Even more Sonic Crackers newer data found in 0x11D1A0-0x1FFFFF (Streets of Rage 3 (Asia), BUT has a copy of Sonic Crackers newer with more data in front and after it.
Even more Sonic Crackers newer data found in 0x11D1A0-0x1FFFFF (Streets of Rage 3 (Asia), BUT has a copy of Sonic Crackers newer with more data in front and after it.
Looks like Sonic's art first, then Tail's art. There are 17-18 Nemesis format compressed art data as well.
@furballs_dc: I know I'm getting old, because to me, 'cracker' means something very different than what I think it means in the context of Sonic.
The Nemesis format compressed art data is from League Pro Striker 2 (Japan) prototype.
But, there is more newer Sonic Crackers non compressed art in front.