In response to blip #99807
CCoyote said:
Y'all ever look at someone's history and think, "Damn, that person only comments or blips when they've had too much to drink"?
Lol yeah
CCoyote said:
Y'all ever look at someone's history and think, "Damn, that person only comments or blips when they've had too much to drink"?
Lol yeah
@Moon_Leopard: Test Blip Please Ignore
Also, being a furry art repository, the best and largest versions of images are always encouraged; if your work is only 100x100 source, it is essentially no more than a profile pic which is also discouraged.
IvanTheOwl said:
@Mairo: is there a reason my PIXEL ART was removed for being too low resolution?
From the uploading guidelines:
Small images: Anything below 200px in either direction is likely to get deleted.
@Mairo: Hey so is there a reason my literal PIXEL ART was removed for being "too low resolution"? It's literally drawn in 100 x 100.
The G in Bob Ross may stand for Good Artist
But the B in Bob Ross stands for Best Artist. That’s why there are two Bs
@Samael_Morningstar: Mice! I like it even better
Also sorry to see that negative record. Never got to see what your fursona looks like :(
@Silveryfeather: Got nice picture (Especially the last one with Arceus). Do you have any other website where I can follow what you post ? Like a FA.
Samael Morningstar said:
For fucks sake!!!
Ah ha. A bunny girl now!
For fucks sake!!!
Daw! =^-^=
French Fried said:
yesthese are most enjoyable
No bunny this time. Had to make due with pony.
BadHedgehog said:
Yes please! I've not been part of the fandom for a while now. Thanks for removing <3
(There were no objections). Article now protected-excluded.
How to Colonize The Outer Worlds | Because Space
Woo! She's not so busy now. :3
Oh nice I've got my first record, haha.
Thats my Furry Affinity ^^
@Razexl: Lofiu <3
CuauhtemocI5MAL said:
@MelO makes good art with 3D models of Judy #1957986 post #2029296 post #2021297
I had to say.
these are most enjoyable
@French_Fried: Brick Ballads
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: you can write an email to NotMeNotYou
post #1836889
If anyone has downloaded a copy of this edit, please upload it to another platform and send me the link via message.
If you ran your thumbprint under a record player needle, what song would it play?
Huh. Vectorman 2 final does have some Microsoft Office Excel .xls data.
Modrathesloog said:
@Rainbow_Dash: How do I set locked tags to my posts? I'm tired of people changing the species and copyright
You don't, only the staff can lock tags. Can you link the post in question?
@Rainbow_Dash: How do I set locked tags to my posts? I'm tired of people changing the species and copyright
*thing happens in the United States*
news outlets: "is this an E P I D E M I C"
So, I'm a bit confused with the "humanoid tags" that kinda just auto insert themselves when you tag "anthro"
It seems to be at random now too. I remember someone getting upset that I left them there in one of my posts, I could use some insight.
@VisionarySerpent: Just wondering, it's been a while since you drew Morgana, and I recall you saying that you were wanting to draw more of him...
@Chameloshi: I'd like to think he was one of the driving antagonistic forces in the series. I never played MGS:V, so I really don't know what went down in that installment. Mostly his fault, but there were other forces that suggest it wasn't all his fault
@MelO makes good art with 3D models of Judy Hoops.
post #1957986 post #2029296 post #2021297
I had to say.
That appears to be accurate.
@GrayBlue: Thanks for the fave!
post #1520923
I think the entirety of the Metal Gear series was all Major Zero's fault, correct me if I'm wrong
@Doomguy666: That sucks. Hope you get well soon.
Cybun said:
I love finding stuff like this.
This bun has arms indeed. :3
Oof this was a horrible weekend, I got sick, my rifles still jammed because I'm too tired, and I just broke a claw.
Oh well everything is still better than it was last year.
@Cybun: This one is my favorite
@CCoyote: Um... cough-cough, n- no
I love finding stuff like this.
@Cyanori_Sakura: Nice char you got there ! Is there any other website where I can follow you ? Like FA for example.
@Oracle_of_Pelor: How on earth you came in conclusion that the tag is for posts with more than 10 comments?
What are you talking about? have you read the tag's wiki?
Yeah whomst the fuck is putting the lol comments tag on posts with less than like 10 comments? That's not what that tag is for like wtf
@IUseArchBtw: I think so too, he is a fan of that game. His characters and their personalities are just my absolute favorites.
vex714 said:
@IUseArchBtw: ye :3I like his style and his aircraft doggos
Hecking same, i think most of it is inspired by warthunder which is a game i enjoy a lot
@IUseArchBtw: ye :3
I like his style and his aircraft doggos
Sexy goddess arceus said:
Sorry, didn’t know
Its okay just wanted to tell you since some users get into bad situations for it & didnt want you to get banned for that :)
@vex714: Wow you like hidekis art too? :>
@vex714: we also make the rods for the spyder co sharpmaker.
@vex714: yeah I like it there factory work is fun.
Also fun fact, if you've ever used a soda fountain the valves for those are made in the department next to me.
@Doomguy666: Better than retail. Still handling ceramic stuff?
@vex714: I don't have any of those right now, I've been taking zinc tablets.
At least my job is easier and I don't drive a fork lift yet.
Tetz said:
@Sexy_goddess_arceus: i'd be careful with the role play comments they can lead to some trouble '.'
Sorry, didn’t know
@Doomguy666: Hopefully it's an easy fix. Also, I don't know if it works for everyone but I always take an Emergen "C" vitamin c tablet whenever I start feeling like I may get sick. It's flu season.
Get well soon.
Hey TedB, sorry I didn’t see your blip until now. The rimming comic got taken down because it ‘Does not meet minimum quality standards (artistic)‘ I’ll repost it once I figure out what that means
And I’ll add foot stuff to the request list!
@vex714: I don't think so. I'm going to take it apart and check the bolt and get the pellets out and test it.
I'm starting to feel sick so I'll get to it later.
@Sexy_goddess_arceus: i'd be careful with the role play comments they can lead to some trouble '.'
BadHedgehog said:
Yes please! ...
Thanks for the reply. Woke up, read your reply & posted exclusion request notice to article's Talk page. People have 24hours to object (& usually no one objects).
DatPikachu said:
If this is the case then I might as well not comment again on this site :\
If you can't keep from writing these kinds of comments, then yes.
e621 isn't just a porn site.
Yourmom69 said:
Ok, I've left an unnecessary blip.