Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

onemoreanonymous said:

This doesn't work, I assume you expect to only get the first 10 posts that are part of the pool, but that is not implemented. Just slice the array instead.

onemoreanonymous said:[id=6004]&limit=10

This is working as intended. You are getting back one pool, since you searched by id.[id=6004,6005,6006]&limit=2 only returns two pools, even though 3 ids are specified.

earlopain said:
This doesn't work, I assume you expect to only get the first 10 posts that are part of the pool, but that is not implemented. Just slice the array instead.

This is working as intended. You are getting back one pool, since you searched by id.[id=6004,6005,6006]&limit=2 only returns two pools, even though 3 ids are specified.

Alright, thanks. The Wiki page on the API had the wrong wording on this, it said that limit of /posts.json applied to the number of posts returned, not of pools. I just fixed that.

Some of my blacklisted tags are coming through the filter, I've check to make sure the post has them spelled correctly and my setting is correct. Male/male, and young are coming trough that I've noticed so far

cole_the_shark said:
Some of my blacklisted tags are coming through the filter, I've check to make sure the post has them spelled correctly and my setting is correct. Male/male, and young are coming trough that I've noticed so far

For some reason having the tags on the same line broke, and now I have to put a new line behind each tag, So solved?

cole_the_shark said:
For some reason having the tags on the same line broke, and now I have to put a new line behind each tag, So solved?

"For some reason" i.e. the way the blacklist has always worked. Putting them on the same line means a post has to contain both tags before being filtered.

Been having slight issues lately with the blacklisting certain tags. Normally, this was never a problem. But since I recently added a tag to the list, It seems like every other tag that was previously added doesn't block out the tag anymore. I tried several different approaches to fix the issue but nothing seems to be working.

There's also another issue (Not sure if it's a bug) but every now and then when I log on, I'll occasionally check on my profile. It's rarely but I'll find that some post been somehow added to my favorites despite me favoring them myself.


Former Staff

soviet_whiskers said:
Been having slight issues lately with the blacklisting certain tags. Normally, this was never a problem. But since I recently added a tag to the list, It seems like every other tag that was previously added doesn't block out the tag anymore. I tried several different approaches to fix the issue but nothing seems to be working.

Literally the same issue as above. You have all blacklisted tags on one line.
I would really like to know what "approaches" you tried to fix it.

All tags that are on line line must be present in order for the post to be filtered out.
Put them on separate lines.

soviet_whiskers said:
There's also another issue (Not sure if it's a bug) but every now and then when I log on, I'll occasionally check on my profile. It's rarely but I'll find that some post been somehow added to my favorites despite me favoring them myself.

... a post has been added to your favorites when you favorite it?
I'm not sure why you think that's a bug.

If you meant that a post was added to your favorites despite you not favoriting it, that's likely because an older post that you had favorited was deleted and replaced with a better version.
That would bump it to the top of your favorites.

bitwolfy said:
Literally the same issue as above. You have all blacklisted tags on one line.
I would really like to know what "approaches" you tried to fix it.

All tags that are on line line must be present in order for the post to be filtered out.
Put them on separate lines.

... a post has been added to your favorites when you favorite it?
I'm not sure why you think that's a bug.

If you meant that a post was added to your favorites despite you not favoriting it, that's likely because an older post that you had favorited was deleted and replaced with a better version.
That would bump it to the top of your favorites.

As stated from previous issues listed above, I've tried all those, which didn't seem to do anything. However, I was able to temporarily fix the issue. By removing all blacklisted tags, logging off, logging back on, and re-adding the blacklist tags and Saving the changes. It seemed to work. But after closing the screen/window and reopening a new page. It went back to not registering blacklisted tags, despite them still being blacklisted.

Regarding post popping up in my list, you were correct about them being deleted/replaced and being bumped up to the top. I thought someone was using my acct lol. Thanks for the help.


Former Staff

soviet_whiskers said:
As stated from previous issues listed above, I've tried all those, which didn't seem to do anything. However, I was able to temporarily fix the issue. By removing all blacklisted tags, logging off, logging back on, and re-adding the blacklist tags and Saving the changes. It seemed to work. But after closing the screen/window and reopening a new page. It went back to not registering blacklisted tags, despite them still being blacklisted.

Your blacklist is still all on one line.
I don't know what else to tell you.

Right now, it's like this:
It should be like this:

Blacklist was working fine but when I logged on I noticed it was totally blank? I didn't delete anything in there myself but suddenly it's all gone?

boarslores said:
Blacklist was working fine but when I logged on I noticed it was totally blank? I didn't delete anything in there myself but suddenly it's all gone?

The blacklist you have when logged out is entirely separate to the one you have when logged in. Your account was created before a default blacklist was provided for all new users, so if you've never edited it, it will still be blank.

The only strange thing is that it has apparently taken you two years to notice this.

wat8548 said:
The blacklist you have when logged out is entirely separate to the one you have when logged in. Your account was created before a default blacklist was provided for all new users, so if you've never edited it, it will still be blank.

The only strange thing is that it has apparently taken you two years to notice this.

No I had an account one, different from that provided one when logged out. It was pretty extensive and had been there for, like, a long time. Unless it has something to do with my IP or something (I dunno how this shit works)

Getting "blackslisted" on stuff that isn't on my blacklist, anyone else having the same issue?

Yeah, I saw a lot of posts earlier with blacklisted content. The "blacklisted tags list" was present in the post but the poat itself lacked those tags, so it was kinda misleading. It fixed itself after I added those tags

noibert said:
Yeah, I saw a lot of posts earlier with blacklisted content. The "blacklisted tags list" was present in the post but the poat itself lacked those tags, so it was kinda misleading. It fixed itself after I added those tags

This has confused me quite a bit until I realized that it also includes peoples' icons. I don't really like that feature, because if someone links me to a pic that's blacklisted, I like to look at the tags to see why before I view it (i.e. a friend's commission). Including tags from other posts isn't really useful.

Would an admin be able to find a user's deleted blacklist? Because if someone is able to see what's on my blacklist now then...? What I don't understand is how it would have disappeared, it was formatted correctly.

Cant see a single image, never ran into this problem before every single page or search is blank but loads tags and nothing else.
It takes up space as if it were loading thumbnails. Just a blue wall, running Brave as per normal which is broken but Chrome works.

It looks like this is also related to avatars, none of the images show up on the forum. "IMAGE PLACEHOLDER" which is unclickable on Brave, but fine when they show up on Chrome.
Brave: Chrome:


birdieblue said:
Cant see a single image, never ran into this problem before every single page or search is blank but loads tags and nothing else.
It takes up space as if it were loading thumbnails. Just a blue wall, running Brave as per normal which is broken but Chrome works.

It looks like this is also related to avatars, none of the images show up on the forum. "IMAGE PLACEHOLDER" which is unclickable on Brave, but fine when they show up on Chrome.
Brave: Chrome:

I just installed Brave to test and it seems to be working just fine for me with the default settings, I managed to replicate the "IMAGE PLACEHOLDER" thing by disabling JavaScript but all the posts/searches still work for me

faucet said:
I just installed Brave to test and it seems to be working just fine for me with the default settings, I managed to replicate the "IMAGE PLACEHOLDER" thing by disabling JavaScript but all the posts/searches still work for me

Did some tests and it was an extension that speeds up the net, but in this case was disabling the site's main function. So this was a false alarm
But thanks for tipping me off about js I wouldn't have looked. Disabling the extension works, and I dont have it installed on Chrome.
The extension was WebBoost, can't complain other than this one hiccup and I can disable it per site so that's what I'll do.

Firefox 99.0.1 (64-Bit):
Uploading from a Twitter URL doesn't show a preview image.
(I don't know if the upload itself works)

post #3279744
I had to upload it from my hard disk.
On , when I use as the file URL, e621 shows a white box with "Not Found" instead of an image preview.
And when I use as the file URL, e621 shows the error message:
"The direct URL entered has the following problem: Sample URL / You should review the sourcing guide."
(but that's a feature, not a bug)

Uploading works, it's just the preview that's broken. Twitter previews work fine for me, but if they fail for one reason or another there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe the console or network tab shows some useful information?
In those cases "Not Found" should not be shown but rather a notice along the lines of "Failed to load preview", since the error is not a 404 but something else.

mantikor said:
Uploading from a Twitter URL doesn't show a preview image.
(I don't know if the upload itself works)

It does. I've had this problem for as long as I've been uploading, but the upload itself has always gone through fine.

versperus said:
this forum discussion, but it wasn't reported as a bug. Comments search doesn't work If you use the "commenter" and "tags" function

When searching by tag it only loads the first 300 matching posts and pulls the comments from them (or something along those lines). It's just how it is, and I don't have an easy solution to fix this right now.

earlopain said:
Uploading works, it's just the preview that's broken. Twitter previews work fine for me, but if they fail for one reason or another there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe the console or network tab shows some useful information?
In those cases "Not Found" should not be shown but rather a notice along the lines of "Failed to load preview", since the error is not a 404 but something else.

Trying to upload an image with the network viewer open reveals the answer: apparently, Firefox thinks Twitter's image data server hosts tracking images. I guess Twitter must have been explicitly blacklisted in this way since it doesn't affect any other site. Maybe they do have a cross-site tracking image and they host it on the same domain? Turning off "Enhanced Tracking Protection" fixes it.

kemonophonic said:
I've noticed that when I'm logged in the website loads incredibly slow but when I'm logged out it loads almost instantaneously. What could be causing this?

Extremely large blacklists can cause page loads to appear slow, because of how many comparisons have to be made.

slyroon said:

At the pool page it's says there are 750 pages of pools, when there is less then 300 pages.

It also cuts off after page 245, despite there being 260 pages when searching with any of the order functions.

In addition to the pools page it is also happening on the tags and comments pages, though it's probably impossible to tell on e621 because there's over 750 pages. It's quite clear on my dev environment however, I kept forgetting to make an issue for this on GitHub.

slyroon said:

At the pool page it's says there are 750 pages of pools, when there is less then 300 pages.

It also cuts off after page 245, despite there being 260 pages when searching with any of the order functions.

faucet said:
In addition to the pools page it is also happening on the tags and comments pages, though it's probably impossible to tell on e621 because there's over 750 pages. It's quite clear on my dev environment however, I kept forgetting to make an issue for this on GitHub.

It always shows 750 pages for larger collections for performance reasons. This can save doing a count to display the page numbers when it would always be 750 anyways. This has been inherited from danbooru and I don't know how impactful this is, but it seems to make some sense at least. It works better on some other pages like comments and users though.
It also only shows "series" (i.e. not "collections") when not doing a search, which do appear once you set some search parameter, resulting in those 15 pages magically appearing. Once again a thing from danbooru, but I think it's sensible for the gallery page.

kemonophonic said:
Is it just me or has the way thumbnails are displayed on the search page been changed?

I don't think I have changed something there recently.

millcore said:
Post the bugs you've found here. Please be as specific and as constructive as possible; the more info about the issue you include the easier it will be for us to fix it.

Other forums you can check: - List of changes that are NOT bugs - Quick FAQ/Q&A thread - For documentation problems - The theme/aesthetic issues (please read the main post before using)

If you find other bugs floating around in the forum you can post a link to those forums here so they don't get lost.
If you already made another thread for a bug then please go edit [Bug] at the start of the title so it's easy to spot.

Personally I’ve ran into the problem where if I try to click on any of the images I get an error report and then updating images anyone have a solution to this?


Former Staff

goblindad said:
Personally I’ve ran into the problem where if I try to click on any of the images I get an error report and then updating images anyone have a solution to this?

You might have switched to a different viewing mode. In the sidebar, right under the search bar, find the dropdown menu labeled "Mode", and set it to "View":
On mobile, that menu is located near the bottom of the page, under all the posts.

(I haven't gone through every page here, so sorry if someone has said this already)
Has anyone else had a problem with upvotes regularly taking anywhere up to 4 clicks to work? For the last month or so I'd click upvote, it'd say 'updating post' at the top, switch to 'posts updated' but then it hasn't upvoted. And I've tested going back then clicking the image again after a non-upvote to see if it worked but just didn't register at the time, but the image still wouldn't be upvoted when I checked back.

Not entirely sure if this is a bug or a weird decision, but pool tags don’t work in blacklists. They still auto complete like normal, but don’t appear to have any effect. Even if it’s not actually a bug, it’d be a great feature - for example, I have death blacklisted because I don’t want to see a corpse when I’m jerking off, but there’s a comic I read where people often get killed in non-sexual contexts that I’d love to be able to specifically exempt from that.

beanmanmcgee said:
Not entirely sure if this is a bug or a weird decision, but pool tags don’t work in blacklists. They still auto complete like normal, but don’t appear to have any effect. Even if it’s not actually a bug, it’d be a great feature - for example, I have death blacklisted because I don’t want to see a corpse when I’m jerking off, but there’s a comic I read where people often get killed in non-sexual contexts that I’d love to be able to specifically exempt from that.

Easiest solution would probably be to exempt the artist?

Loading videos seems to be broken. I open a few in a new tab at the same time and after 3 or 4 the site stops loading entirely. I've had this problem not only on e621 but also other booru type websites (r34, gelbooru, etc.) My adblock isn't causing it or my antivirus. I'm on chrome but I tested with firefox and it breaks there as well.

strikerman said:
Given the "more details" in the message, that link doesn't seem very helpful either.

It's looking at bit sparse since you have unrestricted uploads. There's a bit more information visible there for the average user.

earlopain said:
It's looking at bit sparse since you have unrestricted uploads. There's a bit more information visible there for the average user.


Blacklist not functioning correctly. On the main search it shows items that have been hidden due to a blacklist tag, but I clicked an image to discover it also had blacklisted tags on the side in spite of being visible. I'm not certain how this happened and I can't tell if others in my search are also like this without checking each one. (In this case it was a gore and dismemberment blacklist)


Former Staff

coryi said:
Blacklist not functioning correctly. On the main search it shows items that have been hidden due to a blacklist tag, but I clicked an image to discover it also had blacklisted tags on the side in spite of being visible. I'm not certain how this happened and I can't tell if others in my search are also like this without checking each one. (In this case it was a gore and dismemberment blacklist)

Q: My blacklist does not work!

1. Is the blacklist on? Check the "Blacklisted" section in the sidebar - if the tag is crossed out, it will not be filtered out:
Click on it to re-enable it, or click on "Re-enable all" to turn all of the filters back on. On mobile, that section would be near the bottom of the page, under all the posts.

2. Make sure that your blacklist is formatted correctly. Most users' blacklists would have every tag on its own line. Having more than one tag on a line means that in order to be filtered out, the post would have to match all of them:

More information is available here:

bitwolfy said:

Neither of these apply as the blacklist is both working correctly for other images of the same tag and has worked correctly in the past

sometimes you can accidently disable your blacklist, if the tags are crossed out under the search bar then those blacklist perimeters are disabled

kemonophonic said:
Possibly a parent or child post has blacklisted tags.

Or, even more annoyingly, the avatar of someone in the comments. The old site had an option to disable blacklist for avatars, and I keep asking the staff to bring that back.

The last poster column on the forms shows the most recent action taken in that thread,. not the name of the most recent poster

E.g. if Milcore locks a post. It will show that they were the last one to post. Even if they didn't actually make the last post.

yetanothertemp said:
The last poster column on the forms shows the most recent action taken in that thread,. not the name of the most recent poster

E.g. if Milcore locks a post. It will show that they were the last one to post. Even if they didn't actually make the last post.

Forum topics make no distinction between someone posting in them and an admin locking it, both modify the updater (or the last poster as it's called in the ui). The solution would be to add a new field dedicated to the last poster. I will think about it.

versperus said:

error while trying to file BVAS

The url contains square brackets [ ] which browser for some reason do not escape properly. Download the file locally and replace with that. Normal uploads also have this problem but the error message is nicer, that would also make sense here.

earlopain said:
The url contains square brackets [ ] which browser for some reason do not escape properly. Download the file locally and replace with that.

Or manually replace the [ with %5B and ] with %5D.

watsit said:
Or manually replace the [ with %5B and ] with %5D.

I'm going to try that first
Edit: It worked, thanks watsit

earlopain said:
Forum topics make no distinction between someone posting in them and an admin locking it, both modify the updater (or the last poster as it's called in the ui). The solution would be to add a new field dedicated to the last poster. I will think about it.

The url contains square brackets [ ] which browser for some reason do not escape properly. Download the file locally and replace with that. Normal uploads also have this problem but the error message is nicer, that would also make sense here.

thanks for the explanation

For some reason the posts preview doesn't show up. After tapping on the post the image/video doesn't load. Don't have problems with that anywhere else.

Yes, images aren't loading at the moment. No, we don't know when it will be fixed yet.

earlopain said:
Yes, images aren't loading at the moment. No, we don't know when it will be fixed yet.

Seems like there's the main e621 site and then the static1 backend. Are they hosted on two separate servers? Or is CloudFlare fucking up again?

Images that were stored in my browser's cache load just fine.

On the puffin web browser for iOS (yes I know extremely niche) no images load at all. In fact the website can’t even be used anymore.

It seems that tag autocomplete no longer works in outdated browsers, until a week ago it worked well in Firefox 36. And for personal reasons I refuse to update it.

I'm having an issue with not being able to see anything on posts, it's just blank where the images should be and the user thumbnails just show "place holder"
Seem to recall this exact thing happening awhile back, think it was an update or maintenance issue at the time so maybe it's back?


I suspect it might have something to do with us upgrading to vue 3. I'll look into it

Was trying to upload my first image (huzzah)
But I keep getting a "unexpected error" despite doing pretty much everything correct?


I'm a mobile user, so I don't know if that's the reason for my bug. When I attempt to blacklist the artist e254e, it blocks every single post on the site.

Even if the image isn't one by e254e, it will block the image anyway. When I go to the front page, every single image is blocked.

lookmomimsecret said:

I'm a mobile user, so I don't know if that's the reason for my bug. When I attempt to blacklist the artist e254e, it blocks every single post on the site.

Even if the image isn't one by e254e, it will block the image anyway. When I go to the front page, every single image is blocked.

Are you prefixing your blacklist line with a "-" character, as if you were trying to exclude e254e from a search? Because that's the opposite of how the blacklist works. It sounds like you've effectively whitelisted e254e instead.

lookmomimsecret said:

I'm a mobile user, so I don't know if that's the reason for my bug. When I attempt to blacklist the artist e254e, it blocks every single post on the site.

Even if the image isn't one by e254e, it will block the image anyway. When I go to the front page, every single image is blocked.

can you please copy/paste your blacklist so we can see how it's configured?

dog cat pants Multiple tags per line create posting conditions. So input on the blacklist with this configuration, would only blacklist the aforementioned results.

blacklists all posts with dog, cat, or pants tagged.