In response to blip #98309

@vex714: Nah man, get the shuttle, land it in the rebel ship and just go to town with the award pistol. That's how I play space. That and I like to put time bombs on enemy fighters that're taking off just to see them explode in space. Never gets old


In response to blip #98310

@Pink_Hat: I always kinda preffered the engineer class (shotgun class) because you can essentially give yourself a health pack whenever you're in a bind.

BF:2 and Republic Commando that really got me into Star Wars.

In response to blip #98310

@Pink_Hat: Man those were fun. I always loved getting the awards. Damage bonus! Award rifle, pistol, shotgun.

Couch co-op on Kashyyyk, I always tried to steal or hack that giant CIS vehicle that had a laser canon while my brother defended the sea wall.