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Hey, I'm terrible at art, but still love Void Termina as a character, but I find it kind of disturbing that there's barely any Non-NSFW Void on here... Makes me a little sad, to be honest. If I'm commenting on a safe post, I don't want porn showing up..

@v0idTermina: what I did wrong! I'm still new to the community and tagging scene, so I'd like to do what I can! (2)

@v0idTermina: wow! First blip was really positive and was good to see e621 still being the super positive community it always was! if you guys find any of my edits wrong or comments incorrect, please dont hesitate to correct it or let me know (1)

In response to blip #102818

Also, brand trust or something. Apparently when you do someone well after a mistake they're more likely to give you a good rating than if nothing were to have happened at all. So for brand-trust it's also beneficial

This shoulda been the other blip

In response to blip #102817

@CCoyote: I'm sure people who are smarter than both of us have ran numbers and figured that, in most cases, kowtowing to that kind of behaviour is financially in the business's interest since the value of a person's money doesn't depend on their behaviour

In response to blip #102815

@CCoyote: The problem with trying to make people happy in a service industry is that while most people are honestly with it, some people do take purposeful advantage of it, and it's only the ones that are bad at hiding it that you notice/hear about.


If anyone wants some stuff to post sent me a note. I had a bunch of tabs with stuff I intended to post but have completely lost interest in, so now they're just links on a txt doc.

Just installed net hunter on my phone. My phone and laptop are now the ultimate dynamic duo when I need to hack on the go.

In response to blip #102777

@Deleuzian_Cattery: Bara is the term for gay japanese art with a chubbier style. I just dislike the japanese bara style of art. I like men,and i like em chubby. Yet I dislike Japanese-style chubby guys.

I don't know why people are always complaining about .357 out of a snub nose, that was fun!

I need to exorcise my trigger finger though, I had trouble with the last round in the cylinder.

In response to blip #102769

@Millcore: That ban reason is absolutely dumb. At least most of the staff gives actual reasons. They may be firm but they give reasons.

Seems though that person in general was underage at the time, so I at least understand why that exists now.

@mapachito: Hey can you please start tagging your Bara images with the Barazoku tag? My blacklist has run out of room from having to blacklist every individual artist.