Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

steel_snake said:
Hey, is anyone else getting posts in their favorites list even though it doesn't show that you've favorited? I just got that now with post #1365205, I never favorited this one before and when viewing the image, it shows that it hasn't been favorited. Did that make any sense?

Do you remember favoriting a similar post? This or this. They had their favorites moved to post #1365205 for being an excessive same-base image. Perhaps there's some bug with moving favorites happening that's making it not show as favorited.

watsit said:
Do you remember favoriting a similar post? This or this. They had their favorites moved to post #1365205 for being an excessive same-base image. Perhaps there's some bug with moving favorites happening that's making it not show as favorited.

Ah yes, that was it. It was the Lucario one posted yesterday. Thanks


furrin_gok said:
Just to verify, you have all three on their own line, right?
cat -dog -trout_(artist)
should blacklist anything that is tagged Cat unless it also has a dog or is from Trout--though tags that imply feline that aren't domestic_cat will still get through by nature of the species tags.

That is correct. I still get guys on images without girls despite blacklisting male -female -matemi
Looking at it in action it seems like, by default, any search performed auto-shows all blacklisted material and the blacklists have to be clicked to hide it?


Former Staff

nazwa said:
That is correct. I still get guys on images without girls despite blacklisting male -female -matemi
Looking at it in action it seems like, by default, any search performed auto-shows all blacklisted material and the blacklists have to be clicked to hide it?

No, that's not how it works. That would be incredibly dumb. Do you have the blacklist enabled?
In the sidebar, under "Blacklisted", click "Re-enable all". Then, all blacklisted items will be hidden by default.

nazwa said:
That is correct. I still get guys on images without girls despite blacklisting male -female -matemi

Hmm. Looking at the blacklist help, it does appear that that image should be blacklisted. I wonder if double exclusions confuse the logic somehow?

Could you confirm which of the following images are blacklisted for you?

post #2676870 (male)

post #2763488 (female)

post #2002226 (matemi)

post #2762531 (male female)

post #2090255 (male matemi)

post #1788166 (female matemi)

post #2544254 (male female matemi)

Also, what happens if you search for male -female -matemi? Do you get any results at all? Does post #2762992 show up on the appropriate page?

nazwa said:
Looking at it in action it seems like, by default, any search performed auto-shows all blacklisted material and the blacklists have to be clicked to hide it?

The site does remember if you clicked "Disable all" on the blacklist sidebar until you click "Re-enable all" again, even if you last clicked "Disable all" on a different page or tab. But if you've never manually disabled your blacklist, search results should always be filtered.


Former Staff

wat8548 said:
I wonder if double exclusions confuse the logic somehow?

It shouldn't. The blacklist is relatively robust when it comes to things like this.

Every post iterates over the entire blacklist, one line at a time.
For every blacklist line, a post checks if all of the following are true:
- all of the normal (non-negated, non-optional) tags on are present
- none of the negated tags are present
- at least one of the optional tags is present

Based on what nazwa said, I suspect that they just turned the blacklist off, couldn't figure out how to turn it back on, and decided that it's the site's fault.

bitwolfy said:
It shouldn't. The blacklist is relatively robust when it comes to things like this.

Every post iterates over the entire blacklist, one line at a time.
For every blacklist line, a post checks if all of the following are true:
- all of the normal (non-negated, non-optional) tags on are present
- none of the negated tags are present
- at least one of the optional tags is present

Based on what nazwa said, I suspect that they just turned the blacklist off, couldn't figure out how to turn it back on, and decided that it's the site's fault.

I've been toggling it all around to try making it work again. It's really stubborn.

Seems to work *now*, hope it will keep working.

nazwa said:
I've been toggling it all around to try making it work again. It's really stubborn.

Seems to work *now*, hope it will keep working.

You were probably clicking each blacklist item itself instead of "Re-enable all" before.

As we determined here ...If a user tries to go beyond the 1 DM per minute limit, they will receive a message saying that they've exceeded their hourly limit for this action. This was quite confusing and led me to believe I could only send one DM per hour.

aversioncapacitor' said:
On the takedown page, the lines mentioning that a commissioner/character owner can takedown their art immediately contradicts the line afterward mentioning to tell the artist to take it down instead (implying they shouldn't take it down theirselves)

"Commissioner or character owner wanting to remove art that the artist themselves has posted. In those cases please ask the artist to file a takedown request for you."

For art that was not uploaded by the artist, the commissioner/character owner can file a takedown for it. Art that was posted by the artist themselves can only be taken down by the artist.

watsit said:
"Commissioner or character owner wanting to remove art that the artist themselves has posted. In those cases please ask the artist to file a takedown request for you."

For art that was not uploaded by the artist, the commissioner/character owner can file a takedown for it. Art that was posted by the artist themselves can only be taken down by the artist.

Weird. Wasn't the case for me, and I see character/commissioner takedowns all the time.

Either way, the first two lines should be removed if that is the case here to remove that ambiguity, or rephrased.
Better yet, go with the first option only and ensure all people involved in the art get to say whether it stays up.


aversioncapacitor' said:
Weird. Wasn't the case for me, and I see character/commissioner takedowns all the time.

"Wasn't the case" for you in what way? Character/commissioner takedowns do happen often, since most art isn't uploaded by the artist.

aversioncapacitor' said:
Better yet, go with the first option only and ensure all people involved in the art get to say whether it stays up.

Ultimately, the vast majority of commissioned art is still copyrighted to the artist. The commissioner gets the right to their copy, but unless they've signed a contract that says otherwise, they don't get the copyright on the image (something like that would be far more expensive than typical commission prices), so don't have a legal say in where the artist allows copies to be posted. Similarly, copyright on characters is... very tricky. Copyright protects the creative expression of an idea fixed to a tangible medium, e.g. a specific drawing containing the character, so getting a copyright on the general idea of the character (of which multiple unique expressions can be created independently) requires passing a high bar that most furry OCs likely don't meet. It's not as simple as "my wolf OC is tall, bright pink, with a blue stripe down their chest!". Still, as a courtesy, e6 does allow commissioners and character owners to take down stuff as long as the artist, the actual copyright holder, wasn't the one who uploaded it... or if they can otherwise prove they do actually own the copyright on the piece instead of or in conjunction with the artist.

Standard disclaimer, I'm not a lawyer. This is just my understanding of copyright on commissions and characters as explained by an actual copyright lawyer.

millcore said:
Post the bugs you've found here. Please be as specific and as constructive as possible; the more info about the issue you include the easier it will be for us to fix it.

Other forums you can check: - List of changes that are NOT bugs - Quick FAQ/Q&A thread - For documentation problems - The theme/aesthetic issues (please read the main post before using)

If you find other bugs floating around in the forum you can post a link to those forums here so they don't get lost.
If you already made another thread for a bug then please go edit [Bug] at the start of the title so it's easy to spot.

I cannot access any images
Nm Just something I need to do


I can't upload anything. I've tried at least five times now, and every time it just stalls for two minutes before failing with the message "Error: Unknown error! undefined".

I've also been getting intermittent error 524s and I saw the Cloudflare DDoS wait screen once, which I'm guessing is something to do with it?

Update: my latest two attempts at uploading instead produced the message "error: Resolv::ResolvError - no address for".

Twitter, for what it's worth, is definitely up.


Former Staff

wat8548 said:
Update: my latest two attempts at uploading instead produced the message "error: Resolv::ResolvError - no address for".

Twitter, for what it's worth, is definitely up.

E621 seems to be having issues with uploading images from URL. It's not just Twitter – FA and Derpi had the same problem.
Uploading from a local file worked for me, though.


Former Staff

apotatothatflew said:
Cant seem to click on any post and veiw them everytime i do I get a error message.

This question gets repeated over and over again in this thread.
I suspect that you might not be in the "view" mode.

If you are on mobile, you should scroll down past all the posts until you see a "Mode" section. It's right above the blacklist, and the tags. Looks something like this:
On desktop version, it's in the sidebar on the left, right under the search bar:

Using a dropdown in that section, switch back to the "view" mode.

i've been having issues w my blacklist lately nothing seems to get blacklisted even when they get detected i tried disabling and enabling it a few times but it doesn't hide avatars or posts it says there are tags i've blacklisted and shows them but nothing gets censored etc.

d.d.m. said:
I noticed that several tags still appear when searching in the "Tags" section, despite being aliased to another tag (and having the 'Hide empty?' option set to 'yes'). You can see an example here with the tags purple_tentacles/purple_tentacle, but I've seen several other tags like this.

It appears that the original problem was fixed, since purple_tentacle no longer appears. However, the tags necklaces, naked_necklace, and chokers still appear in the "Tags" section despite currently being aliased away (and the 'Hide empty?' option set to 'yes'). I'm not sure what causes some tags to still appear, despite being currently aliased to another tag.


Former Staff

d.d.m. said:
It appears that the original problem was fixed, since purple_tentacle no longer appears. However, the tags necklaces, naked_necklace, and chokers still appear in the "Tags" section despite currently being aliased away (and the 'Hide empty?' option set to 'yes'). I'm not sure what causes some tags to still appear, despite being currently aliased to another tag.

It happens because the post count on those tags got stuck.

That number is cached to avoid having to recount it every time someone looks up a tag. Unfortunately, sometimes that caused glitches – in this case, the number wasn't set to 0 when an alias was created. And since the "hide empty" works based on that number being greater than 0, the tag still shows up in the list.

Let me know if you come across any other tags like that.
It's pretty easy to fix this sort of thing – I just have to click a single button.

d.d.m. said:
However, the tags necklaces, naked_necklace, and chokers still appear in the "Tags" section despite currently being aliased away (and the 'Hide empty?' option set to 'yes'). I'm not sure what causes some tags to still appear, despite being currently aliased to another tag.

Sometimes after being aliased, a tag will keep its original count, so the system thinks the tag still exists even though it's aliased to another tag. For instance, if you type in necklaces into the search box, you'll get as autocomplete: necklaces -> necklace 52k and necklaces 17. You can pick the second option and search for necklaces, but you'll get the results for necklace either way. purple_tentacle had that problem, but there was a refresh of all the tag counts done a couple months(?) ago, which fixed the tag counts for tags at the time. But aliases done since then may have tripped over the issue again.

The random post button doesn't give the +/- links next to tags, because it uses the wrong query parameter (should be ?q).

At the moment trying to exclude images that you've voted down in a search isn't working. -voteddown:(account name here) specifically is still returning images that I've voted down recently, however I noticed that it won't show images that I've voted down a long time ago.

EDIT - Looks like it's working properly again.


The translation code that applies/removes check_translation needs to do so to translation_check instead. The dialogue for marking as translated doesn't correctly detect translation_check, so it always keeps the checkbox for "translation check" blank, and marking as translated doesn't automatically remove translation_check like it should.

bitwolfy said:

It happens because the post count on those tags got stuck.

That number is cached to avoid having to recount it every time someone looks up a tag. Unfortunately, sometimes that caused glitches – in this case, the number wasn't set to 0 when an alias was created. And since the "hide empty" works based on that number being greater than 0, the tag still shows up in the list.

Let me know if you come across any other tags like that.
It's pretty easy to fix this sort of thing – I just have to click a single button.

watsit said:

Sometimes after being aliased, a tag will keep its original count, so the system thinks the tag still exists even though it's aliased to another tag. For instance, if you type in necklaces into the search box, you'll get as autocomplete: necklaces -> necklace 52k and necklaces 17. You can pick the second option and search for necklaces, but you'll get the results for necklace either way. purple_tentacle had that problem, but there was a refresh of all the tag counts done a couple months(?) ago, which fixed the tag counts for tags at the time. But aliases done since then may have tripped over the issue again.

I'm glad to hear that this error is easy to fix. All of the tags I've found that are glitched this way seem to be from a small bunch of approvals (from several months ago), since the more recently approved Aliases/Implications/BURs don't seem to have this error occurring (or they have this error resolved shortly after going through the approval process).

if a spoiler tag is left open and someone quotes a post containing it, it causes the spoiler tag to bleed into the post and flag it as a quote as well, because the quote tag can't be closed inside a spoiler tag, apparently.

As an example, try quoting this

I'm having an issue submitting a BUR, I'm trying to fix the big/huge/hyper distinction with bellies to make it consistent with how it works with butts, balls, etc. with this script

unalias huge_belly -> hyper_belly
implicate hyper_belly -> huge_belly
implicate huge_belly -> big_belly

but it spits out

Error: Error: Consequent tag must not be aliased to another tag (create implication hyper_belly -> huge_belly), Error: Antecedent tag must not be aliased to another tag (create implication huge_belly -> big_belly)

I'm guessing the way to work around this would be to split up the script to unalias huge_belly -> hyper_belly before doing the rest, but i was wondering if it was possible to do this without spamming the forum?

complete_degen said:
I'm having an issue submitting a BUR, I'm trying to fix the big/huge/hyper distinction with bellies to make it consistent with how it works with butts, balls, etc. with this script
but it spits out
I'm guessing the way to work around this would be to split up the script to unalias huge_belly -> hyper_belly before doing the rest, but i was wondering if it was possible to do this without spamming the forum?

Just gotta submit a new BUR after the unalias. You can set the existing topic number as the forum thread for it though, and then you aren't making a new thread for it.

Making an alias or implication request for certain tags seems to cause a flood of "Updated tag implication" notifications in the Mod Actions page. Seemingly because of this implication request for sonic_the_hedgehog_(series) -> sega, there are updated implication messages for a bunch of other Sonic-related tags that go from near the top of page 1 to the top of page 13. I think I remember seeing something similar happen with a Digimon implication or alias request causing pages of "Updated tag implication" messages for other unrelated Digimon tags, but I don't recall it happening for other series, e.g. a Pokemon implication or alias request doesn't seem to flood a bunch of updated pokemon tag messages.

Also post replacements just say "Unknown action post_replacement_accept". It'd be nice to have a link to the post that was replaced.


It seems like my upvotes on some, not all, posts are disappearing. There are even posts in my favorites that no longer have an upvote from me.

Anyone know if this is a bug or the result of something else?

metalforever666 said:
Blacklisting doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using Mozilla Firefox.

I'm also having trouble with my blacklist. It doesn't seem to want to block anything, and I'm both using a phone and on a laptop. Goggle Chrome on the lap-top and Samsung Browser on the phone.

kain241 said:
I'm also having trouble with my blacklist. It doesn't seem to want to block anything, and I'm both using a phone and on a laptop. Goggle Chrome on the lap-top and Samsung Browser on the phone.

Is this caused by either of the following two common problems, repeated several times across this thread?

  • Have you made sure that each entry in your blacklist is on a separate line, rather than all on one line?
  • Have you made sure that you never disabled your blacklist? If you are looking at an image that should be blacklisted and you see a list of strikethroughed tags in the top left that match terms in your blacklist, you can click the "Re-enable all" link to turn your blacklist back on.

I'm having issues with my blacklist. Nothing on my list is being removed. I have gore, diaper, scat. ect blacklisted and I still see them.

juggalover said:
I'm having issues with my blacklist. Nothing on my list is being removed. I have gore, diaper, scat. ect blacklisted and I still see them.

Check wat8548's message literally right above yours.

Posting this in one of the few moments I can connect, is everyone getting the Error 502 Bad gateway?

strikerman said:
Posting this in one of the few moments I can connect, is everyone getting the Error 502 Bad gateway?

I can access the e926 bsite, but e621 is down for me.

sheilacow said:
I can access the e926 bsite, but e621 is down for me.

Oh, you're right. Guess the questionable/explicit posts are stuck in horny jail for now...

Yeah, getting black list issues as well, they seem to combine certain ones for some reason and even separated ones only say something like this tag has only 70 images despite being thousands

~atomicargonian~ said:
Yeah, getting black list issues as well, they seem to combine certain ones for some reason and even separated ones only say something like this tag has only 70 images despite being thousands

The issue is almost certainly on your end.
Check wat8542's message above.

If you would like to provide an example of a tag that claims to only have 70 images despite having thousands, feel free to do so.

~atomicargonian~ said:
separated ones only say something like this tag has only 70 images despite being thousands

If you're talking about the number(s) next to the blacklist, that's the number of posts hidden on the current page, not the total number of posts on the site that would be blacklisted.

watsit said:
If you're talking about the number(s) next to the blacklist, that's the number of posts hidden on the current page, not the total number of posts on the site that would be blacklisted.

Also the total count is the number of blacklist line matches, not the number of posts that would be hidden. Posts that match more than one blacklist will be counted multiple times.

Personally I'd prefer if the total counted the latter, preferably updating itself as you toggle blacklists. But that may be a feature request instead of a bug.

bitwolfy said:
The issue is almost certainly on your end.
Check wat8542's message above.

If you would like to provide an example of a tag that claims to only have 70 images despite having thousands, feel free to do so.

you're right it was on my end, thanks for the help and also you guys as well, Some of my tags were on the same line while some weren't, I went back and made corrections and it worked just fine, I feel stupid X(

I've noticed when updating tags I sometimes see a list of changes attributed to me that I did not do, including both removals and additions. Is this a bug?

On a second thought maybe a tag update counts as submitting all of the tags over again, meaning any new implications, aliases, or invalid tags process as if the user added the original terms to begin with and it's literally impossible for the behavior to act otherwise if a user edits the tags before whatever system scans for those things gets to it?

I attempted to search the topic but I may have failed to do so properly. Sorry if this is well known.

An example is this post:

I added a few tags and noticed "romantic" and "against_surface" pop up, implications from existing tags.


zeorp said:
On a second thought maybe a tag update counts as submitting all of the tags over again, meaning any new implications, aliases, or invalid tags process as if the user added the original terms to begin with and it's literally impossible for the behavior to act otherwise if a user edits the tags before whatever system scans for those things gets to it?


Theres a weird bug on google chrome that when i play a .webm media the video looks glitch and corrupted, but when i open the same video on firefox the webm is displayed correctly
I dont know if this has something to do with the way that chrome loads webm files or if because theres something wrong with my computer

mta_2_train said:
Theres a weird bug on google chrome that when i play a .webm media the video looks glitch and corrupted, but when i open the same video on firefox the webm is displayed correctly
I dont know if this has something to do with the way that chrome loads webm files or if because theres something wrong with my computer

Does it happen with all webm posts, or just specific ones?
I am running the latest chrome version, and the videos work just fine. Tested with these: matatabi_movie_labo type:webm.

A screenshot of what the glitch looks like might also be helpful.


my blocklisted tags seem to seep through to my random searches. (ie: youth is on my blocklist, and i search up something like "animated fox" or something, and click random, and end up with a post with animated, fox, and youth.) does this happen to anyone else? this is problematic for me because i cannot view thumbnails, due to my shit internet and my ipod touch being a less than optimal e6 browser.

bitwolfy said:
Does it happen with all webm posts, or just specific ones?
I am running the latest chrome version, and the videos work just fine. Tested with these: matatabi_movie_labo type:webm.

A screenshot of what the glitch looks like might also be helpful.

oh, i think ive experienced this!
it was on chrome android, with only specific webm's. they would semi play, but stream and download corrupted-ish. still playable, but streaks of unpredictable color. this post by deretto was the only one that comes to mind that had said glitching on it, but it happens infrequently elsewhere as well.

I'm having an issue removing post #2132833 from my favorites list. The favorite button is green showing that I have un favorited it but its still showing up on my list. This seems to be the only thing on my list that is glitching.

Edit for more information: clicking the favorite button brings up an error message that reads "Error: You have already favorited this post."

durzthedemon said:
I'm having an issue removing post #2132833 from my favorites list. The favorite button is green showing that I have un favorited it but its still showing up on my list. This seems to be the only thing on my list that is glitching.

Edit for more information: clicking the favorite button brings up an error message that reads "Error: You have already favorited this post."

Try this: go to id:2132833, switch to "Unfavorite" mode in the sidebar (under the search bar), and click on the thumbnail.

bitwolfy said:
Check wat8548's message literally right above yours.

I've done all that, disabled then re enabled. Nothing seems to be working. I'm still seeing things that are black listed.

juggalover said:
I've done all that, disabled then re enabled. Nothing seems to be working. I'm still seeing things that are black listed.

What about making sure that each entry in your blacklist is on its own separate line, rather than all on one line? Have you done that as well?

In user pages whose latest uploaded and favorited posts hit my blacklist rules, expanding the "Blacklist" element to show all the rules violated squeezes the user's "About" box to the right side of the page.

kemonophonic said:
Comments on is broken, on my profile page at least. Comments older than 2 months do not appear and this comment from yesterday doesn't appear at all.

Comments on your own posts has a hard limit of 300 at the moment which means you really only see the most recent ones if you upload quite a bit like you do. I can't exactly explain why that one comment doesn't show up but my guess would be that it's because the post is a bit older and it somehow didn't make it because of that. I checked some of my own posts and the same is happening for me too. The limit is on the TODO list and I think once that is taken care of the other issue should fix itself too.

How do blacklists work? I've entered a few keywords, one on each line like it says but I still see everything I've tried to hide.

donshep said:
How do blacklists work? I've entered a few keywords, one on each line like it says but I still see everything I've tried to hide.

It works exactly like that. For example, having a blacklist that looks like this will ignore any post that has either the male, solo, or horse tags:


Meanwhile, a blacklist like this will ignore any post that has both male, solo, and horse tags:

male solo horse

Make sure that the blacklist filters are actually enabled. In the sidebar, under the "Blacklisted" section, any filters that are crossed out are disabled.
Click "Re-enable all" to turn all of them back on. Should look something like this:

is anyone else having trouble with the black list?
never mind, found the solution in one of the previous posts.


Thumbnails for posts are not displaying properly. Shows empty boxes that quickly flicker the image when zooming in or out, then blank again. Using firefox on an android. Any ideas? Thanks