I don't want to say I ate too much pie because there can be no such thing but oof.
I don't want to say I ate too much pie because there can be no such thing but oof.
@X_Nosepetes_X: that man is a beast. That must be a personal record of warning without much happening.! keep it up! I am proud.
The only thing you need to make good digital art, is paper, pencil, yard sale scanner, and yard sale laptop. Only thing you need to make good art is a stick and some dirt.
@tiamat5: RIP in pieces @tiamat5, we need an anniversary for this saint
SuperCylus64 said:
I'm a sylveon! Rawr! >:3
2 year late rawr qwq
Oh.. I just remembered you figuring out IRC but then never again, haha...
KynikossDragonn said:
@Kintsunagi: oh.What's new with you these days?
Eh, not much. Been poking around different places, doing things. Not much on my docket at the moment, currently.
@Zylenox: think of this as a fb user wall. people can write on you like this
oh, you're so sweet! thank you very much ^^
[60] The Worst Lock in the World Abused
Plastic core body, seriously?!
@feylin: Thanks for the favourites! ♥
@Sharp_Coyote: not yet, I only have hand tools.
But I do like modifying my guns. My airguns are my favorite to modify.
@Kemonophonic: from what I understand we get a small raise every year if our performance is gooo, so that'll hopefully happen soon.
@LittleTwoSmall: can't wait for your comeback in like 2025
@goatesque: I went ahead and added character tags to Amber and Evelyn, which are amber_(goatesque) and evelyn_(goatesque) respectively. Coincidentally, they have the same names as the twin vampires from DEADBOLT. Anyway, enjoy the tags. Cheers.
@Doomguy666: @Kintsunagi:
Also, yes, raises~!
Doomguy666 said:
I got my year review at work ... none of that I'm not working fast enough nonsense I got at my last job.
Ever think of studying to be a gunsmith?
(I hear you are good with your hands)
I got my year review at work and got the level of praise I'm accustomed to, none of that I'm not working fast enough nonsense I got at my last job.
who has more energy
@ippiki_ookami: that’s your car isn’t it
Why Do People Say We've Reached the End of Physics?
There's so much more to figure out and explore.
@ippiki_ookami: And then there's...
Spyro the Dragon (Jun 15, 1998 prototype))
A nice find. =^.^=
@ippiki_ookami: gross
I keep hitting that darn 30-per-hour limit on uploads
A new one. =^-^=
Today has been a lot better
@Mairo: Aight, thanks anyway. Cheers
@starkid1236-bryan: you don't need anything fancy to make decent art. better tools can make a job easier but only if you have the skill needed to properly utilize them.
@Hudson: holy moly, BIGGAY!
Sonic Crackers music goes glitchy after around one hour, 30 mins. :V
@MustardCustard: I see your blip and raise you a reply
@Shazarc: Not arguing with stuff with 255 character limit. Reflect posts upon guidelines, not other approved posts. I think my decision has been correct with your uploads.
"Uploading One's Own Art is a Good Way to Get Your Feelings Hurt"--gelbooru
@starkid1236-bryan: Well it seems like most of all my art was deleted because it didn't meet "The quality" . decide to delete all of my posts. Sorry for not having fancy drawing setups. And I was still learning. . . bye
@Tetz: Heyo
Here I'll post a blip.
kamimatsu said:
@Tortured_Torchic: you mean Kicks? he's got porn
Stinky the cat villager jock. :3
@Tortured_Torchic: you mean Kicks? he's got porn
Out the character is when js breaks you can't change tag types are distinct enough.
@donteven: I'm glad to hear that!
That's what makes it more than worth uploading. I feel that each image by Taracod has a level of depth that few artists have ever done for me before. Very pretty art depicting a slice of life with each image.
yo i do not need a relapse into the animes at 32, vinland saga and dorohedoro are not helping
gonna end up like dad, 50 and watching BLAME! on netflix
Some fresh comms, hot off the press: post #2161522 post #2161517
@vex714: Honestly, I have you to thank for my discovering Taracod, as I stumbled across your uploads of their art here.
I really love their work, it captures life and emotion with an astounding level of detail.
It touches me like very little art can.
Sonic Crackers newer prototype data
Still searching, but nothing else so far...
@Kintsunagi: oh.
What's new with you these days?
@Shazarc: You should message them with dmail rather than use blips....these have a 255 character limit but the dmail limit is 50000 characters
Hyper Iria (SNES) All Bosses (No Damage)
(English patched) :3
@Mairo: Hi, Mairo. Recently one of my posts was deleted by you due to "not meeting quality standard".
Now, I've looked at some art that you have approved, and your decision to delete my last uploaded artwork puzzles me. Can we talk about it?
@AlricKyznetsov: gratz on the green!
@AlricKyznetsov: Nice, congratulations!
I got a positive record and I feel really happy about it. I'm glad I've been making a good enough contribution to the site to be given that!
It isn't noon yet and today has already been a disaster
KynikossDragonn said:
@Kintsunagi: o, didn't you used to use the name "Erion"?
Yes. I was Erion, for a period of time.
Fenrick said:
@Rhyasa: He was being a real shithead and his own profile says he was trying to get banned. I'm with the mods on this one
I don't want to be ban
If stinky doesn't return in animal crossing new horizons then i'm not buying
Also why isn't there not a single rating:e picture of him anywhere. Guess that's another thing on my long list of things I need to do.
@Yamifur: It's Leeroy man, long time no see. Good to know you're still alive. Check your email.
oh i am communing with his spirit, i hear him call my name, something only truest and most loyal followers of his are capable of
CCoyote said:
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: Why?
Because I like those sites.
@Onys: They're banned. They won't be able to respond if they ever log back in. Please don't try to talk to the banned, it's like talking to a tomb stone except everyone is watching you do so.