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@Versperus: I can't thank you enough for uploading superior versions of some artworks of Judy Hopps originally made by link6432. Please keep up the great work. We just don't know what we'd do without you.

Fuck me... I sent a private message trying to be positive to someone and now they put it on their twitter with my name uncensored. I want to make it clear that I do like this site, even with the hiccups and such.Thank you to the kind soul who let me know.

Me at 1:40 PM: I hope I can get everything done by all the deadlines
Me at 1:40 AM: I wonder if men’s underwear models are gay

In response to blip #99285

@French_Fried: They were pretty good. My parents really liked "I had a dream" more than the rest.

Heck, just a few years before that song came out my parents saw Enter The Dragon in theaters.

Quick note for taggers: do not tag the new unicorn pokémon as ponyta or rapidash. Yes, it is more than likely the galar form of one of the two, but even if it is we don't tag regional variants with the base original forms anyways.