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I was scared for a moment to see that no image was loading, but now I see that I am not the only one that happens, are you working to correct that error that I see that many is happening

What am I supposed to do now?
My upload limit got nuked for no reason other than to cuck me. I'm getting my Notebook laptop tomorrow and now I can't upload anything here.

anyone else noticing this website not loading and generally being slow? Went to Posts, nothing loading. Pools, three different sets and nothing loaded. Checked my internet connection with some other sites like Quora and that loaded normally.

has cloudflare been disabled? it looks like my static1. requests are going straight to the master server now

I'm getting a notebook to do better art and now with my upload limit being nuked and shit, I guess there's no reason for me to be here. Thanks a lot.

I can't upload anything cuz it got nuked WTF?
I got an age restriction ban even though I have proven before that I am over 18, why was my uploads nuked?

a little css hack to put the uploader's name on the page:

#image-and-nav {position: relative;}
#image-container[data-uploader]::after {
	content : "Uploader: " attr(data-uploader);
	position : absolute;
	left : 0;
	bottom : -0.8em;
	font-size : 0.9em;
	color : #b4c7d9;
In response to blip #105141

How'r ya now?

If any of y'all are looking for more binge-fodder during isolation, give yer balls a tug and try out Letterkenny; it may get you in touch with yer inner hick or scrub
(I am still crushing a bit on Jared Keeso)

aaaand the site broke again. This time resetting my router won't fix it. Maybe I'll check back in a couple days.

In response to blip #105106

@Critical_Stiban: Thank you. I'd give a shout to everyone who gave me a pick-me-up after that user's actions but there's no need to drop a half dozen names. What they did really didn't bother me at all, but it's really comforting to know I've got a good group of people I can talk to.

You're all awesome people; if anyone ever needs an ear then please let me lend you mine.

I take everything back.
Also the whole practice thing, yeah I'll keep doing that since I'm getting a notebook for my digital art.
I hope everyone is doing well and being safe.

i feel like my brain just isn't suitable for artistic hobbies

every time i try to make some progress i work so slowly and burn out so quickly that i wonder if i'll ever have something i can call finished in this lifetime

F for all the fish killed off in river/ocean in Animal Crossing New Horizons due to the high sugar egg pollution...


In response to blip #105057

@Shishigumi: Every society has its imperfections. Some of them are quite egregious and have negatively impacted many people. But that has happened everywhere, when you really think about it

Likewise, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Sorry you didn’t have a good experience here in the States. Hope your new home country treats you well

It was pretty nice outside day so I went for a short walk. Musta hardly seen a dozen cars on the road for the over an hour I was out. When did the world get so eerie?