In response to blip #99327
Jack-O's Box said:
What should I do with this account?
Well, if you still want to help the site, why not try to do some tagging instead? I do that sometimes when I get bored.
Jack-O's Box said:
What should I do with this account?
Well, if you still want to help the site, why not try to do some tagging instead? I do that sometimes when I get bored.
@hiekkapillu: oh no, I didn't say YOU milked anything. What I meant was that this whole thing has been going on for a long while and its just really old at this point. Sorry for the confusion
What should I do with this account?
@Fenrick: you're a fennec
Cornbread said:
@NeutonPhox: Three months late but I found your blip by doing that exact thing.
Axolotl said:
@NotMeNotYou: but the pringles penus..
@NotMeNotYou: but the pringles penus..
Me at 1:40 PM: I hope I can get everything done by all the deadlines
Me at 1:40 AM: I wonder if men’s underwear models are gay
Umm... This is totally unrelated to whatever this is. I just wanted ask something. Why did you delete one of my posts, Mairo?
me:where's my phone?
my blanket: YEET
@Fenrick: Thanks, dad
@French_Fried: you're a mood
Every single blip on this site is a mood
@ElliottSmith2003: were you born in 2003
post #2014144
hiekkapillu said:
@Jack-O's_Box: extremely graphic and violent descriptionsThat wasn't even detailed, if you really want details of death, go read my horror books on Wattpad or just ask and I'll write a paragraph with art.
@French_Fried: Thanks friend
@vex714: Cute new avatar, same great Vex
@French_Fried: *gasp* who are you supposed to be?
Just me being me, as usual.
@vex714 *gasp* You changed your avatar! I don’t even know you anymore
post #225509
This is the only flash on this site that matters.
@CaveStory: What? They seemed to be confused about why they got a record for edgeposting, and I tried to explain it. I'm not trying to "milk" anything.
At this point, I think it may be best to leave them alone. This was milked enough.
@Jack-O's_Box: I do not know how to tell this to you, but publicly posting extremely graphic and violent descriptions of killing/harming yourself is kinda inappropriate.
DJ Pyro Teknikz said:
@lemongrab: Just asking / curious. Why was Image #2013605
the superior one over the one that I uploaded (from Patreon)?
Higher quality jpg file.
@French_Fried: They were pretty good. My parents really liked "I had a dream" more than the rest.
Heck, just a few years before that song came out my parents saw Enter The Dragon in theaters.
@DJ_Pyro_Teknikz: From the file details on the post you uploaded I would say it had compression artifacts on it :/
*puts awoo violation on Millcore's nose*
@ImpidiDinkaDoo: Awoo~
@lemongrab: Just asking / curious. Why was Image #2013605
the superior one over the one that I uploaded (from Patreon)?
@KynikossDragonn @Millcore Stop!
Awoo indeed.
@Millcore: no awoo! That's a violation!
@KynikossDragonn: Maybe tomorrow. Right now I'm going to go awoo.
@Millcore: Milllllly!!! Stop procrastinating right now!
Posting my art to Furaffinity and Deviantart, don't know if I can upload here anymore. The admins would know.
@KynikossDragonn: Okay, I'll stop procrastinating later.
frankiedarko said:
@Slowdive92: i also love shoegaze and cubs
Always nice to meet another person of culture and distinction.
I really wish ABBA would get back together
Jack-O's Box said:
Don't get I was being edgy was I was just annoyed
blip #99029
blip #99000
blip #98984
Pretty sure it has something to do with these.
Odisaodi said:
@Jack-O's_Box: oh....hope u don't do that again :/
Don't get I was being edgy was I was just annoyed
Mario and Luigi Do Nothing as a Goomba Destroys Bowser Single-handedly
Rise up, Goomba. =^-^=
vex714 said:
@Thyne: I'm just messin around. Apple is what apple does. I'll lay off your bro.
Lol I was joking too
@Millcore: milllllllly...
No procrastinating!
@Iago1: congratulations!
> if you ask me to approve your art i will just delete it.
mean :(
Ninosi said:
Congratulations on the positive record!
Thanks! :D
Congratulations on the positive record!
furballs dc said:
Can it be next year?
Why so soon?
Waaait a minute. The vocals are faint, but still audible, at least with headphones.
(3DS SoniPro Super Sonico in Production)
@anon_fox0: I'm sorry for calling you out like that, but if you want to contact me, please do so... I actually kind of miss you, here's my discord Chibi! Senutski Raves#6074 I would appreciate it if you contacted me..
Idem said:
Three isn't a crowd right?
Not on this ship
@Kodanis: post #799347
When you realize Arcturus is still active.
Munkelzahn said:
> Don't ask me to play with you, this isn't you want to bvats and chill with me
Three isn't a crowd right?
@ImpidiDinkaDoo was going to comment on the forum, but I can't find it for the life of me so I'll just say awesome on the blanket of _Body tags :V
@Jack-O's_Box: oh....hope u don't do that again :/
Millcore said:
I'm calling an emergency procrastinators meeting sometime later.
Can it be next year?
I'm calling an emergency procrastinators meeting sometime later.
@Munkelzahn: Wow sounds like a good time
> Don't ask me to play with you, this isn't F-list.
do you want to bvats and chill with me
Mulcens Instrumentum said:
Refuse to be deleted because it's human-only art isn't ms cow pix lines by megasweet tumblr it clean though if someone's up for me.
Refuse to be deleted because it's human-only art isn't ms cow pix lines by megasweet tumblr it clean though if someone's up for me.
@CCoyote: Right!? The other team’s quarterback will have no problem seeing a fluorescent green fireball speeding towards him now
Lafcadio said:
There are 1475 unapproved posts on the site. Surely you can wait.
Oh, that is a lot. I'll wait then.
@furballs_dc: screamingkaiba.jpg
The wait begins. :3