In response to blip #94655
@Kemonophonic: You want to talk about models you shit poke @Dracotay
@Kemonophonic: You want to talk about models you shit poke @Dracotay
All these images have no artist tag, but they are sourced. Sources almost always have artist tags. They are just not on the post due to neglect or unawareness on how to categorize
Versperus said:
@Ipsi: Speaking of which I haven't gone threw the untagged artist pile in a while, I think I'll give it a tackle soon.
How do you usually find a artist?
@Ipsi: Speaking of which I haven't gone threw the untagged artist pile in a while, I think I'll give it a tackle soon.
@Ipsi: Mostly it's was agitating, as sometimes the only reason a post didn't have an artist tag, it's due to the fact a user changed the artist tag type to general or character. It's why I'm happy metatags aren't member level anymore.
Versperus said:
@Ipsi: I see enough of those when I'm going threw the ever growing pile of untagged sourced artists #_#
That must be.... interesting
Thanks man. :v
Mostly due to good behavior.
@Ipsi: I see enough of those when I'm going threw the ever growing pile of untagged sourced artists #_#
Versperus said:
@Ipsi: I've legitimately never used that button.
I like to find interesting images that way.
@Ipsi: I've legitimately never used that button.
@W0LFB3AT5: I think that since the forum was made asking how to report good behavior, there has been a lot more looking for the good rather than the bad which is kind of nice
Does anyone esle click on the random button, and like what you see so much you leave a comment? Even though a image is years old?
@darkazma: Congrats on the green record!
@W0LFB3AT5: gotta admit that logo is very impressive 👌 nice job
Huh. Wow.
Who’s got ‘em? Besides you? I didn’t even bother to read them.
There has been a lot more green records and promos going out recently, and it's a lot nicer to read those records
@darkazma: Congratulations on the Green
I just can't get over how rad this model is. And so solidly built too, it's jusy real nice to handle
Rokario said:
I wonder how back in 1998 when furries becomes popular....
yes, but like i said, that's just what people do. i was making a pointless statement, not arguing a side.. since the joke failed, ill take my headassery somewhere else.
@Gallil: great but it also doesn't mean a post is worth keeping in the same vein that something with a lot of downvotes doesn't mean it's worth deleting. you are confusing emotions for how things actually work on a website with rules and guidelines.
Good lord I've spent a lot of time building today... That Bastion model is way too cool though. Transforms and everything.
"i hope someday people get it through their heads that votes and comments don't matter when deciding quality."
its in human nature to search for validation in meaningless things like that. it just feels good to get lots of upvotes, y'know?
Wow, you got it on the first try. Nice. :v
Unpopular opinion: the heavy metal band that jacksepticeye played in, Raised to the Ground, is actually pretty decent, minus the singer
@W0LFB3AT5: hehehe, it’s a beatbox
@TheHuskyK9: but is it your final form?
@Kodanis: abuse of dtext locked for privileged+, abuse of bio character limit, good doze of unicode character 'FULL BLOCK' (U+2588) █ and converting low res image pixels into HTML table to have ground to work on notepad++
@Silounous: Thank you kindly Silounous!
@NotMeNotYou: Ooooh! I see... Perhaps it's easy for you to see, because you're used to see it... I do see the compression artifacts, though. If I make it a PNG, and try to soften the edges, will it get accepted?
> •w• <
laranja said:
@But_Why_Master: Sorry, ma'am
could care less
@MakeMe: oh wait, or do you mean adding a new artist. i might find a piece where the artist is not listed, so i make it quick, and search for their links (if you mean that too), but i dont do it often if thatll be their only post that will stay on
@MakeMe: what do you mean? if you mean like the exact artist tag, well its easy if i know the artist, or if you mean for posts like exed-eyes where his tag is not writable without copy and paste, i just quickly search a post of his with diff tags and copy
@Mairo: How in the world did you do get that giant picture of your head in your user info???
@vex714: woo congrats on the green rectangle, you deserve it
@Pupslut: pupslut pos rec when
You know, I came into the Nintendo Direct thinking that any character would be fine, but I had a really good time watching Steveposters flip out about Banjo.
LilSkudushlin said:
@NotMeNotYou: I need some help, I tried emailing but I never managed to get into contact with you. My post, gif that I made, got wrongfully deleted from this site.
Check forum #235851.
laranja said:
@But_Why_Master: Sorry, ma'am. Never meant offense.
@Gallil: if you want to carry on actual conversations, use dmails. blips are just e6's twitter system.
@Arkanium: i hope someday people get it through their heads that votes and comments don't matter when deciding quality.
@But_Why_Master: Sorry, ma'am.
@NotMeNotYou: I need some help, I tried emailing but I never managed to get into contact with you. My post, gif that I made, got wrongfully deleted from this site.
@Arkanium: Your turned a lossless PNG image into an 80% JPG file. The edited parts themselves also have a bunch of rough edges, making it very visible what parts have been edited.
@vex714: I don't pay attention to court unless it's judge judy or one of those types.
@Versperus: Gave it the once over. I was like "Whaaat?" When I saw Experiment number 626 associated with 6/26. Surprised me that there was an association to the court case.
@vex714: At least now is a tag to its proper name which states it as a history month, which personally I believe the tag alone will give people an understanding as to why it's a month long and what it truly is.
@Arkanium: I'm not grading you're edit, just saying the votes/favs don't contribute to how they grade stuff here
@NotMeNotYou: Hi! I don't understand why you deleted post 1899915.
I already posted something similar, and I was told that it was "low effort", and now I did a new one, but you tell me that it's bad... How do you judge of that? It even had four upvotes!
@CCoyote: I get ya. Just something I was noticing. Like, it's good to celebrate pride month. People ought to know at least something about the struggle.
Cool that it's in CA schools btw.
@Doomguy666: That sounds badass. I own Nightmare Creatures 2, but never played it. I liked watching my brother play it back then. I only played the first Creatures game
@Kemonophonic: I first heard Smash Mouth back when MTV actually played music videos
@Gallil: all blips are public :L
Versperus said:
@Gallil: Ironically the character limit is probably low to avoid long messages.
huh. that makes sense. also just realized there's a public blips page, i am offically a dumbass
@Gallil: Ironically the character limit is probably low to avoid long messages.
you're a mod, aren't you? why not ask the higher ups to give us longer character limit?
also i decided im not redrawing that, im not mad anymore
laranja said:
@But_Why_Master: Your welcome, sir.
@Kemonophonic: what about 1998?, anything interested
@vex714: I remember when that came out and was really popular.
I was listening to this and it blew my mind when I started up nightmare creatures 2 and my favorite song started playing.
@sickassMOFO: lol, I can already see it.
@vex714: They will be playing that song for us old folks in the nursing home before too long.
@BooruHitomi: Kids these days getting older at a younger age.
*When Smash Mouths All-Star is twenty years old*
TheAmericanDragon said:
Listening to Post Malone [and Swae Lee]’s Sunflower gives me such a nostalgia vibes
This music is life
Nostalgia? The song's not even a year old from its release!
@Falcos-Commentary: A wonder this didn't happen sooner. Was he trying to become some kind of "meme review" type celebrity here or something? How annoying.
Listening to Post Malone’s Sunflower gives me such a nostalgia vibes
This music is life
vex714 said:
@Oberschutze: it's good, you learned something new. Love your uploads.
Thank you!
@CCoyote: There's all kinds of info out there on the net. I just haven't heard anyone mention or remember gay activists from news stations and media outlets. C-SPAN could at least have a documentary to teach something about the life and times about them.
Fruit salad
Yummy yummy
@Oberschutze: it's good, you learned something new. Love your uploads.