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Everybody wants a real friend in their life, but when will you be that real friend in someone else’s life?

Seeing you've voted on comments on an image you have no memory of ever having seen. Jamais vu–déjà voté? JVDV?

I feel much better than I did a few days ago, however I can't laugh without hacking up a lung.
As someone that genuinely loves cartoons this is painful.

I lose bunch of braincells every time I see someone getting a "well I guess I won't be commenting anything here anymore since I'm not allowed to say anything 😤" meltdown when they get a record for hornyposting.

In response to blip #99854

Also, being a furry art repository, the best and largest versions of images are always encouraged; if your work is only 100x100 source, it is essentially no more than a profile pic which is also discouraged.

The G in Bob Ross may stand for Good Artist

But the B in Bob Ross stands for Best Artist. That’s why there are two Bs

@Silveryfeather: Got nice picture (Especially the last one with Arceus). Do you have any other website where I can follow what you post ? Like a FA.

Huh. Vectorman 2 final does have some Microsoft Office Excel .xls data.