In response to blip #94468
You don’t get it.
I’m not using a single note like Cher uses when singing “Believe”. I’m using a chorus autotune. It’s a lot difficult than you think.
You don’t get it.
I’m not using a single note like Cher uses when singing “Believe”. I’m using a chorus autotune. It’s a lot difficult than you think.
@Versperus: Nice! I did a few wikis on characters I like, but I may go overboard with minute plot details like for Mashiro :7
I don't know how big a wiki is supposed to be but I think the one I did on Wolfrun is probably how big it ought to be.
@vex714: I think for me I get the most gratification out of finding artists for un-tagged posts and creating the wikis for them, after all they should be recognized for their work!
@vex714: I didn't notice that :p
Thank you!
@Odisaodi: you can go to your "My account" page and hit the "Search for myself in comments"
vex714 said:
I'm thinking Nintendo @ E3?
Yes! Best place to show Animal Crossing NX finally.
Is there a way to know when someone replies to a comment you made?
@Versperus: Lol right? For now, I help and upload as a little side hobby when I can. My greatest satisfaction comes from introducing new artists from various places like Pixiv. Thanks again to those who helped me and put up with my jokes/memes.
@vex714: Ahahaha same mostly, though admittedly I try poking all the staff when I have questions
@Versperus: I learned new things from Kemonophonic and other users. Even learned feralized from Dice after rechecking my uploads for tag updates.
If I didn't have other responsibilities, I would definitely contribute more than I already am.
@Versperus: Thanks, I originally was posting pretty blind at first. Mairo helped me tremendously with my site incompetence/illiteracy countless times. Blind_Guardian with help of ratings. Ratte on commercial content before all pay content was DNP.
@vex714: I'm not surprised, you have good ratios for your stats
Recognition always feels nicer when it's unexpected :v
Samael Morningstar said:
@furballs_dc: What happens tuesday?
I'm thinking Nintendo @ E3?
Gryphon The Gray said:
Finally past 100 uploads to e621/e926 today
I like your upload to tag ratio
Finally past 100 uploads to e621/e926 today
@furballs_dc: What happens tuesday?
@Gallil: wait maybe i should just redraw that..?
thank you for the explanation
artifact-y look was due to the original image almost being corrupted
how do you suggest i get 44 upv again on something that isnt a meme
@Gallil: it was upvoted because it was good meme. I did see that post but I was not sure was it enough to justify being alt version to main post and the main post looked artifacty even if art was allright. Also blips again, not gonna say more here.
You realize autotune is not a "quick fix" for singing at the proper pitch, right?
God dammit, every pitch I try to autotune my voice, it doesn’t seem to match up with my song. Mainly my chorus being off putting.
Back to square one, I guess... .__.
thank you for telling me, this is how i learn
wait, evaluation? as in, i can have thepost recovered?.
slyroon said:
The E621 uploading guidelines out of context:a different skin color does not make a human relevant
I want context
@Gallil: Buddy, requesting approval isn't the best idea. If automod has taken out a post of yours dmail a janitor and ask them kindly for evaluation.
i know this is gonna sound really whiny, but can i ask that a janitor approve some of my last few posts so the auto mod wont take them down before a mod can see them? please and thanks? my best scoring post of all time was taken down due to this. (44 upv)
bulgenoticingmachine said:
@Ratte: how the fuck are you a porn site admin if you don't like porn?
e6 isn't porn site. It's a furry art archive. Ratte isn't a porn site. He's a Admin.
Sweet jesus, congratulations to Mapachito, LoupMoune, Damien-The-Red-Panda, and Vex714 for your records and ranks! keep it up amigos
@vex714: Cogratz on the green!
@BooruHitomi: I'm looking forward to the flight simulator more than anything, tbch. It's what inspired my affinity for aviation
Everybody flippin' the fuck out that Keanu Reeves is in CyberPunk 2077.
I’m in utter jaw-drop myself. :O
@auto_moderator: :(
@vex714: I found gorillaz on my own in my teen years, around the time I was into wacky shit like yfm
~HellHoundJax~ said:
@HellCatDice: blip
@Chaser: Yes, looking back at it, that was in poor taste. I could've chosen a better way to say that US media rarely focuses on how different life in some other countries can be.
Would it be possible for me (or you) to edit that line out?
@Versperus: Though, I never actually listened to that single until the MW2 trailer came out.
@French_Fried: Rock, Metal, and cocaine, like an episode of Metalocalypse.
@Versperus: My eldest brother liked alternative stuff. CDs of Audioslave, Papa Roach, and Gorillaz were passed on to me. Got the Eminem Show CD, Til I Collapse was good.
@vex714: My sister got me into emenem when he was fresh to the streets, and punk rock.
@French_Fried: you forgot about crack
@vex714: I feel like in the 2000s the only kind of decent rock that remained was metal
But yeah man, good stuff
@DGM: After you said that I looked at your posts for crops :V
@Kemonophonic: oho! I had a feeling that's what P and C stood for, but I didn't know what they meant when coupled together with U. Thanks again.
I knew it. The 1999/2000's have come back to haunt me with more Blair Witch. Not a problem though, Keanu Reeves is in Cyber Punk.
@Zale: and actually they laugh pretty good too
If I am correct, bedrock edition is windows only. It is also incompatible with java edition, but it is compatible with console.
When I'm bored, I get pics off here, crop them, then make them profile pics on a fake YouTube account so all the hot bits are in the corners where you can't (normally) see.
Here's the channel:
@Cat-in-Flight: uploaded stuff of mine yet again
even against of what the artists has written in the description
takedown filled
Samael Morningstar said:
Hello again, everyone. How's it?
Waiting for Tuesday.
Hello again, everyone. How's it?
@jojobizad: hey its Fox, u still around????
When you're trying to flag cropped images but you're out of flags -_-
@French_Fried: Growing up I listened to my older brothers music like System Of A Down, Rob Zombie, and The Gorillaz along with my other older brothers interest in Depeche Mode and The Killers. The 2000's man I swear.
Microsoft just had their E3 presser.
So, Forza Horzion 4 is getting a Lego expansion, Microsoft Flight Simulator is coming back, Keanu Reeves is in Cyberpunk 2077, and the T-800 is in Gears 5.
What’s your guilty pleasure song? I’m a hardcore classic rock/grunge fan, but I heckin love this song
@Lafcadio: but wouod it be easier on my laptop to run? My laptop has the occasional tendency of shutting itself off when it works too hard and I want to keep those random resets at a minimum
Chameloshi said:
Does anyone know if Minecraft Bedrock is better than Java for low end laptops or not?
Bedrock is compiled from C++ rather than interpreted through Java, so it should run better on all systems.
Does anyone know if Minecraft Bedrock is better than Java for low end laptops or not?
@Talwu: animation was extremely bad and I had accidentally approved it and I'm too lazy to fix deletion reason as it technically doesn't even matter, especially when animation is inferior to the static image from all aspects.
@vex714: god that should be on e6 lol
@Versperus: oh I get it
@vex714: I think it just evolved from bork
@Rakan: Sup mah werewolf :D
I have a question:
When looking at thumbnails on a page what does
PCU, PU, CU, and U mean?
@Versperus: maybe they are just sweet like kibydangos) ? Or as I'd like to say kibydoggos
@bulgenoticingmachine: thanks. i mostly deal with tickets/records/users. only really deal with posts if i absolutely have to.
@Zale: Yeens are pretty cool.
@Versperus: I mean we're talking like really early 2000's and I still remember that candy. The cigars, I pretended I was Triumph the Insult Dog and always told poeple: that's nice...FOR ME TO POOP ON!