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In response to blip #93576

@Aster_Viridian: It's a good game, particularly the saber combat. It goes with the story of the Desciples of Ragnos, the Reborns, and Kyle Katarn all of which would have been excellent movie material sources tbh.

In response to blip #93541

@NotMeNotYou: That is definitely better than what I got. I'll just keep mine until it doesn't work. I'm not a fan of creating e-waste.

Best part about my computer is I can use an HDMI hookup from my tower to the "55 tv to watch movies and YT videos.

@French_Fried: Same

@Doomguy666: Yours is gone too huh? SEARS shrunk, but the stores aren't totally gone. You can get 4k tvs cheaper now, sometimes less than $500. I remember they were like two grand a few years ago.

In response to blip #93532

@Aster_Viridian: That's awesome! I've been modding skyrim for a few years. I don't even remember know how I got that tweaked to my liking. Star Wars:Jedi Academy was my favorite game. It has good saber duals plus the desciples of Ragnos story was good.

In response to blip #93517

@NotMeNotYou: damn, that's a lot the eyes can see. Perhaps I was mixing between the eyes and the processing power of the brain. But I'm not so sure of that considering how good my little brother played MW2 at the highest sensitivity setting.

In response to blip #93508

@CCoyote: welcome. I'm due for some kind of upgrade too, but my 1080P Panasonic television was built so damn good, it won't die.

With these new visual devices we'll see a drop in prices. Then they come up with something new. The tech cycle continues.