Meet the Mad Haterpillar with Henry Reich from Minute Physics
Grumpy Black Rain frogs.
Meet the Mad Haterpillar with Henry Reich from Minute Physics
Grumpy Black Rain frogs.
@Doomguy666: My older brother used to drink that like crazy. Never got a chance to drink it myself. My go-to drink then was SoBe Power fruit punch in a glass bottle. Wish Sprite Remix was around too. These days I'm drinking Guava Rockstar.
@vex714: best drink I ever drank was rockstar lime freeze, that's my Szechuan sauce it's my one armed man.
I'mma build a time machine just so I can go back and drink can after can again.
@vex714: right? I found it while looking at crossbows and I simply had to have it.
I currently have AR-15 peep sights on it until I feel like wasting an ass load of money on a good holographic sight.
@But_Why_Master: Mouthgasm from Pibb Xtra/Mr. Pibb. McDonalds had them a long time ago, like back when they had Neopets as toys.
@Doomguy666: oh wow, I've never seen one before. Pretty futuristic looking. Sleek beautiful design and ergonomic. Reminds me of the South African Neostead mixed with a WA2000.
All I got in terms of air rifles is just the Daisy Powerline 880.
I literally just busted a nut while drinking pepsi
Mine is a pneumatic so a bit different than a regular rifle, but I think that's part of the reason I love it so. It also shoots modified bolts in addition to 9mm pellets.
This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine
Do you take it apart and clean it too? I've only ever done handguns.
I think I love my rifle more than somebody should love an inanimate object.
I got giddy cleaning it listing to the music I listened to when I bought it.
It's my most favorite weapon I own.
@W0LFB3AT5: Paladins of the birb
“Do you wish to talk about our Lord and Savior,
@Gryphon_The_Gray: oi, now you've dun it guv.
You know, walking into an elevator is basically just consensual elevator vore.
@visal: mental roleplay? The wish of attaining something that is unattainable? Hopeless romanticism? Appreciation?
It's normal I guess. I mean Dexter did it and he turned out ok.
@TransfatAsshat: toiletvore.png
@visal: Why do people talk to images as if they are people? :thinking:
@Denix: Biggus Dickus Alpha male GTA 4 Brucie Boi got yeeted úwù
Though I did try finding the source of those images he posted and I haven't turned up anything useful. It only leads to R34 and a Reddit page of people hunting for the author.
@ThickityThickDick: Aw, he was kinda funny :c
isabelle breast expansion
@BlackLicorice: It's on occasions like this that I think of Morgan Freeman's words in that one interview. But I'm a bit of party pooper honestly.
@BlackLicorice: gay
happy pride month everyone!!!!
@Sirfox19: well, you see something not tagged correctly then you can change it if you want. Just as long as it's under the "tag what you see" rule.
@H2O2: Hey! you posted pics from Kitsunal's gallery here. You have just messed this up you asshole! erase the cub tag, characters involved on kitsunal's art are NOT pups or undergare! he got his account suspended because of this.
@Swegcam21: June 2nd: Pokémon Go?
More like
Pokémon Go: To Sleep
@Mdf: Plywood
@WaterYumi: Do you have an art gallery elsewhere? I tried Google search, FurAffinity and Weasyl so I could add something to (but couldn't find art gallery that seemed like it was yours)
Random person999999 said:
k hold on [/b] how about now?
Random person999999 said:
@Random_person999999: /b do this work?
k hold on [/b] how about now?
@Random_person999999: /b do this work?
@W0LFB3AT5: it has been, since like 2006. It started in /b/ on 4chan.
Apparently Saturday it’s considered, “Cat-urday.”
According to Imgur...
An Actual GOOD Wireless Keyboard For Nintendo Switch?
Maybe good for Animal Crossing NX.
@TheAmericanDragon: That's cool, at least you can get the 5G network soon. I'm just gonna stick with my 128 GB Iphone SE until it dies. My goal is to not buy a phone for another ten years.
Man I may leave the apple phone for now I’m May move to Samsung cause of the galaxy s10e :3
@Chameloshi: sweet
@Samael_Morningstar: He's the only one who's race is Crucible, as he is the Crucible
He can roll up to your house and say that your property is now a Crucible map and you can't really do anything about it
@Chameloshi: didn't know that crucible was a race.
What race is Lord Shaxx in the Destiny games? Is he a human, an exo, or an Awoken?
None, it is Crucible, his race is Crucible
Remember the movie 2012[/i] was considered a “thriller” movie? Heh! :v
@Cactus: Awww, she threw up on your shirt. She likes you.
@Ratte:These woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep...
Gotta keep your chin up and know that there are folks who care about the work. Best thing for you is hope more people become fans.
ILikeInfinityStones said:
@ILikeInfinityStones: Mlep
Welcome! Here's the info you were asking about in your comment.
He was always making such borderline creepy comments, it was only a matter of time. He genuinely seems like a bit of a kid-diddler with all the unusual knowledge he had on some subjects. Creepy dude. @CandleJake:
@vex714: commission only the commissioner cares about vs story work a lot more people enjoy. drowning in work nobody cares about is not as helpful as people seem to think.
@Ratte: Understandable, if it disgusts you then don't do it. Respect. Stick to your guns though you may have to bite the bullet a bit in terms of your time. Try to think of ways/platforms to promote yourself. Story and commissions feel right for now.
@Versperus: i don't really like most people's art and i still can't pay my loans with trades.
@vex714: this doesn't really fit what i do. my personal work revolves around a story, not just random fleeting thoughts. making nsfw makes me stomach-sick and commissions eat time that i could be putting toward story work which people enjoy a lot more.
@vex714: If they like something you suggest than sure
@Versperus: From what I remember, that poster was made in limited quantities. Sold out in less than a day. One is selling on eBay for almost $400. That also gives Ratte the option of maybe doing art of pop culture stuff?
@calebjoe: The first person to get permanently banned from e6 lol
@Versperus: I see, that's quite a predicament. Rattes got options. Framed images or art? People do it all the time
Example: here's my most favorite unique movie poster of Coboy Bebop
@Ohnoesapotroast: How is this possible?
@Rainbow_Dash: Hey, why did you delete my submission from Mamabliss? It said did not meet minimum quality standards? I mean, she has her own paysite for her work, and I and others commission her for illustrations all the time. Frankly, I'm confused.
@vex714: I don't believe it's so much a rule as ratte legitimately doesn't like nsfw stuff
@Ratte: All I can do for you now is consider a comish or Ko-Fi one day and hope by that time the ball and the dice roll in your favor. If anything, bouna fortuna to whatever you choose to do.
@Ratte: I respect your staunch position on the rule not to do nsfw. You didn't cave in to NSFW for a long time and that takes some fucking guts. But if you did, I don't think all of us would think less of you if you did.
@Ratte: It's entirely up to you on what to do later on. I wish more people could appreciate your art and do more business with you, but that's the way the world is though. Lotta horny folks and meme-lords (dorks) like myself.
@Ratte: The reason I suggested it, is trades tend to gain new followers well on social media platforms that both artists share, and while your FA is decent for follower count I think a higher twitter count could aid you.