In response to blip #99489
post #1560415
post #1560415
@Millcore: post #1863958
@Millcore: post #2008659
K y n i k o o f
@Versperus_is_a_fag: Wow committed, I feel special again.
Wiz 'n' Liz (Genesis) All Bosses (No Damage)
Those bosses though.
@KynikossDragonn: I don't know anymore. They did a reaction image, I did one back, then they did another in return, and it has kept going from there. At this point I'm just seeing where it goes.
@Millcore what the hey are you doin'?
@But_Why_Master: no. You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my dad
KynikossDragonn said:
@Nicklo6649 @MephistophelesYou're both gay!
Inside of you, there are two wolves. One is gay. The other one is gay. They are both gay. You are gay.
@Nicklo6649 @Mephistopheles
You're both gay!
Yes! :V
@bernardol22: Hello. it seems you struggle with tagging. want some help with tagging future posts?
remember trainers: dont nut on a charmander's tail
Awww... Your art is wonderful!
Glad you're going through some kinktober, some of the nice pieces just make me wanna jump in and snuggle ((and join because those tentacles look very good :>))
Nicklo6649 said:
ur kinda gayrekt
no u
Mairo said:
@Def3at666: uploading_guidelines#quality
forum #235851
Ok, I understand.
Remember, PB and J Otter, Doug, Bear in the Big Blue House, and Out of The Box were real shows. Not figments of your imagination.
Also, Happy Tree Friends used to be on G4TV... when there was a G4TV.
What's The WORST Thing Your MOM CAUGHT You Doing
Chalk? Where? Wat.
Peekaboo said:
No clue what's going on with Hentai-Foundry. Main site doesn't work and the forums are filled with spambots. Neat.
DDOS? FA just had one..:
No clue what's going on with Hentai-Foundry. Main site doesn't work and the forums are filled with spambots. Neat.
The pure psychic type, Galarian Ponyta, has been officially revealed!
@DosSnout: We need more chiitan porn bruh
more like...
This explains the grey legs/feet issue.
Oof. Solved the main issue with the unused costumes, but they still need some work before they'll look like they should.
They use the texture mapping from cos_cha_01_cv0.
SoniPro Super Sonico in Production
s i p p [/b]
@But_Why_Master: Here's a famous one:
16845 N 29th Ave Ste 1212, Phoenix, AZ
@ImpidiDinkaDoo: d r a n k
@Millcore: post #1909297
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: Firing shots at us furries, are we?
Kind of a series where you have to have to emphasize just how pointless it is supposed to be a waste of.
@FluffiBottomBumButt: Hi! VwV
@Chaser: I'm not sure if that's the case, but it happens at random times on some nights regardless of channel, it always reverts when I change the channel, and proper EAS alerts work normally
Its also a Spectrum cable box, if that means anything
@Millcore: post #1685024
@Doomguy666: If Einstein and Hawking didn’t invent gravity we wouldn’t be in this mess
Replaying Half-Life 2. I gotta say, looking at it now, this game is more pleasing and satisfying to look at than most games that came out this year. A timeless classic. Still no H-L 3 :/
Gallil said:
my hands @ my brain: hey can i get electrical nerve signals?
my brain: to make drawing?
my hands: yyeesssss
my hands: actually overworks self like a boss
cramp time
Yo same
@Millcore: you please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@KynikossDragonn: Please.
@Millcore should change her name to Fluffcore.
@Chameloshi sounds like the station has a dying EAS encoder.
My TV did that thing again where it cuts to black and plays an incomplete EAS tone, but this time, instead of the first three and last three beeps like usual, it did the first three beeps and the long beep but the long beep didn't stop
Millcore said:
So fluffy! <3
Queen Tyr'ahnee said:
It's not too early for spooky avatars yet, right?
3 weeks until All Hallows' Eve would suggest no.
any time is good for ghost_pupper mlem
@Queen_Tyr'ahnee: Rattled
It's definitely never too late
It's not too early for spooky avatars yet, right?
@CCoyote: Not to mention environmental degradation and increased loss in biodiversity
@Millcore: post #1750299
But Why Master said:
I can guess your location simply by sending you a website where you fill out your zipcode and address! What's your secret talent?
I can make orange juice using nothing but oranges and a juicer
It's supposed to snow here this Thursday. According to my blips it's been four months since it last snowed, global warming amiright?
@Ejaculation_salt: my old comments though.... fuckin cringe
CD Projekt Red Continues To Make 'AAA' Publishers Look Bad With Their Witcher 3 Switch Release
They use a 32 GB cart?!
But Why Master said:
what's your favourite underrated post, whether for content or laughs or etc, on the site?
One of my favourites, considering the criteria:
vex714 said:
@French_Fried: Rest in Greece. -W1ldc4Rd- has entered spectator mode.
Sad bruh moment
@French_Fried: Rest in Greece. -W1ldc4Rd- has entered spectator mode.