Everybody wants a real friend in their life, but when will you be that real friend in someone else’s life?
Everybody wants a real friend in their life, but when will you be that real friend in someone else’s life?
Seeing you've voted on comments on an image you have no memory of ever having seen. Jamais vu–déjà voté? JVDV?
@The_Crab_Mage: Hey ! Nice art ! Do you have any other site where I can follow you ? Like FA for example
Not to the future, but getting to the past is much more difficult.
Never mind, apparently you are the manager. Apologies for the inconvenience.
@Siral_Exan: I appreciate looking out for Rena, but please read the conditional DNP for an artist before flagging.
I asked if I can get at least 1 chance to upload.
@PokiPoki: Hey ^w^ any chance you'd be interested in chatting on Discord? WaggyDoggo#4894
NotMeNotYou said:
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: Don't make threads for the sole purpose of hiding them.
Understood, my apologies for doing that.
Based on my research, it seems that twenty one pilots fans are the most sensitive of all fans
@Jack-O's_Box: Did you already forget that your upload limit was manually killed to stop you from posting here?
Respond if you wish you could draw good lmfao
Jack-O's Box said:
Won't be uploading here for months because of the minimum quality standards stuff.
It's gonna be more than a few months, my guy. Look at your upload limit.
@tag_the_pit_hair: You're doing god's work fam
Won't be uploading here for months because of the minimum quality standards stuff.
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: Don't make threads for the sole purpose of hiding them.
‘Sticks in: All you can Eat!’ (Sonic rimming comic) was deleted the other day, but you can still find it here!
Well in that case, maybe they had a meltdown of some sorts and that's unfortunate then...
I feel much better than I did a few days ago, however I can't laugh without hacking up a lung.
As someone that genuinely loves cartoons this is painful.
@KynikossDragonn: Not really, it happens to mascots a lot. It happened to the program Krita, the Olympics mascots, and the soccer mascot Zabivaka.
"Rule 34: There is porn of it, no exceptions.
"Rule 35: If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made."
What is KDE?
Edit: Oh
I know "rule34" will always be a thing, but why would anyone want to lewd the KDE mascot(s)?
French Fried said:
@Samael_Morningstar: Helped tag it for you :)
@Samael_Morningstar: Helped tag it for you :)
The other site that it's a hybrid same image though.
I mean, the admins can see IP addresses and whatnot. They have specified bans on compromised (hacked) accounts before, so this could have just been them speaking out...
But only they and the admins know the full story, sadly.
@Oberschutze: Water intoxication is no joke
oh my christ i need to stop drinking
This is weird......this person seemed to be doing just fine and it does seem like their account got hacked and someone spammed these to troll or get them banned.
I just want to have an avatar, Aahhh!
Daw. =^-^=
I lose bunch of braincells every time I see someone getting a "well I guess I won't be commenting anything here anymore since I'm not allowed to say anything 😤" meltdown when they get a record for hornyposting.
French Fried said:
@Dero_Weiss: *stupid nonsense noises*
NOOO! Im alergic...
yes. :D
@Reaper6402: you the same reaper that got banned 500 times for trying to evade it? I have a feeling you may be him.
@Sazi: e
CCoyote said:
Y'all ever look at someone's history and think, "Damn, that person only comments or blips when they've had too much to drink"?
Lol yeah
@Moon_Leopard: Test Blip Please Ignore
Also, being a furry art repository, the best and largest versions of images are always encouraged; if your work is only 100x100 source, it is essentially no more than a profile pic which is also discouraged.
IvanTheOwl said:
@Mairo: is there a reason my PIXEL ART was removed for being too low resolution?
From the uploading guidelines:
Small images: Anything below 200px in either direction is likely to get deleted.
@Mairo: Hey so is there a reason my literal PIXEL ART was removed for being "too low resolution"? It's literally drawn in 100 x 100.
The G in Bob Ross may stand for Good Artist
But the B in Bob Ross stands for Best Artist. That’s why there are two Bs
@Samael_Morningstar: Mice! I like it even better
Also sorry to see that negative record. Never got to see what your fursona looks like :(
@Silveryfeather: Got nice picture (Especially the last one with Arceus). Do you have any other website where I can follow what you post ? Like a FA.
Samael Morningstar said:
For fucks sake!!!
Ah ha. A bunny girl now!
For fucks sake!!!
Daw! =^-^=
French Fried said:
yesthese are most enjoyable
No bunny this time. Had to make due with pony.
BadHedgehog said:
Yes please! I've not been part of the fandom for a while now. Thanks for removing <3
(There were no objections). Article now protected-excluded.
How to Colonize The Outer Worlds | Because Space
Woo! She's not so busy now. :3
Oh nice I've got my first record, haha.
Thats my Furry Affinity ^^
@Razexl: Lofiu <3
CuauhtemocI5MAL said:
@MelO makes good art with 3D models of Judy Hoops.post #1957986 post #2029296 post #2021297
I had to say.
these are most enjoyable
@French_Fried: Brick Ballads
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: you can write an email to NotMeNotYou
post #1836889
If anyone has downloaded a copy of this edit, please upload it to another platform and send me the link via message.
If you ran your thumbprint under a record player needle, what song would it play?
Huh. Vectorman 2 final does have some Microsoft Office Excel .xls data.