In response to blip #102405
@VulpesLasLunes: pokemon?
@VulpesLasLunes: pokemon?
@The_Guron just nuked all of his art due to harrasment. This means that the internet now contains almost no feral snake inflation porn, which makes me sad.
@Puff_MoonWatcherLF: Added puff_moonwatcherlf tag to post #2074237
(because description at FA of that artwork mentions no other artist so assumed artwork was by you)
@ListerTheSquirrel: ahh, ok, i understand now, thank you
TheHuskyK9 said:
@Spakey: I went ahead and linked your account
Thank you so much! Please take care!
... how did you do the artist tag btw?
If question about
A) how to add your artist tag to other art, just add puff_moonwatcherlf to Tags field of post.
B) how to start a new artist tag: tag format is artist:NAME-OF-ARTIST
... how did you do the artist tag btw?
I went to ,
typed "puff*moon*" into "Name" field & clicked "Show empty tags" & "Search" button,
clicked on edit link by "puff_moonwatcherlf" (& switched type to artist).
@-Apple-: It was not directed to you. It shows up in your blips because the blip mentions apples. Any blips that contain word apple for reason or another will show up for you because of your username.
Tortured Torchic said:
Just say "current year" so you're never confused.Now, writing on the other hand...
How in the hell did that happen, there's 3 of em
furballs dc said: typo though. :V
Why hath thou summoned me for this? :|
@Spakey: I went ahead and linked your account
@TheHuskyK9: Evening!
I’m not sure if I am contacting an admin correctly, but I read that I must do so to have my name as an artist tag. If you’re able to do so, that’d be great!
Mairo said:
Reminder to self: it's year 2020, not 2019.
Just say "current year" so you're never confused.
Now, writing on the other hand...
since this always seems to be a valid way to refind tags/specific posts, anyone remember that game where you threw stones at people to turn them into slaves, being a 2d pixel art game?
What's Your Favorite SPONGEBOB Moment?
Why just one. :3
The Browser That Took Over The World...and then DIED
Internet Exploder gave me nothing but problems.
Blip Test.
Well I just found out that in New Vegas' Old World Blues DLC, my character was able to survive Gabe's death explosion from five feet away
I'm currently around level 27 and all I was wearing was the rebreather and Grahams armor
@ListerTheSquirrel: thank you ^^ how did you do the artist tag btw?
Reminder to self: it's year 2020, not 2019.
@Puff_MoonWatcherLF: (part 2) and since your e621 username is "Puff_MoonWatcherLF", I thought that was an addition reason that puff_moonwatcherlf would be a reasonable e621 tag for art by you.
RUMOR: 2 More Wii U Ports Coming to Switch + Nintendo President on AR & Cloud Gaming
What I'd like would be Xenoblade Chronicles X.
@Puff_MoonWatcherLF: Thanks for adding art of your character. Noticed most of them don't have artist tag. Noticed FA shows your FA & Telegram usernames as "Puff_MoonWatcherLF", so added tag puff_moonwatcherlf (now artist tag) to post #2074241 . That ok?
@KynikossDragonn: h-hey! Why the heck? That's extremely rude!
@LupineAssassin: ...😄
@39_Cups_of_Iced_Tea: You are welcome. And yeah, I consider HTTPS pretty important. Thanks, if you do
Ratte said:
@bipface: no, they are 512x512 normally. just small paintings.
ah wow; 'lotta fine details for such a small canvas, well done
Not related to this site at all buuuut for those that continue (for whatever reason...) to use fur affinity- what do you think about the new site design and logo?
@bipface: no, they are 512x512 normally. just small paintings.
Ratte said:
made a series of little paintings of some of my story characters last year and made them public for christmas. hope you like them.
are they downscaled ?
post #2102779 post #2102783 post #2102784 post #2102788 post #2102793
made a series of little paintings of some of my story characters last year and made them public for christmas. hope you like them.
@Odisaodi: *boops*
@Ubiquitous: I wonder if users like you choose names like verbs and adjectives on purpose in order to see how many people can accidentally blip your username 😜 Clever
@KynikossDragonn: That doesn't look like proof to me :|
@Odisaodi: post #1972490
That is the proof right there!!!
@Chameloshi: Not on IOS (10.3)
probably the only good thing i've ever read on this site
Okay so on Discord for Android, if you tap the dark mode option about 6-10 times, you'll unlock an option that turns the background completely black
I'm not sure if it works on other platforms
@KynikossDragonn: No proof
@CaveStory: We don't care if you have alts if you don't have like 10 of them and you're not using them to abuse site tools.
Why Doesn't the Heart Get Tired and Need to Rest Like Other Muscles?
The intro though...
Well that sucks, as DJ Khaled would say: "Congratulations you played yourself"
This Cosmic Liquid Weighs Less Than Nothing
Sweet Mercy!
I'm very sorry. Got a bit too emotional last night, very uncharacteristic of me. Definitely overreacted.
@Odisaodi: You're still a cutey!
@KynikossDragonn: I fed @TheHuskyK9 your proof :/
Sorry not sorry, they said it was tasty :P
Oh... -///w///- I'm gonna go cry now. This is so embarrassing.... ;w;
@tredfg543: Thank you for notifying about that wrong Parent Post ID. I already fixed the wrong Parent Post ID.
mgkk12 said:
@tiamat5: Finally...Your comments come to an end.
That's what I was thinking
I had to break all my beakers.
Happy glass smashing. :3
@Sharp_Coyote: I tried a few revolvers and the semi shrouded hammer seems like a good mix, double and single action.
Will report next Friday when I try it out, I've been getting close to 100% accuracy with my shield and wanted to mix things up a bit.
Kodanis said:
@GaroShadowscale: Merry Christmas!
Aaaa, late response but Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you, Kodanis <3
stream the best mixtapes of the 2010s: Fantasea by Azealia Banks and Pop 2 by Charli XCX
@~WolfyTheWolf~: Literally me in 2020
@Aegis29: Instead of complaining, why don't you try to be helpful and explain what you don't like and what you'd do differently? Also, consider that they have to think about site needs and all users, while you're only here occasionally.
2/2 It's honestly the only reason I haven't ditched this account and try start over yet
You know it, my liege. Really though, the whole thing is super obvious so there isn't any point anyway. I know admins can see where users connect from so it makes it plain to see who's got 20 accounts compared to one account. 1/2
NotMeNotYou said:
@Aegis29: The new site isn't from scratch, we're switching to a more recent fork of Danbooru
this is great news
i can't wait to start using page=bNNNNN/page=aNNNNN
@Aegis29: There has actually been tons of changes since internal test so at least now it's more useable directly for those familiar with current site.
Also if someone can help.
@Aegis29: The new site isn't from scratch, we're switching to a more recent fork of Danbooru, compared to using one from '07 like we do.
The interface also isn't done yet, but functionality is more important than looking pretty.
1.That's not really fair, Kira is working hard on that.
2.There is only so much you can do to update e6 which is on an outdated platform, so in order to move forward it needs the modern one.
Hate the beta site so much, wish they would just make changes to the current site insteading instead of making something from scratch that looks so much worse.
Nya~ :3
jtvjan said:
@Mudkiplover: Say, why do you keep adding and then immediately removing posts to pool #18072?
I try and add posts to my private sets but keep accidentally adding them to the pool.
@CaveStory: ah yes argue against the one with any real insight for the sake of arguing against someone you dislike.
@LarsonTheWolf: i don't know who disappoints me more between your attempt or KC's at "totally not me, bro, i swear /wink."
@~WolfyTheWolf~: Did you intend for that to be a private message to someone? Because it was public.
@Kemonophonic: I'll probably try to take everything in the vault some other time with a build suited for such a feat... if I even get myself to do the DLC again
The weapons and lore are good, it's just that the mechanics are stupid and hard
Also, unlike other sub-compacts can be .357 magnum.
Also, also, well fucking done; congrats~!
(now to practice at being able to hit a target past 5-7 yards with a 2" barrel)