Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

watsit said:
Not "potential risks", real and immediate consequences. As was said, they had a very short time window to comply or the whole site goes down. What else could they have done given such a short time frame with such severe consequences?

We'll have much bigger problems to contend with. Contrary to how it may seem with the new rule, e621 still hosts some of the most extreme (fictional, legal) content than most other sites, including cub, bestiality, incest, guro, and rape, all completely uncensored. If furry porn itself gets targeted, e6 won't be the only site affected.

So basically someone put a gun on their head and threatened to pull the trigger (not for real of course... I hope).

But as you said, there is way more brutal stuff on this site, so why in gods name do lawmakers (or whoever decides to pulls the trigger) only focus on that one thing? If I remember correctly (but I may be absolutely wrong here because it was a long time ago), a study found out that the consumption of fictional material does not cause a individual to develop behaviors that said material had. (or something like that, I'm struggling with my limited English knowledge a bit here, please excuse if this sounds like nonsense)
Now, I'm pretty sure many have "let off some steam" to one character that is now on the purging list (may they admit it or not), but never ever had any sexual desire ever with a real human being that "resembles" said form. (I do really hope that this is the case for 99.9% of all people)

So now, I really feel like, (warning conspiracy theory incoming do not take seriously), that something they had planned didn't work out as they want to, and can no longer back-paddle from it. And the easiest way is to simply control/limit peoples "sexual fantasy/drives". Absolutely NOBODY is believing the "Protect the children" bullshit, and this sudden porn purge that happens to all sites is just such a 180 degree from over the years of goodwill and freedom.

mklxiv said:
Nothing had changed. The staff aren't giving context because there wasn't any legal change.

Okay so.. what hidden "agenda" is behind this then??

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

Common moderator L

The endgame of this moral handwringing is the banning of all porn. Only reason it hasn't happened yet is because porn is too profitable for the moral busybodies to justify to their less morally scrupulous business partners.
Tumblr banned porn.
Pornhub banned amateur porn ( read: the professionally produced porn is too profitable to shut down as easily )
Onlyfans TRIED to ban porn, and rolled back because again, too much profit.

So for anyone thinking "this is a W. Glad those freaks are gone so I can browse MY porn without worry" know that whatever you are into is also on the chopping block. Those same people think homosexuals are invariably pedophiles, by the way. They absolutely will go for lgbt content on that basis. No amount of shouting "consenting ADULTS only" is going to convince them you're not.

looks like users of atfBooru will have hands full of work
site that is literaly full of lolis and all stuf that has ben banned here

The thing about free speech is that no one ever takes it away all at once. They take it a bit at a time, and they always start with the stuff that's easiest to criticize and condemn. They never stop there, because people who want power are never satisfied.

I don't blame the mods of this site, their hands are being tied by greedy censorship-happy companies and religious weirdos in high government positions.

But anyone here who's celebrating this change, or using it as a chance to wank off to their own sense of moral superiority, is a short-sighted idiot. Controversial porn is always the first thing to go when a censorship campaign begins. It's never the last.

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

1) If you are interested, Pixiv accept this kind of content, however all NSFW content should be properly censored as stated by the Japanese law.
This is where I post all my SS content.
2) as long as I know, Shota and Loli is indeed banned in some states, I'm not sure if this also applies to Arizona, I'm not American but I'm open to corrections.

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

1) If you are interested, Pixiv accept this kind of content, however all NSFW content should be properly censored as stated by the Japanese law.
This is where I post all my SS content.
2) as long as I know, Shota and Loli is indeed banned in some states, I'm not sure if this also applies to Arizona, I'm not American but I'm open to corrections.

Realistically, what are our chances of a rollback? I mean, I kind of like this site and want it to keep going, but the slippery slope...

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

Contrary to (increasingly) popular belief, controversial art based in fiction does not carry the subtext "you should eventually do this in real life."

It's an indulgence that starts and full stops in imagination; no more real, tangible or harmful than a dream or nightmare. It is one thing to passively view media. But to even entertain the thought of harming or violating another human being or animal, especially vulnerable/young ones, requires such an utter lack- or overwriting, of compassion that it requires some form of neurological or developmental defect to even get there. The average Joe or Jane doesn't just fall into heinous, inhumane and criminal behavior from viewing some PNGs featuring Cream the Rabbit or Spike the Dragon. Not any more than watching the Saw movies convinces people to butcher people. It's an absurd leap.

It is your good right to find it distasteful, avoid it like the plague, and even express your opinions about it. But to wrongfully label people with loaded terms just because they're consuming a type of media you don't like only muddies what those terms mean colloquially. And mind you, a lot of what I've said here applies directly to you also. For example: just because you're an avid enjoyer of feral/bestiality renders (albeit via cognitive dissonant means using feral dragons and dinosaurs) doesn't make you suspicious either - because that too would be an absurd leap.

peanuts said:
Realistically, what are our chances of a rollback? I mean, I kind of like this site and want it to keep going, but the slippery slope...

The very real slippery slope, unlike the logical fallacy, that is.

In any case, catchy little disclaimer statements tend to work for diverting blame. Someone run "Don't try kids at home!" in front of Congress and see if it's good enough for them.

sashapony said:
You are incorrect if you are living in USA... It is a constitutionally protected right to have loli shota and cub art in sexual content. The idea that this is to try and stop people from becoming pedos and to stop pedos is laughable as that is an extreme minority of lolisho and cub enjoyers.

I don't live in the USA, so I can't speak for your laws. I'm guessing you're talking about the 5th (I think) amendment of free speech? Or was there another one that also protected freedom of art? Also, I wasn't referencing what E6 did to try and stop pedos, I was talking about how in countries that ban fictional ACE material, including cubs and fantasy races, probably did it with the idea in mind to try and stop pedos. If what I said makes sense (I'm bad at writing)

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

Is this how billionaires felt when Epstein was caught?

youngcub475 said:
I don't live in the USA, so I can't speak for your laws. I'm guessing you're talking about the 5th (I think) amendment of free speech? Or was there another one that also protected freedom of art? Also, I wasn't referencing what E6 did to try and stop pedos, I was talking about how in countries that ban fictional ACE material, including cubs and fantasy races, probably did it with the idea in mind to try and stop pedos. If what I said makes sense (I'm bad at writing)

It's actually a very specific law:

It says that art only counts as CP if it's indistinguishable from a real minor. So cartoons and such are okay

omniscient said:
Also wondering why this user was perm banned for being 'under 18' when this comment proves otherwise?

Yeah, Omni... I don't understand it either. I never saw anything from that particular user that would indicate that they were NOT "of sufficient age" to be here... they seemed rather well read (educated & very literate) and they seemed to have quite a bit of legal information and I especially appreciated their quotes from Neil Gaiman... I think people just jump the gun too fast on people like that, looking for any excuse to shut them up and silence them.

Actually, I think a large number of us who are displeased with this new decision are being targetted, but perhaps that was "the plan" to begin with? Maybe I'm being paranoid, but that's the vibe I got from this thread.

Also, how exactly does a person contest (fight) such a label? Send their ID in like this is 2013 Facebook? Sorry, but I don't trust Mark Zuckerberg with any of my sensitive government info. He would just sell it anyway.... I mean nothing's stopping M.Z. from just giving your I.D. and other data to some crappy sleazy company... and if someone here has it out for you, I can't imagine them being much nicer than Mark Zuck would be.

The Arizona Law thing was silly, I'm glad that got struck down, but... it seems to have still had some lingering, residual effects around here...

PS: The Iron Curtain on this website doesn't even block regular adult NSFW content from being viewed by people without accounts... it's all in pubic view, the only thing that gets hidden behind the Iron Curtain is the Cub NSFW.... why hide one but not the other? Doesn't really make a lot of sense.

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

If we use the same logic, then all furries are zoophiles, no matter if these characters are fictional.

youngcub475 said:
I don't live in the USA, so I can't speak for your laws. I'm guessing you're talking about the 5th (I think) amendment of free speech? Or was there another one that also protected freedom of art? Also, I wasn't referencing what E6 did to try and stop pedos, I was talking about how in countries that ban fictional ACE material, including cubs and fantasy races, probably did it with the idea in mind to try and stop pedos. If what I said makes sense (I'm bad at writing)

Actually first ammendment and upheld by the US Supreme court. And don't worry you're making perfect sense.



cooper06 said:
When George Orwell was writing the book "1984", this is exactly what he was thinking about

You sure it wasn't about Orwell's disillusionment? But this is kind off-topic for a furry art archive site. ;)

e95577 said:
In the wake of all this, does someone know of some software that at least also saves the tags of an image, without having to save the whole html?

Raccoony with these settings changed from default?

Open one tab at a time=On
Download path=raccoony/{siteName}/{author}/{siteFilenameExt}
Right-click menu download path=raccoony/{siteName}/{siteFilenameExt}
Save metadata file=On
Automatically download opened submissions=On

Separating it by author name is a lot less annoying. You can always just change the folder structure later.


Things related to non-human-likes that e621 has abandoned to archive this time:

  • Explicit transformation images between young human or human-like character and anthro/feral.
  • Young human/humanoid on anthro/feral.
  • Images of anthro/feral being with explicit young human/humanoid characters.

In other words, e621 has given up on completing its noble mission of collecting furry images. They did not choose to cut ties with their bad business partners or to suspend the site and seek alternative means of earning to fulfil their mission. This has significantly reduced the value of e621 as an artwork archive site.
It is unreasonable to expect them to respect the arts and to be good to contributors.

Staffs are not our parents, they are just doing their business literally, so we have to go to or make another site if we have any complaint to them.
Are there rats that don't run away from a sinking Titanic made of mud, when there is land to swim to?

well this just makes me wonder how the hell this site has ever been financially sustainable in the first place LMAO

i guess through Bad Dragon -> Dragonfruit money, but still, hosting controversial content on a free site w/ no official mirrors... sounds challenging

i wonder if any of this would've become a problem if the website stayed relatively obscure compared to Paheal and all that

macsionnaigh said:
[...]suspend the site and seek alternative means of earning to fulfil their mission.

they're not going to suspend the site, my dude. in what universe would taking the site down for some unknown period of time help anyone?

kookylurker said:
When was the last time they actually prosecuted someone solely on ficitonal underage characters? I can see if mixed in with real stuff but just on that, I would be kind of mithed when there is actual predators out there.

styxghost said:
ok, you do you, is but fiction, lines on paper, or in this case, pixels on a screen

why do people get all up in arms and outraged about FICTIONAL loli/cub, and yet there's absolute silence over, to give examples, snuff, vore, rape and such?

makes absolutely no sense and reeks of "my kinks are perfectly fine and acceptable, yours are not and should be shamed and banned, whileyou get put on a watchlist" hypocrisy

I mean, I wouldn't say there's ABSOLUTE silence over snuff. I've seen a lot of images on this site get downvoted to hell just for showing snuff.
I agree with your second point about the "kinkshaming" / "kink-double-standard", but I don't think it only happens to loli/cub.

I just saw how ATF's staff responded to its prospective newcomers in light of e621's fuckup, and it was absolutely gigabased. Their messaging is the complete opposite of the staff here.

>reassuring that they have plans to keep content safe
>giving more clear info on what IS/COULD BE an obstacle for hosting content going forward
>even touching on their methods for bypassing those obstacles

Like, holy shit. e621's staff got absolutely dogwalked. yes I chose that phrase on purpose lol

peanuts said:
Realistically, what are our chances of a rollback? I mean, I kind of like this site and want it to keep going, but the slippery slope...

There will be no rollback. That's the reality of the situation. If you still yearn for this type of artwork, many other sites that are still willing to host it have been recommended in this thread.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive. We're certainly going to fight back against any attempts to take down fully relevant artwork, but this was a necessary compromise for e6 to stay online.

Updated by slyroon



nonbearnary said:
There will be no rollback. That's the reality of the situation. If you still yearn for this type of artwork, many other sites that are still willing to host it have been recommended in this thread.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive. We're certainly going to fight back against any attempts to take down fully relevant artwork, but this was a necessary compromise for e6 to stay online.

Any odds of humans being removed entirely?

notmenotyou said:
For everyone's convenience here's the new section of the Uploading Guidelines:


What exactly is now forbidden?

Young humans and anything that looks vaguely like a young human in NSFW contexts. This includes plain humans, stylized humans like cartoon characters (The Simpsons, etc), elves, orcs, vampires, zombies, kemonomimi, humans with a few glued on animal features (noses, tails, ears, whiskers, etc.), and similar content.
Basically, if it mostly looks like a young human (even with stylistic or other small changes), it is no longer allowed.

What about cub / anthro?

Young anthro characters / cubs are unaffected by this change and are still allowed to be posted.

The sudden deletions pushed my upload limit into the negatives, what do I do?

Email us or DM an administrator, and we'll bump your limit back up to being usable to you.

I think one of the submissions you purged was done in error, as it does not feature a young human or young humanoid character. Can that be reinstated?

Yes! We're working through everything we deleted to restore content that got caught by error, and if you know something that's affected, we'd be more than happy to have a look and restore it if applicable. We hope to get all false hits sorted out by ourselves, but that might take us a while due to the massive volume of posts to go through.

I believe I have found a submission that breaks these guidelines, but was not deleted, what do I do?

At the moment, if you find anything please send us an email ([email protected]) and we will have a look. However we will try to have an on-site option in the Flag For Deletion menu for this ASAP, and will edit this entry once that’s all sorted out and live.

Why didn't you manually vet all deletions before deleting anything?

This whole ordeal had to be implemented sooner rather than later, and as such, it was sadly not feasible to go through all of the content first. But as we can restore things without lasting consequences, we believe our approach outweighs the negatives of some false hits being inaccessible for a small period of time.

Wait, so you're saying that the moment a child in an NSFW work is swapped for an animal, it's suddenly fine???

I totally don't see this loophole being exploited (I'm terminating my account, I can't support a company that won't finish the job)

nonbearnary said:
Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive.

so did interspecies just completely fall off the fucking radar for people who keep throwing out this stupid little chestnut?

nonbearnary said:
There will be no rollback. That's the reality of the situation. If you still yearn for this type of artwork, many other sites that are still willing to host it have been recommended in this thread.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive. We're certainly going to fight back against any attempts to take down fully relevant artwork, but this was a necessary compromise for e6 to stay online.

Just curious, does that also mean that all young human artwork that falls under the loli category has been scrubbed from the servers permanently, or are they still stored, just not publicly viewable as we've been told?

carnivore4lyf said:
Just curious, does that also mean that all young human artwork that falls under the loli category has been scrubbed from the servers permanently, or are they still stored, just not publicly viewable as we've been told?

The images and pages are still there, just the images themselves are invisible. You can still access the pages to find artist names, sources, etc.
At least for now.

nonbearnary said:
There will be no rollback. That's the reality of the situation. If you still yearn for this type of artwork, many other sites that are still willing to host it have been recommended in this thread.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive. We're certainly going to fight back against any attempts to take down fully relevant artwork, but this was a necessary compromise for e6 to stay online.

that's extremely disheartening to hear...

nonbearnary said:
There will be no rollback. That's the reality of the situation. If you still yearn for this type of artwork, many other sites that are still willing to host it have been recommended in this thread.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive. We're certainly going to fight back against any attempts to take down fully relevant artwork, but this was a necessary compromise for e6 to stay online.

Earlier we were told that there was a chance that there could be a rollback and that all the images that were unceremoniously put on the chopping block were safely stored away for when "the climate becomes better". Look, guys, maybe you should confer with each other to get your stories straight (to preempt: "we've explored all avenues in one day" won't pass the sniff test either), because the more you're talking in vague terms and revising the story on the fly, the more it sounds like there was zero external pressure and this came entirely due to site owner preference. It's making people suspicious when trust is already at an extreme low.

firebadnofire said:
Is this how billionaires felt when Epstein was caught?

But the billionaires had to spend millions in cover-up. I aint seeing anyone here doing that.

They also raped, hurt, and traumatised real children who grew up to be real adults with long-lasting issues directly related to the events on Epstein’s island.

…I ain’t seeing anyone here doing that either…

nonbearnary said:
There will be no rollback. That's the reality of the situation. If you still yearn for this type of artwork, many other sites that are still willing to host it have been recommended in this thread.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive. We're certainly going to fight back against any attempts to take down fully relevant artwork, but this was a necessary compromise for e6 to stay online.

I'm curious as to why nobody on the staff team has flat-out stated whether this is an issue with its host or with something else, as there are only so many "mission critical" technical components with a booru site (web server, database, CDN, domain registrar). It has been made pretty obvious it's likely the host so I don't understand why nobody just says it. It's also suspicious that the staff are willing to fight back against other content being challenged, implying that's somehow feasible to fight on the same grounds but not this. I also don't see how e621 is fine just blocking access in some territories to skirt age verification laws but not just blocking countries that want this kind of policy.

dba_afish said:
they're not going to suspend the site, my dude. in what universe would taking the site down for some unknown period of time help anyone?

I appreciate the tagging system of e6 itself, but its staff...
The fact that, while some other similar sites are able to survive despite having contentious contents, this site is unable to do so is a problem of the management structure.
If someone bemoans this catastrophe and has funds or technology, they should consider founding a similar site, unrelated to here nor their partners, on servers outside the United States.

macsionnaigh said:
I appreciate tagging system of e6 itself, but its staff...
The fact that, while some other similar sites are able to survive despite having contentious contents, this site is unable to do so is a problem of the management structure.
If someone bemoans this catastrophe and has funds or technology, they should consider founding a similar site, unrelated to here nor their partners, on servers outside the United States.

It's actually probably better to host stuff within the US as the First Amendment makes an overwhelming majority of art protected speech, it's getting through payment providers run by religious zealots that's the big barrier usually, or publicly traded companies that want to continue doing business with countries that still have repulsive social laws (Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, etc.) who have them by the balls.

"Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but, unlike charity, it should end there." — Clare Booth Luce

mklxiv said:
it's getting through payment providers run by religious zealots that's the big barrier usually, or publicly traded companies that want to continue doing business with countries that still have repulsive social laws (Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, etc.) who have them by the balls.

At least its payments have to be made in cryptocurrencies.

I'm not going to stay here for long, I'll just download what I lost and head out but before that I feel like there are some words that need to be said:

This site was perfect for one thing: Containing pedophiles. Keeping them content and busy with no chance of hurting anyone outside. What happens now that the thing keeping them trapped here is gone without as much as a warning?

Do you think they just magically cease to exist and are never seen again? I'm sure that's what everyone would like to think, but unfortunately for everyone gathered, that's not the case. A pedophile is driven by a very simple desire, and, given enough time, he'll succumb to it no matter what. It's not a problem if he can occupy himself with things like loli hentai or cub porn, it's harmless and was up to this point very easy to find, but what if, let's say, the internet collectively decided to get rid of it all? For a moment, everyone celebrates, "No more pedophilia!", not for a moment considering the consequences of what they had done. The pedophile is still there, and now he's getting desperate in searching for a replacement.
Now, a pop quiz: When fictional porn with fictional children that he used to entertain himself is gone, what will a pedophile turn towards instead?
If you said "Real videos of real children getting molested" you're awfully optimistic.

No one wants to think about pedophiles, and for understandable reasons. But they are there, always. There's no getting rid of them, it's not an organization that you can sniff out, or a cult that has defined leaders and hierarchy. They are everywhere, among normal people, blending in and hiding in plain sight. There's a reason you mostly hear of pedophiles only after they committed a horrible crime. Even if magically every single pedophile in the world got sent straight to hell at the same time, there will be more born among perfectly good people with no one suspecting them. The only thing that can be done is containing them, giving them something that can fulfill their desires without the need for real children to get hurt.

This site used to do exactly that. God knows what's going to happen now. We can only pray that another site comes forward to carry the torch that e621 deliberately dropped down a well.

As for me?
I'm not any different, I'm also looking for a replacement. Baraag seems nice this season, wouldn't you agree?

dimoretpinel said:
This is not what we were told.

A full reversal of all deletions isn't going to happen. False positives are still being checked for and undeleted as we speak.

Updated by slyroon

macsionnaigh said:
At least its payments have to be made in cryptocurrencies.

The only issue with that is it'll attract grifters, as it's not just a new payment method for nerds anymore like it was in the early 2010s.

...Damn techbros, ruining our way out of this shitshow. :B

mklxiv said:
I'm curious as to why nobody on the staff team has flat-out stated whether this is an issue with its host or with something else, as there are only so many "mission critical" technical components with a booru site (web server, database, CDN, domain registrar). It has been made pretty obvious it's likely the host so I don't understand why nobody just says it. It's also suspicious that the staff are willing to fight back against other content being challenged, implying that's somehow feasible to fight on the same grounds but not this. I also don't see how e621 is fine just blocking access in some territories to skirt age verification laws but not just blocking countries that want this kind of policy.

Young human content, fictional or otherwise, is illegal in many of the countries that the people who provide the services keeping us online want to maintain friendly business relations with. This is all I can say.
Even in those countries, authorities aren't really looking for the other forms of contentious content that people are concerned about (cub, feral, snuff, rape, etc.).

Updated by slyroon

frankcontrathermia said:
I'm not going to stay here for long, I'll just download what I lost and head out but before that I feel like there are some words that need to be said:

This site was perfect for one thing: Containing pedophiles. Keeping them content and busy with no chance of hurting anyone outside. What happens now that the thing keeping them trapped here is gone without as much as a warning?

Do you think they just magically cease to exist and are never seen again? I'm sure that's what everyone would like to think, but unfortunately for everyone gathered, that's not the case. A pedophile is driven by a very simple desire, and, given enough time, he'll succumb to it no matter what. It's not a problem if he can occupy himself with things like loli hentai or cub porn, it's harmless and was up to this point very easy to find, but what if, let's say, the internet collectively decided to get rid of it all? For a moment, everyone celebrates, "No more pedophilia!", not for a moment considering the consequences of what they had done. The pedophile is still there, and now he's getting desperate in searching for a replacement.
Now, a pop quiz: When fictional porn with fictional children that he used to entertain himself is gone, what will a pedophile turn towards instead?
If you said "Real videos of real children getting molested" you're awfully optimistic.

No one wants to think about pedophiles, and for understandable reasons. But they are there, always. There's no getting rid of them, it's not an organization that you can sniff out, or a cult that has defined leaders and hierarchy. They are everywhere, among normal people, blending in and hiding in plain sight. There's a reason you mostly hear of pedophiles only after they committed a horrible crime. Even if magically every single pedophile in the world got sent straight to hell at the same time, there will be more born among perfectly good people with no one suspecting them. The only thing that can be done is containing them, giving them something that can fulfill their desires without the need for real children to get hurt.

This site used to do exactly that. God knows what's going to happen now. We can only pray that another site comes forward to carry the torch that e621 deliberately dropped down a well.

As for me?
I'm not any different, I'm also looking for a replacement. Baraag seems nice this season, wouldn't you agree?

Firstly, an overwhelming majority of us into lolisho content aren't pedophiles, for the same reasons you aren't a zoophile for looking at furry porn. We just want to enjoy our fantasy body types- and just as in you're into fantasy creatures like furries and don't have any interest in fucking dogs, we don't have any interest in fucking real kids.

I can vouch for Baraag being pretty well-moderated and permissive. By the way, an actual pedophile did end up trying to use Baraag to spread their illegal content a few years back- the site's users mauled them! Very fast to top. Though, Baraag is a Mastodon instance and not a booru like here, so it's not a 1:1 replacement.

nonbearnary said:
A full reversal of all deletions isn't going to happen. False positives are still being checked for and undeleted as we speak.

Is this why posts are also getting expunged?

dimoretpinel said:
Is this why posts are also getting expunged?

Posts that were expunged were asked to be taken down before we made the decision to purge. These takedowns were done in a way that we could not refuse.
Expunged posts cannot be reuploaded at all.

Updated by slyroon



nonbearnary said:
Young human content, fictional or otherwise, is illegal in many of the countries that the people who provide the services keeping us online want to maintain friendly business relations with. This is all I can say.
Even in those countries, authorities aren't really looking for the other forms of contentious content that people are concerned about (cub, feral, snuff, rape, etc.).

Well, crap. I kind of figured was nexus extension like that. :(

Hey, Omniscient... check this out.

Even Flayrah is commenting about this situation...

I bet there's a lot of people who are getting FurAffinity Flashbacks.

And someone in those comments made a really, REALLY good point: "What good is having a Library Card if the Library you wanna go to is in flames with most of the books burned to ashes?"

We are witnessing the Real Time live destruction of the Library of Alexandria, at least in terms of ancient archived furry art...

frankcontrathermia said:
I'm not going to stay here for long, I'll just download what I lost and head out but before that I feel like there are some words that need to be said:

This site was perfect for one thing: Containing pedophiles. Keeping them content and busy with no chance of hurting anyone outside. What happens now that the thing keeping them trapped here is gone without as much as a warning?

Do you think they just magically cease to exist and are never seen again? I'm sure that's what everyone would like to think, but unfortunately for everyone gathered, that's not the case. A pedophile is driven by a very simple desire, and, given enough time, he'll succumb to it no matter what. It's not a problem if he can occupy himself with things like loli hentai or cub porn, it's harmless and was up to this point very easy to find, but what if, let's say, the internet collectively decided to get rid of it all? For a moment, everyone celebrates, "No more pedophilia!", not for a moment considering the consequences of what they had done. The pedophile is still there, and now he's getting desperate in searching for a replacement.
Now, a pop quiz: When fictional porn with fictional children that he used to entertain himself is gone, what will a pedophile turn towards instead?
If you said "Real videos of real children getting molested" you're awfully optimistic.

No one wants to think about pedophiles, and for understandable reasons. But they are there, always. There's no getting rid of them, it's not an organization that you can sniff out, or a cult that has defined leaders and hierarchy. They are everywhere, among normal people, blending in and hiding in plain sight. There's a reason you mostly hear of pedophiles only after they committed a horrible crime. Even if magically every single pedophile in the world got sent straight to hell at the same time, there will be more born among perfectly good people with no one suspecting them. The only thing that can be done is containing them, giving them something that can fulfill their desires without the need for real children to get hurt.

This site used to do exactly that. God knows what's going to happen now. We can only pray that another site comes forward to carry the torch that e621 deliberately dropped down a well.

As for me?
I'm not any different, I'm also looking for a replacement. Baraag seems nice this season, wouldn't you agree?

I truly believe the VAST, VAST majority of loli/shota fans are not attracted to actual children. But, yeah, it's still probably a good point.

nonbearnary said:
Young human content, fictional or otherwise, is illegal in many of the countries that the people who provide the services keeping us online want to maintain friendly business relations with. This is all I can say.
Even in those countries, authorities aren't really looking for the other forms of contentious content that people are concerned about (cub, feral, snuff, rape, etc.).

The entire DNS history of e621 is public and trivial to find, so I don't really buy that either. Additionally, since the staff isn't willing to say it, all the companies that said public DNS information shows that e621 has had more obvious business relationships with according to A and MX record histories- Dreamhost, DNS Made Easy, SoftLayer Technologies, Hurricane Electric, Google (mail), Namecheap, and Cloudflare- are all based within the United States. Could you explain what other kinds of "business partners" could be involved, even if not specific ones?


nonbearnary said:
Young human content, fictional or otherwise, is illegal in many of the countries that the people who provide the services keeping us online want to maintain friendly business relations with. This is all I can say.
Even in those countries, authorities aren't really looking for the other forms of contentious content that people are concerned about (cub, feral, snuff, rape, etc.).

This kinda still goes against the values of an archive, there are better ways of doing this, like for example not providing these posts to the specific countries. There are also other content laws that are broken on this site, yet all of those are ignored and distributed to respective countries, can we expect every last thing to be taken from here.

dimoretpinel said:
Please excuse my language here- fuck does that mean?

They were not sent to e621, but the people who provide our services. Those people don't take no for an answer.

Updated by slyroon

frankcontrathermia said:
I'm not going to stay here for long, I'll just download what I lost and head out but before that I feel like there are some words that need to be said:

This site was perfect for one thing: Containing pedophiles. Keeping them content and busy with no chance of hurting anyone outside. What happens now that the thing keeping them trapped here is gone without as much as a warning?

Do you think they just magically cease to exist and are never seen again? I'm sure that's what everyone would like to think, but unfortunately for everyone gathered, that's not the case. A pedophile is driven by a very simple desire, and, given enough time, he'll succumb to it no matter what. It's not a problem if he can occupy himself with things like loli hentai or cub porn, it's harmless and was up to this point very easy to find, but what if, let's say, the internet collectively decided to get rid of it all? For a moment, everyone celebrates, "No more pedophilia!", not for a moment considering the consequences of what they had done. The pedophile is still there, and now he's getting desperate in searching for a replacement.
Now, a pop quiz: When fictional porn with fictional children that he used to entertain himself is gone, what will a pedophile turn towards instead?
If you said "Real videos of real children getting molested" you're awfully optimistic.

No one wants to think about pedophiles, and for understandable reasons. But they are there, always. There's no getting rid of them, it's not an organization that you can sniff out, or a cult that has defined leaders and hierarchy. They are everywhere, among normal people, blending in and hiding in plain sight. There's a reason you mostly hear of pedophiles only after they committed a horrible crime. Even if magically every single pedophile in the world got sent straight to hell at the same time, there will be more born among perfectly good people with no one suspecting them. The only thing that can be done is containing them, giving them something that can fulfill their desires without the need for real children to get hurt.

This site used to do exactly that. God knows what's going to happen now. We can only pray that another site comes forward to carry the torch that e621 deliberately dropped down a well.

As for me?
I'm not any different, I'm also looking for a replacement. Baraag seems nice this season, wouldn't you agree?

This is a hell of a lot of projection and self reporting, jesus christ.

nonbearnary said:
Young human content, fictional or otherwise, is illegal in many of the countries that the people who provide the services keeping us online want to maintain friendly business relations with. This is all I can say.
Even in those countries, authorities aren't really looking for the other forms of contentious content that people are concerned about (cub, feral, snuff, rape, etc.).

I look forward to cub being banned then, because it's illegal in New Zealand and Australia.

nonbearnary said:
There will be no rollback. That's the reality of the situation. If you still yearn for this type of artwork, many other sites that are still willing to host it have been recommended in this thread.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive. We're certainly going to fight back against any attempts to take down fully relevant artwork, but this was a necessary compromise for e6 to stay online.

This is sad to hear.

nonbearnary said, in response to alphamule:

But on the contrary, this is good to hear. Humans with furries is still technically furry art wether some like it or not

If I remember correctly, Bad Dragon is based in Nevada, and I assume they would switch hosts if that were the issue. I'm taking it the problem here ultimately lay in changes of US law. NotMeNotNotYou mentioned that we should "vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly." What I'm wondering is which US bill has or is about to pass that would necessitate this action? Which bill do we need to target and contact our representatives about? Regardless of how anyone feels about this type of art, any laws infringing the creation, distribution, or ownership of it is a violation of the 1st amendment and entirely unacceptable in the US.

angelpuppet said:
If I remember correctly, Bad Dragon is based in Nevada, and I assume they would switch hosts if that were the issue. I'm taking it the problem here ultimately lay in changes of US law. NotMeNotNotYou mentioned that we should "vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly." What I'm wondering is which US bill has or is about to pass that would necessitate this action? Which bill do we need to target and contact our representatives about? Regardless of how anyone feels about this type of art, any laws infringing the creation, distribution, or ownership of it is a violation of the 1st amendment and entirely unacceptable in the US.

None of them have changed. It's looking like e621 has something to hide, especially after digging through their DNS history and finding all the companies they more obviously use (or have used) since 2011 for technical/hosting-related services are based in the US and not abroad, plus their excessive lack of transparency regarding who was told what. Maybe these "business partners" are the mafia? It's sure sounding like it.

Young human content is far on the periphery of what we archive.

Btw this is an absolute fucking lie considering the about section of this site giving the now bullshit "regardless of content" description

mklxiv said:
None of them have changed. It's looking like e621 has something to hide, especially after digging through their DNS history and finding all the companies they more obviously use or has used since 2011 for technical/hosting-related services are based in the US and not abroad, plus their excessive lack of transparency regarding who was told what. Maybe these "business partners" are the mafia? It's sure sounding like it.

I think the mafia would be into more worse businesses than ficional CP lol, but it's still funny to think about

mklxiv said:
New Zealand and Australia also throw people in jail or heavily fine them for playing Grand Theft Auto so I don't think nanny states like those are a good example of reasonable policy advancements.

I didn't say they are. I'm pointing out that e621 is served here, so by their own logic, cub is also on the chopping block.
Also, FYI, New Zealand and Australia are in fact different countries, so don't lump them in together like that unless you're citing an example that is actually relevant to both and not one.

cooper06 said:
I think the mafia would be into more worse businesses than ficional CP lol, but it's still funny to think about

The mafia was more of a quip than a genuine accusation :P