created by unknown artist

There are many tactical gestures in various armies, such as Attention, Move Out, Stop, Take Cover, Rally, etc. But unknown to most soldiers and commanders is the Tactical Face Palm. This gesture is used to indicate that someone you're looking at fucked up, badly.

  • Comments
  • KloH0und said:
    It's up to the mods.

    Let's just hope they share our sense of humor.

    Usually they do. Most pictures like this don't get taken down even when people complain xD

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  • It looks like they're holding Type 05's. I'm guessing they're a Chinese police branch (something between U.S. SWAT and Russian MVD).

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  • IJustBurst said:
    I wonder how long it will be before this gets deleted.

    You suck, honestly, this picture is win.

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  • stickdude32 said:
    *sad face*
    i submit a gif of a bunny licking ice cream, but its deleted in 2 minutes.
    yet this has been up for a day!?

    My first post was a vampiric Gabe Newell...
    Rest in pepperoni gaben...

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  • For the people that like to point out how long it's been for this still being up, it was posted on August 24, 2010. Let's keep counting the years ladies and gentlemen

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  • 5_Cents said:
    For the people that like to point out how long it's been for this still being up, it was posted on August 24, 2010. Let's keep counting the years ladies and gentlemen

    It's 2015 now so that makes five years.

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  • stickdude32 said:
    *sad face*
    i submit a gif of a bunny licking ice cream, but its deleted in 2 minutes.
    yet this has been up for a day!?

    And after 5 years it's still here ^^

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