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IKEA's are actually concentration camps
There is life on the sun
9/11 happens every year
Iraqi Stargates
Autistic water
Tides aren't caused by the moon
Meth makes you immortal
Apollo 11 landed on the wrong moon
Skin is an alien parasite

Creating an artist wiki for an artist that doesn't give information on where they archive is hard.

In response to blip #94278

@CCoyote: I know, just playing around. I would have mistagged sheep too tbh.

I'm not great at tagging *every* thing and I'm sure I miss something. Can't expect everyone to know everything.

How many average users could know "kitsune_sign"? I didn't.

In response to blip #94270

@Doomguy666: I didn't consider that. My head was on the endurance tests they did on Forged In Fire. Gotta think practicality rather than create a reason to use Flex Tape.

I took a look at the Kukri and it looks like my kind of tool.

In response to blip #94268

@vex714: I got a carbon fiber dagger with a titanium core, and a few neck knives made of carbon fiber or ceramic. knives are better at draw cuts then chopping so weight isn't an issue, you don't hack at food in the kitchen you cut it.

In response to blip #94264

@Doomguy666: That makes sense. Another lesson from a wizard with knives. The more you know.

I was thinking high end blades as being carbon fiber, but to me it doesn't make sense if it's too light. The heavier, the more momentum you build in a strike.

In response to blip #94263

@vex714: making jewelry isn't completely off the table, if I put in some effort I could probably sell jewelry on the side. plus I'd have more creative freedom working for myself rather than as a metal smith in a jewelry store.

In response to blip #94261

@Doomguy666: Thats pretty cool your teacher was featured in an ep. Would have rather learned jewelry making as opposed to ceramics. These days I just maintain arms. I Learned to appreciate Native American arts from an anthro class (metal, wood, textiles).

In response to blip #94260

@Doomguy666: huh, I didn't know that it would be tempered differently. I just assumed that a whole blade is tempered equally and throughout. Been a while since I seen any forging. Most of my exposure comes from watching the History Channel.

In response to blip #94257

@Doomguy666: Now that is a knoife.

Well, as long as the actual blade is is Forged In Fire champion quality and the piece you're thinking about along the spine (part of the tang) of the blade is strong, then I'd say you'd have a quality blade.

In response to blip #94244

@vex714: oh no if I have time it's mostly just cold work now, I haven't made my own knife yet, well other than a couple shanks.
Plus I don't really like hand guards on knives, they catch on things really easy and get in the way more than help.

@voldosbt: if you only took a bit more time with sourcing your uploads, I see your name popping up so many times that you would easily become higher tier uploaders.

In response to blip #94234

@W0LFB3AT5: I usually wear Kevlar gloves in case I get into a knife fight.

They actually protect my delicate artist hands when I'm working, I've never had a calluse, some breaks and cuts but they still look fantastic.

@unkown1832_11a0: Hi, if you don't mind me asking, how do you get the artist of your posts listed so quickly? I just started posting, and the only way I've found is to ask the admins, and wait until they do it.