Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests



Seems like removed tags don't show as strikethrough anymore in the tag history since the last site update.

labra said:
Seems like removed tags don't show as strikethrough anymore in the tag history since the last site update.

someone mistyped the CSS selectors when they moved over to the new setup for the diff list. they did .diff-list ins/del.obsolete a rather than .diff-list ins/del a.obsolete.
obsolete was a class of the a element, not the ins and del elements.

pasting the following into your custom CSS should fix it in the mean time:

.diff-list ins a.obsolete { color: #006400; text-decoration:line-through; }
.diff-list del a.obsolete { color: darkred; text-decoration:line-through; }


Former Staff

Who could that someone be 🤔. Someone mentioned it on the discord yesterday but it was already too late in the day for me to fix. I will do it sometime today.

randseed:N causes an 'unexpected error' when N >= 2^63. But some numbers > 2^63 are accepted. It also seems that N < 0 are accepted, and that -N produces a different series than plain N.
I guess the seed value should be either clipped ( (N >= 2^63 ? 2^63 : N) < -(2^63) ? -(2^63) : N , in C-ish terms.) or modulated.

Presumably the query uses 64-bit signed integers for the randomization; it would be nice to document the actual limits in the cheat sheet. Right now, I'm just guessing from my tests that seed value is in the range
[-9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807] (corresponding to the range of a 64bit signed integer)

Example query that triggers the error: order:random randseed:9223372036854775808

(Note: No crash occurs if order:random is not used)

(EDIT 2024-03-04: looking at e621ng source -> query builder, it seems like the seed: value is converted using to_i. to_i seems to be a builtin ruby function with no limit on how big the number can be. So I guess whatever typing is used that produces this limitation is internal to ElasticSearch itself?)


I noticed that, at least, the extremedash tag has been made invalid. So all posts that were previously tagged with it are automatically blacklisted with an invalid_tag tag.

sparks127 said:
I noticed that, at least, the extremedash tag has been made invalid. So all posts that were previously tagged with it are automatically blacklisted with an invalid_tag tag.

Commissioner tags are aliased away to invalid tag as they are invalid. This is not a bug.
forum #390267

donovan_dmc said:
Commissioner tags are aliased away to invalid tag as they are invalid. This is not a bug.
forum #390267

I see, I guess the reason it's probably on my black list is because one of the commissioner tags is there? And I gotta find out which?

ethan95326 said:
On March 3, 2024, when I searched for -user:somekinky marsh_bunn, the site showed a total of these posts:
post #3897724 post #3897741 post #4044769 post #4294171 post #4388898 post #4580225 post #4595272 post #4601609 post #4628234
In theory, none of these 9 posts should have been uploaded by somekinky
But 3897724, 3897741, 4294171, 4388898, 4580225 and 4595272 are uploaded by somekinky, it's my first time to see this kind of bug on e621

This isn't really a bug, it's the way post replacements work. The post versions are not updated, but the actual uploader field is. The posts are no longer credited to them, they're now credited to Song. You can see these replacements under the "Replacements" link on the left side.

I'm now noticing that when viewing the edit history the - are nearly always becoming detached from the removed tag that they're preceding when the text needs to be moved to the next line leaving an orphaned - at the end of a line. I'm fairly certain that this wasn't something that happened in the past but I'm also unsure what would have changed on the site to cause it.

I'm more often then not unable to see anything get loaded in the thumbnail pages after I search things, same goes for when I click on an image. I've tried resetting my router, even clearing my cache, should I jut try again or is there something else I can do?

kadensyco said:
I'm more often then not unable to see anything get loaded in the thumbnail pages after I search things, same goes for when I click on an image. I've tried resetting my router, even clearing my cache, should I jut try again or is there something else I can do?

The site seems consistently slow to me lately.

I got my post thumbnails to work by blocking JavaScript in chrome site settings, though that costs me the account images and home screen image unfortunately.

Unsure if this is a bug or if it's already been mentioned, but after 25 thumbnails in any DText object, no more will be displayed.
New DText objects on the same page (like reply windows to multiple comments) are unaffected by the limit of previous ones.


sanestvaporeonfan said:
Unsure if this is a bug or if it's already been mentioned, but after 25 thumbnails in any DText object, no more will be displayed.
New DText objects on the same page (like reply windows to multiple comments) are unaffected by the limit of previous ones.

This is intentional, I presume too many thumbnails eventually becomes a performance issue so it has to be capped somewhere.

Interestingly, it's not 25 everywhere. Wiki pages apparently allow 75 thumbnails, while post descriptions have their limit set to 0, not allowing any thumbnails at all.

Is it just me or has the spacing between the tags and the tag's post count decreased? Same with the verified checkmark basically touching the tag. (mobile)

Don't know if it's a bug or not but when I try to watch a post that has a webm it won't show the art but if it has sound it will play the sound.

Um why all of the comment had the letter L and R replaced by W ? Is anyone noticed?

xxxlordxxx said:
Um why all of the comment had the letter L and R replaced by W ? Is anyone noticed?

The hiwawity of this post seen out of context is wike this guy doen't knyow wettews... But just fow today.

benjiboyo said:
The hiwawity of this post seen out of context is wike this guy doen't knyow wettews... But just fow today.

Today? Because of the f001s? Is n'ot?

Is it true that the comments are messed up because of April fools? Or did E621 get hacked? All the comments are full of "owo", emojis and switching Rs for Ws.

atlbm said:
I have a question: Why are the comments scrambled???

Because of an Ap5i1 F001's concept, that is why.

slimyorange said:
Is it true that the comments are messed up because of April fools? Or did E621 get hacked? All the comments are full of "owo", emojis and switching Rs for Ws.


Damn April fool, because of this joke I closed all my pages I have more than retrier everything.


Is E6 supposed to be available in NC now? Or is this this symptomatic of a backend change for April Fool's? Seems unlikely to be intentional without an accompanying post.

So I don’t exactly know if this is a recent thing happening to me, but for some reason when I play a video, there’s a weird cracking and stuttering sound throughout the whole thing… I’ve tried restarting my phone closing safari and everything but it seems it’s just an e621 problem…

Although one thing I do notice that’s also been happening recently is when I play a video, then press the full screen button the screen goes black but the sound would still play (still with that stuttering sound of course) only when I exit full screen then press it again it would then work (still with the stuttering sound I cannot stress this enough) though sometimes when I press on different parts of the video to play it like the middle the sides or whatever sometimes it would work so I literally have no idea what’s been happening…

Also for clarification I’m using an iPhone for this and I haven’t tested it on a pc or anything (mainly because my pc is a piece of poopoo XD) but that’s all I’ve noticed… it only seems to happen when I’m using e621…

Please tell me there’s a fix for this? :(
I’ll try to explain if more details are needed!



gojisimp said:
So I don’t exactly know if this is a recent thing happening to me, but for some reason when I play a video, there’s a weird cracking and stuttering sound throughout the whole thing… I’ve tried restarting my phone closing safari and everything but it seems it’s just an e621 problem…

Although one thing I do notice that’s also been happening recently is when I play a video, then press the full screen button the screen goes black but the sound would still play (still with that stuttering sound of course) only when I exit full screen then press it again it would then work (still with the stuttering sound I cannot stress this enough) though sometimes when I press on different parts of the video to play it like the middle the sides or whatever sometimes it would work so I literally have no idea what’s been happening…

Also for clarification I’m using an iPhone for this and I haven’t tested it on a pc or anything (mainly because my pc is a piece of poopoo XD) but that’s all I’ve noticed… it only seems to happen when I’m using e621…

Please tell me there’s a fix for this? :(
I’ll try to explain if more details are needed!

Hmm, thought someone posted this issue in another thread. I'll go find it in a moment. This sounds a lot like the CODEC VP9 having problems on your device. Anyone know of specific video sites to test this with? Keywords like video show similar results for this topic.

So, I have a question: Is it intentional that if you have certain tags like order:filesize or filesize:10MB..12MB in a search, that there's no next or previous buttons on the post view above the image?


alphamule said:

So, I have a question: Is it intentional that if you have certain tags like order:filesize or filesize:10MB..12MB in a search, that there's no next or previous buttons on the post view above the image?

I assume it's intentional. If you have any ordering, even order:id_desc the default order, you lose access to previous and next buttons

Guess e6 rejected the AoC because things are not very well ordered

alphamule said:
So, I have a question: Is it intentional that if you have certain tags like order:filesize or filesize:10MB..12MB in a search, that there's no next or previous buttons on the post view above the image?

yeah, that's how its always been. it's just order:, though filesize:10MB..12MB and everything else all work fine, as far as I'm aware.
there was a bug a while back where there were buttons but it was just the nearest posts by ID rather than your current sorting method.

I think most of us are aware of this but I'm not sure if anyone has looked into fixing it.

an inline code object

starting a line causes the following text to be pushed to a new line.
preceding the object with any text, including a space makes this not happen.

this is kind of annoying behavior and it'd be nice if it was fixed.

I'm only making this for posterity now since it seems to be fixed and hoping to learn from it in the future if it happens again. The site was giving me a Failbooru "error" whenever I was logged in on my computer or logged out on the mobile version. Later on it changed to site maintenance. This went on for several hours.

taranuka said:
I'm only making this for posterity now since it seems to be fixed and hoping to learn from it in the future if it happens again. The site was giving me a Failbooru "error" whenever I was logged in on my computer or logged out on the mobile version. Later on it changed to site maintenance. This went on for several hours.

the failbooru is just a little joke error message they use that was actually from another site this one Is based on

fliphook said:
the failbooru is just a little joke error message they use that was actually from another site this one Is based on

Intriguing. So what was the cause of this error? I only encountered this after a 502 bad gateway Cloud error.

taranuka said:
Intriguing. So what was the cause of this error? I only encountered this after a 502 bad gateway Cloud error.

they haven't said yet although I haven't gone back to the e6 discid to see if they said anything about that yet

edit: i just checked and they are just being grateful its back right now. no news yet if they want say what it was

fliphook said:
they haven't said yet although I haven't gone back to the e6 discid to see if they said anything about that yet

edit: i just checked and they are just being grateful its back right now. no news yet if they want say what it was

Noted. Feel free to report back on it if the mods don't. I tried googling and nothing concrete defined the issue, might be unique to the site.


Former Staff

This is now "fixed". That's just not a very good search to make and times out most of the time. There was an error in the error handler that prevented a proper page to show up.

earlopain said:
This is now "fixed". That's just not a very good search to make and times out most of the time. There was an error in the error handler that prevented a proper page to show up.

Thank you for your work

I previously favorited the post 4067287, and now when I try to unfavorite it on mobile or desktop it only gives me the option to favorite it. When attempting to do that the error "error you have already favorited this post" comes up. Behind it for a split second it says that it is updating the post however many times I try to favorite it but it gets covered by the other error and gets cur off after that due to sizing.

ericbas said:
I previously favorited the post 4067287, and now when I try to unfavorite it on mobile or desktop it only gives me the option to favorite it. When attempting to do that the error "error you have already favorited this post" comes up. Behind it for a split second it says that it is updating the post however many times I try to favorite it but it gets covered by the other error and gets cur off after that due to sizing.

Sometimes favorites can get stuck like that. Go to this search: id:4067287, and on the left where it says "Mode", change it to unfavorite, then click/tap that post. Don't forget to change it back to "View" afterwards.

I'm undergoing an issue where the site is loading but is unable to load any post when clicked/tapped on for both mobile and desktop version. Idk if it's an issue on my end or a delay in internet connectivity to the server

wolfythefemboiwolf said:
I'm undergoing an issue where the site is loading but is unable to load any post when clicked/tapped on for both mobile and desktop version. Idk if it's an issue on my end or a delay in internet connectivity to the server

It's not just you. Site thumbnails aren't loading at all for me. Data source must be down or something.

dracostallion said:
It's not just you. Site thumbnails aren't loading at all for me. Data source must be down or something.

Can attest, no thumbs or posts are loading for me either, including profile pictures.

toolateforlucario said:
Can attest, no thumbs or posts are loading for me either, including profile pictures.

I'm not experiencing any issues. I'm using Samsung Internet Browser on an Android mobile device.

Updated by Donovan DMC

Same here, Chrome seems to be impacted at the moment. I can't see any images and e621 seems to be constantly loading.

I'm currently having issues accessing ( is uneffected). The page won't load and I eventually get an error 520.

Updated by Donovan DMC

It seems like the image is fetch in batch.

Now e621 only display image when all of the images in that page is downloaded.

For the old version(?) it will always display image immediately when that image is downloaded regardless of the download status of other images.

Only happen in Chrome though, Microsoft edge is working fine.

Also incognito doesn't help, so it doesn't related to cache or extension.

donovan_dmc said:
The artist needs to request that the older posts be undeleted.

Huh, I wasn't even aware that this was a thing, and, I suspect, neither did artists who rescind their DNP. Has any of them ever filed such a request?

I’ve had a problem with loading Webm videos for a couple days now. I’m using a mobile device and accessing through safari. I never really changed my method to visit the website, and suddenly 99% of Webm videos are unable to load. In very rare cases, they manage to load after I change the resolution to the “(original)” option. However, for the most part, basically all videos are simply not loading or working for me at all. Does it have anything to do with my device and its settings, or is it the website?

Hello, I have problems with MTU and server. Sorry for grammar mistakes, I am from Russia and English is not my native language. Long story short, E621 is blocked in my country, so I have to use VPN to access it. I am self-taught sysadmin with homelab (it's some kind of home server room) and Mikrotik router. I have a friend from UK, who is also sysadmin and have enterprise Mikrotik network hardware. We decided so setup WireGuard VPN tunnel between our networks to gain access to each-other resources and automatically route traffic of banned resources in our countries through VPN tunnel where it's not blocked. Everything worked as we expected and without any problems, except one domain:, that is used to load content on this website, but not e621 itself. For example: I can get access to e621 itself, from my network, but images of posts won't load. But if I connect to my OpenVPN VPN server in my network (not VPN tunnel between our networks) via my phone and mobile data - everything works fine. After troubleshooting I found out that this happening because of VPN tunnel MTU. When I used my phone and OpenVPN - MTU of my traffic was 1420 (same as WireGuard's tunnel), so everything worked fine. But MTU of my and my friend's network is 1500. Other websites and resources handled this normally, but not I found solution - just increased MTU of WireGuard tunnel. Everything worked fine for few months, but about a week ago WireGuard tunnel stopped working at all. I found out that reason was in too high MTU. After setting MTU of tunnel to default value tunnel started to work normally, but became unavailable. I have an option to decrease MTU of entire network, but this is not best idea. I hope that admins of can help me with my issue. If needed - I can assist, even in voice channel in Discord.


when opening the post edit box on mobile the mobile-only Image Comments anchor links jump up all the way from just above the tag list to all the way up just under the other anchor links and the edit toggle buttons. this means that, with the edit box open, there are two Image anchor links right next to each other, and two seemingly identical Comments links, one which does nothing and the other which toggles from the edit box to show the comments.

these elements should either be moved to show up under the edit box or just be hidden entirely when the edit box is open.

lemyuzu said:
I’ve had a problem with loading Webm videos for a couple days now. I’m using a mobile device and accessing through safari. I never really changed my method to visit the website, and suddenly 99% of Webm videos are unable to load. In very rare cases, they manage to load after I change the resolution to the “(original)” option. However, for the most part, basically all videos are simply not loading or working for me at all. Does it have anything to do with my device and its settings, or is it the website?

I'm having the same issue, using Brave browser on iPad. Webm works fine on other sites, just not in e621. For example, all the demos on here work: Not even pressing download, which opens the video to stream directly without the e621 web page wrapped around it works. Does e621 reencode webm? Maybe something to do with the codec?


posts effected by AIBURs get order:change bumped, is this something that's always happened and I just never noticed before, or was something changed to cause this?

dba_afish said:
posts effected by AIBURs get order:change bumped, is this something that's always happened and I just never noticed before, or was something changed to cause this?

That order is just change_seq, which changes on every post update
That change happens in the database itself and is unavoidable

Is anyone else having a problem with the site being very slow? It's happened to me twice in the last 2 days and seems intermittent.

Edit: I cleared my browser cache and it seems fixed now.


lemyuzu said:
I’ve had a problem with loading Webm videos for a couple days now. I’m using a mobile device and accessing through safari. I never really changed my method to visit the website, and suddenly 99% of Webm videos are unable to load. In very rare cases, they manage to load after I change the resolution to the “(original)” option. However, for the most part, basically all videos are simply not loading or working for me at all. Does it have anything to do with my device and its settings, or is it the website?

Same issue here

Having an odd issue pop up with random submissions not having the + or - show up next to the tags in the tag list?
Happening in both firefox and chrome so its not a specific browser issue, not linked to being logged in or not. Seems to be on e621's side

anon1255 said:
Having an odd issue pop up with random submissions not having the + or - show up next to the tags in the tag list?
Happening in both firefox and chrome so its not a specific browser issue, not linked to being logged in or not. Seems to be on e621's side

It's probably when you're accessing the post directly and not through search (so at the top of the page you see Search: (none)) and so they're disabled

I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature, and I have no idea how to fix it.
But when I'm on my mobile, tapping on the picture does not load the picture, but instead tries to fave the picture, then it says that the favorite is removed, but it does NOT load the picture.
I have mobile mode support turned on.
I have an older version of the site loaded, and that loads the picture.

Can someone tell me if this is a bug or a feature?
(If it is a feature how to I fix it so that tapping on the picture loads the picture.)

shadowfox43 said:
I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature, and I have no idea how to fix it.
But when I'm on my mobile, tapping on the picture does not load the picture, but instead tries to fave the picture, then it says that the favorite is removed, but it does NOT load the picture.
I have mobile mode support turned on.
I have an older version of the site loaded, and that loads the picture.

Can someone tell me if this is a bug or a feature?
(If it is a feature how to I fix it so that tapping on the picture loads the picture.)

scroll down to near the bottom of the page, just above the tag list, change the dropdown menu from Favorite to View.

dba_afish said:
scroll down to near the bottom of the page, just above the tag list, change the dropdown menu from Favorite to View.

Thanks. I don't know why it had changed from view to favorite in the first place.

lankylank said:
Videos on mobile will not play. Using Opera.

Any solution for this, no videos will play here but will work elsewhere like r34. Is there anything I can do on my end to possibly fix this?