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went to work for nothing. had to find a way back. the family ate my food and then claimed it was retaliation for eating theirs. i havent eaten in two days and i wish they would hurry up and contract it so i can watch them wither away

In response to blip #104572

VariableY said:
I need to upload more stuff, but I feel a bit of hesitation in doing so. How do I word this... basically, the only things I've really uploaded are my own art, but I don't really want to associate this account with my actual artist name? It's hard to explain.

You wont

I need to upload more stuff, but I feel a bit of hesitation in doing so. How do I word this... basically, the only things I've really uploaded are my own art, but I don't really want to associate this account with my actual artist name? It's hard to explain.

it concerns me when switching on or off one appliance causes a reaction in another.
e.g. when i unplug my amplifier, my screen turns black for a second.
it used to be when i turn off my desk lamp, my keyboard would light up, even though the PC is off (and the lamp wasn't connected to the PC in any way).

i suppose it must be like a brief disturbance in the AC wires that causes power supplies to misbehave. or perhaps some kind of ground-loop effect.
maybe someone who's into electronics could guess at what might be going on here.

If you want to upload something: upload DarkFlameWolf's mature and adult images here;
Please use the tags "darkflamewolf", "taylor_renee_wolford_(darkflamewolf)", and "murana_wolford_(darkflame-wolf)" as appropriate. And archive content with .

In response to blip #104544

@Dragonlord2328: idiotic, inane. People are panicking over what's basically just "Flu, But Another One". Or Flu+.

I'm a truck driver; I only get the chance to go grocery shopping once every month or so. When I got the chance to, the store was basically stripped to the foundation. At least I don't need toilet paper, and I always have welding gloves available to use as hand condoms

In response to blip #104544

Whats your guys/gals opinion on this panic buying i work in retail and if i have to hear another joke about the world ending im going to go insane(more)

Dragonlord2328 said:
Whats your guys/gals opinion on this panic buying i work in retail and if i have to hear another joke about the world ending im going to go insane(more)

panic buying doomed our island to die. so that's one good thing about it

Our town is quarantined. Not even allowing supplies in. All stores are closed. Need to make a day's worth of supplies for one person last a week for 5. We have nothing. And there is nothing on the way. They wont let in anyone trying to bring in even food. If I starve, I want everyone to know, the island starving with me was the best birthday present I could ask for.

In response to blip #104544

@Dragonlord2328: People are afraid, but they have neither the interest nor the attention span to find a reliable source (like CDC or WHO), read, and then follow their recommendations. So they freak out and do whatever their social media echo chamber tells them.

I like the whole "collection" vs. "series" pool types but I can't find any clear definition for them. If that could be put on the help page somewhere, I'd appreciate it

Husk's word of the week: "Simp"

Thought it was a shorten way to describe someone acting like Homer Simpson but it's actually when a dude stops what he's doing to please someone he likes. Interesting

TIL people here literally believe its a zombie outbreak and will excuse public attempted murder if you claim it was a zombie. My neck still hurts from earlier today. Worst birthday party ever. Not the worst attempted fratricide i've ever been the victim of, or even close, but definitely worst birthday party.

In response to blip #104454

BlueMoonstruckWolf said:
Features have started growing on me, getting used to switching between from mobile to desktop and back, although still adjusting.

Feel terrible though, finding out someone I communicated with who thanked me for posting their art here must’ve died a month after I last messaged them... :(
I feel guilt over it.
I don’t know if it’s right or not to post their remaining pieces either.

If they thanked you for posting their stuff then they would have wanted the rest here too. Also it's a furry art archive would be honoring their memory :)