Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

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warioanon said:
And go where? Every other website is just as strict these days, I mean look at the topic we're in right now. E621 was supposed to be one of the "safe" ones.

baraag? ExH?

xing1870 said:
Ah, unfortunately going through source:none delreason:*purge* gives a number of 4,802 posts. So at least ~5k posts are completely dead without an e6 backup.

that is so incredibly shit. wow.

taranuka said:
I don't know if it was already stated before, but who do I contact about the images that got caught in the crossfire? They weren't human or young adjacent, thanks in advance and appreciate you taking the time to read this.

You can send your complaints directly to the circular file.

warioanon said:
And go where? Every other website is just as strict these days, I mean look at the topic we're in right now. E621 was supposed to be one of the "safe" ones.

baraag or pixiv would be my best guess. unfortunately, if being an artist is your livelihood and in my own experience, baraag doesnt get much traffic. and pixiv is a japanese site, so thats self explanatory if youre not japanese/dont speak japanese.

rainbow_dash said:
Just to clear this up, since it's come up a lot.

The server location is not the biggest factor. Although yes, the server is located in the US, this change would have happened regardless of where we were hosted. As Nim said, there were many other factors at play here.

Okay, good to know.

wastepaw said:
inkbunny, baraag, or pixiv would be my best guess. unfortunately, if being an artist is your livelihood and in my own experience, baraag and inkbunny dont get much traffic. and pixiv is a japanese site, so thats self explanatory if youre not japanese/dont speak japanese.

Humanlike is completely banned on inkbunny sadly (even adults)

furmillionaire said:
You can send your complaints directly to the circular file.

Where can i find it? A lot of people limit themselves to uploading and tagging and seeing what got deleted is hard enough without thumbnails

existing_user said:
Where can i find it? A lot of people limit themselves to uploading and tagging and seeing what got deleted is hard enough without thumbnails

The circular file means the trash can. Sorry. Was joke. I appreciate you trying to limit the damage.

thirtyeight said:
It's funny. When Sofurry announced their cub ban, there was cheering and moralizing in the comments there too. Years later, the site is now a pale shadow of what it used to be as everyone who saw the way things were going pulled up stakes and left. Pretty sure even the anti cub people are gone now.
When e621 decided to ban commercial works, we didn't just lose things that were only posted here. I think a lot of translators also left as their work was thrown away.

I remember when I visited SF about every day to look for new & good stories, but now I rarely visit it anymore, given how empty it feels there comparatively to pre cub-ban. It's almost like watching some people's niche get the chopping block makes you worried your niche might be next.

autlizard said:
Cognitive dissonance or something. I know I have a problem. I suppose that makes me a hypocrite, but that doesn't mean my opinion is invalid. I just personally think cub/loli/feral is bad, and I wish there was a furry art site that didn't allow that kind of stuff.

Furaffinity is THE furry porn site on the internet and has *two* separate bans on young-related content and has for over a decade- you have TONS of choices for anti-lolisho sites. Quit trying to stamp out any site that happens to host it.

kodaskii said:
Furaffinity is THE furry porn site on the internet and has *two* separate bans on young-related content and has for over a decade- you have TONS of choices for anti-lolisho sites. Quit trying to stamp out any site that happens to host it.

Yeah but to be fair who wants to use FA?

wastepaw said:
baraag or pixiv would be my best guess. unfortunately, if being an artist is your livelihood and in my own experience, baraag doesnt get much traffic. and pixiv is a japanese site, so thats self explanatory if youre not japanese/dont speak japanese.

I just draw casually, I just want a place that's generally furry and isn't flooded with AI garbage. I loathe censorship

one good thing about this purge, a lot of 4chan rejects are going mask off and dropping slurs like rain, making themselfs very visible

supersecretunknown said:
so the mods are deleting posts talking about them being antis now, which means its true. hope yall are prepared for cub and feral to be next!

They're killing off this site faster than light it seems.

istricur said:
They're killing off this site faster than light it seems.

Every time anything like this happens anywhere, usually it starts as something not too massive but it gets a *little* nose-divey a little quickly

theyfiles said:

The undisclosed business partner is a scapegoat. Even if they do exist and want the content gone, the way they handled this shows that leadership here want to purge this content from the internet whole cloth, not just their own site. They're moderating with an ego.

warioanon said:
I just draw casually, I just want a place that's generally furry and isn't flooded with AI garbage. I loathe censorship

yeah its completely ass. didn't expect e621 to cave in for censorship but i should know better, especially when money is involved.

Slippery Slope's not a fallacy. That thing you like that's also weird? It's getting purged next.

This is absolutely devastating. You’re catering to suits because they pay you money instead of try and maintain your sites core values, and not even being upfront about your reasons means that even if the circumstances are understandable, you don’t want to provide us with the truth, just what makes it seem like you’re not in power of doing, but this is indeed your choice. Your fans supported you the whole way here doing free work of uploading, editing tags, and providing your site with a platform. Try taking donations instead. And if bad dragon is trying to stay out of hot water, they sell synthetic animal dicks. If this is problematic, that’s just as bad.

I’m very disappointed you chose to cater to advertisers. Is this site a community for all weird furry artists first, or a business to make money from first? I know for a fact that the only money needed to keep this site up is server fees, because mods don’t make money, editors, uploaders, and artists don’t make money, this isn’t a *job* it’s a community. If you’re fine with losing members over losing capital, it says everything I need to know what you’re willing to do to appease your green bottom line. Let me know if you reverse the decision.

danico210 said:
Honestly this may be the beginning of the end of this website we'll probably get banned cub/feral next


Y’all need some new business partners if they make you do something like this on such short notice.

danico210 said:
Honestly this may be the beginning of the end of this website we'll probably get banned cub/feral next

They've shown a moderation preference for unannounced purges. They have a grudge against their own users.

hazel123 said:
I'm assuming this is a change that was unavoidable and was a matter of time of being implemented? There are some artists who do make Young Human characters in their works, it could be ideal to inform them that they should make changes to their art, including making their human characters more young adult (20s-30s) or adult (30+), just to avoid any unpleasantness for all involved. I don't think a lot of people will like this change, some will like it, some won't. Regardless at the end of the day, this rule was made for good reasons.

Most likely the vast majority will just stop uploading here, if i was one of them i'd be pretty mad for this change and would straight up feel offended for anyone even suggesting i should change my art to suit a website (which had the option of blacklisting any stuff you don't like anyway) who has to bind itself to (possibly) current U.S government rules, first it was and now e621 just got the axe without any warning from the staff, something similar also happened to FurAffinity with banning cub art in general and Patreon banning all human x non-human content.

Man i'm genuinely pissed even thought that content is not my cup of tea we really shouldn't just sideline and drag through the dirt those kind of artist just for doing non-conventional art, We really need a new alternative or some kind of permanent universal safe haven website (e621 kind of was but now it's over) for that art to be uploaded and stored without any bullshit strict rules and preferably based and handled outside the U.S.

I honestly never imagined there would be an era where fictional porn was gonna be so regulated like this like it's just fucking insane.

lendrimujina said:
The conspiracy theorists here are not helping matters.

I'm just trying to do my small part as a user and find someone who can repair the accidental firing, instead I'm met with jokes by the doom and gloomers.

oozeenthusiast said:
They've shown a moderation preference for unannounced purges. They have a grudge against their own users.

True, and I think the worst thing is that is unannounced its like they don't really care about the users, and I get that it was about pressure put on the business partners by the government

But why didn't they at least warn us

arquila8000 said:
Most likely the vast majority will just stop uploading here, if i was one of them i'd be pretty mad for this change and would straight up feel offended for anyone even suggesting i should change my art to suit a website (which had the option of blacklisting any stuff you don't like anyway) who has to bind itself to (possibly) current U.S government rules, first it was and now e621 just got the axe without any warning from the staff, something similar also happened to FurAffinity with banning cub art in general and Patreon banning all human x non-human content.

Man i'm genuinely pissed even thought that content is not my cup of tea we really shouldn't just sideline and drag through the dirt those kind of artist just for doing non-conventional art, We really need a new alternative or some kind of permanent universal safe haven website (e621 kind of was but now it's over) for that art to be uploaded and stored without any bullshit strict rules and preferably based and handled outside the U.S.

I honestly never imagined there would be an era where fictional porn was gonna be so regulated like this like it's just fucking insane.

This is just a taste of how the internet in general is going, soon the flood of bots and AI spam will be so bad that everyone will be expected to post everything with their real name attached for verification purposes.

danico210 said:
Honestly this may be the beginning of the end of this website we'll probably get banned cub/feral next

Then noncon, necro, incest, dubcon, and then it’s just a boring furry site with none of the weird freaky stuff that made this place special to a very large percentage of the people that browse here. We like the freaky shit, and once you say “hey our advertisers don’t like this so we’re deleting these posts” it signals that you are controllable and they will continue to sanitize to their hearts content.

arquila8000 said:
Most likely the vast majority will just stop uploading here, if i was one of them i'd be pretty mad for this change and would straight up feel offended for anyone even suggesting i should change my art to suit a website (which had the option of blacklisting any stuff you don't like anyway) who has to bind itself to (possibly) current U.S government rules, first it was and now e621 just got the axe without any warning from the staff, something similar also happened to FurAffinity with banning cub art in general and Patreon banning all human x non-human content.

Man i'm genuinely pissed even thought that content is not my cup of tea we really shouldn't just sideline and drag through the dirt those kind of artist just for doing non-conventional art, We really need a new alternative or some kind of permanent universal safe haven website (e621 kind of was but now it's over) for that art to be uploaded and stored without any bullshit strict rules and preferably based and handled outside the U.S.

I honestly never imagined there would be an era where fictional porn was gonna be so regulated like this like it's just fucking insane.

There will never be a universal safe haven website as long as it's owned by a single human or organization. For the moment it's best to accept the life cycle of sites like this and prepare for their self destructing tendencies.

Not going to comment on this because I know I'll be swarmed, but I will like to ask what E6 will do for the new waves of pseudo-porn bans going through the US.

arquila8000 said:
Most likely the vast majority will just stop uploading here, if i was one of them i'd be pretty mad for this change and would straight up feel offended for anyone even suggesting i should change my art to suit a website (which had the option of blacklisting any stuff you don't like anyway) who has to bind itself to (possibly) current U.S government rules, first it was and now e621 just got the axe without any warning from the staff, something similar also happened to FurAffinity with banning cub art in general and Patreon banning all human x non-human content.

Man i'm genuinely pissed even thought that content is not my cup of tea we really shouldn't just sideline and drag through the dirt those kind of artist just for doing non-conventional art, We really need a new alternative or some kind of permanent universal safe haven website (e621 kind of was but now it's over) for that art to be uploaded and stored without any bullshit strict rules and preferably based and handled outside the U.S.

I honestly never imagined there would be an era where fictional porn was gonna be so regulated like this like it's just fucking insane.

I was thinking as soon as I saw the news at the top of my screen how great it would be to (be able to type, jesus it took me 3 tries to type screen) have a big beautiful universal website that's just every kind of (legal) porn available in wherever it's hosted, bar none type shit. I'd love to do it myself, but I have literally 0 of the qualifications to make or own one lmao

billygoatunicorn said:
Then noncon, necro, incest, dubcon, and then it’s just a boring furry site with none of the weird freaky stuff that made this place special to a very large percentage of the people that browse here. We like the freaky shit, and once you say “hey our advertisers don’t like this so we’re deleting these posts” it signals that you are controllable and they will continue to sanitize to their hearts content.

Actually its not because of the advertisers, it is because the government put pressure on the business partners of so... now we get this

lendrimujina said:
The conspiracy theorists here are not helping matters.

What conspiracies? All I see is people saying what is extremely obvious what’s going on. The admin responses are clearly understood what they’re conveying. They don’t have to say it verbatim.

danico210 said:
Actually its not because of the advertisers, it is because the government put pressure on the business partners of so... now we get this

the gouverment and probably fear of what the next goverment may be

oozeenthusiast said:
There will never be a universal safe haven website as long as it's owned by a single human or organization. For the moment it's best to accept the life cycle of sites like this and prepare for their self destructing tendencies.

It's not a life cycle, it's a genocide. It's the ENTIRE internet that's like this though and it's only gotten worse, never better. Not once. Want to download old video games and manga that isn't sold anymore or look at drawings of cartoon characters getting fucked? No. But will anybody do anything about AI stealing art and creating false information, bots galore, unprecedented scams, viruses, exploitation of real people, companies and governments illegally spying on us? Also No. It's all so tiresome.

furmillionaire said:
The circular file means the trash can. Sorry. Was joke. I appreciate you trying to limit the damage.

It's all we can do until a solution is found or a concession is made. It's unreasonable to even ask for users to help fix this without being able to see the deleted content, if it must go unlisted then fine but they need to be visible for the job to be done.

I will ask again because it got buried quick, what's the prefered means through which the staff wants us to complain about a wrongful deletion? How can we communicate most effectively.

And so begins the enshittification of e6. Can only imagine it's gonna get worse and more sanitized from here. Disappointing.

lendrimujina said:
The conspiracy theorists here are not helping matters.

Would probably help to limit theories if they gave ANY indication on what the reason for this unannounced purge was other than just an incredibly vague "changing political and legal environment." What laws? What politics? This really does feel like it's just them caving to one of their sponsors, which I'd rather have them just outright say even if there wasn't a name attached to it. We had it happen for a short time with cloudflare's crackdown on lolishota and they've done it in the past but this is worrying in its abruptness. There was no notice to download and archive, a ton of art is gone to the void either because of age or because of shoddy uploading not linking back to a working source.

It's a bad indication on the path this site is about to go down and reminds me a lot of the FA and sofurry content bans that pissed a ton of FA users off and basically killed sofurry in favor of a second exodus to inkbunny.

warioanon said:

It's not a life cycle, it's a genocide. It's the ENTIRE internet that's like this though and it's only gotten worse, never better. Not once. Want to download old video games and manga that isn't sold anymore or look at drawings of cartoon characters getting fucked? No. But will anybody do anything about AI stealing art and creating false information, bots galore, unprecedented scams, viruses, exploitation of real people, companies and governments illegally spying on us? Also No. It's all so tiresome.

The only solution is to abolish the profit motive, that's what drives all these bad decisions. Information wants to be free!

danico210 said:
Actually its not because of the advertisers, it is because the government put pressure on the business partners of so... now we get this

Where did you hear this? Because what I read clearly in a follow up reply is that “their business partners don’t like the heat this site produces” none of this stuff is illegal, so the state wouldn’t do that. You’re not reading the information properly my friend, but it’s acceptable because of how misleading their original explanation was.

A lot of stuff that wasn't loli has been caught in the crossfire. Even if you hate it, you still have reason to be mad about this.

You know what? I should open a betting pool. What gets banned next?

>some combination at once


      • having just woke up not too long ago, I skim this post with eyes still blurry from being asleep ***


      • sees the ~HUMAN~ part of this announcement ***

Oh.... "Hyoomunzzzz".... Nevermind...

      • goes back to sleep, safe in the knowledge that all the Tails The Fox pr0nz will still be here when I wake up ***

(this is a joke comment, try not to interpret it too strongly or react to it too harshly)


cumwizard said:
You know what? I should open a betting pool. What gets banned next?

>some combination at once


My guess is cub > incest > bestiality > feral in general > Noncon probably roughly in that order, maybe flip incest n cub

Btw a page of a comic i recently uploaded got taken out simply because it most probably had young and human tagged in it even though it was clearly a young FERAL dinosaur having sex with an adult human and now it's incomplete because of it like wtf is this rule bro..

post #4901922 oh and there's another random one post #4711182 which has kris and susie in it even though they don't look that young there, at best late teenagers.


veruke_assault said:

      • having just woke up not too long ago, I skim this post with eyes still blurry from being asleep ***


      • sees the ~HUMAN~ part of this announcement ***

Oh.... "Hyoomunzzzz".... Nevermind...

      • goes back to sleep, safe in the knowledge that all the Tails The Fox pr0nz will still be here when I wake up ***

(this is a joke comment, try not to interpret it too strongly or react to it too harshly)


Depending on how some people draw it, and considering how shoddy the auto-mod has been so far it's entirely likely that tails art gets nuked the same way kirlia and raltz art was

syrupdeer said:
This thread has been enjoyable to read

Glad to see the FA users have come to cheer the death of the internet on.

thirtyeight said:
It's funny. When Sofurry announced their cub ban, there was cheering and moralizing in the comments there too. Years later, the site is now a pale shadow of what it used to be as everyone who saw the way things were going pulled up stakes and left. Pretty sure even the anti cub people are gone now.
When e621 decided to ban commercial works, we didn't just lose things that were only posted here. I think a lot of translators also left as their work was thrown away.

SoFurry is quasi dead tbh, they did not even bother moderating and aenforcing rules when people starting attacking and making open threats on others for "daring enjoy cub"

shit you not, i got direct threats of violence, if not worse, by people who where into hardcore BDSM, rape, and similar