Mildly infuriating...
(Crash with this displayed.)
"Special H Flip Piece"
Mildly infuriating...
(Crash with this displayed.)
"Special H Flip Piece"
I just remembered I had a few hundred bookmarks on images I wanted to get to uploading sometime soon. That's, uh, quite the backlog.
@kamimatsu: Come again?
@YoCats: just enter any other page. any button except post and preview. doesnt even have to be the browser
@KynikossDragonn: idky u think im cute but i am not cute so :|
@Kemonophonic: I didn't get anything....but I couldn't be happier :)
@YoCats: why is there no cancel button for the blips my only option is to post this
CCoyote said:
@Mairo: Dude, I didn't make you frustrated. That's your choice, and I'm sorry you chose it
oh. you're THAT kind
Same here. I showed W0LFB3AT5 to e621 since 2009. I’m a dear friend to him and support his family. He went into deep depression since his parents divorced.
Also, he told me he makes music. And that you guys enjoy it. Is that right?
@Kaspiya: Thanks for getting some more slightlysimian art on here.
@confidentPrincessShy: wryyy
CaveStory said:
Riddle me this...
To my knowledge, no; Admins can see hidden comments.
@LarsonTheWolf: Oy, I miss that dude
@Kris_Bronze: There's nothing to thank, it's just part of our standard procedures.
@CCoyote: Both the takedown policy page and FFD policy pages state that uploaders have zero power over anything they post, it is sorely with the original owners.
@1-9-11-21-6-21-18-18: uwu
IguanasAreCool said:
Merry Christmas, everyone.
And happy New year.
Riddle me this, if someone gets reported for a creepy comment and then hides that comment, are they able to get out of getting a record for having made the comment in the first place?
@Mairo: Dude, I didn't make you frustrated. That's your choice, and I'm sorry you chose it, but it's not my responsibility. I was just trying to get someone connected with what they needed. You're the janitor; I'm just a user.
@CCoyote: nope, they can flag for custom reason, but we don't have to delete and if it's public and acceptable content, it stays up.
Also takedown is there for a reason, just fucking use it instead of wasting everyones time and make me frustrated.
Meow! <3
Happy Holidays Everyone!
W0LFB3AT5 says the same thing to all of you and that he’s sorry for leaving forever. He’s not been feeling himself lately. :(
October 15, 2010
September 10, 2019
Christmas is going good. Merry Christmas all through January 6th.
Christmas is going good. Merry Christmas all through January 6th.
@NotMeNotYou: thank you for respecting the owner's request on post #2094883 and post #2094823
Also, floofy Ratteguhn plushies when ? :p
Eww... no "yiff"!
@Kemonophonic: I hope you had a yifftastic time!!
@Odisaodi: yuuuuuuuus!!
@KynikossDragonn: nuuuu!!
@Mairo: @Kris_Bronze: The original poster can't make a takedown request for something they put up? I guess I misunderstood that. But if Admin can clearly see an piece's artist or commissioner doesn't want something shared, does policy prevent removal?
@Xch3l: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeowch3l.
SFRogue said:
Sorry, didn't mean to step on anyone's feet.
@SFRogue: Members don't have the ability to delete their own uploads. blip #101947 already instructed you on how to handle this.
@GetAGrip: As the main organizer of the Winter Wonderland artpack I kindly request you to delete every image you posted that is in the artpack. The Readme file in the pack explicitly states you do not have permission to reupload the files
Oops I forgot my hair ties this morning, I guess I'm doing the Vincent valentine look today.
@Lafcadio: oddly enough, that's less creepy than the ones saying their comments arent creepy
like damn, sorry if the creepy dude didn't seem creepy enough for you, guess we gotta turn up the creep factor and only punish people who write full-on fanfiction about how much they want to suck asriel's toes
Why are some people so insistent on saying shit like "this comment isn't creepy" when it's already clear what the rules consider "creepy"?
Bonus points if the comment they're talking about is from somebody with multiple negative records.
@Kris_Bronze: @CCoyote:
Numeroth is not first party, so they cannot flag nor takedown their uploads, asking from them is pointless.
Also content is available in multiple sources freely, so staff won't do anything either before takedown.
@Beast-Hunter_Enoch: @Longshotrider:
Blips on top panel. It's like public twitter and your profile is wall of tweets you have done/have been mentioned in.
So many people seem to think that "educating" someone is done by belittling them for not knowing something.
People are more likely to listen to an explanation if said explanation is presented without hostile undertones.
@Beast-Hunter_Enoch: this is like a bootleg twitter :v
@Beast-Hunter_Enoch: IDK what this is? I guess e621's version of a bio. I am a smoll gay man dats all
This hasn't approved yet.
I had to say.
@leonardogm19: dou
Had a chill yet fun Christmas. Love hanging with the cousins. Now currently helping my sister drive through a thunderstorm
GarethGobulcoque said:
It's been too long... wanted to drop a line to let everyone know I'm still alive.
Oh then, how’s it going? Anything interesting you like to tell?
trying to find something to drink when water isnt available:
lesson 1
apparently powerade is like Ipecac if you have no gallbladder.
@kamimatsu: kamicro. *hugs*
CCoyote said:
@Numeroth can you submit a takedown request for posts #2094883 and #2094823? A comment on the first one links to an artist request that it not be posted anywhere but on their gallery.
once again, christmas has proven that, no, it will never be worth it.
Hey everybody, hear the news about that guy who used to criticize the artistic integrity of furry porn comics?
It's been too long, and most users here probably don't know or care who I am, but I wanted to drop a line to let everyone know I'm still alive.
@Numeroth can you submit a takedown request for posts #2094883 and #2094823? A comment on the first one links to an artist request that it not be posted anywhere but on their gallery.
something classy
@Millcore: yippy yappy milly.
post #1872206
@Odisaodi: you can have a cutey present because you're a cutey.
@KynikossDragonn: can I have a scalie present? :D
post #2093935 post #301986 post #1453827
Happy holidays!
@Millcore: yes! a fluffy present for you!!!
@KynikossDragonn: A fluffy present?!
post #2074636
*gives @Millcore a fluffy present!*
Merry Christmas everyone!
@SFRogue: If it's pirated pay content, flag them for deletion. If it's not pay content, file a takedown.
merry Christmas or whatever, I guess.
So how many of you are here instead of with family
@lemongrab: As the main organizer of the Winter Wonderland artpack I kindly request you to delete every image you posted that is in the artpack. The Readme file in the pack explicitly states you do not have permission to reupload the files.
@Kodanis: Happy Chrismin
Doomguy666 said:
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: wow you got sadder responses than I'd have expected.[...]
What kind of replies would have you expected to reply to my blip?
Doomguy666 said:
... marry woodland critter Christmas!
Doomie, you do not fool me for one second; you are no chipmunk =:3
Also, Merry Marksmanship~!