Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

wat8548 said:
Two aliases, and, have had their status stuck on "error: cannot update a new record" for two months now. Any plans to fix that?

Those two tags don't exist yet, so I assume the alias creation is failing because it first has to create the tags before aliasing them but any new tags are enforced to be ASCII only. Aliasing old Unicode tags only works because the tag already exists.

Since nobody ever used them, I agree with a Donovan, they can just be deleted.

Getting "IQDB: Internal Error 403 Forbidden" on the upload page when I upload a picture. But it's working on

edit- also successfully blocking duplicate uploads as intended


arrow189 said:
Getting "IQDB: Internal Error 403 Forbidden" on the upload page when I upload a picture. But it's working on

edit- also successfully blocking duplicate uploads as intended

But you are not gonna tell us which image it was.

cinder said:
But you are not gonna tell us which image it was.

I'm sorry for being unclear, this is on the upload screen, it's occurred on every image I've uploaded tonight. I-

As I type this I'm realizing this is... testing... yeah, actually this is a bug in something added by re621 and I need to be posting about it there. Sorry!

arrow189 said:
Getting "IQDB: Internal Error 403 Forbidden" on the upload page when I upload a picture. But it's working on

edit- also successfully blocking duplicate uploads as intended

RE621's IQDB checking doesn't account for local files, so checking those will always fail. IQDB returns a 403 on an invalid url.

I'm having an issue where the background of the website has turned orange and won't load beyond thumbnails. Other functions work, but when I try to load full sized images I get a blank error pop-up and nothing else.

bennit370 said:
I'm having an issue where the background of the website has turned orange and won't load beyond thumbnails. Other functions work, but when I try to load full sized images I get a blank error pop-up and nothing else.

Seems like you accidentally toggled add to set mode, but you don't have any sets
Go to the bottom of the page and select view

snpthecat said:
Seems like you accidentally toggled add to set mode, but you don't have any sets
Go to the bottom of the page and select view

That was it. Thank you.

I seem to be having an issue with not being able to see any images, only the background for both images and thumbnails. Avatar images are appearing as "image placeholder" too... everything else seems to be working, as far as I can tell though.

I have been having a problem trying to upload a Webm file. It is 50.4 MB, and is made from blender. It gives out an error when uploading, it says - Error: Unknown error! undefined

These are the settings used for the encoding (It has the audio codec set to none, as there is no audio) :

These are the tags I used, though I don't know if that is the problem :

blumouse5 said:
I have been having a problem trying to upload a Webm file. It is 50.4 MB, and is made from blender. It gives out an error when uploading, it says - Error: Unknown error! undefined

These are the settings used for the encoding (It has the audio codec set to none, as there is no audio) :

These are the tags I used, though I don't know if that is the problem :

It's almost certainly a network error, retry the upload a few times and see if it works
if that fails, upload it somewhere else (say, Discord), then use that link as your upload url

I seem to be having an issue with not being able to see any images, only the background for both images and thumbnails. Avatar images are appearing as "image placeholder" too.
I'm using Safari and am on an iPad version 9.3.5
(Also, sorry for the second post but it's also not letting me reply on here, it seems... not sure if that's normal or not?)

Im having the same problem as Thunderkitten. Im also using Safari on an Ipad 9.3.5 please help.


thunderkitten said:
I seem to be having an issue with not being able to see any images, only the background for both images and thumbnails. Avatar images are appearing as "image placeholder" too.
I'm using Safari and am on an iPad version 9.3.5
(Also, sorry for the second post but it's also not letting me reply on here, it seems... not sure if that's normal or not?)

deathstrider666 said:
Im having the same problem as Thunderkitten. Im also using Safari on an Ipad 9.3.5 please help.

this kinda sounds like Apple borked something with JavaScript in Safari. other than updating Safari to a fixed version, all I could recommend is just using a different browser.


Former Staff

Safari 9.3.5 is almost 8 years old at this point. I'm fairly sure about what might cause this but I also have no possibility of verifying the potential fix works.

As I continue to update our JS dependencies these issues will come up more often so I'm just going to say here that this iOS version is simply not supported anymore.

I can probably somehow add a notice about disabling JS but that is as far as I'm willing to go here.

I see... was afraid of that.
Well thank you for your efforts, Deathstrider666's method works well enough for me to at least see the art so that will do for now.
I'll have look into updating options as soon as possible though XD

deathstrider666 said:
I found the fix to my problems I turned JavaScript of in the settings of Safari.

wait, why would you have a normal user setting to disable JavaScript entirely? and why would disabled be the default?

sipothac said:
wait, why would you have a normal user setting to disable JavaScript entirely? and why would disabled be the default?

Disabled isn't the default, they turned it off because something in the javascript isn't working properly, causing loading things to fail. The site works (in a basic manner, you can view posts) without javascript, but it's entirely broken if javascript is enabled but not working

I had the same problem around a year ago,and have the same device and version I had then. I can't toggle JavaScript on this browser at all.

I'm on Puffin Pro v5.2.5 on an iPad running iOS 10.3.3. WAY outdated, I know. But Puffin is the only browser I found that lets me play webms, and has always had flash support too. Firefox works for E6, but is suboptimal since it can't play webms or flash files. I haven't changed any settings for Puffin in a long time. It doesn't have many setting to even change.

Also, for a long while my tags haven't had color. Changing my theme does nothing. I'm being sent to a dedicated comment webpage instead of being able to type and reply at the bottom of posts. And I can't edit tags anymore, the edit button refuses to do anything.

Now that Fireflufferz removed himself from the DNP list, a lot of his old art can't be reuploaded because the booru software detects the hash as a duplicate of an image deleted when they went DNP. I suppose re-encoding the file losslessly would sidestep, but it runs counter to the archival aspect of using a booru in the first place.

I recall complaining about this issue from some other artist in the past. Removing the hash of specific deleted images from the hash check algorithm so they may be reuploaded is a feature lacking from any booru software, isn't it?

onemoreanonymous said:
Now that Fireflufferz removed himself from the DNP list, a lot of his old art can't be reuploaded because the booru software detects the hash as a duplicate of an image deleted when they went DNP. I suppose re-encoding the file losslessly would sidestep, but it runs counter to the archival aspect of using a booru in the first place.

I recall complaining about this issue from some other artist in the past. Removing the hash of specific deleted images from the hash check algorithm so they may be reuploaded is a feature lacking from any booru software, isn't it?

the posts would just need to be restored, which, I believe could be done by NMNY upon request of the original artist.

I believe searching with "order:random" is bugged. If a search has "order:random" it only ever returns one page of results, and there's no page numbers or arrow shortcuts at the bottom to jump between pages. Something is causing the page number/arrow key buttons to disappear, typically they show up even if a specific search only has one page worth of results.

Manually adding/changing "?page=x" to the url to allows you to move between pages of results, and shows that there are more pages that just aren't being displayed at the bottom.

wolf-whitman said:
I believe searching with "order:random" is bugged. If a search has "order:random" it only ever returns one page of results, and there's no page numbers or arrow shortcuts at the bottom to jump between pages. Something is causing the page number/arrow key buttons to disappear, typically they show up even if a specific search only has one page worth of results.

Manually adding/changing "?page=x" to the url to allows you to move between pages of results, and shows that there are more pages that just aren't being displayed at the bottom.

i-it's random. just refresh the page.

onemoreanonymous said:
Now that Fireflufferz removed himself from the DNP list, a lot of his old art can't be reuploaded because the booru software detects the hash as a duplicate of an image deleted when they went DNP. I suppose re-encoding the file losslessly would sidestep, but it runs counter to the archival aspect of using a booru in the first place.

I recall complaining about this issue from some other artist in the past. Removing the hash of specific deleted images from the hash check algorithm so they may be reuploaded is a feature lacking from any booru software, isn't it?

Intentionally lacking, deleted posts aren't meant to be reuploaded. The artist needs to request that the older posts be undeleted. Reuploading deleted posts will get you a record.

wolf-whitman said:
I believe searching with "order:random" is bugged. If a search has "order:random" it only ever returns one page of results, and there's no page numbers or arrow shortcuts at the bottom to jump between pages. Something is causing the page number/arrow key buttons to disappear, typically they show up even if a specific search only has one page worth of results.

Manually adding/changing "?page=x" to the url to allows you to move between pages of results, and shows that there are more pages that just aren't being displayed at the bottom.

It's random on each page load, it isn't consistent. Thus, there are no pages. Page numbers are meaningless, no page will have the same posts, even the same page when reloaded.

If you want a consistent random, add randseed into your query. ex order:random randseed:anyvalue



onemoreanonymous said:
I recall complaining about this issue from some other artist in the past. Removing the hash of specific deleted images from the hash check algorithm so they may be reuploaded is a feature lacking from any booru software, isn't it?

There's no point to allowing reuploads of images. If the artist is now allowing their art here, the original upload can be restored on their request.

When you go to the last page of general tags sorted by count , the numerical page selector turns into '<Previous Next>'. This is not the bug. The bug is that when you click on either of those, you get 'another page', but the sort criteria on this page appears to be internal row ID (while the 'sort criteria' still shows 'count')

I think technically row ID should be equivalent to 'newest', so resetting that parameter could be one aspect of a fix.

But also it just doesn't seem to particularly make sense to staple this other search onto the end of a paginated search, except when search criteria is set to 'newest'.

savageorange said:
When you go to the last page of general tags sorted by count , the numerical page selector turns into '<Previous Next>'. This is not the bug. The bug is that when you click on either of those, you get 'another page', but the sort criteria on this page appears to be internal row ID (while the 'sort criteria' still shows 'count')

I think technically row ID should be equivalent to 'newest', so resetting that parameter could be one aspect of a fix.

But also it just doesn't seem to particularly make sense to staple this other search onto the end of a paginated search, except when search criteria is set to 'newest'.

Nothing you've described sounds like a bug. Shifting into and remaining in sequential pagination mode is very much intentional. There's no way for the site to switch back, and the site will not display pages beyond 750. Sequential pagination mode orders by id first and foremost. This isn't so much a bug as it is a limitation with how the site works.

donovan_dmc said:
Nothing you've described sounds like a bug. Shifting into and remaining in sequential pagination mode is very much intentional. There's no way for the site to switch back, and the site will not display pages beyond 750. Sequential pagination mode orders by id first and foremost. This isn't so much a bug as it is a limitation with how the site works.

Why is presenting a list of tags sorted by id as if it were a continuation of a list of tags sorted by count not a bug?
The second list just isn't related to the first in any sensible way.

savageorange said:
Why is presenting a list of tags sorted by id as if it were a continuation of a list of tags sorted by count not a bug?
The second list just isn't related to the first in any sensible way.

It can't be both sequential and ordered by whatever you choose, one has to override the other. Sequential overrides everything else when you use sequential pagination. Once again, that is not a bug. It is a limitation of how the site works.

Even if the results were ordered within one sequential page, you'd see them jumping around from page to page, where one might have 50 as its highest, another might have 200, and the next one might have 20. That still wouldn't be a bug, it's how the site works, and that can't be changed.

donovan_dmc said:
It can't be both sequential and ordered by whatever you choose, one has to override the other. Sequential overrides everything else when you use sequential pagination. Once again, that is not a bug. It is a limitation of how the site works.

Even if the results were ordered within one sequential page, you'd see them jumping around from page to page, where one might have 50 as its highest, another might have 200, and the next one might have 20. That still wouldn't be a bug, it's how the site works, and that can't be changed.

Since this is a UI bug, I consider this explanation to completely miss the point.
I understand the distinction between 'how the site works' and 'how the site presents itself' : it's essentially arbitrary; the site presenting itself in a particular way need not have any direct connection with how it actually works.

For example, one way to fix this bug would be to make 750 present the same pagination HTML as the page 749 has if the sort type is not already set to 'newest'.
Another way, which would be IMO worse but possibly slightly less confusing than the current, is for the '<previous next>' pagination links to always force the sort type to 'newest', rather than the present behaviour of keeping it as 'count' while presenting a list which is 'newest' sorted.

savageorange said:
Since this is a UI bug, I consider this explanation to completely miss the point.
I understand the distinction between 'how the site works' and 'how the site presents itself' : it's essentially arbitrary; the site presenting itself in a particular way need not have any direct connection with how it actually works.

It's.. quite literally directly related to how the site work. Say we have this set of values (id, count):
[1, 13], [2, 8], [3, 14], [4, 0], [5, 22], [6, 25], [7, 49], [8, 10], [9, 15], [10, 36], [11, 22], [12, 24], [13, 13], [14, 46], [15, 48], [16, 12], [17, 45], [18, 31], [19, 7], [20, 32]

With a limit of 5 per page, and 2 pages.

Sorting all entries by count we'd end up with this:
[7, 49], [15, 48], [14, 46], [17, 45], [10, 36], [20, 32], [18, 31], [6, 25], [12, 24], [5, 22], [11, 22], [9, 15], [3, 14], [1, 13], [13, 13], [16, 12], [8, 10], [2, 8], [19, 7], [4, 0]

The first two pages sorting by count, they will be correct:
[7, 49], [15, 48], [14, 46], [17, 45], [10, 36]
[20, 32], [18, 31], [6, 25], [12, 24], [5, 22]

Afterwards, we are forced to switch into sequential pagination.
On that page, we have this:
[10, 36], [9, 15], [8, 10], [7, 49], [6, 25]

Why? Because we can't sort by count anymore. We're sorting by ids then offsetting by our page number.

If you still want sorting by count, you'd end up with this:
[7, 49], [10, 36], [6, 25], [9, 15], [8, 10]

It's sorted by count, but not correct. To reinforce that, the next page (sorted by count):
[5, 22], [3, 14], [1, 13], [2, 8], [4, 0]

This is clearly incorrect. Our lowest on the previous page is 10, but our highest on this page is 22.
We aren't considering the counts contained in other pages due to using sequential pagination.
I'll reiterate a third time, there is not a bug here. This is a restriction on how the site works. It cannot, and will not be fixed.

What behavior do you expect here? Sequential pagination not being suggested? Incorrect per-page sorting?

Another way, which would be IMO worse but possibly slightly less confusing than the current, is for the '<previous next>' pagination links to always force the sort type to 'newest', rather than the present behaviour of keeping it as 'count' while presenting a list which is 'newest' sorted.

This is essentially what happens. Order is ignored in sequential pagination. It's sorted by the default, id_asc. There isn't really a point in stripping the parameter.


I don't know if it's a bug or not, but the prompt that asks you if you're a robot redirects you to the homepage instead of whatever it was you attempted to search/open.
It's not a huge hassle, but it would be nice if it remembered for you if possible.

izzyleafbutt said:
I don't know if it's a bug or not, but the prompt that asks you if you're a robot redirects you to the homepage instead of whatever it was you attempted to search/open.
It's not a huge hassle, but it would be nice if it remembered for you if possible.

Well known issue that has remained unfixed no matter how many times it's brought up. It's not technically a bug, it's how it works. It is extremely unfriendly, though. Click the back arrow in your browser then reload after being redirected. A user has also made a tampermonkey script to do that for you.


donovan_dmc said:
Well known issue that has remained unfixed no matter how many times it's brought up. It's not technically a bug, it's how it works. It is extremely unfriendly, though. Click the back arrow in your browser then reload after being redirected. A user has also made a tampermonkey script to to that for you.

Thank you for script link.

donovan_dmc said:
Because we can't sort by count anymore

And at what point have I claimed that you can continue to sort by count?

. We're sorting by ids then offsetting by our page number.

If you still want sorting by count, you'd end up with this:
[7, 49], [10, 36], [6, 25], [9, 15], [8, 10]

It's sorted by count, but not correct. To reinforce that, the next page (sorted by count):
[5, 22], [3, 14], [1, 13], [2, 8], [4, 0]

This is clearly incorrect. Our lowest on the previous page is 10, but our highest on this page is 22.
We aren't considering the counts contained in other pages due to using sequential pagination.

Exactly. I recognize that this is what occurs in the backend, and that it is a technical limitation.
What I reject is the claim that that is relevant to whether you can present this behaviour to the user in an understandable way.

This is a restriction on how the site works. It cannot, and will not be fixed.

It may not be fixed, but that it cannot be fixed is unambiguously false. For example, one of the fixes I propose can be done client-side with a script that just rewrites the page if it matches the criteria of being page 750 with sort != newest.

What behavior do you expect here? Sequential pagination not being suggested?

That is one possibility that seems reasonable. I think I also stated the other (just not making false claims to the user about the sorting criteria)

There isn't really a point in stripping the parameter.

The point of stripping the parameter is to not display false information ("we are sorting by count" -- no, you aren't, but you are claiming you are, both in the page and in the url.)


tredfg543 said:
Display of a "no query" search is currently broken - no images are actually displayed.

This seems to be related to a somehow-borken JPEG from Twitter

post #4587321

I think I fixed it by editing the tags, the file was fine. it seems like it was the tag list containing only 2024 causing that to happen.

I'm assuming this is the right place to report this (please point me to the appropriate places if not)
I can't access e6 anymore without a VPN because it says the website is blocked in North Carolina... I live several states away, and I have never visited or lived there. What's going on?

For additional info, I can get to e926 just fine without a VPN, and this only seems to effect my phone, not computer.

lasagna_kob said:
I'm assuming this is the right place to report this (please point me to the appropriate places if not)
I can't access e6 anymore without a VPN because it says the website is blocked in North Carolina... I live several states away, and I have never visited or lived there. What's going on?

For additional info, I can get to e926 just fine without a VPN, and this only seems to effect my phone, not computer.

the ISP you're using is might routing your traffic through there. although from several states away, that seems odd...

lasagna_kob said:
I'm assuming this is the right place to report this (please point me to the appropriate places if not)
I can't access e6 anymore without a VPN because it says the website is blocked in North Carolina... I live several states away, and I have never visited or lived there. What's going on?

For additional info, I can get to e926 just fine without a VPN, and this only seems to effect my phone, not computer.

Your mobile carrier is routing your traffic through NC for some reason. E926 is not effected due to it not meeting the requirements for the law we blocked NC for.

Sometimes I can't add to favorite and upvote/downvote anything. When trying to upvote/downvote posts it says "Posts updated" with a glimpse of "Posts pending (the number of posts I've tried to upvote/downvote)" but it doesn't actually go through. When trying to favorite it says "error: unidentified". It also doesn't let me post here saying "access denied". It goes away after a few minutes/hours/days. I wonder if it have something to do with my VPN. I'm using some random free proxy Firefox extension.

sipothac said:
the ISP you're using is might routing your traffic through there. although from several states away, that seems odd...

donovan_dmc said:
Your mobile carrier is routing your traffic through NC for some reason. E926 is not effected due to it not meeting the requirements for the law we blocked NC for.

That is very weird, either way, I won't be sticking to this ISP long since it's just a hotspot (rural) and since I can't get a ground/air internet connection without data caps, I'm going with a satellite plan that doesn't have data caps soon. That'll probably fix it.

I'm currently getting the "An unexpected error occurred." message when trying to view my profile or edit tags.

Then when writing this post, I clicked Preview and got "Unable to fetch DText preview."

Having the same issue as ChemistryNoisy. Also pops up when clicking Upload.

The timeout issues for user profiles, uploading, and other things are known. We're waiting for our server guy to come online and fix it

Exact same as the other users. Glad it'll be sorted hopefully soon. To add, I get an unexpected error message when favoriting, but when I return to the page, it's faved.

Experiencing same issue as others, I cannot access my own profile logged in (checked by logging out to see if I was banned for unknown reason, and wasn't), and I cannot add tags as I am faced with the same 'An unexpected error occurred.' error msg. Hopefully, this gets resolved soon.



Ah, cool, was wondering if it was just me. Probably should post a notice if possible?

Same here, can't look at my own profile and can't upload, same "An unexpected error occurred."

Well let's wait...

notknow said:
Same here, can't look at my own profile and can't upload, same "An unexpected error occurred."

Well let's wait...

Same, I cannot view my profile nor log out, it probably will be fix after like a few days

xxxlordxxx said:
Same, I cannot view my profile nor log out, it probably will be fix after like a few days

More like hours, is already fixed with me...

All videos consistently lag for me, they buffer every three seconds regardless of if i let them load fully or not, been having this issue for a long time, keep having to switch to rule34 which has it's own issues regarding videos not playing it's getting to the point where i just can't watch animations some days and it's incredibly infuriating