In response to blip #103756
@Hudson: N i c e
@Hudson: N i c e
@ChronosWasTaken: suefan2010
It's done 👀 post #2155191
Here I show you the importance of doing a nice lineart, since several mistakes in this process may ruin a gorgeous sketch and several hours of work! 👌
Today's song that's stuck in my head is "Generals and Majors" by XTC.
Such an underrated band.
@littelcat456: ._.
I've done some bowling too, years ago.
I've never been quite all there.
Sharp Coyote said:
I doubt that; predators do not stalk victims, bullies do.(and I am neither)
She was both. Same addiction to semantics
@NotMeNotYou: scratch that; I did have that L_Swear account one time but I never really used it.
@Syderen: same. ALWAYS!
@Syderen: I am, I'm here forever.
@CCoyote: it is not my coining so please feel free.
@Ratte: Manlet! I love this word! May I steal it? (And occasionally direct it at trolls?) Thank you for the morning laugh and the beautiful artwork.
@ShimaBokusochi: I wrote a guide for the instructions in the forum. It should answer all questions, but if it doesn't feel free to ask them there and we can more easily help you than in the blips.
@CaveStory: It's already visible in the records and properly linked everywhere.
It is very much our duty to advise people on problematic users.
@NotMeNotYou: Hello, I read I could talk to an admin about creating an artist tag for myself. Could you help me out with that?
"Female love" was the first thing which came to mind when seeing it. :3
Hey, is anyone still around?
Hey, is anyone still around?
@furballs_dc: That tattoo Bellafray has is silly. It's like stating the obvious she's female or something.
kamimatsu said:
@Sharp_Coyote: you sound like my high school stalker
I doubt that; predators do not stalk victims, bullies do.
(and I am neither)
Ratte said:
a grown man(let)
ha ha, small man.
chapter 4: post #2150992
read about a small child expressing concern over a grown man(let)'s eating habits
please consider supporting the work/development if you like it.
I rather be a loser and die a failure doing something I actually care about, than work a job that make me want to kill myself, just for the sake of money. My last job was fast food, a job with so little dignity I would rather prostitute myself instead.
Score and as we don't remember this note that art on the only make.
@French_Fried: my condolences
@AWildUsername: hey! I finally figured out how to look at my comments! And it was easy. I'm a little slow I know XD
@KynikossDragonn: badass progressive metal music intensifies
@Ratte: that’s probably my new favorite of yours
February 20 at 6 a.m. PT / 9 a.m ET for a roughly 25-minute livestreamed #AnimalCrossing: New Horizons Direct
Guess the dude whom just goes around downvoting everything is out hitting the -1 again.
I've been on this site since 2014 and I just learned that I can use blips for shitposting.
@Sharp_Coyote: you sound like my high school stalker
Forging A Sword Out Of 2000 Jolly Ranchers
One sweet sword. It's also loaded with sugar. :V
Jolly Dagger first. :3
Pixiv has gone and changed their layout again.
At least it's mostly just sidebar stuff this time...
I've been using this site for like 10 years and I just now realized that these Blips things operate like fucking twitter. Well hello world.
And he Croaked.
Sweet sweet ban hammer.
Okay first, I didn't claim the art as my own, I claimed the post as my own, second I don't have an old account and if I did I wouldn't trace stuff from it, and third that still doesn't answer the question
@Deleuzian_Cattery: Any type except bleu cheese
Blip all day like it's twitter, check daily popular posts, tag some stuff, write some wiki, send some dmails, creep around on random profiles, [color=Cyan]play[/color] [color=Gold]around[/color] [color=Lime]with[/color] [color=Red]dtext[/color], etc.
TokaiTori said:
Trans Rights are Human Rights. :V
as long as the taxpayers don't have to pay for your mutilation and medication, all cool with me. be what you want to be, just dont make me pay for it.
18 de Febrero == Día Internacional del Síndrome de Asperger;
18 February == International Asperger’s Syndrome Day;
You are a beacon of hope on this blighted page.
...what kind of cheese tho
New account. I'm most likely not going to be uploading anything soon. So if I may ask, what can I do on here?
NotMeNotYou, I'm not sure it's super wise to air out their dirty laundry like that where we can all see it
I did it. I broke my favourite game. Well, the pc version is a buggy mess, but this time I broke it intentionally.
@Ratte: *wow*, cuddle.
have an cuddle post #2153654
@Fenrick: A friend of mine in a community I'm part of (I guess?) streamed Marathon 1 and 2 on Twitch recently.
He's didn't even play on Total Carnage and still died multiple times in the beginning maps.
@Samael_Morningstar: Oh, just the fact that you're dishonest, like for example claiming art you didn't make as your own, or tracing over stuff on your old account.
Nothing of what you've done paints you as a sincere person, is all.
Grilled cheese sandwich but the bread is garlic bread
Ah,animated porn, from hentai to furry.
There's so much good material from the minds of artist,
There's plenty to go around, no hurry.
Real life porn is limited to camera and actors,
animated porn has unlimited possibilities,
it all matters.
Yuelia Freecs said:
@LieutenantLukario: Thank you for your kind words on my first post!
But of course! I do my best to be uplifting.
@French_Fried: ha ha what a tool.
@hentai2019: #2153531
I remember my first time listening to TOOL... damn that shit hit different
@Sharp_Coyote: I've had good sex with both males and females but I just don't like it. speak for yourself. I just found out two weeks ago that the problem wasn't the sex, the problem was a lack of interest and that it actually has a name
@CCoyote: granted
@NotMeNotYou: wait... what's flippant mean? and what's that got to do with my cousin?
@Fenrick: imagine being someone's stooge
@SUDA_IDU: I mean, if you know people are going to translate it anyway, why not have the spinal fortitude to just give your opinion in English? Also, @Millcore rocks.
@Odisaodi: wow, I'm making fun of Hangul syllables not Funwick you dummyhed.