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Elon Musk just revealed an electric truck that looks like a vintage sci-fi movies take on a futuristic car and I honestly want one even though it's just a box

In response to blip #100879

@Kemonophonic: My personal recommendation would be a working one. After that how about trying a few out at a local music equipment store? They could definitely help you pick one suited for your needs, and let you test them in person.

@anon_jpg: Well fuck me. Ironic how the fetish defender went too far in the fetishes. At least the pun was good.

People always talk about the Florida man but nobody ever mentions the Florida police who have to deal with them everyday

Umm.... Hmm..... What should I draw? What should I draw?.....
What should I improve on with my digital art?.... A lot of things actually.
Oh you saw that? Sorry,just thinking out loud.

@BananaPancake: I saw the explosion of released works by merunyaa this morning. Thanks for uploading great stuff!

Greetings for Everyone who is and/or identifies as a man, Because November 19 is the International Men’s Day.

Saludos a quien sea y/o se identifique como Hombre, Porque el 19 de Noviembre es el Día Internacional del Hombre.

@Theforeveralonekid: Dang, another hindquarters love like myself.

Except only with more favourites than I have.
Perhaps we can share le collections, I'm certain we have some unique ones.

In response to blip #100831

@Sharp_Coyote: I have been eyeing a cbrps stock for the 10/22, that just looks cool.
unfortunately I only have so much fun money, and I want a match barrel for my m&p sheild next, comes with a polished feeding ramp.

In response to blip #100827

@Mr-boi1: Learn HTML and CSS if you want to design a page, Javascript if you want to introduce interactivity, and PHP if you need to programmatically generate HTML.
At minimum, you're going to have to spend a long time learning, or pay somebody else.

Just got a new chrome silicon steel hammer spring for my benjamin bulldog.
Now I just need to catch the extended reservoir while it's in stock and I'll have upgraded almost every part of the rifle.