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In response to blip #104920

CCoyote said:
Coronavirus case growth is multiplying exponentially right now, and that's without us testing everyone. God only knows what the numbers would look like if we were testing people and catching all the cases we don't know about. The most conservative estimates involve 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the United States alone before this is over. It will NOT "be gone in a week for fuck sake."

Thats a bullshitty fake news number to scare people. No one is going to die from this thing who isn't already in poor health.

AN ACNH glitch? I'm in a villager house, but she's not home. The doors are locked if a villager is outside.

Edit: Left the house and now the lights are off and door locked.

Holy shit. Today is a great day as a phone user.

Thank you MODS for finally putting the Vote/Favorite buttons in the right place and making them pronounced and big enough.


In response to blip #104989

Lafcadio said:
You aren't special in that regard. Humans are deeply complex beings, shaped by innumerable factors, many of them so immeasurably minute that they are unknown to even the self.
We were all teenagers once. You'll move past all this and at worst your time on e621 will just be an uncomfortable memory of the person you once were.

I'm going to stop because you're just coming up with random shit.

In response to blip #104988

Jakku_NoShi said:
You don't understand my needs or wants, if you even tried to understand me, you'd go insane

You aren't special in that regard. Humans are deeply complex beings, shaped by innumerable factors, many of them so immeasurably minute that they are unknown to even the self.
We were all teenagers once. You'll move past all this and at worst your time on e621 will just be an uncomfortable memory of the person you once were.

Jakku_NoShi said:
Also your assumptions about me are entirely wrong btw

Hard disagree. You've constantly lasted out on both of your accounts, following continued quality-based deletions. You clearly have emotional needs that cannot be satisfied by e621 or its userbase.

In response to blip #104982

CCoyote said:
@Jakku_NoShi: And that's why I said your response told me all I needed to know. The only person who can decide that is you.

I put up a link to my FA in a blip

CCoyote said:
That you aren't willing to practice. That you aren't willing to work to be an artist. That you just want to slap things down on paper and call it done and have people like you. That isn't how art works. All the things you see and like on here? Those come from artists who have put in hundreds, thousands of hours practicing, honing their skills, constantly working to get better. If you're not willing to do that, to learn and grow and refine your skills and improve? Then no, the stuff you make will never be good enough. Art is not a talent you're born with; it's a skill you cultivate.

Also your assumptions about me are entirely wrong btw

In response to blip #104976

Jakku_NoShi said:
And what's that?

That you aren't willing to practice. That you aren't willing to work to be an artist. That you just want to slap things down on paper and call it done and have people like you. That isn't how art works. All the things you see and like on here? Those come from artists who have put in hundreds, thousands of hours practicing, honing their skills, constantly working to get better. If you're not willing to do that, to learn and grow and refine your skills and improve? Then no, the stuff you make will never be good enough. Art is not a talent you're born with; it's a skill you cultivate.

E621 won't even let me upload an old art pic because it's the same one I uploaded on my other account. That sucks ass.

I don't even know why I bother. My art isn't good enough, I need "practice" and I can't reupload old pics.

I hate being an adult because i'm forced to choose whether to buy food and pay rent or buy a ps4 and get every goddamn kingdom hearts game and dear god i don't know which one is more important

Looking at derpibooru, it just occurred to me.

April first would be the PERFECT time to hijack a website. Nobody would believe anything they saw. They'd say "Ha, funny joke.", and move along.

In response to blip #104961

@2DUK: given the day, I genuinely don't believe it. I see it there, but... Nah. I don't believe it'll stay. That's this year's thing.

Also it's yellow. If your blood is yellow, you should probably call the FBI.

why does it seem the only men that really care of female anatomy are either creeps or foreign-misogynists (both known for being entirely "selfish" in the bedroom or helpless incels) that'll do nothing with their enthusiasm? seems like a great majority of men prefer the concept of the male form and want absolutely nothing to do with lady-parts.

i'm confused: do guys have to wear a blindfold during intercourse to keep the scary cooties at bay?

Wait, what?! Mole crickets sell for 500 Bells in ACNH. In ACNL, they only sell for 80 Bells, so not worth it generally. Also, New Horizons sfx isn't as irritating as New Leaf ones. (So far anyway...)

Sweet Mercy. Two of my villagers are singing at the plaza. They do far more stuff in ACNH. Also I've notices if they are doing something like fishing, then you enter then exit a building, they are still doing the action. In ACNL they'd be doing something else.

If anything, this whole lockdown thing is getting me bored as all *hecc*, would anyone want to chit-chat?

I'm not actually sure if that can even be asked with blips, but it's not like I'd *actually* get into this place's forum.

I just woke up to a roll call in my dreams. Meaning, I was dreaming someone was calling names to come forword in my dreams and when they called my name i woke up to answer only to realize it was a dream.