@KR20DDET: love your uploads <3
@KR20DDET: love your uploads <3
@zzeellyy: based outta sync
@French_Fried: You up yet?
Tortured Torchic said:
I have a feeling someone here is underaged. Just an assumption though.
Or as sexdaily...ehh, dyslectic as a rabbit
@Millcore is silly!
Another early morning.
@Rowan_Bojog: That explains why his blips show up on my profile. Name stealy boy >:V
@Anrogan: Henlo friendo
X Nosepetes X said:
I tell you,jokingly rigth
I have a feeling someone here is underaged. Just an assumption though.
Rest In Peace, Neil Peart, one of the most talented drummers in music history
@AoBird: Gratz on the green
@Babycake: yes
Dazz-Senpai~ said:
@X_Nosepetes_X: I think it's in everyone's best interest if you just stopped commenting completely, lol.
I tell you,jokingly rigth
@Samael_Morningstar: same as you, I suppose
I'm gonna miss you, @kittymoon621. Your comments never failed to make me laugh in confusion.
@Doomguy666: Been wired up on coffee and EDM since 1a this morning, and don't plan to stop till 8p tonight.
@Doomguy666: Same. Been working around the clock to pay my "exodus" bills. When I get home at 10p, I fall straight to sleep and get up @ 1a and do it all again.
Today I took off from all three of my jobs just to catch a break.
@sickassMOFO: damn that's awesome. I have a bunch of one of a kind knives, but that sounds cool.
@Samael_Morningstar: hey-o kinda feels like I haven't been here as much lately.
So, like, is MissButler = AllLevelsAtOnce?
I remember the owl hat from "Pony Should Pony Pony".
Just wondering.
The most powerful video game characters in existence are the trucks in Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
@Doomguy666: Not nearly a snub, but I have a performance center s&w 500 special edition. Measures 19 3/4" from muzzle break to back of the grip, #50 out of 1000 made, it really is a work of art to look at and shoots like butter.
@Doomguy666: Hey, you!
@Doomguy666: next week .357 out of 2 inch barrel and possibly the agitation of everyone next to me.
Tried my new snub nose, I have to figure out a better grip, and the double action trigger made my follow up shots pull far to the right. So far I've only had a revolver jam on me but mine worked great at least.
Rocket is an auto scroll level, unique to the Vectorman series. The ship thing has some preliminary art in the rear and part of the front.
Vectorman proto also has a cut level.
Rocket. It was in a more complete state then Vectorman 2 early proto's Quicksilver Lake and Quicksilver Reservoir.
CCoyote said:
@Samael_Morningstar: Already happened.
Called it ...a while back but didn't get to blip it until this morning cause today's my day off from my 3-shift work load.
@Samael_Morningstar: Ahh, I see now! Yeah, check the record. Already happened.
@CCoyote: I meant him, - OuiOuiBaguette -. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
@Kemonophonic: I just like this character and Kanedas art. I can't help it.
@Samael_Morningstar: I don't think I broke any rules by saying that?
@OuiOuiBaguette: wasn't very cash money of you
CCoyote said:
@Waba: This. And also think they have any kind of credibility or intelligence while using the words "small dick syndrome." Can't. Eye roll. Hard enough.
Negative record in:
@Waba: This. And also think they have any kind of credibility or intelligence while using the words "small dick syndrome." Can't. Eye roll. Hard enough.
>Says an admin has a small dick
>Claims "admin abuse" when he gets in trouble
Tortoise with species-saving sex drive returns to Galápagos
"The 100-year-old tortoise has fathered hundreds of progeny, around 800 by some estimates"
@Pakattu_suojakaasuun: Nah, my dude over here is speaking mad truth! Down with oppression up with aggression!
@OuiOuiBaguette: Smart move.
@oasisgunter: I got a neutral record for trolling from that small dick syndrome admin for what I said below. If that's not abusing admin powers idk what is hahahha
@French_Fried: What are you doing up at this hour, friendaleno?
@Samael_Morningstar: n u c u l a r
@X_Nosepetes_X: I think it's in everyone's best interest if you just stopped commenting completely, lol.
@French_Fried: Nu-CLEE-er
Or nü-kyə-lər if you're fancy.
@Chaser: Have fun in teh reel worl.
@Aluxious: oh crap
@Odisaodi: ur a cutey!
@oasisgunter: bruh he hot banned for saying "with pleasure". Clearly the guy banning him has a small dick syndrome and has to compensate by abusing his powers lolol
@Odisaodi: aw heck
On post #2112623 i'm seeing a grass tag. But i don't see grass, only lava. Should i change it?
Chaser said:
See ya space cowboys!
Without the worst admin, who will approve those spicy posts that infuriate the user base?
I guess I got a new baitcasting reel and rod to practice with when it is delivered... can't wait to backlash constantly.
first installment of my big project went public today. maybe consider supporting the work so i can keep making it.
Chaser said:
Effective immediately, I will no longer be staff, nor participate on site.
Was fun while it lasted. See ya space cowboys!
That's unfortunate. I wish you luck on your future endeavours.
@KynikossDragonn: I am not dumb!
@Odisaodi: ur dum!
@Chaser: may you find what you seek
What? Why?
Please don't go, we need you
Last week I got out of a two-year relationship, had pneumonia, and had to quit my high-paying but terrible job.
The hardest part was the relationship. I'm sick of always dumping people; it would be so much easier if it was the other way around :/
@Chaser: what happened?
@Ratte: I miss the "the one you hate and fear line" twas quite funny.
Chaser said:
Effective immediately, I will no longer be staff, nor participate on site.
Was fun while it lasted. See ya space cowboys!
Chaser said:
Effective immediately, I will no longer be staff, nor participate on site.
Was fun while it lasted. See ya space cowboys!
Aw, that’s a shame. It was nice having you around. Fare thee well, space cowboy
Every. Single. Friday.