Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

eranormus said:
i once again question the idea of the mass deletion of human artwork from an furry website being so absolutaly controversial

the idea of that estabelishing an dangerous prescedence and possibly being the beginign of an slipery slope is more understandable

Because we're talking about mostly of pictures that featured furry characters along with humans

Human-only, Human-focused artwork was already not allowed because it's not relevant to the site.

snackle said:
genuine question then, because honestly seeing how corrupt the supreme court has been recently (and how unchecked their power basically):
if they decided lgbt was illegal are you just gonna purge all that too? I don't think this is exactly a paranoid worry and I'd not exactly feel comfortable knowing there would be no pushback or refusal to comply.

Let's be real here: If things go that far, sites like this will just be shut down wholesale. There won't be a window for compliance. It'll just be "Ooooh, your website hosts LGBTQ+ content. Buh-bye!"

Expected this to happen ever since the staff here blatantly lied a few years ago when searches for "loli"/"shota" were failing, claiming them to be blocked by Cloudflare (which absolutely does not censor pages based on POST/GET parameters), and then those searches magically started working again once such images were blocked for logged-out users.

drakewilde1234 said:
doubt it cuz that would make them look bad, and as we know, banning loli/shota makes them look good instead

yeah and meanwhile dipshits like matt gaetz can commit actual cp crimes and STILL be in office and make laws
nothing useful gets solved except moral victories over characters that don't even exist.

snackle said:
genuine question then, because honestly seeing how corrupt the supreme court has been recently (and how unchecked their power basically):
if they decided lgbt was illegal are you just gonna purge all that too? I don't think this is exactly a paranoid worry and I'd not exactly feel comfortable knowing there would be no pushback or refusal to comply.

tbh, this is what Im scared most about, every damn day more and more people decide we deserve no rights for no reason.

The beginning of the end, as it's only a matter of time before they have to purge other things the prudes find "icky". Spoilers: Everything here is "icky" including the most vanilla of furry art because said-prudes consider it "close enough to bestiality". Congratulations, you're giving them an inch and the mile is coming up fast.

In fact, you're gonna need to go back and finish deleting *everything* under the "blue_archive" tag for example because 99% of the cast is under 18, "body type" excuses me damned. No, no, go do it right now, be consistent with your self-righteous nonsense or accept your "bleeding_hypocrite" tag.

Might want to dumpster every other fictional piece that vaguely references a real life crime as well ("rape" at 44k and counting to start with), just to be super-duper safe you know? Come on, step it up, give the prudes what they want because they're *clearly* your main audience and source of traffic. And oh man... it's going to be a goddamn field day if "certain laws and governments" decide everything under LGBTQ+ is now "illegal" among those you "do business with" because I can absolutely see you fools purging that too "to avoid the heat". Gotta laugh too that in order to even see this forum post from the main page you get hit with a "want to advertise on e621?" message because what are the bloody odds that you lose more advertisers than gain with this decision given how many of the ads here are from furry artists and animators? Some of whom you just slashed and burned their previously uploaded works?

Man, this had to happen right before I sat down for the weekend to do some archiving? Fuck me I guess. Not like artists such as Magatsu post anywhere else :/

kadachi-kun said:
Even that's too much for many people lmao

Man, wait until they find out how unbelievably horny most religions are (That one egyptian myth about cum-eating, Mohammad's harem and sex life detailed, the Song of Solomon, basically all of Greek mythology) they wouldn't be able to teach history

Those lines are drawn in a wierder way than I am okay with, therefore it is illegal now.

Like, come on, this is a furry fiction website, why are ya'll so focused on banning shit :I

I'm conflicted on this change, on one hand I do see why people find young content offensive or objectible but I think this does more harm then good. As far as I know this just kinda came out of nowhere, so it probably blindsided a lot of artists, specifically those who do a lot of young artwork or even only young artwork. This also probably means that all of the content this change covers is just straight up lost, if the artists don't have a Pixiv or keep backups of older art. I also think this change is too broad, or at least the wording is too vague. What constitutes as young? What about chibi artwork or styles that make the characters look younger even though they are older? What happens if the art was made with the intention of the characters displayed being adults and somebody mistakenly or purposefully tags it as young? Does it just get nuked or does the artist have to go out of their way to message a mod and specifically clarify that they aren't violating the rule? What about species that just have traits of younger people like Lalafells from Final Fantasy XIV or goblins? Do aged up versions of young characters count as valid or still a violation? Maybe some details were accidentally left out but as far as I know I think this change is too broad and vague.

I also think this change is kinda... I don't know how to exactly phrase it but kink-shamey? I'm not trying to argue whether or not enjoying young or shota content is pedophilia or groomer behavior or anything, but considering everything else on this website, artwork of young characters is just another weird kink in a sea of kinks. Yes there are other websites that support young art but if it's allowed there then why not here?

Ultimately, I think this should have been up to a vote or at least should have been discussed more, not about if it should be banned or not because it was probably inevitable but rather the serverity. Hopefully this'll be clarified further or reversed or changed in some way but currently, I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Change is bad because it censors artists, potentially makes some art or even entire artist catalogues lost media, is too vague to really be fully understood and alienates people who enjoy this type of content.

eranormus said:
i once again question the idea of the mass deletion of human artwork from an furry website being so absolutaly controversial

the idea of that estabelishing an dangerous prescedence and possibly being the beginign of an slipery slope is more understandable

Because it was done without warning, and caught a lot of innocent images in the crossfire.

snackle said:
yeah and meanwhile dipshits like matt gaetz can commit actual cp crimes and STILL be in office and make laws
nothing useful gets solved except moral victories over characters that don't even exist.

A reminder that Jerry Seinfeld, Kevin Spacey and Dan Schneider are free men right now for committing well-documented abuse of real minors

This is a highly unfortunate turn of events. My faith in e621 as a platform has been shaken down to its very core, despite being its most ardent fanboy for over a decade straight. Even if this decision is ultimately reversed, lost trust is not so easily regained. I am certain that there were -- and still are -- other, more elegant solutions than simply flat-out banning an entire category of artwork. Take the e-hentai route, for example, where they hosted all of their inappropriate content on a separate server, with very little surface-level ties between the two instances. Alas, the damage is done. I wish the administration team of e621 the best of luck, for the future of this once-magnificent website is currently looking exceptionally bleak. This truly feels like an end of the era. Wounded beast, I salute thee. o7

Is there any list of all tags nuked? Like for example kanna_kamui?

ah, yeah they absolutely just used a bot instead of ACTUALLY DOING THE DAMN WORK.
Now this might just be me, but I feel like this site's reputation wouldn't be so bad if the mods didn't seem to give up on stuff halfway through.

just went through. seems like a ton of birth images got auto-flagged and deleted, im sure a lot of them very old/without other sources... fucking ridiculous. rip to the like. sixty of us with that specific fetish. any human/humanoid giving birth is GONE even if theyre an adult because they automatically got tagged as 'young'

notmenotyou said:
Guess what put pressure on some of our partners?

That's right, governments.

Guess who would like to continue doing business in places where those governments are?

That's right, our business partners.

Should have warned the partners for not using their blacklist

Your reasons for doing this are BS. It has nothing to do with politics or laws and you know it.

darkle said:
Should have warned the partners for not using their blacklist

Lmao, ain't that the fuckin' truth.

dirtkat said:
Is there any list of all tags nuked? Like for example kanna_kamui?

As far as anyone can tell the automod was incredibly sloppy with its parsing, a lot of the time it looked like it was deleting anything tagged with both "human" and "young" because it was catching art where the young one was anthro or a pokemon, but it left art that overtly has "loli" with human or straight up "young human", lilo from lilo and stitch only had some of the art deleted instead of all of it despite anything marked explicit with her was featuring her. Overall there was no structure to any of this and without warning there was no way to test to see what gets nuked and what stays. E6 really fucked the dog with this one.

tinkeringturian said:
This is a highly unfortunate turn of events. My faith in e621 as a platform has been shaken down to its very core, despite being its most ardent fanboy for over a decade straight. Even if this decision is ultimately reversed, lost trust is not so easily regained. I am certain that there were -- and still are -- other, more elegant solutions than simply flat-out banning an entire category of artwork. Take the e-hentai route, for example, where they hosted all of their inappropriate content on a separate server, with very little surface-level ties between the two instances. Alas, the damage is done. I wish the administration team of e621 the best of luck, for the future of this once-magnificent website is currently looking exceptionally bleak. This truly feels like an end of the era. Wounded beast, I salute thee. o7

E-H doing that didn't save the entire website almost getting permanently shut down a few years ago, though.

youfinnadiebaby said:
Do you really believe that the content posted here does not count as obscene? Need I remind you that the PROTECT act explicitly bans drawings of children engaged in sexual acts? Can't say I'm surprised the people of this site are enraged. A philosophy of ignoring everything just leads to a community full of chaff.

Incorrect, it bans drawings of minors. who are all legally real human beings under the age of legal adult. If it’s not a real person, that act does nothing. If it was really illegal, do you honestly think this site would be anywhere near allowed to exist if it considered a huge portion of it to be CP? There are no cases where someone has successfully been charged with explicit kodo drawings except for that one guy because he represented himself for who knows what reason.

If you're going to take action against something controversial, at the VERY LEAST, make sure you're doing it right. Making a bot that purges posts automatically based on tags that anyone can add or remove from a post at any time is highly irresponsible and lazy.

It's just like how when someone adds the "young" tag to a post when it clearly doesn't belong, and otherz remove it, a mod steps in and instead of solving the situation they just lock the tag on the post permanently. They just give up. They say it's "better safe than sorry" but fucking really? If you're first instinct to a problem is to take the shortest and laziest way out when you're a freaking mod/admin of something then maybe you aren't responsible enough to moderate in the first place.

danielg101 said:
What about werewolves? I would be raged if that would be included

give it enough time and there wont be any furry stuff left on this supposed furry art archive

This level of laziness only promotes harassment and encourages those who dislike an artist to bombard their posts with the "young" tag. If the mods show they have a habit of not giving a shit, then they know they'll get away with anything.

It's a dangerous precedent to set and they're either too dumb to see that or too stupid to realize the consequences.

Since we're all here, congregating on this one forum post, let's all post our favorite Neil Gaiman quotes!


"The Law is a blunt instrument. It's not a scalpel, it's a CLUB. If there is something you consider indefensible, and there is something you consider defensible, and the same laws can take them BOTH out, you are going to find yourself defending the indefensible. The law is a big blunt instrument that makes no fine distinctions between what you like and what you don't like, and you only realize how wonderful absolute freedom of speech is until the day you've lost it."


"You ask, What makes it worth defending? and the only answer I can give is this: Freedom to write, freedom to read, freedom to own material that you believe is worth defending means you're going to have to stand up for stuff you don't believe is worth defending, even stuff you find actively distasteful, because laws are big blunt instruments that do not differentiate between what you like and what you don't, because prosecutors are humans and bear grudges and fight for re-election, because one person's obscenity is another person's art. Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost."


A User on Tumblr once asked Neil Gaiman if his views still remained the same as from before, Neil Gaiman replied:

"Same views, I still haven't read any l0lic0n books. I still firmly believe that people should not be imprisoned for DRAWINGS, even drawings which YOU disapprove of... I still believe that ACTUAL CSEM with real victims is an EVIL thing that should be prosecuted."


So, users of E6 -- what's YOUR favorite Neil Gaiman quote?

E6 has shown that its leadership will cave to any financial threats. Be prepared to do this again and again and again until you no longer have a platform. E6 exists because of user uploads as an archival site. This move has obliterated people's confidence in it being able to be used as an archival or hosting site. There will be no income when the uploads stop. There will be no income when the visitors looking for the new uploads stop checking. There will be no income when The Beast That Eats that is fascism has seen that you are a meal.

supersecretunknown said:
give it enough time and there wont be any furry stuff left on this supposed furry art archive

It'll just become E926 and purge all the porn because that's the safest option to appease [insert name of whoever they eventually blame]

notmenotyou said:

I think one of the submissions you purged was done in error, as it does not feature a young human or young humanoid character. Can that be reinstated?

Yes! We're working through everything we deleted to restore content that got caught by error, and if you know something that's affected, we'd be more than happy to have a look and restore it if applicable. We hope to get all false hits sorted out by ourselves, but that might take us a while due to the massive volume of posts to go through.

Why didn't you manually vet all deletions before deleting anything?

This whole ordeal had to be implemented sooner rather than later, and as such, it was sadly not feasible to go through all of the content first. But as we can restore things without lasting consequences, we believe our approach outweighs the negatives of some false hits being inaccessible for a small period of time.

You guys gave me quite a shock. I'm glad I have an upload count so high as to not put me under, and relieved that at least some of those 148 deletions I suffered will be coming back. (Mostly the no-face human ones. They're coming back, right? One of them was my sona)

But holy wow. I can imagine the cleanup from that metaphorical nuke is going to take some time.

remnantlife1161 said:
tbh, this is what Im scared most about, every damn day more and more people decide we deserve no rights for no reason.

it's easy to just look at this completely isolated and think yeah!!! one step forward!!
but like, look at what happened to abortion. A constitutional right was stripped from us and there's been next to no real pushback to fight back on it in DC. To imply it's impossible that the same won't happen to lgbt rights is being extremely naïve and that's my actual concern with changes like this. It tells me the owners of this site would throw lgbt people under the bus before standing up and saying "no" to what in my mind has been brewing fascism across this government (because we all know trump wouldn't think twice to go on a gay/transphobic witch hunt if he really wanted to.)
You give these people an inch and they will demand miles. We don't even know if you have a line in the sand of what you'll actually stand up for. It seems we're SOL if anything else is demanded to be censored.

legati said:
E6 has shown that its leadership will cave to any financial threats. Be prepared to do this again and again and again until you no longer have a platform. E6 exists because of user uploads as an archival site. This move has obliterated people's confidence in it being able to be used as an archival or hosting site. There will be no income when the uploads stop. There will be no income when the visitors looking for the new uploads stop checking. There will be no income when The Beast That Eats that is fascism has seen that you are a meal.

Getting debanked unfortunately isn't a fictional threat.

Just from a quick search I've been able to find several posts which got deleted despite not at all breaking this new rule.
post #4859137
post #3064737
post #4358512

This purge was handled with a gross and obvious lack of care, and it shows. Regardless of the new rule, this is extremely damaging to the artists and users of e621.

Next up, all cub content, then all feral, then all short character, then anything with a non-human dick because that digital bestiality and that's illegal... Enshittification at its finest

If my Kit and Little bear user pic gets flagged I'll fucking delete my account


I'm so glad that this decision is near universally disliked.

snackle said:
it's easy to just look at this completely isolated and think yeah!!! one step forward!!
but like, look at what happened to abortion. A constitutional right was stripped from us and there's been next to no real pushback to fight back on it in DC. To imply it's impossible that the same won't happen to lgbt rights is being extremely naïve and that's my actual concern with changes like this. It tells me the owners of this site would throw lgbt people under the bus before standing up and saying "no" to what in my mind has been brewing fascism across this government (because we all know trump wouldn't think twice to go on a gay/transphobic witch hunt if he really wanted to.)
You give these people an inch and they will demand miles. We don't even know if you have a line in the sand of what you'll actually stand up for. It seems we're SOL if anything else is demanded to be censored.

exactly this. it always starts with banning the easy targets - "degenerate pedophiles" (people who enjoy drawn fucking anime porn) and "freak zoophiles" (furries who like feral art. yknow. like fucking THE LION KING? BALTO?) - then the definitions expand so "degenerate pedophiles" actually includes the trans woman "in drag" at the grocery store, exposing herself to your children. or two gay men holding hands promoting the downfall of the nuclear western family to poor impressionable minors. and eventually "freak zoophiles" will be all furries, too.
(before anyone gets in my ass, like a lot of people upset in this thread, im queer)

dba_afish said:
E-H doing that didn't save the entire website almost getting permanently shut down a few years ago, though.

It yet lives with all of its content intact, and even when it was on the verge of being shut down, it gave several days of warning for people to save as much as they could; which led to vast archiving by multiple interested parties. No matter how you look at it, they triumphed over similar adversity, and managed to handle both of their crises with a level of tact and grace that is simply lacking here. Given even just twenty-four hours of warning time, just about all of the relevant content could have been safely preserved by the vast userbase of e621. Instead, this sudden purge has undoubtedly led to the permanent loss of many pieces of art that will never be seen on the internet again; nothing short of a catastrophe for what is supposed to be an archive.

Another website bowing to whiny shitheads. Pathetic. Eat a fucking dick. Oh wait, if Karen says gays should be illegal, you'll ban that, too.

youfinnadiebaby said:
Do you really believe that the content posted here does not count as obscene? Need I remind you that the PROTECT act explicitly bans drawings of children engaged in sexual acts? Can't say I'm surprised the people of this site are enraged. A philosophy of ignoring everything just leads to a community full of chaff.

taken from congress dot gov:
S. 151 proceeds to narrow it in two important ways. First, S. 151 defines a "virtually indistinguishable'' depiction to be one that "an ordinary person * * * would conclude * * * is of an actual minor.'' By way of illustration, the bill makes clear that "drawings, cartoons, sculptures'' and the like do not qualify as "virtually indistinguishable.'' This definition makes clear that "virtually indistinguishable'' depictions are onesthat look just like actual children to an ordinary observer (not an expert).

basically you're wrong and look silly.

Bro this is a complete mess many posts are also being caught in the crossfire and mistakenly deleted, stuff from Dogyd were also targeted even though it's exclusively anthro cub content.

aspy_dragon said:
I hate how the internet has become so corporate and bland, I have very hazy memories of the days of chocolate rain, numa numa, Tourette’s guy, and then much clearer memories of rage comics, team crafted, flash games and hell, even annoying orange, I hate how nowadays the advertisers and companies influence the culture and not the other way around, the way it should be, I miss the old internet. And I know why this is happening and it’s a little phenomenon called enshittification

Just a few months ago, I had the very same realization that the internet I spent too much time on and knew and loved was gone, replaced by something monetized and sterilized. This triggered something of an existential crisis, as I realized that Things Are Different Now, but I took some comfort visiting some websites still live that carried on the design and spirit of the late 90's - early 10's. e621 was one of them. I fear it is no more. Advertisers, obeying their sole instruction to get money, have begun to squash any art they find "problematic" here, too -- and I've spent enough time on Tumblr to know that anything can be made problematic.

4keye said:
I'm so glad that this decision is near universally disliked.

Think they’ll do an OF and backpedal super hard say “oops sowwee here you go” and hope people don’t remember it ever happened in half a year?


Former Staff

I'm just confused about why content like the crucial point in pool #3668 ended up deleted in the first place, when it had nothing nsfw.

youfinnadiebaby said:
Do you really believe that the content posted here does not count as obscene? Need I remind you that the PROTECT act explicitly bans drawings of children engaged in sexual acts? Can't say I'm surprised the people of this site are enraged. A philosophy of ignoring everything just leads to a community full of chaff.


COUNTER POINT, Ashcroft VS Free Speech Coalition!


"(UNLIKE the Protect Act of 2003) the CPPA is not unconstitutionally vague. Persons of ordinary intelligence can discern whether a depiction is virtually indistinguishable from a photograph of a real child engaged in sexually explicit conduct. The question is whether a reasonable unsuspecting viewer would consider the depiction to be of an actual individual under the age of 18 engaged in sexual activity. That question can be readily answered in the vast majority of cases based on the physical characteristics of the persons depicted and the way in which the material is promoted."


"Congress intended for both prohibitions to reach a narrow category of material-depictions that are "virtually indistinguishable to the unsuspecting viewer from unretouched photographic images of actual children engaging in sexually explicit conduct."


"Depictions That Are Virtually Indistinguishable From Depictions Of Real Children Engaged In Sexually Explicit Conduct Are Unprotected By The First Amendment."


"Because the Act applies only to depictions that are virtually indistinguishable from photographs of real children, it does not apply to drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings that depict youthful-looking persons in sexual poses."


Need I remind YOU that the Protect Act of 2003 was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that it was REPLACED with the much better CPPA that DOESN'T criminalize cartoon artwork???


Going to be interesting seeing this site panic over lost traffic in time. Wondering however that could have happened. Going the way of Tumblr. Thankfully there are sites like Baraag and so on out there still. The pattern of migration and site deaths continue I suppose.

billygoatunicorn said:
Think they’ll do an OF and backpedal super hard say “oops sowwee here you go” and hope people don’t remember it ever happened in half a year?

even if they do, im done using the site as soon as some of my coms get taken off, i didnt want any of them on here in the first place, but because its a massive pain in the ass to get art taken off i didnt care. but now i have a reason to care, and have asked the artists of ones ive found still here to submit takedowns.

tinkeringturian said:
It yet lives with all of its content intact, and even when it was on the verge of being shut down, it gave several days of warning for people to save as much as they could; which led to vast archiving by multiple interested parties. No matter how you look at it, they triumphed over similar adversity, and managed to handle both of their crises with a level of tact and grace that is simply lacking here. Given even just twenty-four hours of warning time, just about all of the relevant content could have been safely preserved by the vast userbase of e621. Instead, this sudden purge has undoubtedly led to the permanent loss of many pieces of art that will never be seen on the internet again; nothing short of a catastrophe for what is supposed to be an archive.

they gave several days warning before taking E-H down, if I remember correctly ExH was taken down almost instantaneously.

dimoretpinel said:
Deleted content can be reinstated later, and all of the deletions were tagged "YoungHumanPurge", so it could be undone, but it’s very unlikely it will.

Is that true? I thought expunged meant they were wiped from the site. Only thing preventing reuploads are the duplicate image system that they use.

At least there are sites like allthefallenbooru if you guys want to archive the young human/humanoid stuff

Hopefully someone made a recent siterip or something because all that art would be a shame if lost forever

dont worry guys. im sure the leopards wont eat YOUR face. they'll only eat the faces of people you dont like! i swear! ignore them covering you in bbq sauce.

pavlovsdrug said:
dont worry guys. im sure the leopards wont eat YOUR face. they'll only eat the faces of people you dont like! i swear! ignore them covering you in bbq sauce.

i was just about to bring up the leopards eating people's faces party allegory LMAO. it fits so well for this comment section.

wastepaw said:
i was just about to bring up the leopards eating people's faces party allegory LMAO. it fits so well for this comment section.

I was also holding on to that one.

yanti said:
Just a few months ago, I had the very same realization that the internet I spent too much time on and knew and loved was gone, replaced by something monetized and sterilized. This triggered something of an existential crisis, as I realized that Things Are Different Now, but I took some comfort visiting some websites still live that carried on the design and spirit of the late 90's - early 10's. e621 was one of them. I fear it is no more. Advertisers, obeying their sole instruction to get money, have begun to squash any art they find "problematic" here, too -- and I've spent enough time on Tumblr to know that anything can be made problematic.

I doubt that this was actually about advertisers. If it was just about money, they would've recognized that maintaining the good faith of their users is critical to making money off of advertisers. I suspect this ban is more about the moderator's personal preferences than they're admitting.



idontspeakidiot said:
Just from a quick search I've been able to find several posts which got deleted despite not at all breaking this new rule.
post #4859137
post #3064737

Can't help but wonder how many posts were erroneously deleted because they were improperly tagged humanoid (these two posts were all anthro, but people have a habit of tagging humanoid for anthros, which isn't helping).

watsit said:
Can't help but wonder how many posts were erroneously deleted because they were improperly tagged humanoid (these two posts were all anthro, but people have a habit of tagging humanoid for anthros, which isn't helping).

Oh god, I forgot about the constant mistags of anthros as humanoid.
That's gotta be dozens of pages of total mis-deletions.

The fact that there are some people cheering this on is insane genuinely, you think that what you like is any less weird to the average normie or suit? You show them the shit you like and they're gonna call you an animal fucker LMFAO. Actually brainless behavior to cheer this.

watsit said:
Can't help but wonder how many posts were erroneously deleted because they were improperly tagged humanoid (these two posts were all anthro, but people have a habit of tagging humanoid for anthros, which isn't helping).

LOTS. the answer is LOTS.

genjar said:
I'm just confused about why content like the crucial point in pool #3668 ended up deleted in the first place, when it had nothing nsfw.

Likely because of the Tag Child it was likely a take all these tags and delete them knee jerk reaction and people have to apply to reinstate on a case by case basis since fictional art is no longer fictional....

Also something a friend mentioned it could also be in part due to Ai art training prevention. Since that is becoming more prevalent.

oozeenthusiast said:
I doubt that this was actually about advertisers. If it was just about money, they would've recognized that maintaining the good faith of their users is critical to making money off of advertisers. I suspect this ban is more about the moderator's personal preferences than they're admitting.

I's most likely about payment processors/banks. You can't even accept donations if nobody is willing to process your payments. Imagine dragonfruit's as a whole was issued an ultimatum by their payment processor/bank.

mordecaialex said:
Next up, all cub content, then all feral, then all short character, and on and on until nothing is left.

If my Kit and Little bear user pic gets flagged I'll fucking delete my account

It's not only young-looking humans and humanoids, some anthro-cub content was also targeted (Some post of Dogyd for example) which of course doesn't respect this new rule of banning exclusively young humans and humanoids, either it is a mistake from their part because they're basically purging everything without carefully checking the posts or they're using this new change which under the surface should only target a very specific category but is being secretly used as a scapegoat and excuse to also nuke broader sub-categories of it.

tsumami said:
The fact that there are some people cheering this on is insane genuinely, you think that what you like is any less weird to the average normie or suit? You show them the shit you like and they're gonna call you an animal fucker LMFAO. Actually brainless behavior to cheer this.

Considering what happened to fchan, sofurry, furry network, and probably others, you'd think people would know by now what kind of disasters these bans cause.