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@Jack-O's_Box: I promise, no one is targeting you. I like your art, but you need a little more skill first. The quality rule is one of our oldest rules, and is why people like us. I know it seems unfair, but it applies to everyone.

Now I would upload the comic I’m editing called “Death Valet” but that risks a few takedowns because there is some human only pages which is a big no no on e6. Another reason why I just don’t wanna do this anymore. It’s just so frustrating sometimes.

I’m sorry if I came off as rude. I love this site a lot and it’s where I spent most of my early furry years. Yet there really is so much I can take before I just don’t want to upload anymore. It really breaks my heart too cause I love this place.

In response to blip #99022

@vex714 Not only that but I’m not a fan of the approval system. Yes I get the point of it so that crap doesn’t slip past the radar but it’s so slow since there is so much staff can do. Not to mention the point system. How do people get past 100 uploads???

In response to blip #99021

@Odisaodi: I only ever use FA to see if there is obscure art of certain things. FA is kinda trash because of what it does to images through auto-downscaling (unfavorable source). I use Pixiv often. I may not understand some words, but hey! It's not FA!

Welp... I'm better off leaving than staying... Can't upload now. Fuck it, I'll just upload my art where it's actually appreciated. Goodbye, even tho none of you knew me or will miss me. Just terminate this account... I'm done.

The song "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You" by Gloria Estefan has been stuck in my head for over a week now.


I think @NotMeNotYou got mad and deleted my recent post cause they deleted the ones they approved of cause I made a Takedown. Guess what, I hated those two pieces of art, I'm glad I got rid of them. A painful reminder, that's what they were.

In response to blip #98984


E621 has quality standards, and your posts deleted because they aren't meeting those standards. Y'know, you can choose to upload somewhere else. Otherwise, you're choosing to bang your head on a wall, no one is forcing you to.

In response to blip #98929

@vex714: With all this extra income to burn on things from night shifts? Heck yea. Next up: a ton more Kyuren EX cards and a Steam Siege booster box. Oh, and both the Hydreigon EX cards. 'cause I fucking love Hydreigon.

In response to blip #98945

@AdamThePikachu: I don't collect things to hoard them for the value, I collect them because I like them. I like to look at them, to hold them. Not hide them away in plastic prisons forever.

@Valiance22: Hey do you happen to have those eevee and Lyncanrok headhacks as downloads somewhere? I'd like to see if we can port them to gmod.

In response to blip #98966

@TheHuskyK9: I have had calls and voicemails that have real people trying to scam me with student loans. I have like almost 100 blocked #'s

Scamming organizations had to train people to literally talk to and steal peoples money. People do fall for it.

In response to blip #98964

@Doomguy666: The nerve of these people, I swear. I have no student loans.

Don't know how they use local numbers, but when I call back, it's just a regular person that has nothing to do with the scam. Then it's a little awkward trying to explain things.

In response to blip #98958

@Doomguy666: The rest of the money back to him at an address in Oregon. After I stopped communicating with the buyer, I did a little digging on Zillow and it turns out the home address was foreclosed. This is why I only sell locally, cash only 2/2

In response to blip #98958

@Doomguy666: I actually tried selling a pair of boots on Craigslist one time and there was a guy who only answered by text and he sent me two $1,200 checks via moneygram and he said his secretary made a mistake and he wanted me to cash them and send 1/2

In response to blip #98951

I keep getting calls from a bot named Connor about my student loans. Scammers use local area code numbers which throw me off. I think I'm answering the phone to someone I may know, but turns out to be a bot 90% of the time. Sometimes it's eerily quiet