Topic: "Do we have a tag for that" thread

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

furrin_gok said:
Once upon a time there was Reach_around_fellatio, I can't find out what that was tagged on. Reach-around_oral is currently tagged on post #1580768, but that's the penetrating character also performing oral, not the recieving character.

I was initially thinking of oral_reach_around but that would basically stand for the same thing as the post above.

That's, in a way, contrary of what I had in mind. But it's a start to get polarization.

angievee said:
I imagine that fingering_while_penetrating is a little redundant.

Is it? It seems suitable to me, a character is fingering someone while penetrating someone, if maybe a bit nonspecific about what orifice is being penetrated or fingered. Reach down seems like a decent tag for a character reaching down along their partner's body to pleasure them while being pleasured by them, although I could see that end up either too vague or too specific.

omegaumbra said:
Is there a way to blacklist all hard drugs at once? Should hard_drugs be created?

You can add the drugs, you don't like to see, in one row on your blacklist. I think hard_drugs could be a legit tag. But the question is where is the line? Is cannabis considered a hard drug? I think opinions could vary for some people.

dubsthefox said:
You can add the drugs, you don't like to see, in one row on your blacklist. I think hard_drugs could be a legit tag. But the question is where is the line? Is cannabis considered a hard drug? I think opinions could vary for some people.

If it's in one row, only images with every single one would be blacklisted. They each need to be their own line.
Something like a recreational_drug tag would make sense, and ignore the problem presented by somebody not knowing if a drug should be considered hard or not. Cannabis can be a medical drug, but it's very hard to make that something you see.

furrin_gok said:
If it's in one row, only images with every single one would be blacklisted.

Prepending them with ~ would work. e.g. ~cocaine ~heroin would blacklist posts that have either cocaine or heroin.

dubsthefox said:
You can add the drugs, you don't like to see, in one row on your blacklist. I think hard_drugs could be a legit tag. But the question is where is the line? Is cannabis considered a hard drug? I think opinions could vary for some people.

I was considering hard drugs basically anything that wasn't like alcohol, cannabis, nicotine and hallucinogens.

I would love a tag that I could blacklist things like the hardcore chemical addictives ones (cocaine and heroin, for example) in a fast way, but searching for it I realize that, unless we use Wikipedia, there's no authoritative definition for what is a hard drug...

supina said:
Tag for when topwear has slipped over shoulder on one side?

off_shoulder would include that, although that tag also includes when both sides are lowered.


watsit said:
Prepending them with ~ would work...

Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.

omegaumbra said:
I was considering hard drugs basically anything that wasn't like alcohol, cannabis, nicotine and hallucinogens...

That's the problem I see there. I wouldn't consider cannabis a hard drug too. But most politicians in Germany would. Maybe we should rather create chemical_drug and herbal_drug. Maybe recreational_drug but that's also quite vague in my opinion because you can use all drugs as recreational drugs, even though its illegal. (wait you can't. In Germany, you wouldn't say drug to medicine that confused me)

In my opinion there should be a detailed_feet tag, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd rather filter out things like very wrinkly feet, though it may be a little subjective what would count as detailed.

krabitz said:
In my opinion there should be a detailed_feet tag, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd rather filter out things like very wrinkly feet, though it may be a little subjective what would count as detailed.

wrinkly_feet exists.

furrin_gok said (direct link forum #311439)
post #2785543 post #2722177
Is there a tag for the hands that rodents and raccoons have? They've got five fingers like primates do, but they don't have opposable thumbs.

Seems nobody has a tag for this, but I can't think up anything new for it. Raccoons aren't rodents, but they also have those hands.

furrin_gok said:

Seems nobody has a tag for this, but I can't think up anything new for it. Raccoons aren't rodents, but they also have those hands.

The best name I can think of is non-opposable_thumbs, though it seems like a less than intuitive tag name.

haryldson said:

Is there any kind of tag for characters that are represented in a post but not as an actual character ? Like a plushie / drawing / poster, etc.

For example, sonic in these instances :

post #2738918 post #1997942 post #1816877 post #1745700

Maybe print_character or printed-on_character, but neither of these covers plushie or toy representations of characters. Similarly, toy_character doesn't cover drawings or posters (and could probably be easily mistagged). Something like non-present_character would be too ambiguous and easy to mistag. (hopefully someone can think of a better tag name)

I'm wondering if there's a tag used for juxtapositions. Specifically, where one part is normal and SFW while the other is sexual.
For example, a woman is sitting at a cafe talking to someone, but a disembodied hand is holding up a cellphone showing her giving a blowjob.

Sort of like this
post #2830621
but with something sexual going on in the phone screen.

Doesn't have to involve a cellphone specifically. Could just be two different images stuck together like a split-screen game. As long as there is a juxtaposition.

I've seen the Before_and_after tag, but that's for transformation. There's also an actual juxtaposition tag, but no one's using it.

popoto said:
I'm wondering if there's a tag used for juxtapositions. Specifically, where one part is normal and SFW while the other is sexual.
For example, a woman is sitting at a cafe talking to someone, but a disembodied hand is holding up a cellphone showing her giving a blowjob.

I believe that's ruined_reputation.

jakxxx3 said:
I believe that's ruined_reputation.

Thank you. This will make a fine addition to my collection!
Speaking of which this tag could really be built up more. Perhaps I shall undertake that sometime.

post #996378
Is there a tag for the whole Crete bull scenario
where a peep is inside of Box or "Bull" with
another peep doing the biz with it? โ•น โ•น)

pasiphae_structure is close but, Not quite, ya know?

notkastar said:
post #996378
Is there a tag for the whole Crete bull scenario
where a peep is inside of Box or "Bull" with
another peep doing the biz with it? โ•น โ•น)

pasiphae_structure is close but, Not quite, ya know?

That's basically what the wiki for the tag says it's for.

For tagging purposes, a pasiphae_structure is device where a living creature is placed inside to be penetrated by some other creature

That said, the closest thing I can think of would be sex_box but I'm not sure if that'd scratch that itch or not. Depending on why exactly you like the tag, you might want to consider looking at the related ones like breeding_mount, rape_rack, fuck_bench or breeding_stand as well as through_wall or stuck.


What do you tag for the patch of different-colored fur around the eyes, like the ones seen on pandas and raccoons?

g273435d said:
What do you tag for the patch of different-colored fur around the eyes, like the ones seen on pandas and raccoons?

I think mask_(marking) is what you're looking for. Or perhaps eye_markings.
You can also use facial_markings if the first two fail.


Do we have specific tags for what the characters say during sex?
For instance, when one asks for more, or asks the partner to go faster or deeper.
Does dirty talk suffice in those cases or should I use more specific tags?
Example: post #2877073

bpedron said:
Do we have specific tags for what the characters say during sex?
For instance, when one asks for more, or asks the partner to go faster or deeper.
Does dirty talk suffice in those cases or should I use more specific tags?
Example: post #2877073

I don't know if we have specifically tags for this. From what I know we would use umbrella terms for these situations as to not bloat the tags. But from what I've seen of what you tagged here and the changes history it seems like the tag that you want is begging_for_more which I think it should suffice.

Ps. I saw that you used asking_for_more, I think we should alias this. :p

How can I find male prostitution? But m/f only, the implication being that the women hired a male prostitute?

gallagar said:
How can I find male prostitution? But m/f only, the implication being that the women hired a male prostitute?

I tried dominant_female male/female ~prostitution ~money
and found only these posts that seemed to fit your criteria:
post #2294276
post #464162
post #96758

You could also try simply: prostitution male/female and go
through everything as there's only 12 pages, it seems possible.

There's also some posts of quotefox that seems to have this vibe of a female
paying or looking for quote_(quotefox) to have sex,
some of it seems bordeline prostitution, so I think this counts?

Be warned that these have hyper_penis

post #2878342
post #2742966
post #2694458
pool #18806

Maybe someone else can help you better. As I'm really not sure how to find
what you want. But hopefully you found something worth. (โ•ฏ๏ธตโ•ฐ,)

Is there a tag for when one pupil is larger than another? In post #2886308 I've used o_0 but that mainly refers to the actual eye, including the sclera. I'm thinking something along the lines of heterochromia where only the pupil matters, except for size/shape instead of colour. Any ideas?

I wonder if there should be a tag like implied_young or pedophilia_(lore) for situations like this post:
post #2892647
There are probably other similar ones as well, currently there is no way someone could blacklist them so would a new tag be warranted?

supina said:
I wonder if there should be a tag like implied_young or pedophilia_(lore) for situations like this post:
post #2892647
There are probably other similar ones as well, currently there is no way someone could blacklist them so would a new tag be warranted?

I don't even see that as implying he's talking to actual children. People call their peers kids sometimes, especially when they're in a higher position in work/school or if they've been there longer.

I'm currently producing a set for Serperiors with full arms, I'm wondering if these would count as anthrofied since a Serperior normally just has a skinny, short leaf arm, or if we should have a draconcopodified tag to go along with draconcopode.

...Now that I've typed that out, draconcopodified can go both ways, partially feralizing a normally anthro/humanoid character, so perhaps both would be relevant.

post #2239006
What about a tag for a Serperior's normal arms? Would those qualify as leaf arms or something else?


furrin_gok said:


draconopode anthrofied does give a few results, but not enough to reach a consensus. I do think there'd be value in having a unique my-legs-turned-into-a-snake tag. "draconcopodified" is kind of a mouthful, but I don't think there's a better option.

strikerman said:

draconopode anthrofied does give a few results, but not enough to reach a consensus. I do think there'd be value in having a unique my-legs-turned-into-a-snake tag. "draconcopodified" is kind of a mouthful, but I don't think there's a better option.

Be easy enough to alias lamiafied to it, that's a lot less of a mouthful. And less of a struggle to type it out--an important fact considering Zaltys and I typed it as draconcopode (without the N) and you typed it as draconcopode (forgetting the C). Maybe we should also alias a few minor typos over.

Is there a tag for giving "the talk"? sex_education is pretty close, but that's in a classroom setting. I'm trying to find something that the private conversation where someone has sex explained to them. Generally parent -> child, but not necessarily. Could be sibling -> sibling, or like a non-relative friend, etc

Because my smooth brain canโ€™t figure out if thereโ€™s a term and/or tag for it, I might as well ask so I can at least say Iโ€™ve tried.

Nipple Slip But Notโ€ฆ The bra is purposefully down just enough to have the nipples out. What is this called? And why is this bugging me so much that I canโ€™t figure this out?
Examples I could find:

Apologies for stupid question.

msarcticfoxy said:
Because my smooth brain canโ€™t figure out if thereโ€™s a term and/or tag for it, I might as well ask so I can at least say Iโ€™ve tried.

Nipple Slip But Notโ€ฆ The bra is purposefully down just enough to have the nipples out. What is this called? And why is this bugging me so much that I canโ€™t figure this out?
Examples I could find:

Apologies for stupid question.

I don't think there's a specific tag for this. Might want to try nipple slip minus non-consensual, exhibitionism & skimpy clothing tags. I tried this:

nipple_slip -accidental_exposure -wardrobe_malfunction -assisted_exposure -bikini -pasties

Not great, but it does remove about 12 pages worth of stuff. Perhaps you could try the areola_slip tag instead of nipple slip too. I imagine there'd be more instances of conservative slips rather than everything practically hanging out.
That's all I got. Maybe someone else has a better answer.

popoto said:
I don't think there's a specific tag for this. Might want to try nipple slip minus non-consensual, exhibitionism & skimpy clothing tags.

I don't think nipple_slip should apply for clothing that's designed to leave the nipples (partially) uncovered, as in post #2904236 or post #1918625. I don't think it should count for a character that's in the processing of undressing either, like in post #2901951.

watsit said:
I don't think nipple_slip should apply for clothing that's designed to leave the nipples (partially) uncovered, as in post #2904236 or post #1918625. I don't think it should count for a character that's in the processing of undressing either, like in post #2901951.

I don't disagree but bunny costumes & corsets aren't meant to leave nipples uncovered. Or at least, the typical designs aren't. I can't imagine the OP having better luck with undressing though maybe lingerie or specific types of clothing like bunny_costume would be worth a look.

post #2905410 post #2760576
I've noticed that Krystal is frequently drawn wearing some form of "forehead necklace". Foreheadlace sounds rather silly, but excluding Bindi as brought up in forum #16784, since it's not just a single jewel, the best term I can find is maang_tika, sometimes written as a single word. Maang tika is typically a single chain that lowers straight down, rather than two chains supporting it from the sides. Is there any better term available for that?

g273435d said:
Is there a specific tag for sex in a nature setting/backdrop? (other than nature + sex)
post #2899490 post #2275196

I'd say on_grass is your best bet.
There's also on_ground which will give some results with a nature setting, but there will be also unrelated posts to your specifications.

Recommend searchs:

  • ~on_grass ~on_ground sex outside;
    • The quickest option and the recommended one for your specifications. Maybe some unrelated posts will leak, but it shouldn't be that bad.

Yep, I think that's it.โ €(โ €๐Ÿ‘โ €.โ €โ €_โ €.โ €)๐Ÿ‘

Do we have a tag for feeding someone via regurgitation(you know how some birds feed their young)?
I'm having trouble finding art of the fetish

Hey guys, I'm looking for some more tags to add in order to convolute my posts and satisfy my tagging needs. My Quick Tags is filled by 5 rows, might make a sixth.

I'm looking for SEX POSES, I have no idea what any sex position tags are out there that I can use so please give me a LIST.
here's what I know: missionary, doggy style, hot dogging, from behind, standing sex...that's it.

If you could, please link the tags so I can see for myself.
post #1539534 post #1625754 post #1840710

closetpossum said:
Hey guys, I'm looking for some more tags to add in order to convolute my posts and satisfy my tagging needs. My Quick Tags is filled by 5 rows, might make a sixth.

I'm looking for SEX POSES, I have no idea what any sex position tags are out there that I can use so please give me a LIST.
here's what I know: missionary, doggy style, hot dogging, from behind, standing sex...that's it.

If you could, please link the tags so I can see for myself.
post #1539534 post #1625754 post #1840710