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On a positive note: I've noticed that my drawings have gone from being semi realistic to cartoony like.
The drawing I did last night looks more cartoonish than my others.

And I'm STILL waiting for my ar 15 lower and my benjamin bulldog trigger blade is in the process of getting titanium coated, I am now rifleless. Aaaaaaaa!

On a positive note I got final fantasy 7 remake so that'll be super fun.

In response to blip #105323

Jakku_NoShi said:
May have found my art style while making an NSFW sketch.
Not like anyone cares...

That could be because you act like a self-pitying midwit.

And frankly, I see few actually workable reasons to care about 'having a style'. Developing a style is the natural result of tons of work. Expecting to get one without a lot of work is expecting to produce some kind of generic cookie-cutter thing that only comes out consistent because it's so basic it's hard to mess up.

Just do the fucking work.

Anyone else here plays fallout 76? I know the game was a mess i preordered it but the wastelanders update is coming out soon i
wonder if it will go how no mans sky went?

In response to blip #105307

@CCoyote: I don't really consider myself a fandom goer. I'm just a otherkin loser.

It still mildly amuses (and annoys) me I still occasionally encounter people judging me by the cover of my book and misunderstanding me ad nausem.

How can I make my artwork better? Add shading and better backgrounds?

Last night I was bored and feeling down so I drew a full moon with clouds, stars and a blue background.

I frikin hate living with parents i want this virus thing to end so i can get my own place im 23 goddamn years old and i get treated like im 12 they even limit my internet i fuckin hate it

In response to blip #105275

Ratte said:
@Jakku_NoShi: not only will improvement take a long time but upload limits can be modified by staff. it really isn't the end of the world with your current skill level.

Well if I ever do get better then I'd rather upload my own art myself. I don't want randoms uploading my art that I took time and effort into.

In response to blip #105273

Any ideas on what I'm supposed to do?
My upload limit got nuked to 0 and I have my new laptop sitting on my lap.

bipface said:
ask your friend to upload for you ?

I'd rather upload my own art that I made.

Ratte said:
@Jakku_NoShi: it may be better to stick to galleries for the time being, such as FA or IB.

And then what, even if my art progresses and gets better, I still won't be able to upload here