Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

brayinggirl said:
I don't have any inside knowledge about what happened here, but I can make a pretty good guess. I DO have a close friend in the credit card processing industry, working for one of the big credit card companies whose name you know. They can and WILL revoke a business's access to the payment portal for handling material that can even be broadly construed as CSAM, whether or not it meets any particular legal threshold or even whether the content is fictional.

Same story for some other elements of the banking and finance industry.

Sure, this might be a fight with the webhost. But I think it's more likely the financial industry's bully pulpit at play here. You may or may not like it, or agree with their demands, or think their influence is insanely outsized. But none of that matters, because if you DO get blacklisted by the payment processors, that's the ballgame.

So CapitalOne's merger went through.

brayinggirl said:
So far, they've really not seemed to care about anything other than CSAM, at least as far as visual arts go. Everyone's ferals and cubs are for better or worse, safe. In other media, there have been occasional forays into punishing producers of NC and NC-adjacent material (some nontraditional payment processors have been increasingly suspicious of hypnosis content creators), but I think any direct attacks on that from the financial industry writ large are far on the horizon, if they happen at all.

PR departments and marketing firms really hate that freelance competition, huh?

vegga said:
Twitter is already celebrating the move btw, I'm sure the staff can take satisfaction that they're pleasing these people:

"everytime a website bans CSEM, you can tell who's normal and who's a fucking freak. e621 banning your precious "child abuse content that's moral because it's jUsT pIxElS" shit isn't censorship, it's a logical move a site would make if it doesn't want to be used by pedos."

again, not even true since cub is still on the site! (as of now)

azazelj said:
Whoops sorry i was being confusing. No I was saying *I* am a socialist :p

Don't blame leftists for this one, we want freedom and liberty, unfortunately Twitter users make us look unfathomably bad because the only thing twitter users are good for is bitching until the end of time about whatever they can get their hands on.

i think overall neither side of the political aisle would actually be pro-loli/shota, it's a liability, plain and simple

iforgotmypassword69 said:
I most preferred it back when Spike was running it to be honest. That was like 2010s or something? Not shitting on you or anything btw but I just enjoyed it when he was around and it was active. Really good stuff from there and pretty diverse.

Spike or pawsie unfortunately made some questionable decisions that led to the downfall of the site in 2018. He just gave it to me without any strings attached because he was done with WC as a whole.

Under my management i ended up merging and veebooru. Into a single entity.

drakewilde1234 said:
again, not even true since cub is still on the site! (as of now)

Trust, homie... the Twitter Dorks and the Tumblr Puritans WILL NOT STOP until e621 bends to their personal moral viewpoints and BANS ALL CUB YIFF....

It's coming... just not right NOW....


Banning all Q rated content isn't even justified by their own new rule they pulled out of their asses lmao.

drakewilde1234 said:
i think overall neither side of the political aisle would actually be pro-loli/shota, it's a liability, plain and simple

The unfortunate truth is that it's actually really hard to argue the point without people just immediately lopping you together with irl pedophiles. The same reason why some people have a hard time lobbying to pornography really at any point, because doing so simply makes you look like a pervert, and nobody cares what a pervert has to say.



*Reads message*
Well, maybe they will be at least more lenient on rules than, like, furaffinity?
*Checks forum - some deleted pics are still there on FA*
Well, at least maybe they are transparent about the rules, e621 used to be rather transparent about the rules last time I checked... oh nvm.

Good. Great. Site that I used the most and actually get more involved than a lurker for some time is dying. This is fine. You just cannot trust americans not running anything to the ground. Fuck you.

vegga said:
Mods that would ban this content are also type that would happily ban people for criticizing them over it, so I fully expect my account to be deleted by tomorrow, cya guys, this site was fun while it lasted.

Cya comrade ๐Ÿฅฒ ATF ain't half bad, consider checking it out

I've already been an ATF user for a while. I guess soon it's gonna see a big influx of furries, lol. They sort of come to be a refuge site lately. Accepting lolicon/shotacon refuges from sites that were taken down like lolicit.



"It's the new law, that forced us to instantly delete ~50k of any art, that ever slightly correlates with "young", without any warning or time to do backups!"
*Looks inside*
It's just another censorship because of money
Why lie tho? What was in your minds, when you were writing about "new laws" or someshit to thousands of people, who instantly proved you wrong? You could just say something like "hey guys, so, uh, our providers and server owners said that young humans in porn is kinda bad, so we'll be deleting them soon, sorry that we are no longer an archive". You could, but you wouldn't. Just as you wouldn't post a single warning and we know, that this kind of action is not spontaneous. Was this behaviour on purpose? Just out of spite to community?

I see no point in using this site anymore.
I want to see ALL of the art made by the artist.
Sankaku wins.

drakewilde1234 said:
i think overall neither side of the political aisle would actually be pro-loli/shota, it's a liability, plain and simple

Well besides pedocon theory being a theory the same way gravity is, but that's not really relevant to like- us i guess lmao.

granberia said:
*Reads message*
Well, maybe they will be at least more lenient on rules than, like, furaffinity?
*Checks forum - some deleted pics are still there on FA*
Well, at least maybe they are transparent about the rules, e621 used to be rather transparent about the rules last time I checked... oh nvm.

Good. Great. Site that I used the most and actually get more involved than a lurker for some time is dying. This is fine. You just cannot trust americans not running anything to the ground. Fuck you.

The US is gonna make it a loooot worse in the coming years unfortunately :(

zombieastronaut said:
I've already been an ATF user for a while. I guess soon it's gonna see a big influx of furries, lol. They sort of come to be a refuge site lately. Accepting lolicon/shotacon refuges from sites that were taken down like lolicit.

Yeah they're awesome, the site is moderately active rn but it could use a new wave of users, so maybe this is for the best, good way of consolidating ppl like one big party ๐Ÿฅณ

edgelord said:
The unfortunate truth is that it's actually really hard to argue the point without people just immediately lumping you in together with irl pedophiles.

Fictophilia / Toonophilia / Schediaphilia is its own separate phenomenon... it has no direct relation to either P-philia or Z-philia...

Yew ain't a dog fugger until yew actually go out and FUG a dog... and yew ain't a Chi-Mo until you actually go out and Mo a Chi.


does not make the person looking at or reading that stuff INTO a p-dough or a zoo.... that ain't how it works, yo....

So.... DRAW WHATEVER YOU WANT & WRITE WHATEVER YOU WANT.... even if it makes Twitter & Tumblr seethe and rage...





Some posts are already back :] at least some I mentioned previously in here

dirtkat said:
Some posts are already back :] at least some I mentioned previously in here

Wich ones by curiosity ?

This is fucking awful, holy shit. I'm really going to see the complete and utter banning of everything in my lifetime, aren't I? For fuck sake.

I wish this world wasn't so goddamn puritanical and pearl-clutching. I bet this won't ever be reversed, so does anybody know another site where this content is still surviving, for now?

paydaywolf said:
This is fucking awful, holy shit. I'm really going to see the complete and utter banning of everything in my lifetime, aren't I? For fuck sake.

I wish this world wasn't so goddamn puritanical and pearl-clutching. I bet this won't ever be reversed, so does anybody know another site where this content is still surviving, for now?

All the fallen

paydaywolf said:
This is fucking awful, holy shit. I'm really going to see the complete and utter banning of everything in my lifetime, aren't I? For fuck sake.

I wish this world wasn't so goddamn puritanical and pearl-clutching. I bet this won't ever be reversed, so does anybody know another site where this content is still surviving, for now?


millennium said:
I see no point in using this site anymore.
I want to see ALL of the art made by the artist.
Sankaku wins.

Sankaku is in a horrible state. It's been destroyed by hundreds of ads, AI pushing and the pay subscription that doesn't let you search more than 2 tags if you don't have it or go beyond a certain number of pages.
It's better for Sankaku to be cordoned off, put away, forgotten about. It's not for us. It's a sickness, a blight.

stellarfantasy69 said:
Sankaku is in a horrible state. It's been destroyed by hundreds of ads, AI pushing and the pay subscription that doesn't let you search more than 2 tags if you don't have it or go beyond a certain number of pages.
It's better for Sankaku to be cordoned off, put away, forgotten about. It's not for us. It's a sickness, a blight.

Yeah, Sankaku just straight up sucks right now. I can't bring myself to use that site anymore.



It's really heartbreaking the way internet regulations are going, but honestly I always thought that this site was too good to be true. I'm not upset about the content that was specifically deleted today, but the fact that this potentially marks the end of e6 (and likely much of the internet) supporting the expression of ideas that are marginalized or that society doesn't like. I've saved every image I liked for the past ~12 years because I knew this day would come eventually, I just wish it wasn't today. Thanks for the years of enjoyment, I truly do appreciate everything that you all put into this site.

stellarfantasy69 said:
Sankaku is in a horrible state. It's been destroyed by hundreds of ads, AI pushing and the pay subscription that doesn't let you search more than 2 tags if you don't have it or go beyond a certain number of pages.
It's better for Sankaku to be cordoned off, put away, forgotten about. It's not for us. It's a sickness, a blight.

Sankaku feels like a stubborn tonedeaf relic from a bygone era of the Internet.

stellarfantasy69 said:
Sankaku is in a horrible state. It's been destroyed by hundreds of ads, AI pushing and the pay subscription that doesn't let you search more than 2 tags if you don't have it or go beyond a certain number of pages.
It's better for Sankaku to be cordoned off, put away, forgotten about. It's not for us. It's a sickness, a blight.

the plague

also cute avatar image thingy

dirtkat said:
Some posts are already back :] at least some I mentioned previously in here

Is there a way to appeal for the return of posts removed in error?

raythefur said:
The ultimate finality of all websites is to end up like facebook, sanitized to the death, filled with AI generated images of jesus christ, and bots responding "Amen"

Amen brother ๐Ÿ™
*Insert 3 armed Jesus with 12 toes*


Arquila8000 wrote:

"Well well well today something very close to this just came true, i wonder what will be next Cub art in general maybe?"


I see you found my old forum post from several months back... which then got locked....

: )


And I'm pretty sure this entire "Big Announcement" post is also a nice sticky piece of fly paper, and we are the flies.


If It wasn't for "young furries" or whatever you call It not going down, Cooliehigh would most likely lost some of his posts

And also, why's there people saying the site's dying? Apart from "censorship" which Is something i understand, I don't really know why they say that


This sets quite a bad precedent for the future of the site. An archive that's removing quite a lot of the stuff it's supposed to be archiving doesn't look good however you put it. Quite worrying indeed.

cumwizard said:
Sankaku feels like a stubborn tonedeaf relic from a bygone era of the Internet.

It's an absolute cesspool sadly but unfortunately it's the only place that allows SFW/NSFW/OC/Original/R34 with all the taboo stuff

Sadly though the trade-off is poor UI, poorly tagged images with a non-concise tagging system with older stuff behind paywalls with limited uploads with the absolutely worst community that are "Anti-Woke" considering the News Site it's paired with

All topped with everything being blended in their own AI system

disposableyeens said:
Is there a way to appeal for the return of posts removed in error?

Because I'm seeing a lot of posts that have the tags 'young' and 'human' but dont actually contain a "young human" have been removed.

I don't really care much for human arts, but it does feel bad for all the artists that also used this site as a backup.

if you ever go further and ban also cubs I think I'll be done with this site, leave twitter stuff to twitter.

just_a_fuckboy said:
This sets quite a bad precedent for the future of the site. An archive that's removing quite a lot of the stuff it's supposed to be archiving doesn't look good however you put it. Quite worrying indeed.

You call yourself an archive, but at the first sign of problem, you bend your knees and purge an entire part of the website

zombieastronaut said:
Dark times are coming indeed.

me sitting here knowing this was absolutely going to happen over 5 years ago, among several other indiscussible things that have a high chance of happening soon:

all things considered NMNY is being pretty tact with this. everyone knows (or should know) it's not the fault of the site operators, but the people higher up than that. I have to appreciate that.

pandaurs said:
So let's get this straight.

You cannot point to a specific law that has changed, if anything people here have been pointing out that everything is still the same.
You cannot point to specific advertisers nor can anyone point to any specific change in behavior, you have just been dodging the question.
All of this was done suddenly, with no warning and you seem to not feel too badly about this sudden change that has already proven to have crossfired a lot innocent art.

We can't point at anything specific because there's nothing specific to point at. Laws impacting us directly didn't change, but enforcement has and we, and others, have to deal with the fallout. And considering this threatens a few businesses we quite literally depend on for our existence we have to make concessions here and there.
Our options were quite literally either the content goes, or the site goes.

Also, everything we deleted can be restored, nothing has been removed from the servers, and I've we've already started restoring things that have been pointed out to us as having been caught in the crossfire. That is why we're not feeling too bad about it, the unintended damage can and will be undone as we go through it.

pandaurs said:
This is done around the time when a lot of other sites are also getting rid of this content, several times confirmed over political mentality/tastes of the mods/admins of their sites.

To me it seems pretty obvious that you wanted to do this for a long time for one reason or another and this has proven to be the most obvious moment to strike where the least amount of people would complain.

Would have been nice if you guys were at least honest about this but sadly in this current age, that seems to be impossible.

If that were the case we would have destroyed the posts irreversibly instead of just removing them from public view. If the general vibe of the internet / political landscape / legal requirements and enforcement improves all of the deleted content is about 44 button presses away from being completely restored.
We are hoping this temporary, even if it'll take a decade or two, or that we can find an alternate solution entirely, but at the moment our hands are tied and this is what we're stuck with.

One more post
But if we can take anything political from this, its that the power of capitalism to corrode and destroy artistic expression is absolute. This happened because the people with the money are the ones who control what art is and isnโ€™t okay according to their own morals. Welcome to the free market, where youโ€™re free to enslave yourself to whichever corporation you happen to fall under!

notmenotyou said:
We can't point at anything specific because there's nothing specific to point at. Laws impacting us directly didn't change, but enforcement has and we, and others, have to deal with the fallout. And considering this threatens a few businesses we quite literally depend on for our existence we have to make concessions here and there.
Our options were quite literally either the content goes, or the site goes.

Also, everything we deleted can be restored, nothing has been removed from the servers, and I've we've already started restoring things that have been pointed out to us as having been caught in the crossfire. That is why we're not feeling too bad about it, the unintended damage can and will be undone as we go through it.

If that were the case we would have destroyed the posts irreversibly instead of just removing them from public view. If the general vibe of the internet / political landscape / legal requirements and enforcement improves all of the deleted content is about 44 button presses away from being completely restored.
We are hoping this temporary, even if it'll take a decade or two, or that we can find an alternate solution entirely, but at the moment our hands are tied and this is what we're stuck with.

I'm seriously hoping for something to change so this all blows over (It most likely wont) [Insert sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill here]

veruke_assault said:

And I'm pretty sure this entire "Big Announcement" post is also a nice sticky piece of fly paper, and we are the flies.

If that's the case, then so be it.
Delete account or get banned for criticizing their stupid bullshit. Not much of value left to lose either way.

skibidibiden said:
Just goes to show how they put 0 planning or forethought into this, just like all of their other recent decisions. Just 0-day fuckery out of the blue, because fuck the community that built their site for them.

Im also seeing a lot of the 'young' tag contains characters obviously old enough but are still 'young' in the same way a 20 year old is 'young'.

I think there needs to be a distinction made regarding maturity because there is 0 nuance.

Not even a 24h warning given, absolutely embarrassing how this was handled. Shameful display.

notmenotyou said:
We can't point at anything specific because there's nothing specific to point at. Laws impacting us directly didn't change, but enforcement has and we, and others, have to deal with the fallout. And considering this threatens a few businesses we quite literally depend on for our existence we have to make concessions here and there.
Our options were quite literally either the content goes, or the site goes.

Also, everything we deleted can be restored, nothing has been removed from the servers, and I've we've already started restoring things that have been pointed out to us as having been caught in the crossfire. That is why we're not feeling too bad about it, the unintended damage can and will be undone as we go through it.

If that were the case we would have destroyed the posts irreversibly instead of just removing them from public view. If the general vibe of the internet / political landscape / legal requirements and enforcement improves all of the deleted content is about 44 button presses away from being completely restored.
We are hoping this temporary, even if it'll take a decade or two, or that we can find an alternate solution entirely, but at the moment our hands are tied and this is what we're stuck with.

PLEASE find an alternate solution, because you quite literaly nuked all arts of many artists that have stopped making art, disapeared from the surface of the internet, or might have sadly passed away, you're an archive and we love the freedom allowed on here, so please find that solution.

warioanon said:
And yet they have no problem with real people using Discord to abuse real children en-masse with the platform at rates unprecedented. Nope, drawings of a silly Sega video game about cartoon animals fighting robots is the crisis.

This is the crux of it.

brokenscale said:

If that's the case, then so be it.
Nothing of value lost.

So you're implying that anyone who likes Cub Artwork should be rounded up and put on a train to "Fun Camp?" is that what you're saying????



""They'd put us on a railroad
They'd dearly make us pay
For laughing in their faces and making it our way
There's emptiness behind their eyes
There's dust in all their hearts
They just want to steal us all and take us all apart"""



NOW THAT'S better.... thank you, you had me going there for a sec.....

brokenscale said:
If that's the case, then so be it.
Delete account or get banned for criticizing their stupid bullshit. Not much of value left to lose either way.


Remember that ANY comment that is vague can be MISINTERPRETED....



azazelj said:
I'm just saying all this because i'm seeing some weird takes in this thread where people are trying to do this "WOKE STOLE MY PORN" act (not saying you are!!!) and it's like- no bro

The conservatives have been unironically banning whole-ass REGULAR PORN in multiple states of the US, trust me, the communists and socialists and blue hairs and etc etc are NOT stealing your porn :3

Conservative puritans are definitely responsible too, but I think it's silly to act like "wokeness" didn't have a part in this. Any time a loli or teenager is remotely sexualized (or even just posed suggestively) on twitter, you got hundreds of people crying foul. And these people all got the same profile, with pronouns, sexuality flags, and most importantly "proship DNI". Most of these types are basically against anything offensive/anti-woke in media.

Now obviously, conservative puritans do this too. But imo they're much more of a minority (ironic) you can go on any social media like Twitter, tumblr, or reddit, and find hundreds of left leaning people decrying younger characters in porn. it's a strength in numbers kinda deal. The conservatives that do have strong influence and opinions on this generally hate any kind of unusual porn. So why stop at just young human characters? You'd think they'd go as far as possible and ban furry stuff too, since it's "beastiality". Meanwhile, woke-ish people aren't as hard on furry stuff yet, so...

stellarfantasy69 said:
Sankaku is in a horrible state. It's been destroyed by hundreds of ads, AI pushing and the pay subscription that doesn't let you search more than 2 tags if you don't have it or go beyond a certain number of pages.
It's better for Sankaku to be cordoned off, put away, forgotten about. It's not for us. It's a sickness, a blight.

It's still the only option that has everything.
Rule34.paheal has basically no tagging and a no non-porn rule that ruins image sets. and both are inconsistent about loli shoto.
Gelbooru doesn't seem to like 3D stuff.
Anything else doesn't even come close numbers wise. Ads can be blocked and AI trash can be filtered with negative tags.

Would have been nice to get a warning in advance, so we'd know to save what will no longer be available in e621, instead of just deleting content then telling everyone after the fact.

notmenotyou said:
We can't point at anything specific because there's nothing specific to point at. Laws impacting us directly didn't change, but enforcement has and we, and others, have to deal with the fallout. And considering this threatens a few businesses we quite literally depend on for our existence we have to make concessions here and there.
Our options were quite literally either the content goes, or the site goes.

Also, everything we deleted can be restored, nothing has been removed from the servers, and I've we've already started restoring things that have been pointed out to us as having been caught in the crossfire. That is why we're not feeling too bad about it, the unintended damage can and will be undone as we go through it.

If that were the case we would have destroyed the posts irreversibly instead of just removing them from public view. If the general vibe of the internet / political landscape / legal requirements and enforcement improves all of the deleted content is about 44 button presses away from being completely restored.
We are hoping this temporary, even if it'll take a decade or two, or that we can find an alternate solution entirely, but at the moment our hands are tied and this is what we're stuck with.

Please let us know the best method to appeal things we believe were removed in error or due to a misrepresentative combination of tags.

notmenotyou said:
We can't point at anything specific because there's nothing specific to point at. Laws impacting us directly didn't change, but enforcement has and we, and others, have to deal with the fallout. And considering this threatens a few businesses we quite literally depend on for our existence we have to make concessions here and there.
Our options were quite literally either the content goes, or the site goes.

Also, everything we deleted can be restored, nothing has been removed from the servers, and I've we've already started restoring things that have been pointed out to us as having been caught in the crossfire. That is why we're not feeling too bad about it, the unintended damage can and will be undone as we go through it.

If that were the case we would have destroyed the posts irreversibly instead of just removing them from public view. If the general vibe of the internet / political landscape / legal requirements and enforcement improves all of the deleted content is about 44 button presses away from being completely restored.
We are hoping this temporary, even if it'll take a decade or two, or that we can find an alternate solution entirely, but at the moment our hands are tied and this is what we're stuck with.

Thank you for this update, hard decisions had to be made in order to keep this site up so something like this happening so sudden makes sense. Better some e621 rather then none, as this still remains the best site for furry artwork to be posted hopefully this doesn't extend further then it has. Such as laws that could restrict furry content in general nsfw or sfw, makes me then wonder what would happen to this site. Hopefully it never comes to that.

sinwit said:
Conservative puritans are definitely responsible too, but I think it's silly to act like "wokeness" didn't have a part in this. Any time a loli or teenager is remotely sexualized (or even just posed suggestively) on twitter, you got hundreds of people crying foul. And these people all got the same profile, with pronouns, sexuality flags, and most importantly "proship DNI". Most of these types are basically against anything offensive/anti-woke in media.

Now obviously, conservative puritans do this too. But imo they're much more of a minority (ironic) you can go on any social media like Twitter, tumblr, or reddit, and find hundreds of left leaning people decrying younger characters in porn. it's a strength in numbers kinda deal. The conservatives that do have strong influence and opinions on this generally hate any kind of unusual porn. So why stop at just young human characters? You'd think they'd go as far as possible and ban furry stuff too, since it's "beastiality". Meanwhile, woke-ish people aren't as hard on furry stuff yet, so...

I've seen lots of conservatives throw around the word pedophiles towards people online just for being gay or trans. I'm just saying. There's a lot of puritan conservatives.

notmenotyou said:
We can't point at anything specific because there's nothing specific to point at. Laws impacting us directly didn't change, but enforcement has and we, and others, have to deal with the fallout. And considering this threatens a few businesses we quite literally depend on for our existence we have to make concessions here and there.
Our options were quite literally either the content goes, or the site goes.

Also, everything we deleted can be restored, nothing has been removed from the servers, and I've we've already started restoring things that have been pointed out to us as having been caught in the crossfire. That is why we're not feeling too bad about it, the unintended damage can and will be undone as we go through it.

If that were the case we would have destroyed the posts irreversibly instead of just removing them from public view. If the general vibe of the internet / political landscape / legal requirements and enforcement improves all of the deleted content is about 44 button presses away from being completely restored.
We are hoping this temporary, even if it'll take a decade or two, or that we can find an alternate solution entirely, but at the moment our hands are tied and this is what we're stuck with.

This is the Gettysburg Address of say-nothing, tightrope-walking bullshit. Bravo.

sinwit said:
Conservative puritans are definitely responsible too, but I think it's silly to act like "wokeness" didn't have a part in this. Any time a loli or teenager is remotely sexualized (or even just posed suggestively) on twitter, you got hundreds of people crying foul. And these people all got the same profile, with pronouns, sexuality flags, and most importantly "proship DNI". Most of these types are basically against anything offensive/anti-woke in media.

Now obviously, conservative puritans do this too. But imo they're much more of a minority (ironic) you can go on any social media like Twitter, tumblr, or reddit, and find hundreds of left leaning people decrying younger characters in porn. it's a strength in numbers kinda deal. The conservatives that do have strong influence and opinions on this generally hate any kind of unusual porn. So why stop at just young human characters? You'd think they'd go as far as possible and ban furry stuff too, since it's "beastiality". Meanwhile, woke-ish people aren't as hard on furry stuff yet, so...

Yeah wokeness got us here. The Twitter woke puritans celebrate this censoring shit and pushed for it worse than any "spooky Christians" from the bad dreams of the 90s.

casmin7~ said:
Thank you for this update, hard decisions had to be made in order to keep this site up so something like this happening so sudden makes sense. Better some e621 rather then none, as this still remains the best site for furry artwork to be posted hopefully this doesn't extend further then it has. Such as laws that could restrict furry content in general nsfw or sfw, makes me then wonder what would happen to this site. Hopefully it never comes to that.

Still, this could've been handled so much better if they just announced beforehand "Hey we're gonna stop allowing this artworks btw" instead of doing it so out of the blue



disposableyeens said:
Is there a way to appeal for the return of posts removed in error?

As with any deleted post, you can appeal to the moderator/admin that deleted it, or NotMeNotYou. In this particular case, they know there are posts that were deleted in error (as they were on a time crunch and couldn't vet posts before deleting them) and will be looking through on their own to see what can be restored, so you may not need to do anything except wait. You can send a DM to an admin about specific posts you want them to check, but as should be apparent, they're kinda busy so it can take a while. They plan to have a more formal method to contest deletions from this change specifically, and will probably make a news post when they have something.


When I said "this entire announcement post is basically a Venus Fly Trap / Pitcher Plant / Sticky Fly Paper / Bug Zapper"

I meant the entire thing was calculated BAIT -- and we all came here and ate it up like cheese in a mouse trap....


watsit said:
As with any deleted post, you can appeal to the moderator/admin that deleted it, or NotMeNotYou. In this particular case, they know there are posts that were deleted in error (as they were on a time crunch and couldn't vet posts before deleting them) and will be looking through on their own to see what can be restored, so you may not need to do anything except wait. You can send a DM to an admin about specific posts you want them to check, but as should be apparent, they're kinda busy so it can take a while. They plan to have a more formal method to contest deletions from this change specifically, and will probably make a news post when they have something.

A more formal method specific to this situation would be ideal.

Thank you

sinwit said:
Conservative puritans are definitely responsible too, but I think it's silly to act like "wokeness" didn't have a part in this. Any time a loli or teenager is remotely sexualized (or even just posed suggestively) on twitter, you got hundreds of people crying foul. And these people all got the same profile, with pronouns, sexuality flags, and most importantly "proship DNI". Most of these types are basically against anything offensive/anti-woke in media.

Now obviously, conservative puritans do this too. But imo they're much more of a minority (ironic) you can go on any social media like Twitter, tumblr, or reddit, and find hundreds of left leaning people decrying younger characters in porn. it's a strength in numbers kinda deal. The conservatives that do have strong influence and opinions on this generally hate any kind of unusual porn. So why stop at just young human characters? You'd think they'd go as far as possible and ban furry stuff too, since it's "beastiality". Meanwhile, woke-ish people aren't as hard on furry stuff yet, so...

No yeah the most annoying people to have ever existed in human history reside almost entirely on Twitter.

The thing is, they're on Twitter. No one cares what Twitter users think or say. I know they have the numbers advantage but hasn't America demonstrated pretty well that money > popularity?

When it comes to cub / etc on the internet you genuinely can't paint it as just woke idiots being mad about it, EVERYONE hates this stuff across the board. The visible difference you see is essentially that right-leaning people with this kink/interest are less prone to care about visibly sharing this type of media because they're less inclined to have social media profiles that link heavily to their real identity, or often just don't care.

Left-leaning types are MASSIVELY disincentivized from making this specific kink known because, frankly its very complicated but the tl;dr is that in the leftysphere they're all very kink-positive, but also obsessed with moral righteousness in a reactionary sort of way. These people hold no power and can only bully on an individual level, and can smell blood a hundred miles away. They are, effectively, harmless in the grand scheme of things because they can only infight.

Further clarification: Furries and queers overlap MASSIVELY. Queers (what internet-goers call 'the woke') are NOT going to turn on furries, this is an impossibility. The only ones that would are the ML (Marxist-Leninist) types who are actually just conservatives with a red(der) coat of paint.

tl;dr, queers on twitter have no worthwhile power whatsoever. They outnumber the conservatives, but the conservatives have infinitely more money, power, and influence than ppl on twitter ever could.

Be reasonable about this, not everything is because of woke, rich old people legitimately fuck things over for us all the time.

edgelord said:
I've seen lots of conservatives throw around the word pedophiles towards people online just for being gay or trans. I'm just saying. There's a lot of puritan conservatives.

Oh good point yeah lmao, they've been calling anyone vaguely weirder than them a groomer pedo for years, why is the "this is because woke" bit even happening

Guys lets not argue about who is to blame culturally and focus on resolving the issues that have arisen.

veruke_assault said:
So you're implying that anyone who likes Cub Artwork should be rounded up and put on a train to "Fun Camp?" is that what you're saying????



""They'd put us on a railroad
They'd dearly make us pay
For laughing in their faces and making it our way
There's emptiness behind their eyes
There's dust in all their hearts
They just want to steal us all and take us all apart"""



Cool it with the hyperbole.
I'm saying there's not much value in an "archive" that'll delete whole swathes of content on a whim, so getting banned or just straight leaving doesn't matter the end result is the same: tell the staff to shove it and never come back.

skibidibiden said:
Since you seem to know inside details, what was the reason behind this 'time crunch'? Why was there such a big hurry when NMNY himself stated that nothing specific happened and no laws have changed?

Yeah, "nothing changed so we had to implement a considerable sitewide change with no prior public notice" is a takeaway that's not going to hold up the best under ongoing scrutiny.

fluffywolfluvr~owo said:
"changes in political environment"


there have absolutely been changes to the political environment, pornhub is banned is half of the us and credit card companies have fucked with:
Niconico (literally not even a porn site what)
Kagura Games

brokenscale said:
Cool it with the hyperbole.

Sorry, I misunderstood your INITIALLY vaguely written comment...

I interpreted it as "we, the people who support and defend Cub Art, are the Nothing of Value being lost."

And scroll back up, because I immediately saw your re-written comment and tacked it onto my own....


genjar said:
Not that there's a way to confirm if something needs reinstatement, when the original source is gone and you don't remember which post was which.

I have no clue how many of my uploads got incorrectly deleted, and no way to check.

Went through the deleted ones and restored the 4 applicable ones.