Chaser said:
Wait, because we censored comments he didn't like? I think that's what he would want... did you mean "didn't censor"?
Millcore said:
I need to construct additional pylons.
You must deconstruct additional pylons!
@HavelTheRockHard He found out like 98% of all his audience was coming from e621 when he went DNP because we censor comments he didn't like. He tried to come back, we told him no, so now he sits crying that he lost all his audience. :omegalul:
Still here. Still lurking. They cannot juice me. :|
> what do you expect? A biography?
A gayography.
Huh, FurryMap closed. According to their twitter, it closed on May 5. I dunno how many people used the site. I mean, not even I used it that much. I just thought about it and wanted to check something, when poof "it's gone".
There are 20 .arc files in RAM though... layout_title_menu.arc, and 19 more .arc files.
SoniPro Super Sonico in Production keeps two copies of main save data in RAM.
For me, it's NICODATA00.BIN, while there is only one copy of NICODATA_SYS.BIN.
On title screen, there is 8 CGFX data.
@Jmct1414: where did you hear that a woman can get pregnant from a dog if she takes pills
Don’t mind me.... but could someone... link me a post on here.... of what it would look like to be hated for who you are...? Thanks....
@Fzst, Muy «Buenas».
@Millcore: 2006 ytmnd called, they want their meme back.
@BooruHitomi: Black Friday deals and such eh? I swear, I think I've heard issues with the disc drive on here before. I was hoping it could be saved, just remember to save the components if you ever need them and extract the data from the system if you can
I need to construct additional pylons.
I'm finished with this 5-year-old laptop and have purchased a new one through a deal I found on Slickdeals. I've been wanting to get a new one for a while anyway; I was hoping it would last through to the holiday shopping season, but so much for that.
@vex714: Using MS Edge on XB1 now so I can type with a proper keyboard. The fan and the power light turn on and the optical drive skips every ~11 seconds, but the screen doesn't turn on at all. I can't even access the BIOS.
French Fried said:
@But_Why_Master: Don’t forget Amanda
you guys didn't even mention Ray
@KynikossDragonn: Please stay safe.
I in I'm gonna w try again to draw something some of ocs and atstuff s I mean if you are ok with that. Ponions?
@French_Fried: new avatar, kim froste. check it.
@KynikossDragonn: well that's disappointing. thanks for the info
Oh my. :3
@KynikossDragonn: Whatever cards that fate deals you, those who matter will stay right behind you, my friend
@French_Fried: I am not a "good person", things do not get better in time for me. They never have they never will.
The actions that continue to befall me unfortunately speak louder than everyone's wishes despite your good intentions. Sorry to say.
He and Kabier reportedly stated they were leaving the furry fandom in pursuit of other communities.
I can't exactly point out when this claim was made.
@Mairo: in retrospect, I probably should have sent a message. Hopefully some kind person on the server can help fix.
@Mairo: That's pretty much the extent of what I know. I'm off and on constantly, so real time help is better. Worst case, BooruHitomi would have to buy a computer. Can always take stuff out of the ol C-drive using a Sabrent USB SATA/IDE adapater if needed
@vex714: this is why I hate blips, similar to twitter it's good for memes and status updates, not for computer help and arguments.
We do have many tech enthusiasts on discord, real time chat might be much easier than blips.
@BooruHitomi: may need to run safe mode or restore system. You can ask online or follow some troubleshooting through Google if there's no one else who can help.
@BooruHitomi: Had a Vaio before that thing burnt. Now I have an Acer with some custom parts I added myself.
I can only go as far as just simple maintenance and running antivirus software. My brother used to access bios and stuff. I couldn't do it.
@BooruHitomi: Is it not working at all? No fans or lights?
You can try direct power from an outlet
Make sure sone components are ok and clean (not stuck with dust). Like the CPU heat sink, graphics card, and fans.
@Feralover~: En realidad si! Lo que importa es que este sitio de arte está llegando a muchos rincones del mundo! X3
@vex714: I did access the RAM and hard drive ports, but reaching the motherboard would require further disassembly that I don't have the skills or the proper toolset to handle it. And I do not know anyone who is good with computer hardware either.
@KynikossDragonn: Keep being the good person you are and things will get better
did jasonafex stop making porn after he was removed from here? checked his FA and google and found absolutely no NSFW :/
IcyWhatYouDidThere said:
@Hail_The_Admins: wait what's this
ah so that's what it was.
@BooruHitomi: did you try opening it up and cleaning the inside? Maybe the PSU has a lot of dust in it? You could check the motherboard if there's anything wrong. You can check it yourself or let someone who knows computers take a look at it for you.
BooruHitomi said:
My computer has stopped booting up two days ago and waiting hours with the thing unplugged doesn't work to fix the problem anymore.
Smack it, don't let the machines boss you around!
I'm trying my best to browse eSix on a smartphone. My computer has stopped booting up two days ago and waiting hours with the thing unplugged doesn't work to fix the problem anymore.
@KewlFox2001: you tried, and you failed to evade a ban
but jesus, 209 favorites in less than 24 hours? did you just solely browse e6 the duration you had this acc?
@KynikossDragonn: h u g
CuauhtemocI5MAL said:
@CuauhtemocI5MAL Changed thier avatar from post #1645497 to post #1286156.
@CuauhtemocI5MAL Changed thier avatar from post #1645497 to post #1286156.
LoneWolf343 said:
@Haljkljavahlibrz: FYI, it appears older_female implicates the age_difference tag.
Yeah, if not highlighting age_difference, those images should likely be tagged with mature_female
@Haljkljavahlibrz: FYI, it appears that the "older_female" tag implicates the "age_difference" tag. Just letting you know after I found some mistagged pictures.
I’ll put it on the docket! I’m working on a comic now though, so it’ll be a few days
Uh oh. Good luck.
Yet another terrible thing has befallen me today and it's likely I will soon just, leave everywhere and never return.
If not be completely unable to be online anywhere to begin with.
Just thought I'd let some of you know.
@Creative-Name: None of those would be complete without Unregistered Hypercam 2
@motor_cockroach: stankass
motor cockroach said:
@Ejaculation_salt: you smell bad
No u
I have 009 sound system and notepad. Don't fuck with me.
@vex714: That and the ABC Warrior. My god what an amazing practical effect that is. I really gotta get it on Blu-Ray sometime so I can actually watch it again...
Turns out the fandom is a good place to find references for facial expressions and styles of art for when i can actually start practicing
@Sharp_Coyote: interesting, well it's hopefully getting narrowed down. I'll get the part and switch it out when it craps out again.
It's kinda fun trying to fix it myself.
Of fuck me, nothing like waking up to a horrible leg cramp. I was a dozy too.
@Pink_Hat: heck yeah!
I am the law!
The interesting part is Judge Dredd takes place in real time. Meaning he ages.
@MuudaNeko: Please don’t blip at banned users. It’s rather pointless since they can’t respond.
@thelonewonder95: hey nerd
Ricky Spanish said:
Corruption of Champions is an adult text roleplay game. You can become an insectoid there.
wait, wait-- REALLY?
buggo said:
i did? i didn't even know this happened. i kind of don't even know what it means.
Corruption of Champions is an adult text roleplay game. You can become an insectoid there.
@Revvy_Orion~~: Same old same old
... especially considering you have verified the stat, and replaced both the blower and resistor pack :/
There are often AC Delco heater controls available outside of the dealership, from places like RockAuto
Doomguy666 said:
car heater suddenly started working again...
Mechanical bits rarely come back from the dead, suggesting a higher probability of the automatic HVAC module (in yer dash) being crapulent.