In response to blip #100005
TheHuskyK9 said:
Fuck I missed it
123456 is sooner
TheHuskyK9 said:
Fuck I missed it
123456 is sooner
@NotMeNotYou: Why did the other image of that character tag get a pass, then? It's basically the same thing, just a different art style. If that's how the rules go I understand completely but I don't get why that happened
I'm completely sure!
KynikossDragonn said:
What the heck, that isn't flirting!
What the heck, that isn't flirting!
KynikossDragonn said:
Did you know you're also fluffy!?
Well that’s an interesting attempt at flirting
Did you know you're also fluffy!?
We've reached a bunch of arbitrary landmarks in a somewhat short time period. 2 million posts, 100k blips, 60k tickets, and we're rather close to 4.7 million comments.
@Hebleh: That "castform" is literally a human with fluffy hair, not a furry character or a fantasy species.
The rules are quite clear about things that have been turned into colored humans.
CCoyote said:
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: Sorry your attempt at intelligent conversation in the fora ran into nonsense. Not exactly a French Salon here. :/
Don't worry, I can discuss that topic on another platform.
@Mairo: Excuse me, you deleted this image here even though it's a Pokemon and not a human I don't know how else to comment or ask for you to fix this, but I'd like for it to be put back because it is allowed.
Good Thing We Had Protection!!
Lava Lamp experiments, very nice! =^-^=
Idem said:
WOW[/b]...and neat, gratz on the get.
@TheHuskyK9: another chance at 200000
Something silly.
Fuck I missed it
vex714 said:
@furballs_dc: nice :3
Yes. =^_^=
Fenrick said:
@Idem: we did it e621100,000 blips
this means something
I have no idea what though
It means petting is required.
@Idem: we did it e621
100,000 blips
this means something
I have no idea what though
Idem said:
Congrats, man
@Fenrick: Fennef fof
Something funny.
For hecc’s Sake people, it’s pronounced “pecan”!1!
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: say something funny
@furballs_dc: nice :3
It's that time again. More mugs 'cause why not?
Oh my! <3
Loudest Bird in the World Screams at its Mate | SciShow News
Ah, so Peacocks are third.
kahen kilon vittu said:
@Pawzbrush: Did you mistake blips for profile info or...?
probably bc I have no idea what im doing ;w;
Jack-O's Box said:
@Jack-O's_Box: Talking to myself is the number 1 thing I love doing
Mr. Robot would like to know your location
Makes perfect sense, honestly.
@Jack-O's_Box: Talking to myself is the number 1 thing I love doing
CCoyote said:
give me a good night kiss
Retsasidsavb said:
@Naruto-Kun: think of it as a tweet
@Naruto-Kun: what even is a blip? Like what is this supposed to represent? Do I leave a quote here? Can I attach an icon? 255 character limit!!!??? Whats going on, someone help please....
@Grux96: lmao
Anal sex said:
@joe: who tf is Joe
You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!
Yes it is, Odisaodisaodisaodisaodisaodi!
@KynikossDragonn: but it's not :/
What the hay does that even mean!?
r/Softwaregore | uh... you okay?
I'll take dat internet speed.
@Samael_Morningstar: I was sick all week but I'm much better now. I'm just gonna rest all weekend.
@Samael_Morningstar: We ballin'
@joe: who tf is Joe
Meow! <3
How''s everybody?
Sweet Mercy!
It's funny though. My favorite Wiimote is the third party Afterglow.
Month 3 of waiting for Sven yiff
@vex714: I can only imagine DasaDevil rising from the ashes and claiming it
Also, yeah, where I am, the air is so dry it’s uncomfortable to breathe
Nor Cal peeps, stay safe and wear a mask. The air quality is bad.
@somebodyusedtoknow: *keeps on scrolling*
Trees in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Really like the ability to move trees.
@French_Fried: my money's still on it being furballs.
@French_Fried: I wonder who...
CCoyote said:
@Axolotl: The person you pointed out looks like it might be a troll account.
faaar ouutttt you must be smart
Also the contents of your feed is entirely up to your own choices. If you do not want to look at art of artists who draw only women, then do not watch artists who draw only women. Watch artists who draw men if that's what you want to see.
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: When an artist draws mostly just women, it's rarely because they think that women are better. It's usually just that the artist finds women sexy. Especially if we are talking about furry art sites.
100,000th blip is coming up, who’s it gonna be?
Sweet Mercy Ganso Saiyuuki!