Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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This is going to hurt actual irl children. There will be people out there who were satiating their urges completely fine with fictional porn who are now going out there diddling little kids. Great job guys. I'm really proud of you and this society. All of you. Great fucking job. *Slow claps* /s



votp said:
Is this a bad time to bring up how not having the cub tag kinda made this infinitely worse in terms of false positives? Anecdotal, but amusing, given it's non-existence means it couldn't be used as a negation in what I assume was a purge of

human young -rating:s

I'm not sure that would've really helped much. The presence of a cub wouldn't influence whether a post could still have young human-like characters in sexual situations too, so if a post matches young ~human ~humanoid -rating:s, the cub tag couldn't be used to filter some out.

cumwizard said:
I swear to god that change must have been a booby trap planted JUST for this occasion. Its consequences are TOO immaculately perfect.

Not everything's a conspiracy. Even if the cub tag could have helped avoid deleting some posts, removing it just caused more work for them as they have to check more posts to potentially restore. If anything, it shows they didn't see this coming.

bro this is a furry porn site go to r34 if you want things more humanlike

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

watsit said:
I'm not sure that would've really helped much. The presence of a cub wouldn't influence whether a post could still have young human-like characters in sexual situations too, so if a post matches young ~human ~humanoid -rating:s, the cub tag couldn't be used to filter some out.

Not everything's a conspiracy. Even if the cub tag could have helped avoid deleting some posts, removing it just caused more work for them as they have to check more posts to potentially restore. If anything, it shows they didn't see this coming.

Do you agree that a lot of perfectly rule-complying content has been deleted?

help999999999 said:
[Response to mklxiv]

Mklxiv has already requested all of their artwork to be taken down from e621. I don’t think they will be returning, nor see your answer.

What changes? Arent you based in America? If so you're entirely fine as there are no current laws against fictional content and there probably never will be because too many law makers understand that reporting cartoons only waste resources for actual victims. I don't think this was done because of a change in law I think that was just an excuse because staff didn't know what they were signing up for and complained when they had to do it until they changed the rules

notmenotyou said:
Also, everything we deleted can be restored, nothing has been removed from the servers, and I've we've already started restoring things that have been pointed out to us as having been caught in the crossfire. That is why we're not feeling too bad about it, the unintended damage can and will be undone as we go through it.

If that were the case we would have destroyed the posts irreversibly instead of just removing them from public view. If the general vibe of the internet / political landscape / legal requirements and enforcement improves all of the deleted content is about 44 button presses away from being completely restored.
We are hoping this temporary, even if it'll take a decade or two, or that we can find an alternate solution entirely, but at the moment our hands are tied and this is what we're stuck with.

Sounds like this whole announcement is using a fairly nonstandard definition of "deleted", then. Unless the goal was to be misleading, it could really have been phrased better: site news is going to be seen by people who don't spend every day using the local jargon, and interpret it instead as the "gone forever" version of deleted, with at best a temporary grace period before anything that wasn't quickly restored becomes completely unrecoverable (or somewhere in between, e.g. only exists in site backups, which in turn might only be retained for a few years).

dimoretpinel said:
Mklxiv has already requested all of their artwork to be taken down from e621. I don’t think they will be returning, nor see your answer.

I would assume more artists are going to follow suit on that.

I get the pressure they're under. It's scary facing legal threats even if indirectly, but it's still incredibly sad seeing a safe space go away and the emotional stress that puts on those affected.

Those who like young-looking cartoon characters aren't monsters, they just found a safe outlet for their tastes that harms no one.

If you treat them the same as the people who do cause real harm, they'll be forced to hang out in the same places as the real monsters just to find acceptance, and with this blurred sense of morality telling them they're no better than the real monsters they're so much more likely to be embrace becoming one when the social penalties are the same either way.

People don't choose what fetishes they have and they'll find a way to see them. If we don't have safe spaces for people to find an outlet, they'll find unsafe spaces we can't regulate instead that are so much more likely to lead to real life problems. I wish we had more people that could stand up against this irrational push for censorship instead of this 1-sided argument that'll push countless people to isolation and depression while we all sit idle trying to be "socially acceptable".

easytogooglename said:
Since this thread is now crashing and burning with all the trolls...

The same exact 4chan / KF people were brigading / raiding the Fchan forums and posting
pro nazi rants because that place is abandoned and nobody is actively keeping the peace there....



One day, e6 will be a ghost town too....
If they keep things in the direction they are going....


WELP, there's a sizable chunk of history gone.... I get why, assuming you had some manner of alphabet soup agency/legal squad racking a gun demanding you get rid of it, but still sad to know a lot of work who's original sources dried up years/decades ago are lost to time.

I guess this should be a wake up call to everyone here,



thatbiackguy said:
WELP, there's a sizable chunk of history gone.... I get why, assuming you had some manner of alphabet soup agency/legal squad racking a gun demanding you get rid of it, but still sad to know a lot of work who's original sources dried up years/decades ago our lost to time.

I guess this should be a wake up call to everyone here,



sad to know a lot of work who's original sources dried up years/decades ago our lost to time.

Yeah, there is stuff on this site that I cannot find anywhere else, people forget that

hunter_35 said:
Is there any chance at all that this will be undone in the future? This seems like a really excessive course of action.

EDIT: Also yeah, the ambiguity with "changes in political environment" is hardly an excuse. I agree fully with what MkLXIV said above.

The changes in enviroment they're referring to are probs related to the recent changes in Swiss "Child protection" laws which left the site blacklisted in the country due to hosting loli content.
Sucks the stuff is gone but its safe to assume more countries will apply these restrictions sooner or later so it's a call they had to make.

(+ theres a 100% chance someone will back up all the content to a new site or repository anyway)

disposableyeens said:
sad to know a lot of work who's original sources dried up years/decades ago our lost to time.

Yeah, there is stuff on this site that I cannot find anywhere else, people forget that

This is really the biggest loss.

The fact that mods are not offering some kind of link to the deleted art to be archived either personally or on some kind of site that doesn't fear having it says a lot.

That would really calm most people down showing that they indeed care but their hands are bound. Instead the way they have treated this shows their true face about all this.

I think a distinction between child and young would have spared a lot of posts

just saying

pandaurs said:
This is really the biggest loss.

The fact that mods are not offering some kind of link to the deleted art to be archived either personally or on some kind of site that doesn't fear having it says a lot.

That would really calm most people down showing that they indeed care but their hands are bound. Instead the way they have treated this shows their true face about all this.

that and how am I to request an un-delete for something the content of which I cannot view?
I know the mods say we can message them but its like shooting in the dark knowing what should be re-assesed



disposableyeens said:
Do you agree that a lot of perfectly rule-complying content has been deleted?

Yes. As has been stated, they took a broad approach to deleting posts that could potentially (given the tags/ratings) contain a young human-like character in a sexual situation, which caused a number of posts that are rule-complying to be deleted. But now that the content they had to remove has been, those posts can be checked by an admin and restored as appropriate.

A lot of people are going to be using this site less now I'm sure. And finding other competitor sites.


E621 alwayse been for me a place where i CAN be sure in tomorrow, where i will newer meet a cancel culture or ban for nothing. But now seem this site gonna to die in same way as Furrafinity, Tumbler etc.

i mean, my 50+ works been just nuked for nothing. Even this ones where a NOT UNDERAGE human or humanoid.
like, 4778269 where young pony swallowed adult female. Technically it contain both tags "female" and "young", which triggered a deletion, but actually it followed ALL new site rules.
same with 4697441 (applebloom buttcrush a woman)

actually there a LOT of stuff which followed same logic. So... yes.

also hearing about laws is dumb. Oh, right, i readed a topic a bit further and it clearly not a law situation - but a adversiments trouble, based on money. Ugh, i not have any good words now. Shame on you. But anyway, i will not plan leave.

lets hope there will be a alternative site without this pseudo-legal bullshit which will be in same abount of popularity. Can someone provide ne sone from this?

regionalspacepubes said:
Sadly yes. They're cute but they're unfortunately humanoid enough for this ban.

Shame, considering Lalas are just short elf-like gremlins. Oh well at least we get to keep the ones with obvious adult proportions unless we get a hardass reporting posts of Mary Muffin...

disposableyeens said:
sad to know a lot of work who's original sources dried up years/decades ago our lost to time.

Yeah, there is stuff on this site that I cannot find anywhere else, people forget that

Even an archive site has rules to follow, it would only be able to make its own rules if it was owned by a single person or something, like say a billionaire bought e621 they could make any rules they wanted. As unfortunate as this is these things happen, I am just glad for stuff like Foxes in love still being found elsewhere, cause honestly I am still more wishing that was not removed over what was removed here :p

Its just another lesson that if you like something, save it to your personal hard drives as it might not be around forever, but still 10 years for some of the arts is a very long time, this site is massive. it must take a lot to keep things running and I am always grateful to all the staff here as they put in a lot of work.

so many people in these replies just assume the mods are being cucks or something and talking about US law as though other countries don't exist and haven't been blacklisting sites hosting this content more and more recently. someone brought up switzerland, and i'd also like to point out that france has been blocking image archive sites that host lolicon content. anyone this hard pressed about their human loli art being blocked can find a site that is dedicated to human loli art (of which there are plenty) instead of the furry site.

So when they ban feral (and they 100% will at this rate) are they going to find a way to remove the tag from all the MLP and pokemon art or will they just delete that massive amount of content? Only time will tell.

but_why_master said:
so many people in these replies just assume the mods are being cucks or something and talking about US law as though other countries don't exist and haven't been blacklisting sites hosting this content more and more recently. someone brought up switzerland, and i'd also like to point out that france has been blocking image archive sites that host lolicon content. anyone this hard pressed about their human loli art being blocked can find a site that is dedicated to human loli art (of which there are plenty) instead of the furry site.

E6 is based in the US, hence why we're talking about US laws

zapor said:

E621 alwayse been for me a place where i CAN be sure in tomorrow, where i will newer meet a cancel culture or ban for nothing. But now seem this site gonna to die in same way as Furrafinity, Tumbler etc.

i mean, my 50+ works been just nuked for nothing. Even this ones where a NOT UNDERAGE human or humanoid.
like, 4778269 where young pony swallowed adult female. Technically it contain both tags "female" and "young", which triggered a deletion, but actually it followed ALL new site rules.
same with 4697441 (applebloom buttcrush a woman)

actually there a LOT of stuff which followed same logic. So... yes.

also hearing about laws is dumb. Oh, right, i readed a topic a bit further and it clearly not a law situation - but a adversiments trouble, based on money. Ugh, i not have any good words now. Shame on you. But anyway, i will not plan leave.

lets hope there will be a alternative site without this pseudo-legal bullshit which will be in same abount of popularity. Can someone provide ne sone from this?

you can appeal it, like was said at the top of this thread.

but_why_master said:
so many people in these replies just assume the mods are being cucks or something and talking about US law as though other countries don't exist and haven't been blacklisting sites hosting this content more and more recently. someone brought up switzerland, and i'd also like to point out that france has been blocking image archive sites that host lolicon content. anyone this hard pressed about their human loli art being blocked can find a site that is dedicated to human loli art (of which there are plenty) instead of the furry site.

I'm here because the rules were applied without nuance tbh



disposableyeens said:
I think a distinction between child and young would have spared a lot of posts

It doesn't have anything to do with that. This applies to adolescent and younger, which is young. If people tag young for characters that look over 18, that's a mistag (just as tagging anthros as humanoid is a mistag, which has also caused bad deletions).

swaggyg said:
So when they ban feral (and they 100% will at this rate) are they going to find a way to remove the tag from all the MLP and pokemon art or will they just delete that massive amount of content? Only time will tell.

Well, judging by the very thorough and careful avenue they took with this purge...

widecangang said:
E6 is based in the US, hence why we're talking about US laws

other people in other countries want to be able to legally access this site as well.

menox said:
Why does this "always" happen? Like most of the time... people who are the MOST VOCALLY against loli content -- they TEND to either have loli content or even actual CP. Also for now, the lolicons are being made fun of, but we never know!!!! One day we COULD wake up to cub content getting removed or even a specific fetish type -- because it's too damn sexist.

As "Rev Says Desu" likes to say in his funny Youtube videos....


(except they aren't anymore, because Elon made them private!!!!)


veruke_assault said:
As "Rev Says Desu" likes to say in his funny Youtube videos....


(except they aren't anymore, because Elon made them private!!!!)


Luckily retweets are still public and replies too



Base decision: Ban all other threads on this topic to force people into this one. :-D

Actually, that would make some sense if we get 15 topics all variations on how much this sucks, all basically stating stuff that veterans of purges already know.

but_why_master said:
so many people in these replies just assume the mods are being cucks or something and talking about US law as though other countries don't exist and haven't been blacklisting sites hosting this content more and more recently. someone brought up switzerland, and i'd also like to point out that france has been blocking image archive sites that host lolicon content. anyone this hard pressed about their human loli art being blocked can find a site that is dedicated to human loli art (of which there are plenty) instead of the furry site.

chara_(undertale) asriel_dreemurr

jumpykitty said:
This is going to hurt actual irl children. There will be people out there who were satiating their urges completely fine with fictional porn who are now going out there diddling little kids. Great job guys. I'm really proud of you and this society. All of you. Great fucking job. *Slow claps* /s

this is.. really weird to say actually! i mean i get where you're coming from, obviously i don't support this censorship ban either, but like.. that's still very odd to say. and not everyone who likes cub/lolisho is interested in actual children like that? in fact i'm inclined to say most aren't.

watsit said:
It doesn't have anything to do with that. This applies to adolescent and younger, which is young. If people tag young for characters that look over 18, that's a mistag (just as tagging anthros as humanoid is a mistag, which has also caused bad deletions).

"that's a mistag" yeah fair
I suppose the lack of nuance in tagging at the user-end hasnt helped this.

wastepaw said:
this is.. really weird to say actually!

thank you for finding the single most gross argument for lolicon i've ever read. it reads like...a threat.

but_why_master said:
notice i said legally? bypassing those blocks would be a violation of the law, and therefore not legal. :)

Then, frankly speaking, they should work on fixing their own laws and stop making it everyone else's problem.

but_why_master said:
thank you for finding the single most gross argument for lolicon i've ever read. it reads like...a threat.

I am now imagining a very disturbed furry holding a doggo hostage and saying "IF YOU DON'T LET ME READ ''MAN'S BEST FRIEND WITH BENEFITS'' I SWEAR I WILL INAPPROPRIATELY TOUCH THIS ANIMAL.... I'm warning you!! I'll do it!!!! I'M KUH-RAAAAAYZEEEE!!!"""

Well, folks, it's been fun. But now i leave you. Fuck this kind of bullshit. I don't care what the reason for it is.

brokenscale said:
Then, frankly speaking, they should work on fixing their own laws and stop making it everyone else's problem.

I mean yeah in a perfect world this would be the way, right?

Each country doing their own laws that would not affect the laws of other countries nor services or products from those countries.

Sadly, that's not how it works. EU pushes it's agenda on every country in EU and has a bit of a pushing power outside of EU as well. USA and China have been forcing other countries to bend the knee both economically and politically. Globalization has been a big problem for decades and at this point it is such a huge monster that I don't think anyone could do anything about it.

jumpykitty said:
This is going to hurt actual irl children. There will be people out there who were satiating their urges completely fine with fictional porn who are now going out there diddling little kids. Great job guys. I'm really proud of you and this society. All of you. Great fucking job. *Slow claps* /s

To be honest 99% of lolicons wouldn't go near a kid, not because to hold themselfes back. but because how annoying the kids can be. Also those kids aren't lalafel, draphs or any other fantasy race of short(stack) females. There are hundreds of different sites for these kind of stuffs, but i admit, i will miss the few that was around here and possibly not archived anywhere else. But hey still got cub content so not all is lost lmao

brokenscale said:
Then, frankly speaking, they should work on fixing their own laws and stop making it everyone else's problem.

there's other sites for everyone to look at underage anime girls on if they care so deeply, e621 is choosing not to be one of them because regardless of what you think the laws should be, the laws are what they are and e621 is interested in following those laws so that we can all maintain access to it reasonably.

wastepaw said:
this is.. really weird to say actually! i mean i get where you're coming from, obviously i don't support this censorship ban either, but like.. that's still very odd to say. and not everyone who likes cub/lolisho is interested in actual children like that? in fact i'm inclined to say most aren't.

The "/s" at the end means they intended their post to be satire.

It’s still a weird post though.

wastepaw said:
i'm not on your team bro, i literally draw cub. i'm just saying it's weird to assume everyone who is interested in fictional underage content like lolisho or cub is attracted to actual children.

i'm not anti cub i just found that comment very weird and gross, and a bad argument for lolicon, sorry for...agreeing?

dimoretpinel said:
The "/s" at the end means they intended their post to be satire.

It’s still a weird post though.

i think they were only being sarcastic about the last bits, like the "great job" and whatnot but idk. i could be wrong

but_why_master said:
i'm not anti cub i just found that comment very weird and gross, and a bad argument for lolicon, sorry for...agreeing?

ohh my bad, i must've interpreted the wording wrong sorry. i'm tired as fuck

theory0fstrings said:
So now I have at least 94 of my works deleted, many of which didn't violate the rule. Wonderful. Lovely. A warning would have been nice at least.
Or at least further clarification on what exactly these "changes in the political and legal environment" you even are.

You can most likely upload all of your deleted content to all the fallen booru with no problem.

wastepaw said:
ohh my bad, i must've interpreted the wording wrong sorry. i'm tired as fuck

it's fine, it's easy to jump to conclusions on the internet. i'm just on team "this isn't furry art so i don't really care and the mods are just trying to keep the site up" lol

So what's next on the "bad for the fandom and we must get rid of it forever" list????

I've literally seen people on Twitter arguing over PLUSHIES.... inanimate objects...

I don't understand the rationale there... do they think the Plushie is real and feels pain???

Or do they think that the person doing stuff to the Plushies will eventually graduate to Real Animals????

veruke_assault said:
So what's next on the "bad for the fandom and we must get rid of it forever" list????

I've literally seen people on Twitter arguing over PLUSHIES.... inanimate objects...

I don't understand the rationale there... do they think the Plushie is real and feels pain???

Or do they think that the person doing stuff to the Plushies will eventually graduate to Real Animals????

who knows. their reasons will always change and they aren't consistent, and when one of their "targets" is taken care of they'll just move on to the next. censorship is a slippery slope.

veruke_assault said:
So what's next on the "bad for the fandom and we must get rid of it forever" list????

I've literally seen people on Twitter arguing over PLUSHIES.... inanimate objects...

I don't understand the rationale there... do they think the Plushie is real and feels pain???

Or do they think that the person doing stuff to the Plushies will eventually graduate to Real Animals????

it's not about "bad for the fandom" it's about being against the law in several countries, and in some case-by-case interpretations of US law that includes the united states.