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@ZenMinch: Nos gusta hablar contigo, así que incluso si te retiras del arte, nos encantaría que aún nos hablaras de vez en cuando <3. Si elige no hacerlo, sepa que lo amamos y siempre lo recordaremos.

@ZenMinch: ¡Gracias por todo lo que nos has dado, ZenMinch! Te apreciamos y todo el tiempo que has invertido, y nosotros contigo lo mejor en lo que elijas hacer en el futuro.

Just a question how many nautrals can a user have before getting a negative and no i'm not planning on doing it on purpose just wanna know really

Hello everyone,looking for people with pokesonas for background extras! They will be in the form as seen in the 3ds/switch games, but edited to be high poly, eyelids, mouths, etc. Just simply send me a message with your sona or contact me on twitter

@Millcore: Hiya! I'm kinda new here, could you help me link my name to my profile please? I'm an artist, I like draw shortstacks of Happy Tree Friend and Animal Crossing characters.

@Gallil: unironically very happy that the update to my tablet's art program now allows for twice the pixel resolution than it had before - no more limited 800×600 bs, yay

I managed to randomly come across the crafting plans of an MG42 in Fallout 76 today, which I found in a half buried safe in a hilltop graveyard

Those plans easily cost more than 3500 caps at a vendor

Thank you to the admins that helped me start my signature collection. Any others feel free to add yours anytime! <3
@Queen_Tyr'ahnee @Rainbow_Dash @Knotty_Curls @TheHuskyK9 @Millcore