Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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We're crossing that line, it seems.

I'm now convinced it's just a matter of time for the same to happen to young-looking characters in general, and feral art after that, and who knows what else.

I know I'm not a very frequent uploader here or anything, but this just killed a lot of my motivation to keep uploading anything I like. Saddest part is e6 is by far the best booru site out there; everything else is either a mess of obnoxious advertising, bad tagging, completely brain-addled communities or none at all, bad UI or a combination of those.

Anyone celebrating this is as a good thing is being incredibly foolish.

apocryphon said:
Anything without direct fur.
Elves, orcs and other "ambiguously human" stuff gets the bonk.

'Tis really unfortunate, E621 was an archive for all but now its going to become quite linear for those trying to do their works here

skullmanlover said:
Huge W. I always hated how there was explicit child art on this site, even though I had it blocked.

You literally have Legoshi (a 17 year old) x gohan (a 39 year old) porn favorited. Why do you think you're immune? Because you're more """pure"""?

skullmanlover said:
Huge W. I always hated how there was explicit child art on this site, even though I had it blocked.

If you had it blocked/blacklisted, that should've been the end of it. Doesn't matter if it made you uncomfortable; if you had it blocked, you had it blocked. You're veering directly into moral grandstanding over which taboo kink is "more acceptable" than others, which is very very silly.

skullmanlover said:
Huge W. I always hated how there was explicit child art on this site, even though I had it blocked.

Only a matter of time before they get to a tag that you like.

Hope you'll be the first in line to say it was a "huge W".

acidph said:
Eh. The banned content is only tangentially within this site's scope, so I don't think this is worth nuking the site over.

I think you'll find that the line between humanoids and anthros is a whole lot thinner than you think.
Especially depending on the artist.

sceptile'n'mew said:
'Tis really unfortunate, E621 was an archive for all but now its going to become quite linear for those trying to do their works here

We all know how this goes.
Give em an inch and they take a mile.
Step by step.

I give it a year.
The evidence of it happening elsewhere just confirms it tbh.

dr_doggensmirk said:
ive got to laugh at the people cheering this on. i have to or i'll go insane. the internet is well and truly fucked

mhm :( ditto. its kinda scary but what can ya do other than that.

skullmanlover said:
Huge W. I always hated how there was explicit child art on this site, even though I had it blocked.

Quick question... do you consider the Sheath and Knife comics to qualify as "explicit chyyyyullld artwork???"

What about any drawings of the Sonic-verse Characters.... does that count under YOUR personal definition?

If YOU ran e621 and InkBunny and all the major big name heavy traffic furry art websites... what would YOU ban?

And more importantly -- WHAT WOULD YOU KEEP????

Also, do ~WE~ still get to judge YOU based on your "keep" list???


I just realized that maybe the whole situation with Dacad's content some months ago was a prelude to this, fuck the possibilities of any explicit art that contains even a young-looking character no matter the species being banned in the future don't look as unlikely now.

read some of the thread and as someone who's stance is starkly in the quote unquote puritan side (not gonna argue abt it i'm just way to tired rn) it deeply confuses me why it's just "childlike humanlike characters" you'd think they'd go "no children allowed" or "man who gives a shit" or go after bestiality aswell no? especially if it's about money and ads
if there's a reason that i didn't spot on my skim please let me know

edit to add another point cuz i don't wanna make another reply: also sucks that just short/young looking things have allegedly gotten deleted in the crossfire, that's kinda fucked up

apocryphon said:
The evidence of it happening elsewhere just confirms it tbh.

The sudden silence from the team speaks volumes as well IMCO (in my correct opinion). This is a very active thread, granted, but not moving at a whirlwind pace by any means.

apocryphon said:
We all know how this goes.
Give em an inch and they take a mile.
Step by step.

I give it a year.
The evidence of it happening elsewhere just confirms it tbh.

A year? You're more optimistic than I am.

I'd almost put money on cub and probably even feral getting the boot before Thanksgiving.

donteven said:
I think you'll find that the line between humanoids and anthros is a whole lot thinner than you think.
Especially depending on the artist.

sfm anthro ponies come to mind... the type that are basically pony heads and horsecocks slapped onto an otherwise human female frame
(of course, those tend to be very much not involving younger characters)

skullmanlover said:
Huge W. I always hated how there was explicit child art on this site, even though I had it blocked.

It's funny that you wrote in your bio that you hate everything that is "morally fucked up".

I think you should imagine that an average normie doesn't treat you like a zoophile or mental degenerate simply because you like anthro porn. Keep bring morality to furry porn.

Just a reminder to antis that Hatsune Miku is "16" for OVER 16 years and they're stupid.

Honestly I'm just gonna say this, to the people are blaming PJ25 and other forms of politics and such, calm the fuck down. But I wanna admit this since everyone wants to say it. This site is in a fucking downhill slope at this point and this auto-removal proves it. Soon it'll go to cub, then feral, then other tags like anal and vaginal to the most basic vanilla fetishes. Then it'll be just be SFW; which will continue to the eventual shutdown nor death of the site with the mods shrugging off and getting a way with it.

Like shota or not, half of the site's porn here is an "archive" and I don't give a "fuck" on how "Based" or "Cringe" it is. It's a slippery slope and next everything will be gone. I feel like there's people here who wants to see people suffer and they are getting off to it.

it just goes to show that peoples problem with the exploitation of kids isnt "its awful to take advantage of and abuse someone young and inexperienced for your own gain" but instead "its immoral to like anime women with small tits because they look young"

pure surface-level mental slop. why think critically when you can just do what youre told is the good righteous way?

ayylmao0906 said:
sfm anthro ponies come to mind... the type that are basically pony heads and horsecocks slapped onto an otherwise human female frame
(of course, those tend to be very much not involving younger characters)

Honestly, if MLP porn doesn't get purged for being feral, I could see them throwing it in with "child-like" due to the character's general design. Kinda like how the "no cub" rule over on FurAffinity caught a lot of "non-adult-looking but still canonically adult" characters because "vaguely close enough".

Speaking of which, still waiting on the nuking of the blue_archive tag, because I'm sure the business partners would find sexualized 16-17 years old "offensive" regardless of their proportions. Chop chop, mods.

This "Big Announcement Post" is a Venus Fly Trap (or one of those Pitcher Plants), and ~we're~ the Flies....

Tread carefully... my LOGICAL, RATIONAL Cub-Supporting Comrades...

To quote an NPC from Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link --


(and then he promptly turned into a Bat and flew around the screen).


dr_doggensmirk said:
it just goes to show that peoples problem with the exploitation of kids isnt "its awful to take advantage of and abuse someone young and inexperienced for your own gain" but instead "its immoral to like anime women with small tits because they look young"

pure surface-level mental slop. why think critically when you can just do what youre told is the good righteous way?

Idk why people everywhere on the internet always go for looks when they decide what a character is instead of their actual factual existance

dr_doggensmirk said:
it just goes to show that peoples problem with the exploitation of kids isnt "its awful to take advantage of and abuse someone young and inexperienced for your own gain" but instead "its immoral to like anime women with small tits because they look young"

pure surface-level mental slop. why think critically when you can just do what youre told is the good righteous way?

ugh yeah. its outrageous. youre totally right. i dont mean to be unecessarily personal in the porn forum thread, but as a past victim of online grooming it infuriates me that folks would conflate something that is non-real and victimless with something that is real and traumatizing and fucks you up.

Always remember to have a personal archive of everything you enjoy :/


dyxid said:
A year? You're more optimistic than I am.

I'd almost put money on cub and probably even feral getting the boot before Thanksgiving.

$20 on that one

list22 said:
Like shota or not, half of the site's porn here is an "archive" and I don't give a "fuck" on how "Based" or "Cringe" it is. It's a slippery slope and next everything will be gone.

I, begrudgingly, agree with this. At the end of the day, the point of e621 is to archive furry stuff (edit: used to say furry porn, technically not true although that is what most of the content here is), no matter the content, no matter the quality. This removal marks the point it's officially not that.

the only thing im gonna say is i understand this decision. But please try to find a way to replace or eliminate that business partner because this never stops with only one demand... they will ask for more since they got what they wanted is the reason patreon is how it is nowadays im not saying to drop them immediately. im saying to try to find ways to mitigate the damage or someone to replace this business partner as soon as possible because they are gonna get worse. it always starts with small demands

sceptile'n'mew said:
Idk why people everywhere on the internet always go for looks when they decide what a character is instead of their actual factual existance

a friend of mine got run off a furry website for having two ocs (both adults) that ""looked related"" (they werent) and were ""promoting underage incest"" (again both were adults. and again. unrelated.) - the justification? they had the same fur colors and one """"looked younger""""

im getting deja vu....



genjar said:
No, I mean, how am I supposed to know which ones to bother the staff with? I can't remember what those were. Certainly can't just randomly ask, "Hey, check my deletions to see if there's some that shouldn't have been deleted".

It would be nice to see what posts they have lined up to check on, to avoid having to poke them about posts they already plan to check.

genjar said:
Also, nice to get hit for content we were told to salvage from the Tumblr deletion. What a waste of time that was, now it's gone anyway. The value of e621 as an archival site has gone down significantly with this.

Not that anyone knew this was going to happen back when Tumblr tumbled. It's unfortunate the admins here didn't have enough of a heads-up to give us a heads-up to save stuff. Honestly, e6's value as an archive site I've always looked at pretty weakly given how readily they'll delete stuff from takedowns, with the takedown reason being largely irrelevant, but it's a difficult balancing act between archiving vs playing nice with creators that don't want their stuff archived. And with e6 being in the hands of a for-profit company for the last several years, events like this are always a risk. I'm honestly surprised it's been able to hold on as long as it has.

Do you know what the sad thing is?
Mods are gonna sleep this one off and hope it passes by like a storm.

dr_doggensmirk said:
it just goes to show that peoples problem with the exploitation of kids isnt "its awful to take advantage of and abuse someone young and inexperienced for your own gain" but instead "its immoral to like anime women with small tits because they look young"

pure surface-level mental slop. why think critically when you can just do what youre told is the good righteous way?

People's problem with the exploitation of anything today generally extends about as far as it takes to reach their keyboards. I've said it once, and I'll say it again; slacktivism is one of the greatest blights on our society today. People have managed to find an easy means of achieving the dopamine rush we're meant to feel when we accomplish something by simply regurgitating platitudes and standing in circles to pat each other on the back. It happens across age ranges, geographic regions, political affiliations, etc...

The problem is that when something actually happens, people are oh-so eager to jump on the moral bandwagon. There's no second thought or introspection, because this habit removes any actual involvement. As long as the cause sounds good, people will jump right in, because it takes literally zero effort. It is the definition of "masturbatory".

mewika said:
I, begrudgingly, agree with this. At the end of the day, the point of e621 is to archive furry porn, no matter the content, no matter the quality. This removal marks the point it's officially not that.

see, this is not true, and i don't get the argument that e621 is an archive, they're doing this because this content is a liability and they don't wanna deal with liabilities because they care about money, simple as, it's why cub and bestiality will likely get the boot soon

Yeah more and more its peoples interpretation is more critical than reality. Fiction is losing it benefits as more and more fiction is being equated to reality.

ayylmao0906 said:
ugh yeah. its outrageous. youre totally right. i dont mean to be unecessarily personal in the porn forum thread, but as a past victim of online grooming it infuriates me that folks would conflate something that is non-real and victimless with something that is real and traumatizing and fucks you up.

not to also get too personal, but yeah, same. i use my art to explore and recontextualize my own trauma. people will sooner call me a pedophile for liking cub art than they will the people who took advantage of me when they were adults and i was a kid. its bullshit.

They're just gonna lock this thread when they feel they "had enough" and forbid any other discussion, that's when it will go to Twitter.

drakewilde1234 said:
see, this is not true, and i don't get the argument that e621 is an archive, they're doing this because this content is a liability and they don't wanna deal with liabilities because they care about money, simple as, it's why cub and bestiality will likely get the boot soon

they do literally describe themselves an archive though. its earlier in the thread

icywings said:
They're just gonna lock this thread when they feel they "had enough" and forbid any other discussion, that's when it will go to Twitter.

You know what? What's stopping the big artists here from doing a massive boycott of e621?

list22 said:
Do you know what the sad thing is?
Mods are gonna sleep this one off and hope it passes by like a storm.

Or maybe the greedy dummies realized after a few pages ITT that they've 100% signed this site's goddamn death warrant, and are hiding in whatever backroom circlejerk bunker they have, just absolutely shitting their pants (and likely trying to reassure each other with sweet little nothings) over realizing what the fuck they've just done and that they can't put the genie back in the bottle. It'd certainly be a reason why they're not even attempting to damage control anymore.

i would simply advice people to take this a lesson, i've this happen time and time again, you're on your own when it comes to this content and will likely always be, no corporate entity will ever throw it's weight around for you, better get a 2TB drive and get whatever you can before this site pulls some cloudflare bullshit to stop scrapers

icywings said:
They're just gonna lock this thread when they feel they "had enough" and forbid any other discussion, that's when it will go to Twitter.

meanwhile their twitter account has radio silence

well my worry is will they take out pokemon or other related cub characters.
I know vampire and monster like young humanoid are now being removed but what of the pokemon

friedy said:
Is it that weird 2025 trump project that's been rumored about a few years back?

Trump is not affiliated with it though. He's even tweeted about it saying he has no idea what it is.

dr_doggensmirk said:
they do literally describe themselves an archive though. its earlier in the thread

yeah but they have never actually been, specially that "regardless of quality" part

silverine said:
So this is what happens when you have too big to fail or monopolies as companies buy up others and prevent others from invading their space.

It could also be visa/mastercard, but yeah pretty much.

dr_doggensmirk said:
a friend of mine got run off a furry website for having two ocs (both adults) that ""looked related"" (they werent) and were ""promoting underage incest"" (again both were adults. and again. unrelated.) - the justification? they had the same fur colors and one """"looked younger""""

im getting deja vu....

Would be based of them to have drawn that if they were, but fuck that site!!!

uncommondoor said:
Trump is not affiliated with it though. He's even tweeted about it saying he has no idea what it is.

you guys trust what donald trump says?

cumwizard said:
Or maybe the greedy dummies realized after a few pages ITT that they've 100% signed this site's goddamn death warrant, and are hiding in whatever backroom circlejerk bunker they have, just absolutely shitting their pants (and likely trying to reassure each other with sweet little nothings) over realizing what the fuck they've just done and that they can't put the genie back in the bottle. It'd certainly be a reason why they're not even attempting to damage control anymore.

I expect this thread to be locked in a matter of hours.

kodaskii said:
Would be based of them to have drawn that if they were, but fuck that site!!!

it was selfcest technically LOL but the mods of said site didnt know that. they just kept insisting that my friend was lying about their own ocs. one of those weird culty closed species groups

- apparently im at the hourly reply limit. ill keep an eye on this thread

dr_doggensmirk said:
a friend of mine got run off a furry website for having two ocs (both adults) that ""looked related"" (they werent) and were ""promoting underage incest"" (again both were adults. and again. unrelated.) - the justification? they had the same fur colors and one """"looked younger""""

im getting deja vu....

Its honestly like people on the internet are ai generated, robots, medival athroity figures(the type that gasp at someones exposed shoulder), or just the same type of people who are the reason racism+pridephobia+antifurs exist.

no-one-you-know said:
Imagine believing anything he says

mewika said:
you guys trust what donald trump says?

In this instance, I do. He exaggerates a lot at most. But hey, Dems are certainly bringing their 'A Game' with Biden, right?

Trump shouldn't be the main focus here, e621 is fucking sinking like the Titanic and the bow just went underwater.

list22 said:
You know what? What's stopping the big artists here from doing a massive boycott of e621?

They just need to add themselves on the DNP (Do Not Post) list and go for takedowns if any other user posts.