In response to blip #98264
@vex714: I remember that X-wing. It's pretty cool, especially how it still looks like it's made of bricks. I'm more of a TIE guy myself though
@vex714: I remember that X-wing. It's pretty cool, especially how it still looks like it's made of bricks. I'm more of a TIE guy myself though
@CaveStory: good choice, that number is unlucky.
hiekkapillu said:
@YeetusMaximus: What you are smoking?
Whatever it is, I want 3 or 5. Not 4 though.
@YeetusMaximus: What you are smoking?
@Odisaodi Still no upload but I added more features!
I need to conceptualize the design and technicalities for it and then if I spend tomorrow on writing it, it should be ready for some alpha testing. # there is just 4 testin
@Mr-boi1: From what I noticed, it’s by generally being a positive contribution to the site, e.g., tag edits, reporting malicious content/users, etc. However, many of the privileged users I’ve seen have more than 10,000 tag edits under their belt
Really? Cause the only person I see acting like they own the site is NotMeNotYou.
If you check on the site's "about" pages and it seems like NMNY has pretty much unjustly and wrongfully claimed the site as his own.
@Mannimarco: I didn't know the King of Worms liked feral horses
@Highlight: Is your pony game still being worked on? Or did it ever get completely finished? The blogspot link in the post on e621 is broken.@Highlight:
@Mr-boi1: what is the specific goal to become privileged
@Jack-O's_Box: how dare people have standards. how very dare they.
@CandleJake: I'll miss you bro!
Tree At Front Of Their Yard Falls Down- But what They Found Inside They're Scared
Baby squirrel becomes part of the family. :3
Versperus said:
@Mr-boi1: you can report people by clicking on their profile, and looking in the top left corner there will be a button to report user.
I know
@Mr-boi1: you can report people by clicking on their profile, and looking in the top left corner there will be a button to report user.
I just found out I can blacklist myself. This
will be handy.
The power of blacklist knows no bounds
I don't realized how powerful the blacklist was, are there more secrets of the blacklist since i don't know what half those site tools work.
Siral Exan said:
@Mr-boi1You can blacklist users with the user:name line on your blacklist, though you also need to check the option box underneath to include the various communications.
Thank you
You can blacklist users with the user:name line on your blacklist, though you also need to check the option box underneath to include the various communications.
If You See This In a Public Bathroom, Call the Police Immediately!
Camera coat hooks... =>.<=
vex714 said:
@furballs_dc: Pink_Hat is gonna like this
I think so. =^_^=
@Doomguy666: I can attest to that. My brother does the same thing. Caffeinates himself with Rockstars and Monsters, goes straight to bed. Wakes up, no problem. I'm just there like:
I love morning coffee. I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED.
@skarlet22: for your formation if i was suspected of being underage i wouldn't be talking to you if you now if you are still unconvinced talk to notmenotyou about how he suspected me for being underage
@Siral_Exan: what if i wanted to block him from talking/contacting me?
@vex714: I wish coffee kept me up, I can pound an energy drink and take a nap.
I never get sleep fatigue, when I can I sleep until I wake up whether that's hours or days apparently.
@Kappaz-Doggo11011 but why would you say something so very brave and daring and controversial
@furballs_dc: Pink_Hat is gonna like this
The Most Complex Lego Creations Ever Made!
1:1 X-Wing fighter. Ooh!
Replica jet engine. :3
The human based robotic arm. =^_^=
@Doomguy666: Nice. You must be well rested. I always need a little bit of sleep, otherwise I get that weird fatigue/brain fog feeling. I think I've found my sleep balance though.
If I don't drink strong coffee, I'll be OK. Coffee lovers dilemma.
@Tetz: MWA HA HA HA!
So I found out I slept through the ok ko series finale, both times on Friday and Saturday.
On one hand I'm bummed I missed it, on the other sleeping for 20 hours feels fantastic and I would do it again.
Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Judge Judy
The audience ARE paid actors. Huh.
Welcome to Pokémon Camp
Inside a Synthetic DNA Factory That’s Building New Forms of Life
Ooooh! Very nice! =^-^=
@Kappaz-Doggo11011: I had no clue some of those words existed
@Kappaz-Doggo11011: well glad we permaban people like this as well as zoophiles, because all of that shit is awful on top of being illegal.
@AoBird: Oh yeah. It's all coming together.
nice.n.tasty said:
@nice.n.tasty: I watch too much porn.
is there such a thing as "too much porn"?
@Kappaz-Doggo11011: Good thing you can blacklist content with those themes so you don't have to see them if you don't want to :)
Pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, pederasty and infantophilia are gross and disgusting. Seriously.
I just don't get why my 5th most recent is in the middle lol
How Combining Three Random Items Break Super Mario Maker 2 (ft. Mayro)
Very interesting. =^-^=
@furballs_dc: They do call it a cross in the MGS2 walkthrough on the MGS wiki.
Instruction manuals that I've looked at all refer to just the symbol.
@DGM: For me it’s Longview by Green Day. It’s been in there for a few weeks. Please send help
@DGM: Reminded myself recently of what that one song from Futurama was
Pizzicato Five-Baby Love Child
I Was Wrong About The PlayStation Controller This Whole Time
Though the original PS1 controller has SW-X on the PCB. Also, some games refer to it as "X" button. So there. :P
@DGM: I have had Nightfall by Blind Guardian stuck in my head for whole week. Not complaining though. It's a great song.
Who else has a song stuck in their head, and what is it? I keep thinking about Simply The Best by Tina Turner.
If you're afraid of getting records, you could do what I did and just take a break from your user account. You can't exactly get a record if you're logged off, and e621 can still be used to most extents. Take a breakis an option.
@Repreive: "This is intended to ensure that users do not express their personal fetishes/desires publicly."
Don't see what the issue is. You made a comment stating your desires and got the most inconsequential punishment possible on this site.
@Repreive: Users have the right, within realistic expectations, to browse comfortably without unneeded or unnecessary commentary of those who wish to express their desires.
@Repreive: ensure that users do not express their personal fetishes/desires publicly.
IE: We CANNOT make any sort of affirmative personal quotes within the comments such as "Fuck condoms, I'd go it raw."
@Repreive: Creepy Comments
Creating forum posts, threads, or comments that cause an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease, or are sexually inappropriate...
@French_Fried: my favorite military general is Birgadier General Saad Maan. Though Læffy is funnier
Help the phone company is bullying me
@But_Why_Master: Your most recent favorites will appear accordingly from top to bottom. If you see an old favorite reappearing on recent, it's because the post was reuploaded in a better quality and the system moved all the old favorites to the new post.
what's with the way your 5 recent fav posts get ordered
The Only thing i'm gonna do iz sleep and favorite stuff, there's absolutely 0% chance of me getting into any more trouble until January or February which is 5 or 6 months away
My favorite actor is Bendystraw Coochiesnack
@VulpesLasLunes: Yeah wasn't that Etheras?
anyone remember that one white fennec/jackal that loved to have zebras?
@TheHuskyK9: I made my first post (of my own art) and made an artist for me to post under since I’m the artist. Could you please link this account to said artist?
Artist name is war-c. Also, I was wondering how to tag said artist on the post.
furballs dc said:
In other news.
Plant more apple trees. We'll turn this thing around.