In response to blip #100892
no! ... no "a"!
no! ... no "a"!
Elon Musk just revealed an electric truck that looks like a vintage sci-fi movies take on a futuristic car and I honestly want one even though it's just a box
@KynikossDragonn: aaaaaaaaa aaa aaaa. Aa. A.
@Kemonophonic: and if you’re looking to get real fancy, look into a five-string
@Kemonophonic: Get a cheap one that sounds decent like mine. You’ll find some good stuff at your local music shop for under $300. I bought mine at Guitar Center for about $150
Yoooooooooo said:
@retard oh fuck I wanted this username
well, the person that currently has it was banned for alternate reasons. so you might be able to ask a member of staff if you can have it.
@retard oh fuck I wanted this username
this one obvs
Tastey said:
@Tastey: using the 3DS for this shit is pretty poop
I’m using my phone
@Kemonophonic: My personal recommendation would be a working one. After that how about trying a few out at a local music equipment store? They could definitely help you pick one suited for your needs, and let you test them in person.
@TheBagelThief: god dammit i need food
Tastey said:
hey don't boomer me karen >:(
Oops my bad
@theultra: Please add cub tag to your cub uploads.
Say according to Star, Moon, Meteora, and Eclipsa image. How are you with drawing humans again? Also, could try drawing an image with Larry Lynx having a threeway with Leeta and Lyco Wolf?
@horse_balls_cocktail: que buen contenido :)
Congwatz on the gween mark Pup! UωU
Chaser said:
Hope your not on the HOOK for anything
Versperus said:
@Pupslut: gratz on the green
Seconded; I do not recall the last time the K-Noot handed out a green appletini, er, bar~!
@TinyDevilHorns: my latest comic is finished! post #2060894 Now that it’s finished, I’m taking requests again! Comment or message me if you want something drawn!
What do you mean? They edit posts like any other user who wants to contribute does.
@Idem: that's no ordinary user...
Mulcens is a user on this site like anyone else.
@anon_jpg: Well fuck me. Ironic how the fetish defender went too far in the fetishes. At least the pun was good.
It's been a few days, and this hasn't been approved yet.
I had to say.
What do you think about Leo-Wolf art?
People always talk about the Florida man but nobody ever mentions the Florida police who have to deal with them everyday
@Sherra~CD: I like your art 🖤
Hope to see more in the future!
Amazing Zelda Music Recreations in Super Mario Maker 2
Nice, but broken with 2+ players. :V
1,000km Cable to the Stars - The Skyhook
Ooh yes! =^_^=
Versperus said:
@Pupslut: gratz on the green
@Pupslut: gratz on the green
@kiolo: hewwo
@Falx: Best Boi
@Mephistopheles You want egg with your chicken?
@Cactus: ur a dum.
Chaser said:
E621: You have mail
E621: You have mail
Annoying if you can just remember correctly could parse or non-artists and putting the screwdriver and only used abstract.
Anti-Matter Lightsabers are a Bad Idea | Because Science Footnotes
Just slightly. :3
Samael Morningstar said:
A headshot of my OC, Kim Froste
Well I'm sorry but I can't really do headshots that well. Also I have one chance to upload something good.
Jack-O's Box said:
Umm.... Hmm..... What should I draw?
A headshot of my OC, Kim Froste, so I can have her on this site? Plz and thank you, even if you don't do it.
Umm.... Hmm..... What should I draw? What should I draw?.....
What should I improve on with my digital art?.... A lot of things actually.
Oh you saw that? Sorry,just thinking out loud.
@BananaPancake: I saw the explosion of released works by merunyaa this morning. Thanks for uploading great stuff!
Greetings for Everyone who is and/or identifies as a man, Because November 19 is the International Men’s Day.
Saludos a quien sea y/o se identifique como Hombre, Porque el 19 de Noviembre es el Día Internacional del Hombre.
Suggestion: auto-ban every e621 user with a roblox account for being underaged.
@Lisu: lol
@Theforeveralonekid: Dang, another hindquarters love like myself.
Except only with more favourites than I have.
Perhaps we can share le collections, I'm certain we have some unique ones.
@TigreLoucoBR: mais um brasileiro aqui?
@poo_poo_pee_pee_man: Man i’m such a 12 year old.
@Sharp_Coyote: mostly I love tinkering and modifying things, once I finish my current projects I'll move on to new ones.
@Sharp_Coyote: I have been eyeing a cbrps stock for the 10/22, that just looks cool.
unfortunately I only have so much fun money, and I want a match barrel for my m&p sheild next, comes with a polished feeding ramp.
@MagicManWithAStick: Don't roleplay here.
While the 10/22 is not really great out of the box, with some DIY mods they can be great shooters.
Next up: ultra-light 10/22 with fire sights (no optic), followed by an SBR bull barrel takedown.
One can never have too many 10/22s
Doomguy666 said:
Now I just need to catch the extended reservoir ... and I'll have upgraded almost every part of the rifle.
Sounds like the Ruger 10/22 of air rifles.
@Mr-boi1: Learn HTML and CSS if you want to design a page, Javascript if you want to introduce interactivity, and PHP if you need to programmatically generate HTML.
At minimum, you're going to have to spend a long time learning, or pay somebody else.
kamimatsu said:
@Mr-boi1: if you have to ask, you aren't far enough in web design to learn it
Tell me how to web design or link me a website plz
@Cactus: *flips on melon back*
Rhyasa said:
Come on! Admins locking a forum to stop another admin from baiting. That's some funny shit. @Chaser you're okay XD
Cactus said:
big ass poofs
Cactus said:
big ass poofs
big ass poofs
Just got a new chrome silicon steel hammer spring for my benjamin bulldog.
Now I just need to catch the extended reservoir while it's in stock and I'll have upgraded almost every part of the rifle.
@ssppyyrroo123: *puts collar on* No one touches you, you mine.
@MagicManWithAStick: NO U
@Fut-the-wuck: you would need to ask the staff. especially since Claymore is already a type of weapon and a type of explosive
Fut-the-wuck said:
post #153056
I ooooobbviously dont know