Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

When blacklisting, using "-fav:[username]" no longer works. I like to use it for certain favorites of mine i want to be able to view with blacklist enabled.

coupdegrace said:
When blacklisting, using "-fav:[username]" no longer works. I like to use it for certain favorites of mine i want to be able to view with blacklist enabled.

I think I read that you should use -fav:me instead (and that me is the only text you can put after the colon that will actually work in blacklist).

Been having a weird issue this month with adding posts to a Set I maintain for myself.
"Updating posts (# Entry pending)...", standard.
"Error:" not so standard.

Maybe it's gotten too big? 5503 posts in it, but there exist Sets with more, and a few that double (Or more) what I have, so I'm a little confused.

Even tried hard-editing a post in, and got this:

The database timed out running your query.

Log ID: 55f8d80f-42ab-4dcf-897d-78adc88a1ef0

Should I make a new set, and try to revert this one back to a flat 5K?

Edit 1: Same issue as trying to directly edit in posts just a bit earlier, but for a brand-new Set.

The database timed out running your query.

Log ID: cb3acb25-2ba6-4182-b32c-252281be43d7

Site network problems?

Edit 2: Issues stopped, was maybe caused by changes to the site being applied to server.


I don't know is this considered a bug but I can't edit any artist tags.
I've tried clicking edit in the artist section but it hasn't shown the edit bar.

beelzebuthz said:
I don't know is this considered a bug but I can't edit any artist tags.
I've tried clicking edit in the artist section but it hasn't shown the edit bar.

A fix is already made, waiting for it to be applied to server
It's back up now


savageorange said:
I think I read that you should use -fav:me instead (and that me is the only text you can put after the colon that will actually work in blacklist).

I tried it, it doesn't work unfortunately. if i put in
-fav:me it actually shows everything instead and the blacklist entry does nothing. As an additional note, the inverse is also true: if i put in fav:me in the blacklist line, it blocks everything in that line.


All of the sudden the little dropdown menu to disable/enable blacklist items on a page is missing for me.

Seems like user avatars are no longer affected by blacklists.

Edit: Science: if you modify your blacklist without refreshing the page, any avatars on the page will be correctly blacklisted, but it breaks again when you refresh the page. It's probably that the blacklist code is working properly but it's not getting properly triggered when the page loads.


fx2o3 said:
Seems like user avatars are no longer affected by blacklists.

Came in here to report that. Maybe it's an issue with the client side blacklist not loading properly?
Some avatars are correctly showing as blacklisted, but a lot of them are showing normally when they shouldn't. Clicking the thumbnail and going to the post still has it being blacklisted correctly so it looks like it's just a forums issue
Blacklisted users are also showing up again in the forums

Edit: issue also happens in post comments, not just forum posts

fx2o3 said:
Seems like user avatars are no longer affected by blacklists.

it appears that the check is only happening for the first thumbnail on the page... or something.

Blacklist has either a new bug or an intended site change, attempting to non-blacklist your favorites results in the blacklist line not applying.

Take for example post #4981336

This blacklist line will filter that post: male -female -alradeck -pet_foolery -user:me
While this blacklist line will not filter that post: male -female -alradeck -pet_foolery -user:me -fav:me

This was working until very recently.

lloxie said:
All of the sudden the little dropdown menu to disable/enable blacklist items on a page is missing for me.

It still appears for me but I can no longer toggle it. Neither individual entries nor all at once. (tested on mobile chrome browser both with mobile and "show desktop version" options)

If you try to exclude your favorited posts by adding -fav:me to the blacklisted tag line, the tags on that line will not be blacklisted in any search. It worked yesterday, but now it doesn't

coupdegrace said:
I tried it, it doesn't work unfortunately. if i put in
-fav:me it actually shows everything instead and the blacklist entry does nothing. As an additional note, the inverse is also true: if i put in fav:me in the blacklist line, it blocks everything in that line.

It seems blacklisting has been a bit bugged in this last update today so for now wait for a fix before putting "fav:me".

Blacklist no longer applies to user avatars and thumb # thumbnails. I really do not fucking appreciate being forced to look at shit I do not want to see.

Updated by Donovan DMC

kemonophonic said:
Blacklist no longer applies to user avatars and thumb # thumbnails. I really do not fucking appreciate being forced to look at shit I do not want to see.

for anyone who has this problem, adding the following to the custom CSS in your settings should bypass the issue until it's properly fixed.

.post-thumbnail.dtext, .avatar { display: none;  }

this will remove all thumbnails from comment headers and dtext objects (the two places that the blacklist appears to be fucking up). this includes wikipages and stuff.

fx2o3 said: ...

mabit said: ...

dba_afish said: ...

kemonophonic said: ...

Deferred posts (avatars, dtext thumbnails, etc) do not seem to get blacklisted properly, yes.
Should be fixed in a patch tomorrow. I will be tracking the current blacklist fixes here:

coupdegrace said: ...

tredfg543 said: ...

notknow said: ...

Fav:me is not working correctly in the current version.
I already fixed it, same as above.

lloxie said: ...

asymetricalwindows said: ...

Which browser are you using, and is it the latest version?
I tested it in both Chrome and Firefox, and I can't replicate this.

tredfg543 said:
This blacklist line will filter that post: male -female -alradeck -pet_foolery -user:me
While this blacklist line will not filter that post: male -female -alradeck -pet_foolery -user:me -fav:me

In addition to what I said above, the -user:me syntax is not supported. It wasn't supported in the old version either.
I would suggest using -userid:430869 to whitelist your own uploads.

The blacklist dropdown menu was missing but it returned after I turned off the re621 script. Not sure what happened as I didn't do any changes to remove the blacklist section.
I can't tell whether it's an issue with the site or re621

introperverted said:
The blacklist dropdown menu was missing but it returned after I turned off the re621 script. Not sure what happened as I didn't do any changes to remove the blacklist section.
I can't tell whether it's an issue with the site or re621

Likely an issue with re621.
Try updating the script? The latest release seems to have a fix for that.

Ever since the website was updated yesterday, the blacklist tag Fav:me is not working. It takes all posts, even new ones I haven't seen yet, and blacklists them. Its worked for me before to be able to see which posts I have already favorited, but now I can't see any posts. Please help

modernkoala338 said:
Ever since the website was updated yesterday, the blacklist tag Fav:me is not working. It takes all posts, even new ones I haven't seen yet, and blacklists them. Its worked for me before to be able to see which posts I have already favorited, but now I can't see any posts. Please help

Known and currently being fixed, see above

Speaking of blacklists, the new update completely disabled the default blacklist for unauthenticated users. I was made aware of this by a friend who doesn't have an account, and I confirmed the issue in an incognito Firefox tab. For example, the gore tag shouldn't be accessible by default, but I could get results without issue while starting a new unauthenticated session.

UPDATE: Fixed by Cinder in PR #722, they said in the Discord that the fix should go live in the next patch.


atomicblaze21 said:
Speaking of blacklists, the new update completely disabled the default blacklist for unauthenticated users. I was made aware of this by a friend who doesn't have an account, and I confirmed the issue in an incognito Firefox tab. For example, the gore tag shouldn't be accessible by default, but I could get results without issue while starting a new unauthenticated session.

it seems like the anonymous blacklist still functions (you can still click the Blacklist button on the page header and add stuff), but for some reason it's not pre-filled with the default stuff.

dba_afish said:
are any of the user avatars in the comments blacklisted?

Oh i see.
Yeah there is an image in the comments that reacts to the blacklist. Best to ignore my previous comment.

from blip #127789:

Cinder said:
It's a little more complicated than that.
The original issue – where the blacklist would fail on thumbnails in DText and avatars – that had been resolved yesterday.

However, there is a secondary bug that causes those same thumbnails to not be blacklisted properly if the thumbnail for that post is already present on the page.
For example, if you blacklist a specific post, and then a person with that post as an avatar comments on it, their avatar won't be blacklisted properly.

It's all wacky edge cases that didn't pop up in testing at all. I'm terribly sorry about all that.
Should be fixed in the next patch, which is currently scheduled for Friday.
Please, let me know if you encounter any further issues.

a similar blacklist bug to what was described here seems to happen on the userpage, where, if an image appears both in the user's favs and avatar, the avatar will not have the .blacklisted class applied. I'm assuming whatever fix you're doing for what you talked about should apply here as well, but I thought it was worth bringing up.

also, presumably something similar would probably happen with wikipages but, I'm not sure I want to test that since it'd feel like doing a vandalism.

and well, not an issue exactly, but... minor feature request, while you're in there, would it be possible to have the blacklist script apply some sort of .in-blacklist class to stuff in a user's blacklist regardless of what bits are toggled on or off?

dba_afish said:
from blip #127789:

also, presumably something similar would probably happen with wikipages but, I'm not sure I want to test that since it'd feel like doing a vandalism.

Actually it doesn't. It doesn't happen in sets either. It's specific to posts it seems

dba_afish said: ...

Sorry, I've only had mobile internet for the past three days.
My ability to fix things is somewhat diminished.

A patch should get deployed today on monday that addresses that issue.
And yeah, having a separate class for posts that do match the blacklist (but may or may not be currently filtered out) is a good idea. Re621 gives thumbnails like that a red status bar, I wanted to do something like that too.


not sure if this is new, but I just noticed that for some reason before the avatars are populated with the proper thumbnails the IMAGE PLACEHOLDER image is larger than it should be, both on desktop and mobile. this means a split second after a forum thread or the blips page is loaded everything shifts up slightly, and all the author info shifts left slightly.

looking into it, seems that, for some reason, when it's still the placeholder it has .post-thumb as the class and when it's loaded the thumbnail the class is .post-thumbnail. not sure if this is an intentional thing or a typo or an old leftover or what, but it's making styles not apply to elements that it should be applying to.

There seems to be a bug with the Popular page. Normally, hovering with the cursor on a posts shows what tags it has, but not on the Popular page. Works fine everywhere else.

dba_afish said:
not sure if this is new, but I just noticed that for some reason before the avatars are populated with the proper thumbnails the IMAGE PLACEHOLDER image is larger than it should be, both on desktop and mobile. this means a split second after a forum thread or the blips page is loaded everything shifts up slightly, and all the author info shifts left slightly.

looking into it, seems that, for some reason, when it's still the placeholder it has .post-thumb as the class and when it's loaded the thumbnail the class is .post-thumbnail. not sure if this is an intentional thing or a typo or an old leftover or what, but it's making styles not apply to elements that it should be applying to.

It's new, just noticed this recently too.

snpthecat said:
It's new, just noticed this recently too.

seems like the .post-thumb class name hasn't changed, it's just that its height and width used to be set to 100 rather than 150, so we couldn't have noticed the error before on mobile since 100x100 is the normal hight and width of that element, and on desktop I guess no one took note since elements getting larger when they load in is just kind of expected. so, technically this would be an old bug, just one that wasn't as obvious until another change was made.

still possible that it's just a typo that no one noticed or that the class name is old and never got updated. (looking at wayback it dosn't seem like the .post-thumb class was ever used for anything else, so, typo seems like the case)


dba_afish said:
seems like the .post-thumb class name hasn't changed, it's just that its height and width used to be set to 100 rather than 150, so we couldn't have noticed the error before on mobile since 100x100 is the normal hight and width of that element, and on desktop I guess no one took note since elements getting larger when they load in is just kind of expected. so, technically this would be an old bug, just one that wasn't as obvious until another change was made.

still possible that it's just a typo that no one noticed or that the class name is old and never got updated. (looking at wayback it dosn't seem like the .post-thumb class was ever used for anything else, so, typo seems like the case)

It was deliberate.
Thumbnails are 150px thumbnails, so it made sense to me that the placeholder matches their size.
I don't think that I spotted the page reflow issues that you mentioned myself, though.

cinder said:
It was deliberate.
Thumbnails are 150px thumbnails, so it made sense to me that the placeholder matches their size.
I don't think that I spotted the page reflow issues that you mentioned myself, though.

it is a bit odd that the only place that this 150px image gets used normally has its width and height caped at 140px or 100px.

.comment-post-grid .author-info .avatar .post-thumbnail img {
  height: auto;
  max-height: 140px;
  max-width: 140px;
  width: auto;
body.resp .comment-post-grid .author-info .avatar .post-thumbnail img {
  height: auto;
  max-height: 100px;
  max-width: 100px;
  width: auto;

All images, including avatars (and the status bar that shows an image's score and fave count and the blacklisted tags list from search pages) seem to be hidden for me across the entire site, but only when I log in. It just looks like there's no images, but there's no error message that shows up when you search for a tag combo that has no results. It looks like what happens when all results are blacklisted, but no blacklisted tags are visible under the search textbox.
It affects both my PC and phone, I don't have any custom CSS style code in my settings, and I don't have any plugins on my phone browser, so it's not a plugin problem, and other accounts still work normally on both devices.
I haven't changed any of my settings since the last time the site worked properly, and I don't have any negative feedback listed on my profile, so I don't think I've been punished for anything (nor have I done anything bad that I might be punished for).
I can still post on the forum and comment, but I have to copy a URL from a private window where I'm logged out.

roxythehorny said:
All images, including avatars (and the status bar that shows an image's score and fave count and the blacklisted tags list from search pages) seem to be hidden for me across the entire site, but only when I log in. It just looks like there's no images, but there's no error message that shows up when you search for a tag combo that has no results. It looks like what happens when all results are blacklisted, but no blacklisted tags are visible under the search textbox.
It affects both my PC and phone, I don't have any custom CSS style code in my settings, and I don't have any plugins on my phone browser, so it's not a plugin problem, and other accounts still work normally on both devices.
I haven't changed any of my settings since the last time the site worked properly, and I don't have any negative feedback listed on my profile, so I don't think I've been punished for anything (nor have I done anything bad that I might be punished for).
I can still post on the forum and comment, but I have to copy a URL from a private window where I'm logged out.

I’m experiencing the exact same issue. I’ve tried different browsers and devices but to no avail.

roxythehorny said:

terminally_horny said:
I’m experiencing the exact same issue. I’ve tried different browsers and devices but to no avail.

also ref: topic #46031

just to double confirm, when you say:
"It looks like what happens when all results are blacklisted"
does that include the Blacklisted placeholder replacing user avatars and DText thumbnails like this one:(post #3655988), or are those just totally missing with no replacement?

also, when you open this document (which _should_ be your user CSS file) it's just blank, right?

at this point the only theories I have is that, since it's not affecting everyone, and it's also it's apparently not even affecting seperate accounts on the same divices, there have to be wires crossed somewhere and you're getting someone else's user CSS. but even then... why would someone have user CSS that just hides all the images on the whole site.

one more thing to test before I more or less totally run out of ideas; when you go to a post with a video is the video also missing or does that show up?

roxythehorny said:
All images, including avatars (and the status bar that shows an image's score and fave count and the blacklisted tags list from search pages) seem to be hidden for me across the entire site, but only when I log in. It just looks like there's no images, but there's no error message that shows up when you search for a tag combo that has no results. It looks like what happens when all results are blacklisted, but no blacklisted tags are visible under the search textbox.
It affects both my PC and phone, I don't have any custom CSS style code in my settings, and I don't have any plugins on my phone browser, so it's not a plugin problem, and other accounts still work normally on both devices.
I haven't changed any of my settings since the last time the site worked properly, and I don't have any negative feedback listed on my profile, so I don't think I've been punished for anything (nor have I done anything bad that I might be punished for).
I can still post on the forum and comment, but I have to copy a URL from a private window where I'm logged out.

I noticed this issue earlier today and it is still a problem now. It isn't a problem when I am signed out.

also, Cinder, 'nother blacklist bug.

when editing the blacklist using the quick blacklist dialogue thing, pressing the Save button completely removes the .blacklisted class from everything regardless of if it should still be blacklisted or not.

dba_afish said:
also ref: topic #46031

just to double confirm, when you say:
"It looks like what happens when all results are blacklisted"
does that include the Blacklisted placeholder replacing user avatars and DText thumbnails like this one:(post #3655988), or are those just totally missing with no replacement?

also, when you open this document (which _should_ be your user CSS file) it's just blank, right?

at this point the only theories I have is that, since it's not affecting everyone, and it's also it's apparently not even affecting seperate accounts on the same divices, there have to be wires crossed somewhere and you're getting someone else's user CSS. but even then... why would someone have user CSS that just hides all the images on the whole site.

one more thing to test before I more or less totally run out of ideas; when you go to a post with a video is the video also missing or does that show up?

Yes, the blacklist placeholder is also gone. Yes, it's blank. The video is also missing. Video thumbnails are gone from searches too, just like images.

I'm also getting the "no images" bug, and seeing as how the blacklist is currently being worked on, I deleted my entire list and refreshed the page- and suddenly all the images were back. Pasted back in my old list, and they dissappeared again.

goldeneye said:
I'm also getting the "no images" bug, and seeing as how the blacklist is currently being worked on, I deleted my entire list and refreshed the page- and suddenly all the images were back. Pasted back in my old list, and they dissappeared again.

okay, so... it is a blacklist bug then... there must be some shared blacklist element that's causing the blacklisting JavaScript to explode and just eat all of the images... I guess?

would anyone experiencing this issue mind sharing their whole blacklist?

The blacklist was working perfectly fine before all of these site changes a week ago. Why fix something that wasn't broken in the first place?

Updated by Donovan DMC

dba_afish said:
okay, so... it is a blacklist bug then... there must be some shared blacklist element that's causing the blacklisting JavaScript to explode and just eat all of the images... I guess?

would anyone experiencing this issue mind sharing their whole blacklist?

I think I found the issue. Trying to use the ~ operator in the blacklist seems to break things. For example I tried adding “~after_rape ~rape” to my blacklist and it broke everything. I have several lines in my blacklist like this. Removing all of them fixed the issue for me.

Small update: Apparently the ~ operator won’t break the site if there is at least one tag on the line that isn’t using that operator. For example “forced ~rape ~after_rape” doesn’t break anything and neither does
“~rape ~after_rape -questionable_consent” but “~rape ~after_rape -fav:me” does still break things.

One more update: I have removed all lines on my blacklist that have the ~ operator and were causing issues. I added all of the tags back onto my blacklist individually without the ~ operator and everything is working like normal.


kemonophonic said:
The blacklist was working perfectly fine before all of these site changes a week ago. Why fix something that wasn't broken in the first place?

I mean, not perfectly, it wouldn't remember which individual items you had toggled on or off when you loaded another page, which was always annoying. it's more or less the reason I gave up on using the blacklist entirely and decided to stomach everything I didn't really like.

terminally_horny said:
I think I found the issue. Trying to use the ~ operator in the blacklist seems to break things. For example I tried adding “~after_rape ~rape” to my blacklist and it broke everything. I have several lines in my blacklist like this. Removing all of them fixed the issue for me.

Small update: Apparently the ~ operator won’t break the site if there is at least one tag on the line that isn’t using that operator. For example “forced ~rape ~after_rape” doesn’t break anything and neither does
“~rape ~after_rape -questionable_consent” but “~rape ~after_rape -fav:me” does still break things.

One more update: I have removed all lines on my blacklist that have the ~ operator and were causing issues. I added all of the tags back onto my blacklist individually without the ~ operator and everything is working like normal.

This worked for me. All image/video posts and avatars are back

terminally_horny said:
I think I found the issue. Trying to use the ~ operator in the blacklist seems to break things. For example I tried adding “~after_rape ~rape” to my blacklist and it broke everything. I have several lines in my blacklist like this. Removing all of them fixed the issue for me.

Small update: Apparently the ~ operator won’t break the site if there is at least one tag on the line that isn’t using that operator. For example “forced ~rape ~after_rape” doesn’t break anything and neither does
“~rape ~after_rape -questionable_consent” but “~rape ~after_rape -fav:me” does still break things.

One more update: I have removed all lines on my blacklist that have the ~ operator and were causing issues. I added all of the tags back onto my blacklist individually without the ~ operator and everything is working like normal.

I'm entirely unable to reproduce this behavior on my end. tested on Chrome and Firefox, mobile and desktop, and the blacklist is behaving as expected when using all of the above items as well as a few others.

There seem to be a lot of posts picking up a bunch of blacklist tags from... somewhere - but are definitely NOT in the content or the listed tags.

A few examples:

This doesn't contain anal_vore, feral, intersex, spider, vore

This doesn't contain feral, intersex

This doesn't contain feral, amputee

This doesn't seem to contain feral, intersex

It seems so far that everything affected is videos, but I'm not sure where this is coming from or how to fix it.

nefariouscat said:
There seem to be a lot of posts picking up a bunch of blacklist tags from... somewhere - but are definitely NOT in the content or the listed tags.

A few examples:

This doesn't contain anal_vore, feral, intersex, spider, vore

This doesn't contain feral, intersex

This doesn't contain feral, amputee

This doesn't seem to contain feral, intersex

It seems so far that everything affected is videos, but I'm not sure where this is coming from or how to fix it.

that's user avatars in the comments getting blacklisted.

roxythehorny said: ...

terminally_horny said: ...

gryphon1471 said: ...

goldeneye said: ...

Go to your settings page and set "Blacklist users" to "No" for now.
If that fixes your issue – good. The actual bugfix should be deployed to the site tomorrow.

If not, could you check if there are any errors in the browser console?
You can access it by pressing F12, and selecting the "Console" tab in the new section that will open.

terminally_horny said:
Trying to use the ~ operator in the blacklist seems to break things.

Apparently the ~ operator won’t break the site if there is at least one tag on the line that isn’t using that operator.

This worked for me, but strangely, I seemed to have been given someone else's blacklist for some reason? I had to copy a backup of my blacklist from elsewhere before fixing it manually from there.

roxythehorny said:
This worked for me, but strangely, I seemed to have been given someone else's blacklist for some reason? I had to copy a backup of my blacklist from elsewhere before fixing it manually from there.

That might have been my fault, sorry.

Which browser are you using, and is it the latest version?
I tested it in both Chrome and Firefox, and I can't replicate this.

Google Chrome Browser on Android and it is up to date.

Trying to disable the blacklist simply highlights it as if it was standard text. Same with the individual blacklist entries.

Opening and closing the "Blacklisted" drop down works though.

Eww, a variant on the blacklist bug. I'm currently on and if I view a user's profile, not just rating:safe uploads are shown.
I have a completely empty blacklist, and thus am not affected by the tilde bug.
This is bad, because the entire point of viewing was to prevent NSFW content appearing.

Wait, it works on some user profiles and not others. I'll need to do more research.

OK, I figured it out. The e926 domain sometimes links to e621 domain. I'll PM an admin with example for... reasons. ;)

alphamule said:
OK, I figured it out. The e926 domain sometimes links to e621 domain. I'll PM an admin with example for... reasons. ;)

how? are there places on the site that full use full links rather than relative links? outside of DText hyperlinks that pretty much shouldn't ever be a thing...

dba_afish said:
how? are there places on the site that full use full links rather than relative links? outside of DText hyperlinks that pretty much shouldn't ever be a thing...

Yeah, that sort of needs to be fixed? Accidentally getting yourself kicked from one site to the other seems like it could be annoying.

alphamule said:
Yeah, that sort of needs to be fixed? Accidentally getting yourself kicked from one site to the other seems like it could be annoying.

Really, it's working as intended, even if it may not always be producing the expected results.

"relative link":/users/1382151
"absolute link":

The relative link will link to either e621 or e926 (whatever you're using) but the absolute link will always go to e621, because well, that is exactly what's defined in the DText link. Code could be added to replace e621 with e926 in DText links, but that does seem a little against the point of absolute links in the first place, even if many people aren't actually considering they're creating an absolute link.

The links also display differently, which is something else to make note of:

relative link
absolute link

faucet said:
Really, it's working as intended, even if it may not always be producing the expected results.

"relative link":/users/1382151
"absolute link":

The relative link will link to either e621 or e926 (whatever you're using) but the absolute link will always go to e621, because well, that is exactly what's defined in the DText link. Code could be added to replace e621 with e926 in DText links, but that does seem a little against the point of absolute links in the first place, even if many people aren't actually considering they're creating an absolute link.

The links also display differently, which is something else to make note of:

relative link
absolute link

well, if they're on unlocked wikipages or post descriptions, we could fix those.

but, yeah otherwise you'd need a script that modifies any instance of a hyperlink from linking to ** to ** but I'm not sure how people would feel about that.

is there, like, a reason that the quote block supplied by the Reply button on the forums and comments strips the quoted user's name of its capitalization? it's always kind of bothered me that it does this.

and also, is there a reason that the same button on blips does not?

dba_afish said:
is there, like, a reason that the quote block supplied by the Reply button on the forums and comments strips the quoted user's name of its capitalization? it's always kind of bothered me that it does this.

and also, is there a reason that the same button on blips does not?

There is, yes.
The name of the quoted user is pulled from the forum post's data-attribute. And said data-attribute is also used for comment and forum post blacklisting, where usernames are always lower case.
I could work around it, but it seems to be more work than it's worth.

My friend (who does not have an account nor would like to make one) noticed that hovering over a thumbnail to view the alt-text that contained the tags no longer worked. It does not work for me either unless I am signed in. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but he would like some clarification as it is apparently important to the way he uses the site.

If I post a thumbnail in the comments that is not on my blacklist, but someone in the comments of the post it's a thumbnail of has a blacklisted profile pic, then the thumbnail also gets incorrectly blacklisted.

That may have been a bit of a mouthful, so I'll break it down with the specific posts.

The post the error occurred on, the specific comment being :
post #5011444

The posted thumbnail that was incorrectly blacklisted (the pic itself isn't affected, just the thumbnail):
post #4736484
(Edit: Yep, thumbnail's still blacklisted even here.)

The correctly-blacklisted post that triggered the bug, which was the profile pic of this comment on the post I posted the thumbnail of:
(The blacklisted term was "vore -fav:me".)
post #4321205

lendrimujina said:
The posted thumbnail that was incorrectly blacklisted (the pic itself isn't affected, just the thumbnail):
post #4736484
(Edit: Yep, thumbnail's still blacklisted even here.)

are you saying when you go to id:4736484 and click to uncollapse the blacklist dropdown it says ✓ vore ‑fav:me 1 despite the post not being tagged vore?

dba_afish said:
are you saying when you go to id:4736484 and click to uncollapse the blacklist dropdown it says ✓ vore ‑fav:me 1 despite the post not being tagged vore?

Yes. That's exactly what happens.

Here's a screenshot of the error I'm talking about happening on your post quoting me:
(Apologies for the quality of the screenshot; the word "vore" is censored there because of Imgur's relatively recent SFW policies, and it's so Jpeg'd because my phone just does that.)

EDIT: Odd, it's NOT happening on id:5011444 despite someone else with a vore-tagged PFP having commented since then? Weird...


lendrimujina said:
Yes. I understand the site has the filters in the dropdown for all posts on the page; the issue is the post in question is showing up as "blacklisted" as a thumbnail on other pages (including this forum thread), without the post that's ACTUALLY blacklisted on the current page.

Here's a screenshot of the error happening on your post quoting me:
(The word "vore" is censored in the screenshot because Imgur, and it's so Jpeg'd because my phone just does that.)

okay, what I'm trying to say is: "I'm unable to replicate the issue, are you certain that the post you're talking about isn't actually just being blacklisted normally?". the easiest way to check this would be to just go do a search that only contains your post (which is what I had linked in my previous message) and then check what on the blacklist is being triggered, if anything.

if nothing's being triggered, or something strange is being triggered, we need to look more into it.

dba_afish said:
okay, what I'm trying to say is: "I'm unable to replicate the issue, are you certain that the post you're talking about isn't actually just being blacklisted normally?". the easiest way to check this would be to just go do a search that only contains your post (which is what I had linked in my previous message) and then check what on the blacklist is being triggered, if anything.

if nothing's being triggered, or something strange is being triggered, we need to look more into it.

Sorry, I just got a bit confused there.

When clicking that, the thumbnail isn't blacklisted. Also searched the character's name, and it's not blacklisted there either.

Seems like whatever the issue is, it only affects forum posts and comments? (And not even consistently, as 5011444 proves.) Odd.

lendrimujina said:
The posted thumbnail that was incorrectly blacklisted (the pic itself isn't affected, just the thumbnail):
post #4736484
(Edit: Yep, thumbnail's still blacklisted even here.)

That post is blacklisted because you have musk -fav:me in your blacklist.
And that post does contain musk as a tag.

So I'm really confused at what the issue is.
What you are describing is literally impossible. The blacklist has absolutely no idea about what's going on in the comments of the post whose thumbnail it's processing.



Tag auto-complete is running intermittently and very slowly.
Most of the time it times out without ever offering a suggestion.