In response to blip #98384
@Pink_Hat: You would have needed a few sets to get those. Nice.
@Pink_Hat: You would have needed a few sets to get those. Nice.
And not like to know why because i don't enjoy "sketch" is already implicated to animal crossing -> able to stalk.
@VulpesLasLunes: Yeah, pretty much all of it was deleted save for a few images.
You could always find the image from the source links
So flux capacitors really did exist!
vex714 said:
@VulpesLasLunes: Yeah wasn't that Etheras?
yeah, what happened to all the character art? was there an update to dnp and a lot taken down?
@ThatchKin: Month 2 of waiting for Sven yiff
10001 faves hooray!
@Knotty_Curls is a mighty homo
@SamsonFairfox: hey bruv hope you're doing alright and best of luck in your endeavors
"Amazon employs 90 percent of the living and dead humans." Seems about right. :P
Time Traveler From 2079 Recorded Video Of A City In The Future
I wonder if Captain Disillusion was involved. :3
@TheHuskyK9: *rattled*
I believe them bones are me🎵
TheHuskyK9 said:
Leave bone under your pillow for the bone fairy
Bones, bones.
Bones, bones.
@BerryFrost: I usually try my best to find characters names, sometimes they are bit hidden.
Also thanks, it's somewhat rare to get nice messages.
@SpruceTheDeer: flag and takedown are tools to get content deleted and reuploading deleted content knowingly is againts the rules. Deleting content to upload it on other account, later date, etc. is not a thing here, so just please keep this in mind.
@Mr-boi1: You’ll have to figure those out for yourself. I don’t mean to sound rude or harsh, but anyone who knows which wiki pages are created or edited would’ve already done so
@Mairo: Thank you for helping me remove my accidental upload last week. However, I'm trying to reupload it for this week and it won't let me, stating that it already exists. Anyway of getting it undeleted or something?
Wait, wait. This is official?!
When it snows, but turns out it's just bone flakes. =~.~=
Leave bone under your pillow for the bone fairy
What wiki pages needs adding
I was thinking, family related tags are not TWYS. You need external info to tell if character1 is the sibling of character2. Here's an example.
Tooth fairies are just a sub species of the much larger and much more hostile bone fairies
I don't upload my art because you think that I use this site as a personal gallery, you are dead wrong if you think that. I upload so others can see that I'm trying to earn my place online. I try with my art but I fail for no reason.
YeetusMaximus Something about NMNY being shitty
Hey, don't blip at me again. In fact, don't contact me. I'm not gonna argue. Just leave if you don't like how the site runs. They aren't holding a gun to your head.
CaveStory said:
Whatever it is, I want 3 or 5. Not 4 though.
He's lead admin but he acts like he owns the site. That's what I'm smoking. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see he's a bit over his own head.
@Jack-O's_Box: Considering nearly all your uploads had negative ratings, I really do not think that "the public" would have wanted them to stay either.
Your two approved posts both have negative scores and 3 favorites combined. Do you really want the public to decide what to do with your posts?
Doomguy666 said:
if the public decided what to keep we wouldn't have classics such as the cheese grater, the vaporeon blender, or 69 11.
if the public decided, we would still have the cheese grater
Like, it's clear the "new" grater image is nodding to the old one (ketchup is referencing the blood and mayo is referencing the jizz, and the new character looks more-than-vaguely like the old one). But mayo-and-ketchup pasta with cheddar is disgusting.
@Versperus: Yeah, we can't wash that away from our memory.
@Versperus: not from our memories.
Kemonophonic said:
Obvious shock/joke image involving aftermath of cheese-grater in ass? Gets removed. Image of someone grating cheddar onto mayo-and-ketchup spaghetti? That's fine.
1. This is a art archive, not a personal gallery. If you want a personal gallery, use DA or FA.
2. It's our site, we get to make the rules.
@Doomguy666: cheese grater is gone
@Jack-O's_Box: if the public decided what to keep we wouldn't have classics such as the cheese grater, the vaporeon blender, or 69 11.
@Jack-O's_Box: Oh my god quit harping about this and just go post your stuff on a gallery site.
@Ktt: don't browsers have like this thing where it asks "would you like Firefox to remember this password?". You can essentially have your login auto filled on selected sites.
@Versperus: It was a joke. I laughed.
@Millcore: That would be a neat trick, as I don't know you.
@DownInFlames: You seem familiar.
DownInFlames said:
@Ktt: you should continue never using it
@Ktt: you should continue never using it
I never use this account because I'm always on incognito mode and because e6 doesn't have a auto login feature
@KnightOfGames: where da hoes at
@-Apple-: ah, I see you are not just an apple, but an apple of culture!
Anyways, Perhaps Unreal 2 for the PC. It's got more to stuff in it than the Original Xbox version.
vex714 said:
@-Apple-: Star Wars: Jedi Academy and Knights of The Old Republic might be your thing.
Played and beat both. Back when the Star Wars games were good.
@Mairo: Thanks for uploading VoidTails' stuff and tagging it right. Even made a tag for my wyvern. Thank you very much!
@Holos_vanta: You're not the artist, stop thanks.
@zatch: Please don't blip at banned users.
@-Apple-: oh and Devil May Cry. Dante eats pizzas, not apples :)
@-Apple-: Star Wars: Jedi Academy and Knights of The Old Republic might be your thing.
Academy is disputed to have THE best saber duel system.
@-Apple-: Considering games have a thing where you build up your powers as you progress. You may like Bioshock and Dishonored (Serkonos apples). The triple pack for Bioshock is worth it, 20 USD.
Booker literally eats anything out of a trash can though.
vex714 said:
@-Apple-: What's your preference?
Space operas, god-like powers, and the absence of apple related health items.
@-Apple-: What's your preference?
French Fried said:
@-Apple-: Subnautica, without a doubt
Sounds both sweet, and juicy. Cool.
@-Apple-: Subnautica, without a doubt
What games do you think I should try? :|
@vex714: Aw man, I gotta find a friend an go splitscreen on my PS2 again sometime, especially now that I have a big-ass CRT for it. That's so much fun
@Pink_Hat: I always kinda preffered the engineer class (shotgun class) because you can essentially give yourself a health pack whenever you're in a bind.
BF:2 and Republic Commando that really got me into Star Wars.
@Pink_Hat: Man those were fun. I always loved getting the awards. Damage bonus! Award rifle, pistol, shotgun.
Couch co-op on Kashyyyk, I always tried to steal or hack that giant CIS vehicle that had a laser canon while my brother defended the sea wall.
@vex714: Nah man, get the shuttle, land it in the rebel ship and just go to town with the award pistol. That's how I play space. That and I like to put time bombs on enemy fighters that're taking off just to see them explode in space. Never gets old
@furballs_dc: I find the bomber to be one of the best to use. I was digging the CIS Belbullab-24 for a time, later I stuck to the TIE Bomber.
Pink Hat said:
@furballs_dc: For me, the Defender will always be the best. Possibly because it was my first Lego TIE. Its weird tri-wing has a special place in my heart
Another great one. =^_^=
@furballs_dc: For me, the Defender will always be the best. Possibly because it was my first Lego TIE. Its weird tri-wing has a special place in my heart
My fav TIE series is TIE Bomber. <3
@vex714: They're sleek and sound amazing. Also, for the empire! I wanna play some classic BF2
@Pink_Hat: You? A tie fighter guy?
@French_Fried: well now that's gon take a long time