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In response to blip #104838

crusty_fire said:
I swear the only reason I'm bothering to learn Python is to make tagging and sourcing easier for myself... Kinda sad lmao

y'know i think programming is a worthwhile use of time, even if no one benefits from the result.

i've been writing software for over 10 years and i always felt like there was valuable learning inherent in creation of all but the most trivial programs, as much now as when i first started.

of course it's more fulfilling when your work can be used/appreciated by others, but achieving that often requires much more effort/expertise than just solving problems for yourself

Sales and customer bookings are to the point that I can foresee my company trying to force somebody (cheaper than me) to put in 60-72 hours per week, and then try to justify paying out only 36-40 hours to them in the name of Covid-reality restructuring (being designated as 'essential services')

In response to blip #104825

CCoyote said:

true, i guess. All I know is that once when I was in a sports competition there was this cheer leader that had a super skinny waist and yet no ribs were showing. since then I've wanted a waist super slim like hers.

about the food anxiety, IKD. Food just scares me, plus I dont like the thought of faving literal waste in my body so if I dont eat I never have to have a BM. I'm clean inside and out.

In response to blip #104821

Samael_Morningstar said:
I have A fear of food and eating anxiety so not eating is easy for me, even though it means I'm suffering from rickits currently and will probably suffer from other deficiencies along the way.

Hey, um, I'm speaking here about your food anxiety, and I want to be sure you understand I mean this completely separate from your gender dysphoria. If your relationship with food is so bad that you're already suffering diseases related to malnutrition, don't you think you should see a therapist? That's going to be a lot cheaper than $25,000 for cosmetic surgery to remove two ribs. If your dream involves permanent, unnecessary changes to your body that could literally kill you, you might need to explore what psychological influence is causing you have that dream.

In response to blip #104813

bipface said:
hold on, what?!
wouldn't that leave you dangerously malnourished?
(especially dangerous with that virus going around; the last thing you need is weakened immune system)

not dangerous as you'd think since I've been maintaining strict quarantine. and even so, I have to make sacrifices to achieve my dreams. besides, I have A fear of food and eating anxiety so not eating is easy for me, even though it means I'm suffering from rickits currently and will probably suffer from other deficiencies along the way.

🤔 what does this achieve?

The lower two ribs do not protect your organs as much as all the other ribs do, so getting them removed serves little risk, and will allow my waist to get smaller than it can get with them in.

In response to blip #104811

KynikossDragonn said:
@Dragonlord2328: Sounds like the police need to get involved and force these people to stay in line.

Wish this fucking coronavirus mass-hysteria would stop already...

You and me both unfortunately the police here in the u.k apparently cant do more than "advise them" to not go out until some authorisation has gone through.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget erat quis eros dignissim vestibulum non a est. Suspendisse quam arcu, euismod non suscipit non, mattis suscipit nibh. Fusce posuere gravida lectus, ac pretium mauris sollicitudin a. Nam semper, dui a dapibus luctus, lectus lectus congue magna, id eleifend lectus nisi elementum turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas sit amet pulvinar velit. Aenean dictum varius neque dapibus tempus. Proin suscipit dapibus turpis, ut pharetra odio elementum a. Morbi ipsum mauris, fringilla at dignissim vel, semper eu nisl. Aliquam fermentum ultricies ultrices. Maecenas non rhoncus sem, molestie vehicula dolor. Sed in diam volutpat, imperdiet quam quis, luctus felis. Suspendisse dictum maximus nunc sit amet iaculis. Nunc eget dui nisi. Proin commodo metus dui, sed gravida libero commodo vel. Quisque a odio finibus, pulvinar justo quis, luctus eros. Curabitur sit.

In response to blip #104800

Samael_Morningstar said:
get lipo and maintain a strict diet (I will be here in 3 months, but already anorexic and don't eat but once every 3 days)

hold on, what?!
wouldn't that leave you dangerously malnourished?
(especially dangerous with that virus going around; the last thing you need is weakened immune system)

get bottom two ribs removed

🤔 what does this achieve?


In response to blip #104798

Gelledium said:
@Samael_Morningstar: I'm unsure how appropriate of a place to ask this is, but how far into your transition are you? I have no experience with trans matters but giving a better idea of current behaviors and appearances would help I and others with possible advice.

Here is my long term plan:

Wear Womens clothes, (I am here, but When I wear male clothes people who have just met me still assume right off that I am gay)
get lipo and maintain a strict diet (I will be here in 3 months, but already anorexic and don't eat but once every 3 days)
get bottom two ribs removed (this will take a while to get to because it costs upwards of $25000)
start on hormones (I will be here in a month)
get sex change surgery (Last step because of lower priority and lack of money)

I dont really act "lady-like" I'm just normal but I don't do "guy stuff".

In response to blip #104792

@Samael_Morningstar: I'm unsure how appropriate of a place to ask this is, but how far into your transition are you? I have no experience with trans matters but giving a better idea of current behaviors and appearances would help I and others with possible advice.

In response to blip #104790

kamimatsu said:
Thats like saying earth is porn because every generation in your family tree fucked at least once

No it's not. I don't agree that e621 is porn. I was saying that saying that it is not porn is ALSO, by any reasonable definition, wrong. That's pretty much what I already said, so good job not reading my blip, I guess.

This isn't that subtle a distinction: both the definitely affirmative and the definitely negative statement are quite clearly wrong. Perfectly normal in a fuzzy domain like linguistics.

Hey, so... the only people that ask me out are gay guys and pretty much everyone thinks im gay including women.

I'm in transition to a female and plan to get surgery too. How do get lesbians to ask me out since I will be one when I'm a girl? Or at least stop others thinking I'm gay?

In response to blip #104785

savageorange said:
It isn't definitionally a porn site. But porn seems to predominate, so saying it is definitely not a porn site is also wrong.

the stats page doesn't exist currently, but you can check this by running a set of 3 queries within a constant time period which is chosen to avoid capping out the result limit, eg:

(@ page size=250)

Theoretically you could then weight these by the total # of favorites or score value, but I don't really trust either of those to have a consistent meaning.

Thats like saying earth is porn because every generation in your family tree fucked at least once

Give them my condolences for the wasted investment

It isn't definitionally a porn site. But porn seems to predominate, so saying it is definitely not a porn site is also wrong.

the stats page doesn't exist currently, but you can check this by running a set of 3 queries within a constant time period which is chosen to avoid capping out the result limit, eg:

(@ page size=250)

Theoretically you could then weight these by the total # of favorites or score value, but I don't really trust either of those to have a consistent meaning.

So the Nintendo Direct mini was mostly good. Lots of cool games. Really nice. With the exception of the last game revealed it was awesome. Yes even the smash rep was more exciting than modern Pokémon. Could honestly care less for the series at this point with the direction it went. But man. Was not expecting what Xenoblade pulled. I’m excited.

i edited all my browser history
from /post/show/# to /posts/#, etc.

only 20k pages though… i should spend more time here