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@Chaser: I read your FAQ... (I don't think you should be a Janitor) You should totally be an Admin.

So I did the math and there's like 300 male only images in my fovorites. So I was like shieeet:

300/6,345 comes out to .04728... therefore it's like I'm %5 gay. But I was told that it's not gay if it's feminine.

@Aster_Viridian: post #249240

@morderent: well i'm a retarded furry thats in the closet about being a furry like 99% of all furrys

In response to blip #93593

@Doomguy666: I just forced my PS4 pro to use 1080p output to get more consistant framerate out of Kingdom Hearts 3. Because 4K is exact 2x dimensions of 1080p and 3x 720p and the upscaler in samsung is great, it still looks amazing even in game mode.

Don't remember finding this area in PSO EP 1&2 (GC) before.

Seabed Lower levels (piston/broken glass room). Hidden walkable area to room with weapons. =^-^=

This really sucks. My battery backup blew up, and when I come onto here to talk about it I find out that I got a negative. Didn't know not liking a certain person was against the rules.

In response to blip #93597

@Doomguy666: all PS3s can play ps1 discs

Only certain larger older model ps3s play ps2 discs. There was a component in them that made the original PS3 expensive so they just got rid of them in later models if memory serves me correctly.

This idea had come to my mind. To any Administrators, as you would (or other moderators) delete the flagged post (any kind), do you keep a... let us say the 'archived copy' of the deleted post, or it would be straight up deleted from this site?

In response to blip #93591

@Mairo: Its different for gaming I guess. I became some kind of whiz at modding skyrim. I got it at like 30-45 FPS with an ENB. I can dig FPS for gaming. High frame rate looks odd to me on movies because it looks too "fluidly" smooth, if that makes sense.

In response to blip #93577

@vex714: altough I will say to this, I just had someone with 240Hz monitor, saying how 60FPS capped game looks amazingly smooth for them because of their monitor
There are times when numbers are so high that for some individuals it won't make difference