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In response to blip #100951

@Doomguy666: Impressive, high customizable are always fun to tinker with. I mostly tinker with smaller things like computerized things and a few pistols. Haven't had the sense to work with rifles yet. Anyway, hope the parts work well for you.

Oh joy! The trigger blade is magnetic, which means I can get it titanium coated. It'll be gold toned which I think looks just fucking awesome.
Less is more as they say.

So I just posted my last attempt to be on here, if it is my last time being here then...
It was fun everyone. I hope to see you again on another site or something.

After about an hour of sanding and filing I got all the 3d printed parts fit to my rifle.
Much looser tolerances than I have at work, which is about +-.0025 between each part.

@hiroto: 131K+ favorites! (whistle) At this rate you're pretty much just faving the whole site aren't ye? :3

@RagnarokFreeman: Muchas gracias! Todo el crédito para los artistas que hacen un trabajo increíble y a sitios como este que reúne el tipo de contenido que muchas personas admiran! =)

If I had a dollar fur every time I wanted to type "Boi she thicc-er then a bowl a oatmeal." on a post, I'd be warned fur spamming/trolling and get 36 dollars. lmaow.

okay so I know what I'm putting up here for my last chance. It's a gif that was and still is for my YT outro. Also NotmeNotyou somehow found my YT channel even though this is the first time I've mentioned it.