In response to blip #103668
@KynikossDragonn: Don't make fun of Fenrick! Us short people are proud
@KynikossDragonn: Don't make fun of Fenrick! Us short people are proud
@unifox100: A
@unifox100: E
Sharp Coyote said:
The question from Samael was a tad ... flippant ... and was answered thusly.
That's a very fair point, and Kristal Candeo isn't exactly known for sincerity.
SUDA IDU said:
Try using google translate, it will help, im sure
wow, GOLLY GEE, I sure am dumb, yessiree
it's Japanese
ImpidiDinkaDoo said:
Giving maaaaajor kudos and thanks to @yeoldenut for reuploading better quality versions of a good solid chunk of my uploads from a bit back. Real thorough job dude!
No problem! :D
@Fenrick: 흣
hey look it's a funny little man with a hat!
13EBC0-0x13F03f Newer Sonic Crackers Sonic Attraction spin dash charge.
One partial 8 x 32, then two full 32 x 32 frames.
These are NOT the same as the Sonic Crackers prototype we have.
yet it has been my experience that there are not many truly asexual people out there.
Perhaps needing a break, needing to unwind emotionally. Needing a good friend, first.
I did something cool that no one saw and took a bow like I was on stage... back to reality
With the oversexualization of online life, the media, television and film, with drama and emotional baggage, with stressful work and school environments, I can see how people have begun to think it, and even believe it,
Mine own sandpaper comes from people who claim to 'be done with sex', or dislike or even hate sex, as they have had unskilled, or neglectful, abusive, or selfish, et al poor partners in the past.
Of course some people's brains are not wired well to deal with intimacy, and some have difficulty or pain with the physical aspects of sex.
The question from Samael was a tad ... flippant ... and was answered thusly.
@Knotty_Curls: You can learn Hangul in a day. It was designed so that 15th Century hermit kingdom peasants could read it after all 🤔
I would not go so far as dismissive, yet certainly insensitive of me; a prickly subject lately, as I have not had a romantic relationship of much duration in a while, based on partner's only sexual ability, being availability.
Knotty Curls said:
wish I could read Korean
Try using google translate, it will help, im sure
SUDA IDU said:
@Millcore: худший админ на всём сервисе
wish I could read Korean
Imagine having to sell clunkers to people with a grin on your face.
All day, every day
@Sharp_Coyote: That's surprisingly dismissive of a whole host of things coming from you. Some people's brains just aren't wired to make it feel great, the same way some people's brains aren't wired to supply adequate serotonin without help.
@Millcore: худший админ на всём сервисе
Imagine being a high school dropout/used car salesman/internet troll ragging on an artist about marketable skills while displaying no sense of irony (or humility) whatsoever. I'd rather have human decency ANY day of the week.
@Rhyasa: i chose this over my job for a reason, so sure, i'll do exactly that.
@Ratte: Youll hear more success stories than tragedies of reality but that doesnt mean they are more common. butheywhatevs, keep telling yourself you made the right choice following your dream
@Rhyasa: i do have a marketable skill. i don't think it's unreasonable to wish i could make more from something that means a lot to me when many others do with ease. that i chose this over my ~real job~ should really say something about said job.
@Rosemary_Skunk: Hello! I'm Rosemary! I'm a male Skunk, I got most of my art done as Patreon Art from Batartcave (A.k.a Sev Bat), I even have the Patreon Conversations to prove it. I do have some other pictures of my character to
@Ratte: I sell cars dude. New and used, good and bad, chrome and rust- mostly rust. I'm a highschool dropout and I made 11k last month and a damn monkey in a suit could do my job for me. If you never developed "an actual skill" you can market thats on you
Any monkey can fuck; it takes someone who cares about their partner to ensure they are getting not only what they want, but also what they need.
Settling for any less, and I can see how a person could answer 'dessert'.
It takes two people to have good sex, yet only one to have bad sex.
And for those who believe I am speaking of masturbation, I will again say they have not had the good sexings yet.
Samael Morningstar said:
"would you rather have your favorite dessert or sex?"
Anyone who would answer 'dessert' has not had the good sexings yet, I would answer.
why is there so little haru x legoshi art when that's one of the three pairings in the canon?
we rarely see louis with his girl and not with some dude (lolwat). and i've never once seen gouhin with his wife and not solo queerbait.
such degeneracy
oh oops
still thanks
@Rhyasa: imagine not having an actual skill to capitalize on and living on two mcjobs for the rest of your life. i'd rather do this than have some overpaid cunt breathing down my asshole 8 hours/day like i used to.
It depends, really.
Tell me, are yall on everyday or do yall do like every few days to just get one burst of blips and shit like I do?
The music is nice. :3
@Samael_Morningstar: I think it's a loooooot more complicated than that.
I think a simple question to ask oneself to determine if they are asexual or not is "would you rather have your favorite dessert or sex?".
Does anyone agree?
imagine waiting to get money rather than getting a real job
@Rhyasa: I mean, I discovered blips myself not even a month ago.
bowser46 said:
@bowser46: I'm bowser46 I'm new to this
You have been here for over 5 years-- what the hell is "new" to you?
@Sissyfutacucksub: Discord:@nexoscore#7082
Oh deer.
@Shishigumi: @CCoyote: still waiting to get to $500/month :v
@bowser46: I'm bowser46 I'm new to this
This New Particle Accelerator Is Smaller Than a Human HAIR
This prototype uses IR light.
@deadlysteak: comment #4843482
20 Troll Ways to Die in Super Mario Maker 2
I like the fake dev exit. :3
@Ratte: Hey, you're a hard worker with an incredible skill set. Keep working at it. You'll get there. Your number will come up.
@kamimatsu: Yes, but that was the point of my original blip. I'm old enough to remember when it was a pejorative meaning "poor, white trash."
@GarethGobulcoque: Good to see your still around, you and IguanasAreCool are really good with jokes in the comment sections. You still doing them?
Ratte said:
imagine liking life lmao
it's all down to how lucky you are and nothing else. most of us are still waiting and hoping we're next to hit the lucky number
@LittleTwoSmall: Wait this person just became a teenager when they were on here? Damn I wouldnt even have guessed it from many of the comments they left.
since the 80s, Cracker for computers has meant a hacker who cracks.
I can now be found on PSN as SammyMorningstar
Ratte said:
imagine liking life lmao
wow same
imagine liking life lmao
The Nemesis format compressed art data is from League Pro Striker 2 (Japan) prototype.
But, there is more newer Sonic Crackers non compressed art in front.
@Odisaodi: Same here! So, getting older it shall have to be!
@CCoyote: but i like life, its kind of okay once u get to a good place in it
@elba_lazo: I'm not Mairo but I'm guessing it was a normal human, which isn't allowed here, or a human in a costume, which also isn't allowed :/
@Odisaodi: Only death, my friend. That's why we only keep aging if we're fortunate.
@CCoyote: There's a way to stop aging? I'd be happy at my age forever, sign me up!!
@Mairo: let's see, why do you delete my posts? How irrelevant? Does it affect you in anything?
@Odisaodi: Only if we're lucky enough. <3
It should be Sonic Clackers.
@NotMeNotYou: I'd say about the same as a car door but better than getting it yanked around by a Taekwondo black belt.
@CCoyote: Everyone is getting old :P
@furballs_dc: I know I'm getting old, because to me, 'cracker' means something very different than what I think it means in the context of Sonic.
Looks like Sonic's art first, then Tail's art. There are 17-18 Nemesis format compressed art data as well.
Even more Sonic Crackers newer data found in 0x11D1A0-0x1FFFFF (Streets of Rage 3 (Asia), BUT has a copy of Sonic Crackers newer with more data in front and after it.
@The-Lilliepix: People really do seem to like female furry Leon huh?