Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

veruke_assault said:
So what's next on the "bad for the fandom and we must get rid of it forever" list????

I've literally seen people on Twitter arguing over PLUSHIES.... inanimate objects...

I don't understand the rationale there... do they think the Plushie is real and feels pain???

Or do they think that the person doing stuff to the Plushies will eventually graduate to Real Animals????

To be honest Twitter is full of terminally ill always online people who try to find their own echochamber and force you to change your ways based on their preference. They also have hard time to accept them being wrong, like when they attack a lolicon artist, but their own likes and retweets are full of underage characters too.

wastepaw said:
i'm not on your team bro, i literally draw cub. i'm just saying it's weird to assume everyone who is interested in fictional underage content like lolisho or cub is attracted to actual children.

There's a super gross mentality that insinuates that EVERY person who enjoys lolisho/cub will sooner or later get bored with it and seek for real CSEM. Many, if not all of us are extremely against the exploitation of real children and those who endorse and encourage pedophilia. The ones who aren't are often rightfully ostracized.

regionalspacepubes said:
There's a super gross mentality that insinuates that EVERY person who enjoys lolisho/cub will sooner or later get bored with it and seek for real CSEM. Many, if not all of us are extremely against the exploitation of real children and those who endorse and encourage pedophilia. The ones who aren't are often rightfully ostracized.


but_why_master said:
It's not about "bad for the fandom" it's about THE LAW!!!!!!

Read this....


And also this.....


(I don't know if you can see those links, actually)....
(Are the search results specific to the user???)
(Like... am I the only one who can see my searches?)
(Also -- how come you cannot reply to it FROM the search?)
(Ohhh, I see... you hafta click "Parent" and then it goes to it)....

That sudden change make me curious about what happened at e621... well Bad Dragon exactly. I have seen Bad Dragon maybe 1-2 times in this thread but they are what keep e621 alive. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this decision come from BD who received threat from some vital actor to their business. Payment processor likely although shipment partner and silicone supplier are equally vital to their business, plus many known and unknown partner they may even have never heard of.

I see lot of people telling that e621 is acting cowardly and not fighting for their rights. Okay then, what you would have done when you received a letter telling your to do X or you loose all your business and your money income ?

If e621 threaten Bad Dragon in any way, it'll be Bad Dragon over e621 and going illegal is not funny when authorities care about you. At least e621 didn't just went entirely down or 100% SFW so I cannot look for more penis_milking_machine on handsome muscular_male and sexy latex_creature like on post #2410443.

wastepaw said:

Yep. Like, it's perfectly okay to dislike loli/shota stuff and find it uncomfortable. But it should be your responsibility to curate your own online experience by filtering out such content. Block people if you have to, just don't harass anybody.

veruke_assault said:




(I don't know if you can see those links, actually)....
(Are the search results specific to the user???)
(Like... am I the only one who can see my searches?)


your link to that supreme court ruling is from 2000-2001, meanwhile more recent cases have determined that lolicon can fall under obscenity laws and a state has a right to charge someone with possession of illegal material for drawings, at least i read that on wikipedia. i don't care enough to link to it, again i said several countries but of course you're just going to ignore that, and as to all your quotes i just do not care because this isn't about morality, this is about the objective reality which is that e621 will be blocked in many countries, possibly the united states in the future, if they do not get rid of the lolicon content.

devthink said:
That sudden change make me curious about what happened at e621... well Bad Dragon exactly. I have seen Bad Dragon maybe 1-2 times in this thread but they are what keep e621 alive. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this decision come from BD who received threat from some vital actor to their business. Payment processor likely although shipment partner and silicone supplier are equally vital to their business, plus many known and unknown partner they may even have never heard of.

I see lot of people telling that e621 is acting cowardly and not fighting for their rights. Okay then, what you would have done when you received a letter telling your to do X or you loose all your business and your money income ?

If e621 threaten Bad Dragon in any way, it'll be Bad Dragon over e621 and going illegal is not funny when authorities care about you. At least e621 didn't just went entirely down or 100% SFW so I cannot look for more penis_milking_machine on handsome muscular_male and sexy latex_creature like on post #2410443.

Easy, payment processor shouldn't tell me what i do with my money, as long as it's not for trading drugs. Leave the virtual space and drawing space free from their bullshit lol, but i get your point, but at somepoint people really should just stand up and say fuck off or will try to overreach with their purity.

Wow, what a piss poor move! Oh no, a site owner got uncomfortable because of the existing culture of the site they took over. Just let the site crash and burn next time if this sort of attitude is going to be taken, or hand it off to a group with a modicum of media literacy.

All works here are fictitious, and from my understanding humanoid adults characters will remain, yes? All this is is a cleansing based on someone's particular preferences. There's really no moral high ground on a furry porn website, it's all drawn sex at the end of the day. Only strong, negative words for the team members that felt a knee-jerk was necessary.

Man, we really do have to do everything ourselves, huh? Can't trust corporations as far as we can throw em. It's a slippery slope, and booooy we are sliding!

but_why_master said:
your link to that supreme court ruling is from 2000-2001, meanwhile more recent cases have determined that lolicon can fall under obscenity laws and a state has a right to charge someone with possession of illegal material for drawings, at least i read that on wikipedia...

Alrightie then, I'm gunna pull out the BIG GUNS....

Our Glorious FURRY LAWYER, the infamous BOOZY BADGER....


""""while a prosecutor can charge under the PROTECT Act, they’re also going to have to convince a jury to convict under the PROTECT Act, and that’s going to be a harder thing to do…especially when the images are in a form that most laypeople would consider sort of de facto artistic or literary in nature, such as writing or a drawing…and especially because what is “obscene” when left to a jury really is a question of to what extent the jury is willing to accept the work as acceptable…and all those arguments you see online? “It’s okay because it’s all fiction…no real kids are being harmed….there’s no crime here at all”? Those are the same arguments a defense lawyer will make to the jury to try and get them to see things in the light favorable to their client.""""


""""people aren’t really prosecuted on it due to the difficulties of getting obscenity convictions (they’re notoriously hard) where there’s no actual victim in the images, and accordingly it’s rarely prosecuted without there being some other charge.... like possession of ACTUAL CSEM"""


but_why_master said:
how many times do i have to bring up that this is about more than the united states?

Look dawg, if you really want America to have the same laws on the books against fiction you don't like as what France and Canada has, then you are going to have to VOTE FOR IT.... because arguing on Twitter or on this forum post IS NOT GOING TO MAGICALLY MAKE THOSE LAWS CHANGE to be something more in line with your personal morality....

GO VOTE.... you want those icky drawings to be illegal and for people to get arrested for them??? THEN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!

You won't make it happen unless YOU go do something to MAKE it happen.....





thepsychodog said:
I'm more shocked by the replies from folks BIG mad that the sites and admins who host the free art they consume need money and behind-the-scenes dealings to function and stay up. Sometimes, those dealings will involve make or break scenarios, whether you risk the stability of keeping the site up or the trust of your users. It was probably stressful af to be made to act on a whim like this.

That being said, only 1 of my works got taken down, 4029708, despite both characters in it being anthro

Speaking as an artist: Do not rely on sites to keep your works archived! Always make backups of your portfolio

Restored that one.

daeeb1a said:
Sounds like this whole announcement is using a fairly nonstandard definition of "deleted", then. Unless the goal was to be misleading, it could really have been phrased better: site news is going to be seen by people who don't spend every day using the local jargon, and interpret it instead as the "gone forever" version of deleted, with at best a temporary grace period before anything that wasn't quickly restored becomes completely unrecoverable (or somewhere in between, e.g. only exists in site backups, which in turn might only be retained for a few years).

The wording matches how Danbooru (the software we run on) uses the terms.

Deleted: Hidden from view for anyone but staff
Destroyed: Submission completely and irrevocably removed from the server, including all related data

disposableyeens said:

that and how am I to request an un-delete for something the content of which I cannot view?
I know the mods say we can message them but its like shooting in the dark knowing what should be re-assesed

You're overthinking it. We're aware of the limitations on users, if you have reasonable belief it might have been wrong, hit us up and we'll have a look. Worst we will do is say affirm the deletion.
Neither you, nor anyone else, is going to get into trouble for asking about an ineligible post.
We'll probably only be cross if you decide to link us posts undiscriminately.

Also, I checked the one you linked, the character as part of the focus is a little too young for comfort, so that deletion is fine.

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

Mate, I know I don't speak for pretty much a large amount of people here and this is a porn site after all, Young human or humanoid creatures don't need to be sexualized, people are fucked up yeah but that doesn't excuse jacking off to what looks like children (Excluding loli because I'm not going to get into that can of worms nor have the knowledge to do so)

dumbyeenwithastick said:
Mate, I know I don't speak for pretty much a large amount of people here and this is a porn site after all, Young human or humanoid creatures don't need to be sexualized, people are fucked up yeah but that doesn't excuse jacking off to what looks like children (Excluding loli because I'm not going to get into that can of worms nor have the knowledge to do so)

None of this is real. You're welcome to your opinion, but the point is that none of this is real. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't look at it, that's been e6's policy for ages. God forbid someone has a thought you don't agree with.

veruke_assault said:
Look dawg, if you really want America to have the same laws on the books against fiction you don't like as what France and Canada has, then you are going to have to VOTE FOR IT.... because arguing on Twitter or on this forum post IS NOT GOING TO MAGICALLY MAKE THOSE LAWS CHANGE to be something more in line with your personal morality....

GO VOTE.... you want those icky drawings to be illegal and for people to get arrested for them??? THEN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!

You won't make it happen unless YOU go do something to MAKE it happen.....


i never said i wanted the united states to make it illegal. this entire time i've been saying i just want e621 to remain legally accessible to as many people as possible, and this entire time you've been jumping around throwing links and weird quotes at me. i don't care what you look at, there's other sites for it, e621 is a furry art site and they are following laws that exist today. i don't mean to be insulting but you're harping on this US law thing after I literally said it's not about the United States, and that is really really really baffling. i'm not here to play moral arbiter, i'm not here to say what should or shouldn't be law, i am here to say that e621 is making a decision that will keep it afloat and accessible with consideration for current and future international law.

notmenotyou said:

Also, I checked the one you linked, the character as part of the focus is a little too young for comfort, so that deletion is fine.

Is it worth considering the size difference?
iirc the character is old enough (I could show you other art) its just the iguana guy is super tall.
Its also set in a college regarding canonical age
Or are the criteria mostly aesthetic?
The new rule does say that 'borderline' depictions may account for context


menox said:
Easy, payment processor shouldn't tell me what i do with my money, as long as it's not for trading drugs. Leave the virtual space and drawing space free from their bullshit lol, but i get your point, but at somepoint people really should just stand up and say fuck off or will try to overreach with their purity.

I totally agree with you. Payment processors should be forced to process payment of any legal business and forbidden to perform any pressure on their customers.

the best part about this big silly argument i've gotten myself involved with for some reason is given two weeks everyone is going to forget about this except the poor janitors who are gonna have to sift through thousands and thousands of takedowns and requests for content reapproval. shoutout to runon sentences btw, my fav gender

but_why_master said:
the best part about this big silly argument i've gotten myself involved with for some reason is given two weeks everyone is going to forget about this except the poor janitors who are gonna have to sift through thousands and thousands of takedowns and requests for content reapproval. shoutout to runon sentences btw, my fav gender

Yeah people are making it out to be "OH GOD E6 IS GONNA DIE", when in reality this is just gonna be forgotten by next week. Like all big news.

but_why_master said:
e621 is a FURRY art site....

And so is Inkbunny, and so is Wild Critters....

I really don't care that much about icky "Skinnies" with no Fluffy Fur and no Cute Animal Features....

As long as they LEAVE MY PRESHUS TAILS PRONZ ALONE, I don't really care too much....

I mean, e6 would ~NEVER~ pull an F.A. move and ban Tails Pr0nz.... right???


l-pop said:
common anti-ped W

Bro, all cub arts are still there, they're not anti-ped, they are just worrying about money.

I'm looking through the stuff on my favorites that got deleted and a lot of it has stuff that just happens to have someone young in it without including them in explicit stuff. No idea how to put it for something like that to get restored.

morganshawty said:
so nothing is really an archive then huh

At the end of the day, nothing, anywhere is an archive. It will all eventually be forgotten, destroyed or anything else. Nothing lasts forever.

widecangang said:
At the end of the day, nothing, anywhere is an archive. It will all eventually be forgotten, destroyed or anything else. Nothing lasts forever.


artiamus said:
I'm looking through the stuff on my favorites that got deleted and a lot of it has stuff that just happens to have someone young in it without including them in explicit stuff. No idea how to put it for something like that to get restored.

I'll go through these once my brain stops being soup. The last couple days have been double and triple shifts past 3am and even today I've already been at it for another 6 hours.

A Normie Mundane Wrote:

Whether they are Feral Beasts or Intelligent Anthro Creatures -- they do not need to be SEXUALIZED..... people are messed up yeah, but that still doesn't excuse ''Pawwing Off'' to what are still essentially ANIMALS..... and pawwing to these two-dimensional cartoon creatures is a SLIPPERY SLOPE towards committing real life acts of BESTIALITY....


"""I know I don't speak for pretty much a large amount of people here..."""

Because you're ~not~ on Fur Affinity???? (or Twitter???)

The vibe HERE isn't the same as the vibe THERE.... sorry, lol.

: )



Wow, this sucks. Lolis and young human art being purged is so stupid. If it's legality then just region-lock it. This stuff is still legal in the US and a lot of other parts of the world that want to see it



casmin7~ said:
I highly doubt they would have done it this way if there was an option that allowed that to happen. it looks like it even blindsided the head admin on the first page here with NotMeNotYou saying "I wish I had more of a heads up myself" quoted.

But since artworks can be brought back that were accidently hit by the purge, its not as bad as it could have been.

I figure we might need to read between the lines. "It'd be a shame..." is an old cliche for a reason.

watsit said:
The first page.


billygoatunicorn said:
Turkmenistan dictatorship be like:

The thing about censorship is REDACTED...

k4rn4ge911 said:
Man, fuck the current U.S. government.

It's not the current one. States that are cracking down on porn are Republican states. It's the religious nutjobs who want to ban all porn.

e621signup said:
LMAO holy shit. At first I was like "finally, someone in this thread who isn't into kids" but I guess that's just too good to be true. This site is wild lol.

Do you consider cartoon wolf people to be equal to "Kids?"

Just curious....


~~ checks your comments page out of curiosity ~~

"""I know it's just a drawing but it bothers me that nobody seems concerned about underage fetish art on this site."""

Oh I see now... you're one of THOSE people.....

Go back to Twitter or FurAffinity, kthx.


Also the only response being will restore the accidental damage while there's so much young humanoid/human art with dead sources making them basically lost forever on the user side (since they're still on the servers)

Fuck censorship Fuck capitalism Fuck fascism

notmenotyou said:
I'll go through these once my brain stops being soup. The last couple days have been double and triple shifts past 3am and even today I've already been at it for another 6 hours.

Hey man I appreciate you being dedicated to helping the community through this troubling time. I don't blame nor envy the position that this site has been put into due to the demands of your business partners.
As I don't want to add to your already heavy work load I do have one very important concern to ask.

How high of a chance is there that more art will be purged by the demands of your business partners? Please don't say that there isn't any chance of more stuff being purged as everyone in this community knows that wouldn't be true.
Even just a small hint of the kind of content that we as a community need to start looking into archiving or transferring to another site would be very appreciated. Thank you for any limited information that your able to provide and please get some good rest my dude.

extropoko said:
Also the only response being will restore the accidental damage while there's so much young humanoid/human art with dead sources making them basically lost forever on the user side (since they're still on the servers)

Fuck censorship Fuck capitalism Fuck fascism

100% this. So many pieces of art gone, I dont even know what I've lost since it's so many

Does deleted posts stays on the servers but hidden for the users or are literally deleted forever? Because in case 2024 becomes more like 1984 and E621 becomes forced to do even more drastic changes we would still have a chance to save everything right?

sableye said:
Are you fucking kidding me?

So much art is lost now, this is fucking ridiculous

No warning, no torrents, no sites with the pieces i've lost.
I knew I should have kept downloading instead of just favourites.

Look how peacefully the frog sits in the pot as the dial slowly turns from "we're renaming cub to young" to "we're removing all young humanoids effective immediately"

mta_2_train said:
Does deleted posts stays on the servers but hidden for the users or are literally deleted forever? Because in case 2024 becomes more like 1984 and E621 becomes forced to do even more drastic changes we would still have a chance to save everything right?

It was said earlier that they can be restored if need be, which would mean it's likely not an "FBI open up" legal issue.

You have us absolutely zero warning

We had no time to archive the stuff we would potentially lose to the void from this change.

Why not give us a heads up?

So when are you going to eventually purge bestiality (humanoid x feral) since by your statements, it would also cause the same as much issues.

Might as well do it right now if you want to bend the knee that badly and save us the future drama.
Oh and eventually this entire site will be dead if you still want to stay operating in the US. Have fun with that knowledge.

dimoretpinel said:
It is an archive, it says it right there!
"Our mission is to archive and distribute the best / strangest / most excellent furry-related artwork, regardless of content, for all those who wish to view it."

So now that's going to be a massive lie.

Why don't you just mirror the site on the dark web with all of that content restored? It can be gone here, but still exist there.

dumbyeenwithastick said:
Mate, I know I don't speak for pretty much a large amount of people here and this is a porn site after all, Young human or humanoid creatures don't need to be sexualized, people are fucked up yeah but that doesn't excuse jacking off to what looks like children (Excluding loli because I'm not going to get into that can of worms nor have the knowledge to do so)

"Animal or animal like creatures don't need to be sexualized, people are fucked up yeah but that doesn't excuse jacking off to what looks like animals"

just how terminally online are some of yall to think that art is the same as real life? please, for your own health, go offline, go outside, take a walk, think about the people that told you that fiction is harmful, think about WHY they would try and tell you that, think about what it means that they might want to isolate you from people who arent more than likely hiding something when it comes to the thing theyre claiming to be against.

and also, just because YOU dont like something doesnt automatically make it evil. its ok to not like things. we have block buttons, and blacklists for a reason. if you dont like something, DONT ENGAGE WITH IT. YOU control your online experience. YOU are 100% in control of who you talk to, what you see, and what you do online. you only have YOURSELF to blame if you keep seeing 'horrible' shit if you refuse to do anything about it. prioritize your mental health. if anyone says 'no you HAVE to care about SPECIFIC THING or youre THE DEVIL' then block them. that is insanely toxic and ~problematic~ behavior. as if that word fucking means anything anymore. fiction can affect reality, yes, if you LET IT. you conflating art with real minors is letting it affect reality. so stop.


This sets a very concerning precedent.
We all know what happened to Patreon and Furaffinity. Pixiv nearly had to bend the knee too. It seems like sites are now officially held hostage by their so-called “partners”.
Getting dependent on the wrong people literally sets someone up to be walked all over by them.
What will you do when more “no-go” demands are going to be made?
Is feral art going to be next?
Maybe even furry nsfw in general once the “furry art is just borderline bestiality”-crowd gains enough traction?

Have there been attempts to at least seek alternative partners?
If everyone has to bend their knees to puritans then soon there won’t be anything left.
If those third parties keep getting support then one is essentially supporting their power trip.
If nothing gets done about this it’s gonna get worse.

And if possible, can you please disclose who forced your hand? Which partners? If only so people can look it up. It would be nice to know where those problems are coming from so things can finally be done about it.
If we don’t address this then this sort of trend will keep going until we have nothing.
If we become dependent on parties that want and can censor anything they don’t like then it’s over.

I just wanna know what happened that such a trend could manifest.
This is scary. This is where freedom goes to die.

I really don't like the precedent this sets for this art archival website that any given government in the world can just force you to drop tens of thousands of posts from the site with no warning and no archival efforts. If Spain or something outlaws gay porn, are you seriously going to ban M/M and F/F from the site? Where is the line for you guys about what's acceptable to keep and what is art you're okay with losing to time forever? Are any external archive methods going to be used now? Were there backups of e6? The whole thing reeks.

There's no way this decision wasn't reached without some amount of "This isn't really what we want on our website, and we're using the cover of outside influence to purge it from our website." Which is fine, I guess, for most normal porn websites. But the intended goal of E6 isn't to be a porn website, even though it's used as one, it's an archival website and imageboard. Even if you don't agree with the content that was removed, you have to admit that rushing to placate a government so quickly (I don't believe it's the US in preparation or fear of project 2025, since at least you would have time before then, I honestly think it's somewhere else) sends a scary message.

What happens when the US gets grumpy over feral art or trans characters, or when South Korea says "Hey, you can host your site in our country for free as long as you keep everything straight!" Genuinely, honest question I'm hoping to an answer to, what would happen to e6 if the Arizona government labeled it as "Degenerate" and took down the whole thing? Would we just lose hundreds of thousands of pieces of artwork? Are there literally zero conservation efforts?

Edit: I understand that it might be the case that e6 has kept the art as deleted instead of destroyed, and it's still on the servers and able to be restored once political landscapes change. This is good, but I genuinely feel that efforts to make the art publicly accessible in some form should start being made. Maybe a sister site or a non-affiliated imageboard?

I know yall are doing the best you can, but this website is really important and there are a lot of artists I know who are having their entire body of work ripped off of this website, messing with their income and forcing them to archive their stuff either physically, which is dangerous for them since it can always fail and is expensive, or on twitter, which just doesn't work given how volatile that place is.


Respectfully mods i fully disagree with the decision.

A number of other sites tried to do what e621 is doing now.
Look i have no issues with FurryYaoi but removing the other content is a slippery slope.

For those who calling this a "Common W"

FurAffinity i believe did remove problematic art as well and look what happened to that site

cosmin said:
Might as well purge all explicit cu-- I mean, "young" anthro arts while you all are at it.

Saves the trouble of waiting until it happens next year.

Oh don't worry. They will. Just like every other site and for the same bullshit made-up reasons.
Like here, nothing actually happened. And of course zero warning or time to backup stuff, just poof gone.

I do not support this decision and think that it really degrades e621. I also really don't appreciate the way E621 is handling it all. I really hope E621 will be working to restore everything they have deleted and will be shifting their servers to a more friendly environment ASAP.

mollydarlingg said:
I really don't like the precedent this sets for this art archival website that any given government in the world can just force you to drop tens of thousands of posts from the site with no warning and no archival efforts. If Spain or something outlaws gay porn, are you seriously going to ban M/M and F/F from the site? Where is the line for you guys about what's acceptable to keep and what is art you're okay with losing to time forever? Are any external archive methods going to be used now? Were there backups of e6? The whole thing reeks.

There's no way this decision wasn't reached without some amount of "This isn't really what we want on our website, and we're using the cover of outside influence to purge it from our website." Which is fine, I guess, for most normal porn websites. But the intended goal of E6 isn't to be a porn website, even though it's used as one, it's an archival website and imageboard. Even if you don't agree with the content that was removed, you have to admit that rushing to placate a government so quickly (I don't believe it's the US in preparation or fear of project 2025, since at least you would have time before then, I honestly think it's somewhere else) sends a scary message.

What happens when the US gets grumpy over feral art or trans characters, or when South Korea says "Hey, you can host your site in our country for free as long as you keep everything straight!" Genuinely, honest question I'm hoping to an answer to, what would happen to e6 if the Arizona government labeled it as "Degenerate" and took down the whole thing? Would we just lose hundreds of thousands of pieces of artwork? Are there literally zero conservation efforts?

I don't think there is a line these guys would not cross.

Again, there was probably a thousand better ways to go about this and they purposely went with the worst and most destructive one. That says a lot.

First they came for Ralts, I did not speak up because I was not attracted to Ralts
Then they came for Kirlia, I did not speak up because I was not attracted to Kirlia
Finally they came for Gardevoir, and nobody was left to speak up for her ;_;

E621 is difficult to trust as a site to archive art, if decisions are made without proper notice




Things like this start to set a precedent that a drawing should be considered equal to actual CP, despite laws clearly stating that it isn’t. We might as well get rid of any drawings showing murder/death/dismemberment/rape/forced/feral because we are witnessing a real crime. This site is pandering more and more to those that honestly cannot understand the difference between reality and art, if anything; those people should be purged from this site, not some stupid drawing.

supersecretunknown said:
just how terminally online are some of yall to think that art is the same as real life? please, for your own health, go offline, go outside, take a walk, think about the people that told you that fiction is harmful, think about WHY they would try and tell you that, think about what it means that they might want to isolate you from people who arent more than likely hiding something when it comes to the thing theyre claiming to be against.

and also, just because YOU dont like something doesnt automatically make it evil. its ok to not like things. we have block buttons, and blacklists for a reason. if you dont like something, DONT ENGAGE WITH IT. YOU control your online experience. YOU are 100% in control of who you talk to, what you see, and what you do online. you only have YOURSELF to blame if you keep seeing 'horrible' shit if you refuse to do anything about it. prioritize your mental health. if anyone says 'no you HAVE to care about SPECIFIC THING or youre THE DEVIL' then block them. that is insanely toxic and ~problematic~ behavior. as if that word fucking means anything anymore. fiction can affect reality, yes, if you LET IT. you conflating art with real minors is letting it affect reality. so stop.

"just how terminally online are some of yall to think that art is the same as real life?"

There are some Westerns online mostly on Western Twitter who keep attacking artists for just even a Safe Art Work featuring a younger character or even younger adult characters yes that's right there are some triggered when they see younger adults as well.

Most of the time some of the artists had either apology or lock their account for a while to avoid getting those replies from Western Countries or just US mostly.

There are some ill people who shouldn't be on the internet and those who have a hard distinguishing reality from fantasy.
If they hate seeing any NSFW images why are they finding these websites in the first place to begin?

Oh, nice job at media preservation, guys. Great job contributing more to link rot and death of media preservation on the fucking internet. You dipshit janitors don't give a shit about archiving, so why are you running the fucking site? You're part of the problem. It's funny, last week I literally attended a panel about archiving media in the furry community and now a supposed safe space for it purges it. God damn you two-faced liars to hell.

kitu_fw said:

There are some Westerns online mostly on Western Twitter who keep attacking artists for just even a Safe Art Work featuring a younger character or even younger adult characters yes that's right there are some triggered when they see younger adults as well.

Most of the time some of the artists had either apology or lock their account for a while to avoid getting those replies from Western Countries or just US mostly.

There are some ill people who shouldn't be on the internet and those who have a hard distinguishing reality from fantasy.
If they hate seeing any NSFW images why are they finding these websites in the first place to begin?

another issue on top of that is that a lot of the extremely vocal people about it are minors, and shouldnt even be in these spaces in the first place. minors opinions on what is and isnt morally correct when it comes to nsfw art shouldnt be taken into account, and all the adults who are egging them on in the first place either used to be the minors doing it, or know exactly what theyre doing and just want to cause problems on purpose

gyrphlymbabumble said:
Oh, nice job at media preservation, guys. Great job contributing more to link rot and death of media preservation on the fucking internet. You dipshit janitors don't give a shit about archiving, so why are you running the fucking site? You're part of the problem. It's funny, last week I literally attended a panel about archiving media in the furry community and now a supposed safe space for it purges it. God damn you two-faced liars to hell.

Something something never trust an online janitor.