Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

bkgumbo said:
Any solution for this, no videos will play here but will work elsewhere like r34. Is there anything I can do on my end to possibly fix this?

Yeah, is there any information we can provide to help figure this out? Streaming the same video from e621 with VLC will work, it's just webkit, and just e621. Old videos as well as new ones. Bad time to be a mobile-only user.

the DText preview shows text within [color][/color] tags as the default white (or black for the 3 people who use Serpent or Hotdog) text, even in places where it normally does work like the user profile about section and wiki pages.

also the DText help documentation does not make mention of where and/or what situations color works in.


dba_afish said:
the DText preview shows text within [color][/color] tags as the default white (or black for the 3 people who use Serpent or Hotdog) text, even in places where it normally does work like the user profile about section and wiki pages.

I'm using serpent right now and the color tags (red) are working on your profile Oh you mean dtext preview. Yeah that would be nice to have fixed

also the DText help documentation does not make mention of where and/or what situations color works in.

Yes, would be very nice if that was expanded on


Some videos play fine, but other videos become a 'static blur' that I can't view but can still hear if it has audio. Anyone know how this can be fixed? I tried refreshing, logging out, and back in, but nothing worked. Any thoughts?

When I am signed in I cannot access any images by tapping on the thumbnail because I am stuck unfavoriting posts that I tap on (regardless if I have them favorited or not). Signing out fixes the issue but then I can't find all the posts I like. Having mobile mode enabled or disabled does not help.
(Edit: grammar)


qoobdoob said:
When I am signed in I cannot access any images by tapping on the thumbnail because I am stuck unfavoriting posts that I tap on (regardless if I have them favorited or not). Signing out fixes the issue but then I can't find all the posts I like. Having mobile mode enabled or disabled does not help.
(Edit: grammar)

scroll to the bottom of the posts page, click the dropdown menu, select View mode.

It looks like comments that are below your configured score threshold no longer show up in comment searches. When I change the threshold, they appear again. There does not seem to be an option to "show all comments" like there is on post pages. Was this intentional?

the character limit on stuff is actually one character shorter than what's shown. meaning, if you write a blip that's exactly 1000 characters long and try to submit, it will just get totally eaten.

dba_afish said:
the character limit on stuff is actually one character shorter than what's shown. meaning, if you write a blip that's exactly 1000 characters long and try to submit, it will just get totally eaten.

I tested it and my blip of 1000 a's went through fine
Also it seems you can't see hidden blips, even your own


snpthecat said:
I tested it and my blip of 1000 a's went through fine
Also it seems you can't see hidden blips, even your own

I guess this got fixed at some point, then. huh, this happened to me a while ago and just decided to being it up now. I didn't see it mentioned in the change logs.

EDIT: or maybe I'm just crazy, because I'm not seeing anything related to this in the github either. I swear on my life that I wrote a 1000 character blip and it got destroyed when I hit the submit button, though...


I think that one is about DText formatting getting counted in a weird way (for example , quote some other blip and then fill up the remainder)

I don't know the exact conditions, but I've usually triggered it in the context of just "I tried to quote, and there was really no other DText formatting in the message I quoted or my reply"

If it still exists, I would assert that the amount of deficit is not fixed (presumably you lose more for each relevant bit of DText formatting.. perhaps there are some characters in DText which are stored in escaped rather than raw form?)

Not sure if this a bug but a tag just disappeared completely the “penile_squirting” tag just vanished



dba_afish said:
somone manually removed the tag from all posts and replaced it with male_squirting

Neither penile_squirting or male_squirting seem like good tags to me. It's not only males that have penises, and it's not just penises that males can squirt from. But penis_squirting just seems like a more vague tag that can mean cumshot, precum_squirt, or peeing.

bkgumbo said:
Any solution for this, no videos will play here but will work elsewhere like r34. Is there anything I can do on my end to possibly fix this?

Sooo, is there a fix yet or still nothing?

dba_afish said:
I guess this got fixed at some point, then. huh, this happened to me a while ago and just decided to being it up now. I didn't see it mentioned in the change logs.

EDIT: or maybe I'm just crazy, because I'm not seeing anything related to this in the github either. I swear on my life that I wrote a 1000 character blip and it got destroyed when I hit the submit button, though...

okay, it seems like the problem is actually that there is some disagreement between the counter on the text input box and the thing that checks if text is too long to be posted. I had to slightly rephrase a recent blip a few times to shave the count down before it would finally be accepted, even though the input box's counter showed it as within the limit each time.

I'm guessing that some of the formatting objects are actually treated as slightly longer by the checker than the actual length of them in raw DText?

so... how long has h2. been set to font-size: .825em rather than font-size: 1.825em and no one's ever noticed or said anything about it?

dba_afish said:
so... how long has h2. been set to font-size: .825em rather than font-size: 1.825em and no one's ever noticed or said anything about it?

I thought that was intentional

I’m still unable to play a large majority of the webms on mobile, pc works relatively fine but 99% of the webms on mobile don’t work for me, I’ve tried different browsers, clearing caches, and nothing works. Is there any reason why? And is there a fix?

bkgumbo said:
I’m still unable to play a large majority of the webms on mobile, pc works relatively fine but 99% of the webms on mobile don’t work for me, I’ve tried different browsers, clearing caches, and nothing works. Is there any reason why? And is there a fix?

Just telling us "it doesn't work" over and over is going to be met with the same result, nothing's going to change because we can't fix something we have no details about

donovan_dmc said:
Just telling us "it doesn't work" over and over is going to be met with the same result, nothing's going to change because we can't fix something we have no details about

Several of us have been asking what details we can provide that helps, how we can be of assistance. This is the first time this has been acknowledged at all. How can we help? What information do you need?

I'm on iPad, iPadOS 17.5.1, using Brave 1.66, but it doesn't work in any browser I try, or on iPhone either, so I guess it might be just WebKit in general (anyone on Android with the same issue?)

Here are some videos that don't work for me:

And here are two I found that do work for me (can someone else confirm?):

Maybe 1 out of 20 videos I try work. All of them work if I go to any of the sources and play back there. Streaming the e621 video through the VLC app on iOS works.

The symptom is that the video player frame gets small when I press play, and it loads forever without playing. It doesn't work on the front page or when pressing "download" to view the video directly (same thing, small player, infinitely spinning loading symbol).

This started happening some months ago. I don't know the exact time, but there definitely was a before and after at some point in the winter or early spring.

I can't think of any more information to add, but let me know if there's anything. If the staff isn't able to replicate the issue, I'd love to help out with testing potential solutions. Even if it can't reasonably be fixed (like maybe it's a codec issue caused by WebKit and you'd need to reencode all e621 videos to fix it), then just identifying the specific peculiarity about e621 that causes the issue would let us make a useful bug report to Apple.


spuriouszabaione said:
Tag twin_tail has 9 entries but has no results displaying when searching for posts under this tag.

Not sure if it's related to this BUR for create alias twin_tail (9) -> twintails_(disambiguation) (0) but the disamb page is already invalid as of this posting

The count for aliased tags are sometimes incorrect (probably due to cached values and nothing updating them), the number of posts actually under the tag is shown by searching it.

arnearno said:
Several of us have been asking what details we can provide that helps, how we can be of assistance. This is the first time this has been acknowledged at all. How can we help? What information do you need?

I'm on iPad, iPadOS 17.5.1, using Brave 1.66, but it doesn't work in any browser I try, or on iPhone either, so I guess it might be just WebKit in general (anyone on Android with the same issue?)

If we are talking of Apple devices, as far as I know they still do not support WebM files and there's samples generated (480p, 720p and original) for Apple stuff specifically and it's way more compressed and worse from the actual upload.
How this is done is that both are embedded into same <video> HTML tag and your browser should simply select the one that it can play.

So this sounds like this could be problem either with the samples, which doesn't sound likely as there's also older videos where nobody have had any issues up until this point.
Other one is that Apple all of a sudden now supports WebM files and they started selecting WebM stream, but their implementation is broken so it tries infinitely and failing. According to Can I Use, Safari on desktop and mobile was updated to 17.5 in May which does state full support for WebM files, so this could be the case.

I have zero Apple devices now and in future, so I cannot help with this more than just what I have heard.

arnearno said:
Here are some videos that don't work for me:

I don't have an Apple mobile device to test with. I did try downloading some of the videos you mentioned (with desktop Firefox 115.11.0esr on Linux), and running the exiftool command on them, just to see if there's anything obviously different about the files that do work vs. the ones that don't work.

Note that this test may not be definitive - as Mairo says, the browser you are using may be picking from a few alternatives, and there's no guarantee that my Firefox is picking the same file as your iOS browsers are.

I haven't included the complete exiftool output here - just the lines that seem to be related to the file type, encoding, etc.

Videos you noted as not working:

File Type                       : WEBM
File Type Extension             : webm
MIME Type                       : video/webm
EBML Version                    : 1
EBML Read Version               : 1
Doc Type                        : webm
Doc Type Version                : 4
Doc Type Read Version           : 2
Timecode Scale                  : 1 ms
Muxing App                      : Lavf61.3.104
Writing App                     : Lavf61.3.104
Video Frame Rate                : 24
Image Width                     : 3840
Image Height                    : 2160
Video Scan Type                 : Unknown (2)
Track Number                    : 2
Track UID                       : e81ff38ebfc0021c
Track Language                  : und
Track Default                   : No
Codec ID                        : A_OPUS
Track Type                      : Audio
Audio Channels                  : 2
Audio Sample Rate               : 48000
Audio Bits Per Sample           : 32
Tag Track UID                   : e81ff38ebfc0021c
Encoder                         : Lavc61.6.100 libopus
Duration                        : 00:02:47.191000000
Image Size                      : 3840x2160
Megapixels                      : 8.3

File Type                       : WEBM
File Type Extension             : webm
MIME Type                       : video/webm
EBML Version                    : 1
EBML Read Version               : 1
Doc Type                        : webm
Doc Type Version                : 4
Doc Type Read Version           : 2
Timecode Scale                  : 1 ms
Muxing App                      : Lavf59.0.101
Writing App                     : Lavf59.0.101
Video Frame Rate                : 24
Image Width                     : 1920
Image Height                    : 1080
Video Scan Type                 : Unknown (2)
Track Number                    : 2
Track UID                       : 46ee4c86a653b088
Track Language                  : und
Codec ID                        : A_OPUS
Track Type                      : Audio
Audio Channels                  : 2
Audio Sample Rate               : 48000
Audio Bits Per Sample           : 32
Major Brand                     : isom
Minor Version                   : 512
Compatible Brands               : isomiso2avc1mp41
Tag Track UID                   : 46ee4c86a653b088
Handler Name                    : SoundHandler
Vendor Id                       : [0][0][0][0]
Encoder                         : Lavc59.1.100 libopus
Duration                        : 00:09:50.024000000
Image Size                      : 1920x1080
Megapixels                      : 2.1

Videos you noted as working:

File Type                       : WEBM
File Type Extension             : webm
MIME Type                       : video/webm
EBML Version                    : 1
EBML Read Version               : 1
Doc Type                        : webm
Doc Type Version                : 2
Doc Type Read Version           : 2
Timecode Scale                  : 1 ms
Muxing App                      : Lavf56.36.100
Writing App                     : Lavf56.36.100
Duration                        : 0:16:03
Video Frame Rate                : 25
Image Width                     : 1280
Image Height                    : 720
Track Number                    : 2
Track UID                       : 02
Track Language                  : eng
Codec ID                        : A_VORBIS
Track Type                      : Audio
Audio Channels                  : 2
Audio Sample Rate               : 22050
Audio Bits Per Sample           : 32
Image Size                      : 1280x720
Megapixels                      : 0.922

File Type                       : WEBM
File Type Extension             : webm
MIME Type                       : video/webm
EBML Version                    : 1
EBML Read Version               : 1
Doc Type                        : webm
Doc Type Version                : 2
Doc Type Read Version           : 2
Timecode Scale                  : 1 ms
Muxing App                      : Lavf57.66.102
Writing App                     : Lavf57.66.102
Duration                        : 0:00:32
Track Number                    : 1
Track UID                       : 01
Track Language                  : und
Codec ID                        : V_VP8
Track Type                      : Video
Video Frame Rate                : 12
Image Width                     : 853
Image Height                    : 480
Video Scan Type                 : Unknown (2)
Image Size                      : 853x480
Megapixels                      : 0.409

Looking at the differences...

Encoders Lavf56 and Lavf57 correspond to working videos. Encoders Lavf59 and Lavf61 correspond to broken videos.

Webm videos can be both working and non-working.

Two of the non-working videos have Opus audio. One of the working videos has Vorbis audio; the other has no sound.

Two of the non-working videos have Doc Type Version 4. Both the working videos have Doc Type Version 2.

The non-working videos are 3840x2160 and 1920x1080 . The working videos are 1280x720 and 853x480 . (Maybe there's a maximum image size that iOS is looking for?)

kora_viridian said: ...

You are looking at the WEBM videos. For iOS, I'd investigate the MP4 versions.
You can find all the different variants of the file though the API.

Not working:


Now, I don't have the slightest clue what the issue here is.
I also don't have an iOS device to test this on, mind you.

The only thing that immediately sticks out is that the "non-working" posts have a 720p version available, but the "working" ones don't.
But I don't know if this has anything to do with it. All files seem to be working on my device.

arnearno said: ...

Is this issue present for all versions of the file, or just one sample?
You can switch between those using a dropdown under the post.


Differences noted:

The working posts only offer two MP4 files as alternatives, and the not-working posts offer three MP4 files.

Looking inside the MP4 files:
Media Time Scale of 48000 doesn't work. 22050 and 12288 both work.
Audio Sample Rate of 48000 doesn't work. 22050 and nothing (no audio) both work.
Video Frame Rate of 24 doesn't work. 25 and 12 both work.

Long version:

cinder said:
You are looking at the WEBM videos. For iOS, I'd investigate the MP4 versions.

First I looked at just the JSON to see what MP4 versions each post offers under alternates. For all four videos I looked at, the alternates were all listed under one of original, 480p, or 720p in the JSON.

Not working:
MP4 versions available: 3840x2160, 1280x720, and 640x360
MP4 versions available: 1920x1080, 1280x720, and 640x360

MP4 versions available: 1280x720, 640x360
MP4 versions available: 852x480, 640x360

===> One difference is that the working ones only offer two alternatives, and the not-working ones offer three. Maybe that's confusing iOS/Safari somehow?

Now to look at the files. Download button go brrr... okay. Now I have ten different MP4 files.

As a basic check, file(1) says ISO Media, MP4 Base Media v1 [IS0 14496-12:2003] for all ten MP4 files.

Rather than post the exiftool output for each one, I'll just concentrate on the differences.

A few items are different in all ten MP4 files, but they are things I expect to be different, like the file size, file name, average bitrate, etc.

A bunch of the items are the same in all 10 MP4 files.

Some of the items, like the duration, are the same for each quality version of one post, which seems OK.

I pulled out some of the items that seemed to be interesting.

Not working:

Next Track ID                   : 3
Pixel Aspect Ratio              : 1:1
Video Frame Rate                : 24
Media Time Scale                : 48000
Audio Format                    : mp4a
Audio Channels                  : 2
Audio Bits Per Sample           : 16
Audio Sample Rate               : 48000
Encoder                         : Lavf58.29.100

Next Track ID                   : 3
Pixel Aspect Ratio              : 1:1
Video Frame Rate                : 24
Media Time Scale                : 48000
Audio Format                    : mp4a
Audio Channels                  : 2
Audio Bits Per Sample           : 16
Audio Sample Rate               : 48000
Encoder                         : Lavf57.83.100


Next Track ID                   : 3
Pixel Aspect Ratio              : 1:1
Video Frame Rate                : 25
Media Time Scale                : 22050
Audio Format                    : mp4a
Audio Channels                  : 2
Audio Bits Per Sample           : 16
Audio Sample Rate               : 22050
Encoder                         : Lavf57.83.100

Next Track ID                   : 2
Pixel Aspect Ratio              : 2559:2560  # for the 640x360 version
Pixel Aspect Ratio              : 853:852  # for the 852x480 version
Media Time Scale                : 12288
Video Frame Rate                : 12
Encoder                         : Lavf57.83.100

===> The differences that seem to be correlated with working vs non-working:

Media Time Scale of 48000 doesn't work. 22050 and 12288 both work.
Audio Sample Rate of 48000 doesn't work. 22050 and nothing (no audio) both work.
Video Frame Rate of 24 doesn't work. 25 and 12 both work.

The differences that aren't correlated with working vs non-working:

Pixel Aspect Ratio is exactly 1:1 in both working and non-working videos. It's very slightly greater than 1:1 on a working video.
Next Track ID can be 3 in both working and non-working videos.
Audio Format can be mp4a in both working and non-working videos, or missing entirely for a video with no audio.
Encoder can be Lavf57.83.100 in both working and non-working videos. (Side note: the MP4 videos are reporting a different set of encoders than the WebM ones are.)

Again, all of this is on Linux, not iOS.

cinder said:
Is this issue present for all versions of the file, or just one sample?
You can switch between those using a dropdown under the post.

I didn't know about the alternative versions. For the two videos that did work, ONLY the original worked. None of the samples work.

So just for clarity:
For these videos, nothing works.

For these, only the "original" versions work. The downscaled "sample" videos do not work.

kora_viridian said:
Differences noted:

The stuff you're doing is a bit above my pay grade, but maybe this info can help narrow it down even further?


arnearno said:
For these, only the "original" versions work. The downscaled "sample" videos do not work.

The stuff you're doing is a bit above my pay grade, but maybe this info can help narrow it down even further?

Maybe. As you might expect, the "original" and the "sample" versions of a given post don't differ that much, except in file size, canvas size, and bit rate. Comparing the "original" and "sample" versions for each post...

Working (original):

Avg Bitrate                     : 1.28 Mbps
File Size                       : 155 MB
Image Size                      : 1280x720
Media Data Size                 : 154169879
Megapixels                      : 0.922
Source Image Height             : 720
Source Image Width              : 1280

Not working (sample):

Avg Bitrate                     : 533 kbps
File Size                       : 65 MB
Image Size                      : 640x360
Media Data Size                 : 64083984
Megapixels                      : 0.230
Source Image Height             : 360
Source Image Width              : 640

Working (original):

Avg Bitrate                     : 260 kbps
File Size                       : 1044 kB
Image Size                      : 853x480
Media Data Size                 : 1038746
Megapixels                      : 0.409
Pixel Aspect Ratio              : 853:852
Source Image Height             : 480
Source Image Width              : 852

Not working (sample):

Avg Bitrate                     : 169 kbps
File Size                       : 683 kB
Image Size                      : 639x360
Media Data Size                 : 677897
Megapixels                      : 0.230
Pixel Aspect Ratio              : 2559:2560
Source Image Height             : 360
Source Image Width              : 640

arnearno said:
For these, only the "original" versions work. The downscaled "sample" videos do not work.

Interesting, and very strange. I think we are getting somewhere.
Let's test this further with one of the files where the "original" version worked for you.

Which one of these files works for you?
Original WEBM:
Original MP4:

Sample WEBM:
Sample MP4:

cinder said:
Interesting, and very strange. I think we are getting somewhere.
Let's test this further with one of the files where the "original" version worked for you.

Which one of these files works for you?
Original WEBM:
Original MP4:

Sample WEBM:
Sample MP4:

All of those work, except for the sample WEBM.

the message for hitting the hourly edit cap has a typo, and it's also worded a bit oddly.

Access Denied: Updater have reached the hourly limit for this action

dba_afish said:
the message for hitting the hourly edit cap has a typo, and it's also worded a bit oddly.

Access Denied: Updater have reached the hourly limit for this action

It's been that way and we've known about it for a long time, it isn't as simple as changing a string in one place and fixing it, that text is shared across multiple things, most of which are started with You

If you'd like a more technical explanation, errors in rails are added like errors.add(:name, "error") which is then made into Name error
The only way to avoid that is by using base as a name, so there are two different things happening in different places

message = "have reached the hourly limit for this action"
errors.add(:updater, message) # Updater have reached the hourly limit for this action
errors.add(:base, "You #{message}") # You have reached the hourly limit for this action

Changing the name if the error does a bit more than just changing a string, and isn't particularly high on the priority list
In other words, I'd consider that a WONTFIX

donovan_dmc said:
It's been that way and we've known about it for a long time, it isn't as simple as changing a string in one place and fixing it, that text is shared across multiple things, most of which are started with You

If you'd like a more technical explanation, errors in rails are added like errors.add(:name, "error") which is then made into Name error
The only way to avoid that is by using base as a name, so there are two different things happening in different places

message = "have reached the hourly limit for this action"
errors.add(:updater, message) # Updater have reached the hourly limit for this action
errors.add(:base, "You #{message}") # You have reached the hourly limit for this action

Changing the name if the error does a bit more than just changing a string, and isn't particularly high on the priority list
In other words, I'd consider that a WONTFIX

and it also wouldn't be feasible to change "have" to "has"?

dba_afish said:
and it also wouldn't be feasible to change "have" to "has"?

You has reached the hourly limit for this action

donovan_dmc said:
You has reached the hourly limit for this action

A solution is to remove the have from the error message, and have it be added to the name. So instead of Updater, it'll be Updater has
However it'll be time consuming and likely to create more errors

snpthecat said:
A solution is to remove the have from the error message, and have it be added to the name. So instead of Updater, it'll be Updater has
However it'll be time consuming and likely to create more errors

That runs into the same issue as changing the name of the error to base and just slapping on "You "
That also would look really dumb in api responses because those are also generated based on the error name

  "errors": {
    "uploader_has": ["reached the hourly limit for this action"]

donovan_dmc said:
That runs into the same issue as changing the name of the error to base and just slapping on "You "
That also would look really dumb in api responses because those are also generated based on the error name

  "errors": {
    "uploader_has": ["reached the hourly limit for this action"]

why not just remove the have/has entirely? it is kind of superfluous in that sentence. "you reached"/"updater reached".

arnearno said:
All of those work, except for the sample WEBM.

bkgumbo said:
Same here.

Well, I guess we figured out what the problem is.
Here's a mildly technical explanation.

The site determines which version of the video to show you by asking the browser if it supports the WEBM format.
If it does, then the WEBM one is shown, otherwise the MP4 is displayed. That worked fine for... a while.

That changed when iOS added WEBM support. So, everyone gets served the WEBM version now.
Unfortunately, while iOS does show the WEBMs that use the older VP8 codec just fine, it has a lot of trouble with the more modern VP9 codec. And all the samples generated by e621 use VP9.
That's why the "original" version of the video works fine for you, but the samples break.

I've pinged our developer about this. It should be a fairly simple fix – the site just has to ask the browser if it supports that specific codec.
However, I haven't received a response yet, so I do not know when / if that will be addressed.

cinder said:
That changed when iOS added WEBM support. So, everyone gets served the WEBM version now.

Is it possible to tell either iOS itself, or mobile Safari, to pretend to not speak WebM? That way, the site should serve iOS users videos as mp4 again. This might affect how other sites work on iOS, but if it's available, it's something the user could do.

Apple says that on OS X Safari, there's an "Advanced settings" screen, which has an option for "Show features for web developers", which then opens up some more options. They say these options include "Feature Flags", which allow you to enable or disable some browser features. In particular, they say that the "Stable" feature flags (on by default) let you turn off things that were recently introduced, to see if that helps. There's also a "Preview" category (off by default), which might help if there's an item like "Improved WebM support" to try. Again, this is on Mac desktops and laptops - I don't know if it's on mobile.

(In Firefox, there are a lot of knobs like this in about:config, that let you disable or modify various browser features. Most people never have to touch them, but sometimes they're handy when something is new and either Firefox or web sites don't quite agree on how it works yet. Typically the action is that you disable whatever it is, leave it that way for a major Firefox version or two, go back in and re-enable it, and then It Just WorksTM.)

Just to confirm, I found a flag in Safari for iOS/iPadOS called "Alternate WebM player", and disabling that makes all the videos work. Unfortunately, it only works in Safari, and not in all the other browsers using WebKit (which is all of them as far as I'm aware), so fixing it at the site level would still be very appreciated.

arnearno said:
Just to confirm, I found a flag in Safari for iOS/iPadOS called "Alternate WebM player", and disabling that makes all the videos work.

Thanks for posting this! It will help other Apple mobile users, until either it gets fixed at the site level or it is no longer needed when iOS WebM support improves.

Can you describe how to find that setting in mobile Safari? That would be a good reference for other users.

kora_viridian said:
Can you describe how to find that setting in mobile Safari? That would be a good reference for other users.

Settings app > Safari > Advanced > Feature Flags > Alternate WebM Player

when trying to upload an image, it's flagged as not being supported, when its a .png
if anyone knows how to fix that, would be greatly appreciated :>

spinfan1 said:
when trying to upload an image, it's flagged as not being supported, when its a .png
if anyone knows how to fix that, would be greatly appreciated :>

We can't help anything without a more specific error or the image itself

verycreativename777 said: this post was animated as a slideshow last night, and now that im checking today it seems to not be working. clicking download to view the source shows it working properly... id like to fix it but im not sure how

It's still animated as a slideshow. An incredibly slow one.
Check the dropdown under the image – is it set to "Sample (850px)"? Because that one is a small static JPG file.
Switch to "Fit" or "Original" to see the animated version.

A few days ago i logged into e621 and i can’t see any posts. I only see little question marks and any video that is uploaded is the same. Its like the posts wont load. Over any other device like my Laptop it works and i can see the posts…but not on my phone.

neox_wolf said:
A few days ago i logged into e621 and i can’t see any posts. I only see little question marks and any video that is uploaded is the same. Its like the posts wont load. Over any other device like my Laptop it works and i can see the posts…but not on my phone.

I got the same issue, or well a similar one where I can only see a posts tags instead of the picture but the issue persists across different devices and browsers. Only a few posts are visible. And on videos it says that there is no supported video format and MIME-type found.

neox_wolf said:
A few days ago i logged into e621 and i can’t see any posts. I only see little question marks and any video that is uploaded is the same. Its like the posts wont load. Over any other device like my Laptop it works and i can see the posts…but not on my phone.

Exactly the same for me, I can't see any images, only a question marks instead.

cinder said:
Switzerland recently blocked e621's image server on the ISP level.
All images now redirect to a placeholder page the details their reasoning. For example:

There isn't anything we can do about this at the moment.

This is mainly just a temporary solution, but one way I found to circumvent this, is to simply manually change the DNS Server in your settings to something like , or (for a specific step-by-step explanation just google how to change your DNS, there's lots of guides).
Had my access here in Switzerland blocked, but with that change it works again. Not sure why this happened in the first place, but for now it seems to have done the trick

jiey said:
This is mainly just a temporary solution, but one way I found to circumvent this, is to simply manually change the DNS Server in your settings to something like , or (for a specific step-by-step explanation just google how to change your DNS, there's lots of guides).
Had my access here in Switzerland blocked, but with that change it works again. Not sure why this happened in the first place, but for now it seems to have done the trick

For me that still won't do it unfortunately. I just tried it out.

nicolas_delgado said:
For me that still won't do it unfortunately. I just tried it out.

I don't know if Firefox mobile can do it, but on desktop, Firefox offers "DNS over HTTPS" that may help. Basically, instead of sending DNS requests to a DNS server at your ISP, or to a public DNS server like (Google), it sends DNS requests as HTTPS requests to a third-party server (which I think is Cloudflare, at least in the US). It's not as secure as it claims to be; it basically moves the spying from your ISP to Cloudflare. But in this particular case, it might be useful. It won't work if the third-party server detects that you are coming from Switzerland and gives you the IP of Switzerland's "blocked" page, though.

For me, in desktop Firefox, DNS over HTTPS is found at "Edit menu > Settings > Privacy and Security", and then scroll all the way down. You can also get there via "hamburger button (three lines) > Settings > Privacy and Security", and then scroll all the way down. If changing it doesn't help, then put it back the way it was.

kora_viridian said:
I don't know if Firefox mobile can do it, but on desktop, Firefox offers "DNS over HTTPS" that may help. Basically, instead of sending DNS requests to a DNS server at your ISP, or to a public DNS server like (Google), it sends DNS requests as HTTPS requests to a third-party server (which I think is Cloudflare, at least in the US). It's not as secure as it claims to be; it basically moves the spying from your ISP to Cloudflare. But in this particular case, it might be useful. It won't work if the third-party server detects that you are coming from Switzerland and gives you the IP of Switzerland's "blocked" page, though.

For me, in desktop Firefox, DNS over HTTPS is found at "Edit menu > Settings > Privacy and Security", and then scroll all the way down. You can also get there via "hamburger button (three lines) > Settings > Privacy and Security", and then scroll all the way down. If changing it doesn't help, then put it back the way it was.

That works! You saved my day.

I have the problem that the preview images are no longer displayed and when I click on the image the image does not load. I tried it on 3 devices but only got a small image icon. why is this and how can I fix it?

realyouhei said:
I have the problem that the preview images are no longer displayed and when I click on the image the image does not load. I tried it on 3 devices but only got a small image icon. why is this and how can I fix it?


From what i can gather the site was blocked in Switzerland due to CP allegations. I hope they resolve this soon

Cant see pictures anymore, on pc it got replaced with tags and on phone its a (?). I figured out that its because im from switzerland and another friend from swiss had the same but no one else that isnt from swiss. Can this be somehow fixed?

gayowen said:
Cant see pictures anymore, on pc it got replaced with tags and on phone its a (?). I figured out that its because im from switzerland and another friend from swiss had the same but no one else that isnt from swiss. Can this be somehow fixed?

Scroll up

kora_viridian said:
I don't know if Firefox mobile can do it, but on desktop, Firefox offers "DNS over HTTPS" that may help. Basically, instead of sending DNS requests to a DNS server at your ISP, or to a public DNS server like (Google), it sends DNS requests as HTTPS requests to a third-party server (which I think is Cloudflare, at least in the US). It's not as secure as it claims to be; it basically moves the spying from your ISP to Cloudflare. But in this particular case, it might be useful. It won't work if the third-party server detects that you are coming from Switzerland and gives you the IP of Switzerland's "blocked" page, though.

For me, in desktop Firefox, DNS over HTTPS is found at "Edit menu > Settings > Privacy and Security", and then scroll all the way down. You can also get there via "hamburger button (three lines) > Settings > Privacy and Security", and then scroll all the way down. If changing it doesn't help, then put it back the way it was.

It wont work for me, you have another idee ?

caths said:
It wont work for me, you have another idee ?

I'm sorry, I don't really have another idea.

If you're in Switzerland, you're about 4,800 miles (7,700 km) away from me. So I can't try the same things you can try.

If you use a mobile phone, and your mobile phone supports multiple SIM cards, or an e-SIM, you might be able to travel to Germany or Italy, purchase a pre-paid SIM or e-SIM in one of those countries, and use that SIM in your mobile phone to access e621.

I am told that buying a SIM or e-SIM in Germany may require you to complete a video call with an employee/worker of the telecom company, before the SIM or e-SIM works in your mobile phone. I do not know about the procedures in Italy.

If some guys with green shirts and pants, and really complicated pocket knives, parachute into my street here in the USA... It's been nice knowing you all. }:>

Aw damn. That explains why I can't load up anything. It works if I use cell data, but my wi-fi straight up won't load up a thing.
So much for wanting to post art of my fursonas :v

Well shit. If anyone wants to post stuff in my stead, feel free to peruse my FA or whatever :U
not that the resolution turns out great there or anything but bleh, what can you do.

EDIT: Nvm I'm good to go, still :]


I'm not sure if this is really a bug or just a question or whatever, but...

should normal member-level users really access have to the "undo selected" button in the change history page? as much as I've been able to get some use out of it, it really seems more trouble than its worth to let any user click two buttons, accidentally or maliciously, and just rapidly start removing swathes of tags, source links, and description changes from posts. I've literally seen two random users in the past half-hour or so undo upwards of a dozen of the most recent edits seemingly accidentally.



dba_afish said:
should normal member-level users really access have to the "undo selected" button in the change history page? [...] I've literally seen two random users in the past half-hour or so undo upwards of a dozen of the most recent edits seemingly accidentally.

Yeah, I've also thought about bringing this up before, considering it tends to happen pretty regularly. Hell, I've had my fair share of edits undone this way by this point. I'm kinda reluctant about suggesting the removal of features from normal accounts, but this one's just ripe for abuse, considering its only real use is undoing (or commiting) tag vandalism and the former only works if the edit doesn't contain any other valid tag changes anyway.

Has there been any attempt of communication between e621 and the swiss federal police? I still can't see pictures and i can't find an official statement from FedPol

dba_afish said:
I'm not sure if this is really a bug or just a question or whatever, but...

should normal member-level users really access have to the "undo selected" button in the change history page? as much as I've been able to get some use out of it, it really seems more trouble than its worth to let any user click two buttons, accidentally or maliciously, and just rapidly start removing swathes of tags, source links, and description changes from posts. I've literally seen two random users in the past half-hour or so undo upwards of a dozen of the most recent edits seemingly accidentally.

People somehow "accidentally" do this all the time, I don't see why this should be available to regular users when other things like tag scripts are restricted to priv+. I'm fairly sure this isn't the first time it's been mentioned either.

I've reverted users who did undid a whole page worth of results before and ended up with a warning from an admin for reverting an invalid edit that they had incidentally reverted by pure luck. It's probably better to just report these things and move on rather than trying to deal with it yourself in the first place, so I don't think the "undo selected" feature is particularly useful to non-staff.