to keep track of his work.

notmenotyou said:
As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

When you mean "deleted", did you mean "permanently deleted in a way that you'll never see it here ever again" or "deleted for now until further notice legalwise"?

richard_noggin99 said:
So does anyone know where else I can fing Dagasi's work? They're one of my favorite NSFW artists and this was the site I used to keep track of his work.

Maybe try pixiv, inkbunny or



dimoretpinel said:
I like what you said, it’s like you put all my thoughts neatly together and simplified them so I didn’t have to.
I really feel that A, B and D.

I hope mods can adress these worries soon.

Yeah. I forgot to mention there being false positives when they did a blanket deletion. And gl to anyone who can try to get an old dead linked image back up thank only existed on the site. And I’m sure there are a few. Another slap to the archival purposes

nise86 said:
So which "humanoid" Pokemon now fail the litmus test?

Ralts and Kirlia seem to have failed. Hattrem was mostly spared. Meloetta could fail (I've had Melos deleted BEFORE this purge). Celebi, I worry about too.

Mawile was hit hard, yet about 2/3 of its non-breasted explicits remain (or were restored). It's only slightly monstrous (different mouth + limbs) and frankly most artists don't like to call attention to the horn. It's humanoid, but is it young because of its stature?

Then Jirachi... Its figure is more like a star (head especially). OOTH it canonically wraps itself like a baby to sleep. It's young, or at least chibi, but is it humanoid just for lacking animal traits?

Unless they've got adult proportions or breasts/penises that'd make even the most dedicated hyper artist blush, a lot of petite or small-framed non-animalistic Pokemon are liable to get impacted. Same with Digimon, especially when you throw in the likes of Minervamon, Lucemon and the Sistermons into the mix who have explicitly human-like designs



flaminhotcheatoes said:
When you mean "deleted", did you mean "permanently deleted in a way that you'll never see it here ever again" or "deleted for now until further notice legalwise"?

Deleted for now until further notice. As long as it's legally permissible to store the files, they'll stay on the server like every other deleted post, just inaccessible to normal users. Only "destroyed" posts are truly gone and unrecoverable.

barley90 said:
People blaming project 2025 for this when biden's occ suspended a bill that would make payment processers give fair access to their services. It's also why patreon is banning porn due to processor concerns

Don't mind them, they just need to prebunk the idea that Trump took away the art

I mourn all of the HMoFA (specifically the shota on furry milf) that got deleted and due to the nature of featuring a human boy, the chances of it coming back are very, very low to the point of being a flat 0% chance. RIP to a good chunk of FNaF and Toriel's artwork among other things like Kirlia [On-model].

At least some alternatives exist but it's hard to deny how hard it is to stay afloat when it comes to hosting up stuff without getting screwed over, look no further than some japanese artists outrage when mastercard/visa started screwing up with DLSite, FANBOX and others i don't remember, moreso since for some people, furry/kemono content is their livelihood and they did express that concern because a portion of their profits came from overseas commissioners who used visa/mastercard. I just hope for the best going forward in these dark times, i have faith that maybe this change can (and should be) reversed because slippery slopes are no joke.

Welp there goes every single fucking Pokephilia picture. Y'all might as all just fucking BAN that too since it's all tweens and their Pokemon.

What a shit show, first the site almost got fucked by that bill and now this
the internet is becoming more and more of a cancel fest each day, I almost wish I could go back to making pizza's on club penguin.

Sad to see this happen. Really sad.
Remember, the "in-detail" post is still ambiguous. It shouldn't be hard to name a few laws or other concrete things which were the reason to bring about this change. So long as we don't have specific details it'll stand as a precedent that they can fuck us over from any side they want and we'll have no say, given we don't even know why.
Also, don't fool yourself by being optimistic, feral and cub art is next and it will happen eventually given the current track record. Save your stuff if you care about it and archive it yourself.

All fiction is harmless despite of the intentions of the author. "This is a pipeline to something bad because it personally disgusts me" is not an argument when you are already enjoying ficitonal depictions of 'bad' behavior. If playing videogames which include violence won't make you into a killer then consuming explicit artwork won't make you into a degenerate.

bossradio said:
I mourn all of the HMoFA (specifically the shota on furry milf) that got deleted and due to the nature of featuring a human boy, the chances of it coming back are very, very low to the point of being a flat 0% chance. RIP to a good chunk of FNaF and Toriel's artwork among other things like Kirlia [On-model].

At least some alternatives exist but it's hard to deny how hard it is to stay afloat when it comes to hosting up stuff without getting screwed over, look no further than some japanese artists outrage when mastercard/visa started screwing up with DLSite, FANBOX and others i don't remember, moreso since for some people, furry/kemono content is their livelihood and they did express that concern because a portion of their profits came from overseas commissioners who used visa/mastercard. I just hope for the best going forward in these dark times, i have faith that maybe this change can (and should be) reversed because slippery slopes are no joke.

I hear ya, lost a bunch of good bunbury pics to this.

I blame big bank and the payment guys. Those mega corps will squeeze all the smaller sites out of the internet until its only them selling the smut. This move by the gov glows real hard. Though it does make sense for the ban humans are a little too real.

watsit said:
Deleted for now until further notice. As long as it's legally permissible to store the files, they'll stay on the server like every other deleted post, just inaccessible to normal users. Only "destroyed" posts are truly gone and unrecoverable.

I'm glad they're still safe for now, but it still sucks that we're still stuck in a world where US politics are becoming a total mess; we didn't even get a warning to backup stuff we uploaded or favorited.

Well after seeing this, now I'm finally starting to understand why so many artists have been abandoning this site and leaving to others like Inkbunny. What bothers me is how vague they were about it instead of just saying it was about money. It feels like they were trying to redirect our anger towards something else or perhaps try to avoid responsibility. Regardless, maybe some of us should probably start looking into new sites now, given that this site is slowly but surely downhill, but I'm not sure of any sites that would host this kind of content to begin with.

Coward move. I can't believe e621 has stooped to actions like this. I give it a year before posting anything that might offend an evangelical christian gets banned.

I see e6 is no better than FA now, at least FA gave us warning before they start mass deleting shit. What a crock of shit.

Saw this coming from a mile away. This site has been circling the drain for years now, so this isn't surprising at all.
Hopefully the blatant greed and disrespect on display here are the final push needed to get a proper alternative built by people who actually care about preservation of art.

No matter how long it takes, we must demonstrate to them our disapproval of the rule change in a concerted effort, as that will increase the odds of the rule change reversing.

For not the slightest, merest fraction of my life have I ever professed to comprehending the mindset of those who consistently and insistently conflate cub/feral porn with CSAM/bestiality.

I would like to entertain the notion that these are either deliberate, bad-faith actors, or internet users upon which immaturity still lingers as if an Egyptian curse, yet the actions and words spouted by these very individuals have all but annihilated this suspension of disbelief. For them, all takes second place to semantics, and practicality is obliterated in favor of theories so convoluted as to leave Grecian philosophers scratching their collective heads. Logic relegated to a tool solely employed for winning arguments, emotionally charged units of communication pushed to the forefront. Language bends the human psyche to infinite paths of self-delusion, and the incessant, auto-contradictory musings of these self-designated "child/animal guardians" are the most majestic demonstration of said principle; in their pathetically limited universe, there is no difference between feral and bestiality, no separation between cub porn and child sexual abuse imagery. In fact, it might as well be the case that what is shown in reality and depicted in fiction are one and the same! Hence, it is bigoted of those who disagree with their worldview to even insinuate the presence of any potential differences, with said detractors immediately branded as enemies of civil society and of the state. Oblivious to the sheer cognitive dissonance in their every paragraph, every sentence, every thought, they nonetheless march inexorably forward, determined to crush and grind beneath their heels all of their perceived enemies.

Moral, they call themselves, while all the while delivering the most vicious of insults and death threats to anyone who dares take one step beyond the party line, the very concept of hypocrisy summarily executed like moths put to a flame.

Normal, they view themselves, while utterly failing in the task of discerning what is real and what is not real, afflicted by some psychotic illness as yet unspecified.

Empathic, they term themselves, while seeking nothing more than the imagined and very real death of any dissenting opinions and the ones who voiced them, human rights notwithstanding.

Reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. Purge your brain of all lines of critical thinking. 2 + 2 = 5. Man! Cover thy head in cloth and dance in thy madness! That was the Monolith's final, and most essential, command.

I wonder how long it'll take for a furry ATF to pop up. All the pokemon content in the dumpster, the monster hunter things, owl house, made in abyss, legend of zelda, most of Undertale. How long will ferals last? I'd be excited to see every single artist pulling a patreon style "I am capable of speech and consent!" text bubble over any critter just to save themselves. The slope is getting slippery and people only seem to notice once they're already sliding down. I'll try to make a handy list for the future.

Humanoid Loli/Shota
---- (We are here)
Noncon/Dubcon (includes Hypnosis and somnophilia)
Ferals (can't consent)

I may not be a fan of a lot of that stuff listed, but I'm all for keeping it.

mikomitsoko said:
What bothers me is how vague they were about it instead of just saying it was about money.

it's not about the money, though, or at least not directly. it's about either a) business partners of Bad Dragon and Dragon Fruit having pressure put on them from local governments due to their connections to e6 or b) business partners independently putting putting pressure on BD/DF because of e6, or some combination of the two.

the problem is it's just not feasible to run asite of this size totally independently, and it's not feasible for any other DF venture or BD itself to operate independently either. no matter how much money you pump into it externally.

flaminhotcheatoes said:
When you mean "deleted", did you mean "permanently deleted in a way that you'll never see it here ever again" or "deleted for now until further notice legalwise"?

I hope the second one

I don’t mean to undermine the… platform, if we wanna call E621 that, but can anyone explain what uncensored furry sites even exist? I’m not exactly loyal to E6, but I’ve never gone beyond this site into the furry medias and boards—any help?

guessing this is thanks to the site being blocked in switzerland as ive been told.

No suprise though, thats a messy area.

flaminhotcheatoes said:
When you mean "deleted", did you mean "permanently deleted in a way that you'll never see it here ever again" or "deleted for now until further notice legalwise"?

Expunged, deleted off the surface of the web. Unless someone backed up all the images on another site or themselves they are gone forever

flaminhotcheatoes said:
I'm glad they're still safe for now, but it still sucks that we're still stuck in a world where US politics are becoming a total mess; we didn't even get a warning to backup stuff we uploaded or favorited.

They are all on the expunged list unfortunately

If you look up the tag delreason:*expunge* these are all the posts that are going to be completely erased they are moving quite fast too

Yeah I was wrong


bakugo said:
Saw this coming from a mile away. This site has been circling the drain for years now, so this isn't surprising at all.
Hopefully the blatant greed and disrespect on display here are the final push needed to get a proper alternative built by people who actually care about preservation of art.

Someone should Github the tagging system so we can make a replacement site.

Kinda expected with most sites having at least some of their servers and owners in the US where evangelicals hold considerable political influence.

Coulnd't at least the Purged stuff be allowed to be downloaded or uploaded or mirrored elsewhere?

It won't solve the main problem, which is that the censure won't stop and the "humanoid" rule is anyway too vague, but it would be a sign of good will.


Glad I used a mass downloader just a month or two ago to tap the tags and artists I was into, some of which likely included the blanket-deleted content. If this is the direction the site is going into, I no longer feel bad about the additional strain I put on the servers doing so.

siberwolf_729 said:
I would like to entertain the notion that these are either deliberate, bad-faith actors, or internet users upon which immaturity still lingers as if an Egyptian curse

The lost fourth curse. Too horrifying for even King Ramses' slab.

mintreptile said:
When will we remove cub/young anthro stuff?

You have multiple favorites of child Simba getting fucked by a hyena.

flowrfalln said:
I don’t mean to undermine the… platform, if we wanna call E621 that, but can anyone explain what uncensored furry sites even exist? I’m not exactly loyal to E6, but I’ve never gone beyond this site into the furry medias and boards—any help?

Rule34 always has a lot of good furry art. You could also explore to find some furry image boards. There's also IMHentai. The Big ImageBoard is also a good one for furry content.

swaggyg said:
You have multiple favorites of child Simba getting fucked by a hyena.

I think he’s being, for a lack of better word, sarcastic — like “Great, what’s next?”

fendenner said:
Expunged, deleted off the surface of the web. Unless someone backed up all the images on another site or themselves they are gone forever

They are all on the expunged list unfortunately
If you look up the tag delreason:*expunge* these are all the posts that are going to be completely erased they are moving quite fast too

This is just straight up misinformation, lol. This purge only happened yesterday. That expunge list doesn't even go halfway down the first page before you get to items that were expunged before this even took place.

throwawayvr said:
Inkbunny may help a bit for some humanoid images but they are more anti-human than this place is:

Inkbunny's terms of service explicitly forbid any humans or human-like characters in sexual situations, construed very broadly.

Anyone thinking this is an E621-specific problem is naive. Thinking whatever you select as your next alternative site is somehow immune to the same pressure mechanisms is equally so.

joseki_key said:
I like e6 due to its robust tagging system and how strict it can be.

R34 tagging is a fucking wasteland and no one has any standards over there.

Additionally, R34 refuses to carry the stuff in my favorites that got deleted.

Next Update Prediction:

All NSFW content is banned.

Reason: it resembles bestiality which is against local laws.

Just watch. All it takes is that first step and the censorship drop follows until there is nothing left. We are witnessing the beginning of an end to an Era.

zigzaglag said:
Next Update Prediction:

All NSFW content is banned.

Reason: it resembles bestiality which is against local laws.

Just watch. All it takes is that first step and the censorship drop follows until there is nothing left. We are witnessing the beginning of an end to an Era.

Just watch they will ban feral and any animal genitals next if this continue.

Okay then how does cub works still work then? Just because cub art isn’t human or whatever doesn’t change that it’s still underage related. This new rule should apply to cubs too if you’re going to bend over backwards to get rid of human shota/loli stuff
You can’t have it either way, either it ALL goes or NOTHING goes

karasstash said:
i guess allthefallen is about to get a big jump in traffic

Which is funny because there’s an automatic blacklist option on the search engine that you have to turn off to see anthro stuff

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

Hey first of all, don't lie. There is no "legal/political reason", its because you're worried about scaring off investors. It's kinda shitty to sell out like this, is cub next up on the chopping block? You're actually making the world a worse place, there's nothing wrong with cub/shota and your cowardice implies that there is. Just because someone likes drawings of young characters doesn't make them a p*do or a rapist. I'm tired of people like you kowtowing to the moralistic retards in society. You should honestly be ashamed of yourself.


The amount of idiots complaining without even reading the announcement properly blows my god damn mind.
The only thing that's more laughable than that is the "x is next, this just the beginning" comments.
Whinging all around as if they know the first thing about hosting content like this. :')

furchee said:
The amount of idiots complaining without even reading the announcement properly blows my god damn mind.
The only thing that's more laughable than that is the "x is next, this just the beginning" comments.
Whinging all around as if they know the first thing about hosting content like this. :')

Not trying to be a dickhead, but like… do you???

furchee said:
The only thing that's more laughable than that is the "x is next, this just the beginning" comments.

kids can't consent and neither can feral horses

furchee said:
The amount of idiots complaining without even reading the announcement properly blows my god damn mind.
The only thing that's more laughable than that is the "x is next, this just the beginning" comments.
Whinging all around as if they know the first thing about hosting content like this. :')

These comments are being made because a downhill slope of banning content has happened on like 3 other furry websites.

darkfox123 said:
Hey first of all, don't lie. There is no "legal/political reason", its because you're worried about scaring off investors. It's kinda shitty to sell out like this, is cub next up on the chopping block? You're actually making the world a worse place, there's nothing wrong with cub/shota and your cowardice implies that there is. Just because someone likes drawings of young characters doesn't make them a p*do or a rapist. I'm tired of people like you kowtowing to the moralistic retards in society. You should honestly be ashamed of yourself.

the state of political education in this day and age is so dire, please go educate yourself instead of arguing on the internet.

richard_noggin99 said:
So does anyone know where else I can fing Dagasi's work? They're one of my favorite NSFW artists and this WAS the site I used to keep track of his work.

You probably got the answer, but Pixiv has all of his works on it, as well as SankakuComplex.
It really sucks that this is happening, I hope something changes in the future that lets admins restore the content.

brayinggirl said:
Inkbunny's terms of service explicitly forbid any humans or human-like characters in sexual situations, construed very broadly.

Anyone thinking this is an E621-specific problem is naive. Thinking whatever you select as your next alternative site is somehow immune to the same pressure mechanisms is equally so.

their definition of what's considered human enough to be deleted are seemingly looser than what e6 considers humanoid, at least. it seems like they're fine with robots, demons, animal headed humanoids, aliens, goblins and quite a few other things, all stuff that I believe would fall under e6's new ruling.

gravemind95 said:
Okay then how does cub works still work then? Just because cub art isn’t human or whatever doesn’t change that it’s still underage related. This new rule should apply to cubs too if you’re going to bend over backwards to get rid of human shota/loli stuff
You can’t have it either way, either it ALL goes or NOTHING goes

the thing is; the subject here is "young" characters. There are plenty of 18+ characters (especially Pokémon since they often don't have an age) that got nuked for being "young". Can't blame them though, since some characters may be 17 in 1 part of their arc and then be 19 in another part of their arc. Because of this, it seems to not be about removing underage depictions, but rather just appease to the external "laws" in the safest way possible - which may not consider cub to be included in that "law".

The mods obviously do what they feel is necessary, assuming this purge is in good faith, and I think they would be a lot less aggressive with the initial burning if they removed it with their own free will. Then they would remove the cub art too, yes. But since we see a wider burn at the moment I don't believe it is all or nothing for the site at the moment. It may change soon though, which would be the death of e621 as anything more than your average furry website.

natanata said:
kids can't consent and neither can feral horses

I mean, technically it's impossible for any fictional character or any drawing for that matter to consent to being sexualized.