In response to blip #99524
post #2000003
post #2000003
vex714 said:
post #1323880
post #1323880
@Millcore: post #2017026
@But_Why_Master: Don’t forget Amanda
@AlricKyznetsov: Folks drinking the Heterade lately
That moment when someone takes the time to go through your profile to down-vote all your recent submissions 👌
"Having the workers alive makes it easier to feed them."
like him or not, DaThings is spittin straight fax
But Why Master said:
i miss Joe
Mike was better
@But_Why_Master: Yeah, he was a great user ‘round here
Yes. =^-^=
@kahen_kilon_vittu I've seen it used for the intended purpose about 5 times.
@Pecan: I have no issue with removing locked tags in cases like these with sufficient evidence, if you have any. Your matter was over a year ago so pardon if I don't remember it as though it were yesterday.
@Millcore: @Denix:
@YeetinCrusader: blep
You have completely angered me!!! >>:0 JK I knew what you meant, I’ll get to work on both requests!
blip blop
Has anyone ever used the malicious file and malicious source report options correctly? I have only seen people using them for "This is gross, delete it!" and "This is my fursona, delete it!" sort of stuff.
The-Lilliepix said:
@bernardol22: Hello. it seems you struggle with tagging. want some help with tagging future posts?
hello sorry. but who are you?
Sorry, I should have been more reasonable and concise. Rouge and Blaze would make a good match. As for Impmon and Renamon idea, I meant for a separate image for the future... my bad. Sorry if I angered you, with the Impmon x Renamon idea, if I did?
i miss Joe
Wow, rood. You could at least back your claim up so others could understand what you meant, but you decide to instead throw Ratte under the bus?
@Ratte: Just a heads up, that post you locked the Katswell tag on, saying I needed to stop removing it since nothing disproved the person claiming it was her? Well, the artist confirmed it was not her. So, there's your contradiction.
@Millcore: post #1870240
Mega Pony (My Little Pony fan game) All Bosses (No Damage)
Obviously Pinky uses a cannon. :3
Made a announcement on YouTube about my leaving of Discord:
Already left every single server I was a member of. So, please don't expect me to ever come back to Discord.
Then swallows Eggman then tosses him in the boss..
Yoshi in Sonic 2 - All Bosses (No Damage)
Yoshi saves the animals after boss, then swallows them.
Ok then.
Gosh dammit, Kershaw
@Versperus: I need a hero, I'm holdin' out for a hero till the end of the night
It's gotta be Versp
post #1560415
@Millcore: post #1863958
@Millcore: post #2008659
K y n i k o o f
@Versperus_is_a_fag: Wow committed, I feel special again.
Wiz 'n' Liz (Genesis) All Bosses (No Damage)
Those bosses though.
@KynikossDragonn: I don't know anymore. They did a reaction image, I did one back, then they did another in return, and it has kept going from there. At this point I'm just seeing where it goes.
@Millcore what the hey are you doin'?
@But_Why_Master: no. You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my dad
KynikossDragonn said:
@Nicklo6649 @MephistophelesYou're both gay!
Inside of you, there are two wolves. One is gay. The other one is gay. They are both gay. You are gay.
@Nicklo6649 @Mephistopheles
You're both gay!
Yes! :V
@bernardol22: Hello. it seems you struggle with tagging. want some help with tagging future posts?
remember trainers: dont nut on a charmander's tail
Awww... Your art is wonderful!
Glad you're going through some kinktober, some of the nice pieces just make me wanna jump in and snuggle ((and join because those tentacles look very good :>))
Nicklo6649 said:
ur kinda gayrekt
no u
Mairo said:
@Def3at666: uploading_guidelines#quality
forum #235851
Ok, I understand.
Remember, PB and J Otter, Doug, Bear in the Big Blue House, and Out of The Box were real shows. Not figments of your imagination.
Also, Happy Tree Friends used to be on G4TV... when there was a G4TV.
What's The WORST Thing Your MOM CAUGHT You Doing
Chalk? Where? Wat.
Peekaboo said:
No clue what's going on with Hentai-Foundry. Main site doesn't work and the forums are filled with spambots. Neat.
DDOS? FA just had one..:
No clue what's going on with Hentai-Foundry. Main site doesn't work and the forums are filled with spambots. Neat.
The pure psychic type, Galarian Ponyta, has been officially revealed!
@DosSnout: We need more chiitan porn bruh
more like...
This explains the grey legs/feet issue.
Oof. Solved the main issue with the unused costumes, but they still need some work before they'll look like they should.
They use the texture mapping from cos_cha_01_cv0.
SoniPro Super Sonico in Production
s i p p [/b]
@But_Why_Master: Here's a famous one:
16845 N 29th Ave Ste 1212, Phoenix, AZ
@ImpidiDinkaDoo: d r a n k
@Millcore: post #1909297